



1、Q:在阅读教学中,教师如何根据体裁或题材来解读文本以确定教学目标和重点?A: 教学目标(objective of teaching) 指教学中学生通过教学活动后要达到的预期的学习结果与标准。教学目标具体得当是指教学目标具有适当的广度和年度。课堂上,绝大多数学生能达到掌握水平。如果广度不足, 就难以完成学科总体目标。如果难度不够,重点不突出,就不能达到开发学生智力、提高能力的发展性目标。然而,不同题材的课文,它的教学目标也是不同的,不是千篇一律的,这就要求教师从实际出发,按照人们的认识规律和素质教育的要求,创造性地设计每节课的教学目标。如果教学目标不够明确,重点不突出,具体或过高过低,重,难点把

2、握不准,会影响学生的能力的培养。关于英语阅读教学,Tomas S.C Farrell. 提到: The instructive objectives for a second/foreign language reading program are as follows : 1. To develop an awareness of reading strategies necessary for successful reading comprehension. 2. To expand vocabulary and develop techniques for continued incr

3、ease of vocabulary. 3. To develop an awareness of linguistic and rhetorical structures found in reading texts.4. To increase reading speed and fluency.5. To promote an interest in different types of reading materials.6. To provide individual feedback on progress in improving reading skills.然而,在确立教学目

4、标和重点时,教师要考虑不同的题材。Tomas S.C Farrell. 强调:Another important aspect of planning teaching objective is for a reading teacher to be able to identify objects for daily lessons. Objectives should be stated in terms of what students will do. The objectives should be statements of what you want the students t

5、o gain from the lesson. (Tomas S.C Farrell. Planning Lessons for a Reading Class) 如何根据不同的体裁设定有效的教学目标进行阅读教学?教学目标的设定是要看 你希望学生在这节课中学会什么?你做了哪些设计来达到这一目的?下面的案例可以给我们一些启示。【案例1】 新世纪教材 SB2 Unit 7 Enjoying the Classics: Oliver Wants More 2009年5月,根据基地班导师的要求,开设一节阅读教学研究课。第一次试教时,我根据以往的经验,在整体教学这节课上,设定的教学目标如下:Teachi

6、ng objectives:I. Language learning objectives: 1) To get the students to learn some new words and expressions such as severe, polish, desperate, board etc.2) To enable the students to get a general idea of the plot of the story.3) To enable the students to retell the story according to the pictures

7、and key words. II. Ability objective:To help the students develop reading comprehension ability by skimming and scanning.III. Emotional objectives:To arouse the students sympathy for Oliver Twist and the other children in the workhouse.Teaching focus: To get a general idea of the story by using diff

8、erent techniques. 在试教过程中,我发现学生只是根据我所设计的一些教学活动如skimming, scanning等进行一些回答问题的操练,然后根据所给的一些Key words 复述了故事情节和内容。之后,学生在最后用Oliver的口吻叙述自己在济贫院里的经历时,虽然能按照ask for more之前,之时,之后将课文大意复述出来,但是,由于学生单独复述,课堂显得较为沉闷,整节课死板,课堂气氛沉闷,课堂教学效果不佳,有种走过场的感觉。大家讨论分析认为,这篇题材为古典文学,因此设计的目标应该着重让学生欣赏这篇古典文学小说所发生的背景知识和故事描写中语言的魅力,不应当仅仅是为了捕捉文

9、章中的重要信息,而是能感受文学的魅力所在,对文章形成自己的深层次的理解。在基地班导师何亚南,应晓球,吴彩霞等指导下,我把本节课的教学目标及教学重点作了修改和调整:Teaching objectives:.Language learning objectives: 1) To get the students to learn some new words and expressions2) To enable the students to get a general idea of the plot of the story.Ability objective:To help the stu

10、dents develop the ability to appreciate classic novels through reading the story more times and role playing.Emotional objectives:3) To arouse the students sympathy for Oliver Twist and the other boys in the workhouse.4) To arouse the students desire to read more about Oliver Twist and interest in r

11、eading classics.Teaching focus: To develop the students ability to appreciate classic works.经过调整和修改,运用恰当的教学手段,学生在了解了英国作家狄更斯的生平和写作的社会背景后,通过扮演不同角色进行朗读,重点领会作者所刻画的不同人物的心理特征。如第三部分(4-8段)主要描述的是主管在听到Oliver的要求之后的一系列反应,包括声音,面部表情,动作等。这是本文着重刻画的人物,描写得极为精彩,也是本文的高潮部分。我设计让学生有感情地角色朗读,体会主管的这些反应背后真正的内心活动,激起了学生对学习文学名著的

12、兴趣,从而达到了本节课的教学目标和重点。【案例2】新教材SB2 Unit1 Food in the United States众所周知,西方国家在社会制度,家庭结构、生活方式、宗教信仰、价值观念等方面都与中国有很大的差异。这些差异必然通过语言反映出来,而从小耳濡目染本国文化的中国学生在学习英语时,思维定势使得他们往往自觉不自觉地从本民族的视觉来看待英美国家的文化。向学生阐述两种文化的差异并进行文化对比是帮助学生排除文化障碍、正确理解所学内容的有效途径。只有通过对母语和目的语文话之间的比较才能使学生获得跨文化交际和文化敏感性。(束定芳,1996)语言是社会的产物,与其存在社会文化息息相关。不同区

13、域、不同民族,所处的发展是不同的,这就构成了不同文化的差异。高中英语教学大纲指出:要遵循英语教学规律,处理好语言教学和文化的关系。传统的中学英语教学片面地强调语言知识的重要性,忽视了对所学语言国家的社会文化背景知识的介绍,几乎把语言与社会文化知识割裂开了。本课课文内容讲述的是美国的食物和美国人对食物的态度的变化。教师可由此联系到中国的饮食和对食物的态度,可以讨论中美两国之间各自的餐桌礼仪等,也就是在教学中有意识地介绍和讨论中、西方社会文化背景知识差异。 为此,我第一教时中,我设定了以下的教学目标:Teaching objectives:.Language learning objectives

14、: To get the students to learn some new words and expressions.Ability objective:1) To help the students to know about the history of some American food.2) To help the students to know about the difference of western food and Chinese food.Emotional objectives:To arouse the students interest in wester

15、n culture.Teaching focus: To help the students know about the difference of western food and Chinese food.根据上面教学目标和教学重点,设计以下问题进行饮食文化的相互渗透:1.Is traditional American food simple and not interesting?2.Why are ethnic restaurants and supermarket common in the United States?3.Why is the American Attitude

16、Towards Food changing?4.What is the American Attitude Towards Food?5.What is the Chinese Attitude Towards Food?6.Do you like eating at a fast food restaurant or do you prefer eating at home? Why?高中英语教材涉及到英语国家文化的各个方面,对学生的跨文化交际能力的要求大大提高。因此,在设计教学目标时和重点时,教师应把培养学生的跨文化交际能力作为一项主要任务。在传授英语语言和知识的同时,把文化背景知识作为语言的一部分融入语言


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