已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、the party'sfine styl e,carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virtue s,pra ctici ng theSocialist coreval ues, vigor ouslycarryforward t hespirit ofJiaoYul u, Hongqi Cana cha ngeinto.Lear ningtotea chE ducationinor dertosolve theproblem,ifitdoes notsolvet hepr oblem, itw illform,goest hroug hthe

2、moti ons.To strengt hen t he一.-一-.一.一 - - II . . -I -一.一.- . L . I .1.11 一 . 一 . I - - 一 一 1 I ction.Bt omakechange.For che ckputofproblem,through established re ctification Taiwanaccount, andtake special supervision,a nd on anesty in politics,strict statesma n,sti cktothe spiritua lheig htsofthe Co

3、mmunind insisted on problem-oriente d, problem -solvi ng learningeducati on fortracti on,tr .I - - 一.- . a ccount PIN,approach, insisteddo side lear nsi demodifie d,and that knowthatmodified,whilefocusests.Four to dev otion,as,doulydeepinve stigation intodon put"two learnado"leaplayarole i

4、 n qualifying.Official Communist duty. To fulfilltheparty'spurpose ,maintainforthe pe oplet hemselve s,and de dicati on, devotion,maintai npi onee r, pioneering a nd enterprisi ngntochange,m odificati on.A checked swing. Lear ning e ducation programmeforparty -buildi ng in ourcity a ctually prop

5、ose dtofocus onsoluti on offuzzy ideals a ndbeliefswaver, consciousne ss, pur p - -I_.- - - - -.-. . ill. L. L - - - - I > 一 .II - - 一 -.一. 一o"learning egrasppartyof massline e ducationpractice activities and"three strictthre ereal" topic education problem rectification combi ned u

6、p,consolidati on expanded ha s made ofrectification results, str onglycorrectebuti ons.The i ncentivefunctionofparty orga neaware ness i snotstrong,de presse- d"forofficernotfor",and Chiad,sixi snizationsatalllevels shoul d givefull playtoa dvance i ssues ofethi calmisconduct studycontents

7、 specific - 一 一 - ndendle ss corre cted "fourwind", a ndregulation massesside ofah a representative,advanceda ndtypicalofthetimes,and guide the broad ma sses ofparty memberstoemulate.ng ca dres a bove thecountylevelshallfocusonfurtherrefinement to the problems. Specific tIn honor ofthe95an

8、niversaryoffoundingasa n opportunity to awardio every partymemberand ev ery cadre ,alsore quire sa combination- .一一 -I II 一 一-.一-nts.Formore public,somepartymembers whofocus on thenrecognitionofa numberofoutstandi ng party members'advance d grass -roots partyorga nizations, outsta ndi ngpartywor

9、kers,and put t he pi oneertree s.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretoofactual and controlle d, focuse d andre allyput yourselfin, people see thi ngs,see, wit h theirownspe cificpr oblemst olearn Constituti on Partyr ules,series,a ddress,sopre cisi on tofind the problem,layinga- 一

10、 II - - - . L 中等职业学校专业设置管理办法(试行)第一章总 则第一条 为进一步规范和完善中等职业学校专业设置管理,引导中等职业学校依法自主设置专业,促进人才培养质量和办学水平的提高,根据中华人民共和国职业教育法和有关规定,制定本办法。第二条 中等职业学校专业设置要以科学发展观为指导,坚持以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,适应经济社会发展、科技进步,特别是经济发展方式转变和产业结构调整升级的需要,适应各地、各行业对生产、服务一线高素质劳动者和技能型人才培养的需要,适应学生职业生涯发展的需要。第三条 国家鼓励中等职业学校设置符合国家重点产业、新兴产业和区域支柱产业、特色产业的发展需求以及就

11、业前景良好的专业。第四条 中等职业学校依照相关规定要求,可自主开设、调整和停办专业。第五条 中等职业学校设置专业应以教育部发布的中等职业学校专业目录(以下简称目录)为基本依据。第六条 各地和中等职业学校应做好专业建设规划,优化资源配置和专业结构,根据学校办学条件和区域产业结构情况设置专业,ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntof dailye ducation,the spiritofreform shortofthe completesystem,payclose attentionto systemimplementation,really

12、make thepartyorganization and partymembereducationand strictmanagement,solid.Fi nall y,the "urge" work on the lead,besuretopromoteefficie ncy. "Two"educati on, noton educati one ducati onal,notw orkingwit hthe Centre two,muststickar oundthe Cente r,servi ng the overallsituati on,

13、 coordi nate,trulyresult-ori ented a nd promoteefficie ncy.Currentandfuture a period,totightly ar ound coor dinati on a dvance"foura full"strategy layout,winning fullbuiltsociety thisa ce ntraland work ov erall,put carried out lear ning education as pr omotedw ork ofimportant opportunities

14、 a nd powerf ulpower,g uide General membersca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveadapte d economicdevelopmentnew normal,consci ouslypracti celi ne five big devel opmentconcept, effective graspsupply si destructural reform,toguarantees and impr oved liveli hood, constructionthe party'

15、sfine styl e,carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virtue s,pra ctici ng theSocialist coreval ues, vigor ouslycarryforward t hespirit ofJiaoYul u, Hongqi Canal spirit a ndspirit ofpersistence,honesty inpolitics,strict statesman,sti cktothespiritua lheig htsofthe Communists.Four to dev otion,as,do p

16、layarole i n qualifying.OfficialCommunist duty.ofulf illtheparty's purpose ,maintainforthe people t hemselve s,and de dicati on, devotion,maintai npi onee r, pioneering a nd enterprisi ng spirit,activeatthe well-offextra practice,make contributi ons.The i ncentivefunctionofparty organizationsata

17、lllevels sh oul d givefull playtoa dvanced models,establish are presentative,a dvanceda ndtypicalofthetimes,and guide the broad ma sses ofparty memberstoemulate. In honor ofthe95a nniversary offoundingasa n opportunity to awardinrecognitionofa numberofoutstandi ng party members'advance d grass -

18、roots partyorga nizations, outsta ndi ngpartyworkers,and put t he pi oneertree s.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretocha ngeinto.Lear ningtotea chE ducationinor dertosolve theproblem,ifitdoes notsolvet hepr oblem, itw illform,goest hroug hthe moti ons.Tostrengt hen t he conscious

19、ness ofproblems a nd insisted on problem-oriente d, problem -solvi ng learningeducati on fortracti on,tr ulydeepinve stigation intochange,m odificati on.A checked swing. Lear ning e ducation programmeforparty-building in ourcity a ctually propose dtofocus onsoluti on offuzzy ideals a ndbeliefswaver,

20、 consciousne ss, pur pose ofthepartyweaksense,honestyand self-discipli neaware ness i snotstrong,de presse d,sixi ssues ofethi calmisconduct studycontents specific programmes for all party membersand leading ca dres a bove thecountylevelshallfocusonf urtherrefineme nt to the problems.Specifict o eve

21、ry partymemberand ev ery cadre ,alsore quire sa combination ofactual and controlle d, focuse d andre allyputyourselfin, people see thi ngs,see, wit h theirownspe cificpr oblemst olearn Constituti on Partyr ules,series,a ddress,sopre cisi on tofind the problem,layingasolidfoundation forfurthercorrect

22、iveaction.Bt omakecha nge.For che ckput ofproblem,through esta blished re ctification Taiwa naccount, a ndtake special supervisi on,a nd on a ccount PIN,approach, insisteddo side lear nsi demodifie d,and that knowthatmodified,whilefocuse don put "two learn ado" learning education rectifica

23、tionwithgrasp partyofmass line e ducation practice activitie s and"thre e strictthre ereal" topic e ducation problem rectification combi ned up, consolidati on expa nde d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendle ss corre cted "

24、;fourwi nd", a ndregulation ma ssesside ofa buse s,ensurew ork adva nce mor e pow erful,and pr oblemsoluti on more compl etely.T hird,w emustconsolidate our a chieveme nts. Formore public,som e partymembers whofocus on theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated避免专业盲目设置和重复建设。第七条 国务院教育行政部门

25、负责全国中等职业学校专业设置的宏观指导,制定并定期修订目录。行业主管部门负责本行业领域中等职业学校相关专业设置的指导工作。第八条 省级教育行政部门负责本行政区域中等职业学校专业设置的统筹管理。市 (地)、 县级教育行政部门管理中等职业学校专业设置的职责由各省(区、市)自行确定。第二章设置条件第九条 中等职业学校设置专业须具备以下条件:(一)依据国家有关文件规定制定的、符合专业培养目标的完整的实施性教学计划和相关教学文件;(二) 开设专业必需的经费和校舍、仪器设备、实习实训场所,以及图书资料、数字化教学资源等基本办学条件;(三)完成所开设专业教学任务所必需的教师队伍、教学辅助人员和相关行业、企业

26、兼职专业教师;(四) 具有中级以上专业技术职务(职称) 、 从事该专业教学的专业教师,行业、企业兼职教师应保持相对稳定。各地应根据区域经济社会发展实际,结合专业特点,进一步明ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntof dailye ducation,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete system,payclose attentionto systemimplementation,rea lly make thepartyorganizationand partymember education a nds

27、tri ct management ,soli d.Finally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two"educati on, noton educationeducational,not w orkingwit hthe Centretwo,muststick around theCente r,servi ng theoverall situation,coor dinate,tr ulyresult -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency

28、. Curre ntand future a peri od,totightly around coordinationadvance"foura full"strategy layout,winningfullbuilt societythisa centraland work overall,put carried out lear ning educati ona spromote dwork ofimportantopportunities andpowerful powe r,gui de Ge neralmembers cadre s insi sted dev

29、e lopme ntfirstpriority, active adapted economi c devel opment newnormal, consci ouslypracti celinefive big devel opmentconce pt,effectivegraspsupply sidestructural reform,toguarantees a nd impr oved liveli hood,constructionbined4more high e col ogicalvitality ha ppi ness ofcity. Lastyea r,we carry

30、out"three -three" activitie s as a"three -three"speci aleducation important,find educationand effective platform to facilitate thecombinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpracti ces,provincial,a nd munici pal deci ded in "tw olearna do" learni ng education int he carrie d o

31、ut "five checkfivepromoting", the County Distri ctunit sto insi sted put"twolearna do"lear ning educati on and "fivecheckfive prom oting" organi cfusion,a ndcommon a dvan ce,doone pla n layout,and oneorgani zation im plementati on, put carrie d out "two learn a do&

32、quot;situati on, a nd "fivecheckfive promoting" situati onas partyworkeval uationofimportant Content, asa n importa ntaspect ofmutualevaluation on partymember s,testing as a n importa ntbasi sforleadi ngbodies a nd lea ding cadres' performance andgui de the broad masses of partymembers

33、 and cadre s to studyeducation opensupto themaineconomi cand socialdevelopment.At present,theoverallsmoothe conomic operati on in our city, butdownwardpre ssureis still high,face d a numberofchalle nges andtests.M eanw hile, coi nci des wit h thecit y, Countyand townshippartycommitteest his year gen

34、erale lecti onyear, howtoreallychoose loyal,clea nand servesa s agoodca dre,irondiscipli neofGe neralFeng Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun,swa ppe doutPowerfulg oodsituati on,is area ltestforallofus.Generalwork on "tw o" to studyt heeffect ofeducation inspection,if thetrueseri es ofpartyrule s and Cons

35、tituti on speak s wellandtruly becomeaqualifiedparty membe r, nat urallyweca ndealwit hadva nce a ndretreat left turn treatment,proper organi zational arrangement s andsele ction, propertreatmentofpersonalinterests.o put carried out"twolear na do"lear ning e ducation withdo reform devel op

36、mentsta blethe w orkcombined up,and seriouslydo Center w ork,and da ilyand job com bine d up,and guar antee s improv ed livelihood,andpr omote socialharmony combined up,a nd completethe party'sfine styl e,carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virtue s,pra ctici ng theSocialist coreval ues, vigo

37、r ouslycarryforward t hespirit ofJiaoYul u, Hongqi Canal spirit a ndspirit ofpersistence,honesty in politics,strict statesma n,sti cktothe spiritua lheig htsofthe Communicha ngeinto.Lear ningtotea chE ducationinor dertosolve theproblem,ifitdoes notsolvet hepr oblem, itw illform,goest hroug hthe moti

38、 ons.To strengt hen t he consciousness ofproblems a nd insisted on problem-oriente d, problem -solvi ng learningeducati on fortracti on,tr一.-一-.一.一 - - II . . -I -一.一.- . L . I .1.11 一 .一 . I_- - - 一 一 1 I _I 一一 一 一一 _ - I L _ . .I - - 一.- . ction.Bt omakechange.For che ckputofproblem,through establ

39、ished re ctification Taiwanaccount, andtake special supervision,a nd on aa ccount PIN,approach, insisteddo side lear nsi demodifie d,and that knowthatmodified,whilefocusests.Four to dev otio n,as,doulydeepinve stigation intodon put"two learnado"leaas,do playarole i n qualifying.Official Co

40、mmunist duty. To fulfilltheparty'spurpose ,intochange,m odificati on.A checked swing. Lear ning e ducat ion programmeforparty-buildi一 - -I_.- - - - - Io"learning egrasppartyof massline e ducatione ,maintainforthe pe oplet hemselve s,and de dicati on, devotion,maintai npi onee r, pioneering

41、a nd enterprisi ng ng in ourcity a ctually propose dtofocus onsoluti on offuzzy ideals a ndbeliefswaver, consciousne ss, pur p一.-. . ill. L. L - - - - I > 一 .II - - 一 -.一. 一practice activities and"three strictthre ereal" topic education problem rectification combi ned up,consolidati on

42、expanded ha s made ofrectification results, str onglycorrectebuti ons.The i ncentivefunctionofparty orga neaware ness i snotstrong,de presse- d"forofficernotfor",and Chiad,sixi snizationsatalllevels shoul d givefull playto dvance i ssues ofethi calmisconduct studycontents specific - 一 一 -

43、ndendle ss corre cted "fourwind", a ndregulation massesside ofarresapnrdesleenatdaitive,abuses,ensurew ork advadvanceda ndtypicalofthetimes,and guing ca dres a bove thecountylevel- 一 一nce mor e pow erful,and problemsolution morede the broad ma sses ofparty memberstoemulate. In honor ofthe9

44、5a nniversary offoundingasa n opportunity to awardinrecognitionofa numberofoutstandi ng party members'advance d grass -roots partyorga nizations, outsta ndi ngpartyworkers,and put t he pi oneertree s.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretoshallfocusonf urtherrefineme nt to the p

45、roblems. Specific to every partymemberand ev ery cadre ,alsore quire sa combination ofactual and controlle d, focuse d andre allyput yourselfin, people see thi ngs,see, wit h theirownspe cificpr oblemst olearn Constituti on Partyr ules,series,a ddress,sopre cisi on tofind the problem,layinga. IL. IL

46、.- 一 - I _ -.一一 -I II 一 一-.一一- - II - - - . L completely.T hird,w emustconsolidateour a chieveme nts.Formore public,somepartymembers whofocus on the确上述基本条件的相关细化指标,使专业设置条件要求具体化。第十条 各地教育行政部门在审查、备案新设专业时,应优先考虑有相关专业建设基础的学校;中等职业学校设置专业应注重结合自身的专业优势,重点建设与学校分类属性相一致的专业,以利于办出特色,培育专业品牌。第三章设置程序第十一条中等职业学校设置专业应遵循以下

47、程序:(1) 开展行业、企业、就业市场调研,做好人才需求分析和预测;(2) 进行专业设置必要性和可行性论证;(3) 根据国家有关文件规定,制定符合专业培养目标的完整的实施性教学计划和相关教学文件;(4) 经相关行业、企业、教学、课程专家论证;(5) 征求相关部门意见,报教育行政部门备案。第十二条中等职业学校开设目录内专业,须经学校主管部门同意,报省级教育行政部门备案;开设目录外专业,须经省级教育行政部门备案后试办,按国家有关规定进行管理。第十三条中等职业学校开设医药卫生、公安司法、教育类等国家控制专业,应严格审查其办学资质。开设“保安” 、 “学前教育”专业以及“农村医学”、 “中医”等医学类

48、专业, 应当符合相关行业主管部门规ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntof dailye ducation,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete system,payclose attentionto systemimplementation,rea lly make thepartyorganizationand partymember education a ndstri ct management ,soli d.Finally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,

49、be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two"educati on, noton educationeducational,not w orkingwit hthe Centretwo,muststick around theCente r,servi ng theoverall situation,coor dinate,tr ulyresult -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future a peri od,totightly around coordinationadvance&q

50、uot;foura full"strategy layout,winningfullbuilt societythisa centraland work overall,put carried out lear ning educati ona spromote dwork ofimportantopportunities andpowerful powe r,gui de Ge neralmembers cadre s insi sted deve lopme ntfirstpriority, active adapted economi c devel opment newnor

51、mal, consci ouslypracti celinefive bigdevel opmentconce pt,effectivegraspsupply sidestructural reform,toguarantees a nd impr oved liveli hood,constructionmore high e col ogicalvitality ha ppi ness ofcity. Lastyea r,wecarry out"three -three" activitie s as a"three -three"speci ale

52、ducation important,find educationand effective platform to facilitate thecombinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpracti ces,provincial,a nd munici pal deci ded in "tw olearn ado"learni ng education int he carrie d out "five checkfivepromoting", the CountyDistri ctunit sto insistedpu

53、t "twolearnado"lear ning educati on and "fivecheckfive prom oting" organi cfusion,a ndcommon a dvance,doonepla n layout,and oneorgani zation im plementati on, put carrie d out "two learn a do"situati on, a nd "fivecheckfive promoting" situati ona s partyworkev

54、al uationofimportant Content, asa n importa ntaspect ofmutualevaluation on partymembers,testingas a n importa ntbasi sforleadi ngbodies a nd lea ding cadres' performance andgui de the broad masses of partymembers and cadre s to studyeducation opensupto themaineconomi cand socialdevelopment.At pr

55、esent,theoverallsmoothe conomic operati on in our city, butdownwardpre ssureis still high,face d a numberofchalle nges andtests.M eanw hile, coi nci des wit h thecit y, Countyand townshippartycommitteest his year generale lecti onyear, howtoreallychoose loyal,clea nand servesa s agoodca dre,irondisc

56、ipli neofGe neralFeng Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun,swa ppe doutPowerfulg oodsituati on,is area ltestforallofus.Generalwork on "tw o" to studyt heeffect ofeducation inspection,if thetrueseri es ofpartyrule s and Constituti on speak s wellandtruly becomeaqualifiedparty membe r, nat urallyweca ndealwi

57、t hadva nce a ndretreat left turn treatment,proper organi zational arrangement s andsele ction, propertreatmentofpersonalinterests.o put carried out"twolear na do"lear ning e ducation withdo reform devel opmentsta blethe w orkcombined up,and seriouslydo Center w ork,and da ilyand job com b

58、ine d up,and guarantee s improv ed livelihood, andpr omote socialharmony combined up,a nd complete d thetask combi nedthe party'sfine styl e,carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virtue s,pra ctici ng theSocialist coreval ues, vigor ouslycarryforward t hespirit ofJiaoYul u, Hongqi Canal spirit a ndspirit ofpersistence,honesty inpolitics,strict statesman,sti cktothespiritua lheig htsofthe Communists.Four to dev otion,as,do playarole i n qualifying.OfficialCommunist duty.ofulf illtheparty's purpose ,maintainforthe people t hemselv


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