1、湖南省2019年对口招生考试(英语)第一部分听力理解(共两节,满分30分)做题计 生g比名士-五甘夹L-生山广,士十,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内谷结束后转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题:每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 仅读一遍。例:H ow m uch is 1he shirt?答案是C。1. W here does 1his conveiBation take place?A. h a classroo
2、m B. In a hospitalC . In a m useum2. W hat does Jack w ant to do?A. Take fitness classesB. Buy a pair of gym shoes. C .C hange his w oik schedule3. W hataie the speakers talking about?to drhk. B. W hetB to m eetC . W hen to leave.4. W hat is 1he iJatbnshi) between the speakeiB?A Colleagues B. C bssm
3、 atesC . S tmngers.5. W hy is Em ily m entioned in 1he conveiBatibn?A. She m ghtwanta ticketB. S he is looking for 1he m an.C . S he has an extra ticket第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题 ,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6
4、. H ow bng did Jam es nin his bushess?A. 10 yeatB B. 13 years.C . 15 years7. H ow does 1he wom an feelabout Jam es situatbn?A. Em banassed. B. C oncemedC . D isappohted听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. W hathas Kates m other decided to do?A. return to school B. C hange her j)b C . R ette fiom w otk9. W hat did Kat
5、es m olher study atcollege?A. oilpainhg B. Arthistoiy.C . Bushessadm histetion10. W hat is Kates attitude tow aid herm olhers decision?A. D isapprovhg B. Am bfeuousC . Understanding听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. W hat is the m an dong?A. C hairing a m eethgB. Hosthg a radfc ptogiam C .C onducthg a j)b intervi
6、ew12. W hatbenefits M ary m ost h her j)b?A. H erw ide readhg. B. H er Laders guidanceC . H er friendsheb13. W ho w AIM aiy talk aboutnext?A. H er teacherB. H er felherC . H erm olher听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. W hy does the m an seldom do exercise?A. H e fecks m otivation.B. H e has a heartprobJem .C . H
7、e w oiks alLihe tin e.15. W hatdoes Jacob Satteb airprobably do?A. H an alhlete B.Hesareseaicher C . H a journalist16. W hy does the w om an speak of a study?A. To encourage 1he m an.B. To recom m end an exercise.C , To support her findings.17. H ow m uch tin e w illlhe m an probaby spend exeicishg
8、w eek?A. 300 m hutes B. 150 m hutesC . 75 m hutes听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. what did 1he scientists do to the toad?A. They impaired it B. They pahtedit C . They bbcked it19. W hy are young birds drawn to 1he road surfece?A. lEs waim . B. lEs brown. C. It s sm oo1h.20. whatis 1he puipose ofthe scientists
9、experi m ent?A. To keep 1he birds 1heiP fcra whole yearB. To heb students study 1he birds wellC . To prevent the bids fiom being kflled.第二部分知识运用(共三节,满分40分)第一节词汇与语法(本节共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)从每小题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一项符合题意的最佳选项,并将答案填涂 在答题卡上。21. A sm lie costs butgives m uch.A. anything B. som ethhgC . nolhhgD .
10、 everything22. A true friend is a person eaches fcr yourhand and touches yourheartA. who B. what C . whomD . whrh23. Every one ofus had a wonderfiltfai e atlhe class prnr itrained allaftemoon.A. as if B. h case C. so 1hat D . even Ihough24. Thanks fcryourdimctions to 1he house;wewouldn thave found i
11、t.A. Iherefore B. olhetw ise C . how ever D . instead25. Til prk you up at the stop sign where 50 m eters ahead 1he two roadsA. m eet B. fit C . fece D . reach26. The m edr he m iffions ofpeoples li/es since itw as put hto use.A , is saving B. w illsave C . has saved D . had saved27. Itwas so finny
12、a show Ihatpeople couJdntheb again and agah.A. bugh B. laughing C . to bugh D . bughed28. Itw as notuntillhe end of the letter she m entioned her own plan.A. where B. why C . when D . that29. M ike and his finend are going to 1he to see 1he new actbn m ovfe tonightA. chem a B. bookshop C . concertD
13、. hospital30. C hangsha is attractive city. lEs such nice phce 1hatm any touristscom e hereevery sum m erA. a, a B. an, a C . 1he, anD . a, the第二节交际用语(本节共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)(一)选择:看下面10组小对话。根据文字提供的信息,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出 一个符合对话情景和含义的最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。31. C an you help m e iepairthe bike?1, C om e and get it i
14、n ha If an hourA. No problemB. Thafs rfehtC . Im sorry Icant D . N everm hd32. R ose isn there today. 3s she Hl?; I saw her atlhe doctor s this m omiig.A. Ihope soB. Idon tknowC.I m afeid so D . Idon tlhhk so33. Excuse m e. W here is 1he M oonlghtH otel?;. lam a strangerm yseEA. H ave a good till eB
15、. Idon tagiee w ith youC . That? s forsureD . S ony, Idon tknow34. R eading is a good way to kill tin e on 1he plane.;. Inevergo traveling w ithouta book.A. You re j)khgB. That s ttueC . G lad to hear thatD . Thatw ould be nice35. Are you confflentaboutthe English speech contest Sally?:. r ve goteve
16、rythhg wady!A. 0 fcoulee notB. It s haid to sayC . Sure, lamD . It s in possible36. S hallw e go to A Iberta for sum m er ho Eday?;. It s one of 1he world s cleanestphces.A. Sounds greatB. NotataUC . Y ou re kidding D . It s nothing37. Itw illbe m y turn. Ifeela little nervous.:, Y ou can m ake itA.
17、 The sam e to you B. Take iteasyC . It s wonderfiilD . D on tsay 1hat38. R em em ber to printon bo1h sides of 1he paperA. Sure, Iw illB. M e, tooC . G ood lickD . W elldone39. H eb yourself to som e m ore fish, Lhda.A. P leased to m eetyou B. It s m y pleasureC . Itdoesn tm atter D . Im fiill Ihanks
18、40. W e 位fled h the singing com petition.: Bettertin es are waithg fcryou.A. N o w ayB. B estw ishesC . C heerupD . G ood j)b(二)补全对话:根据下面一段对话,从A、B、C、D、E、F、G七个选项中选出五个选项补全空缺处,使对话完整,符合情景和含义,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。A : You bok worrfed, D avid. W has wrong?B : 41A : Ihearyou were good atEnglish. 42 B : I find itdifi
19、ficultto do English reading, especNW leading a bngerpassage.A : Thatdoesntsound too bad.A : Justread quickly to getthe m ah idea atfct D ontiead w otri by w ord.R ead word groupsB : 44 Ihave to use a dictionary.A : Try to guess a w otds m eanhg by leading the sentences befoi and after itYou probably
20、undeiBtand m ore 1han you 1hhk.B : That sounds difficultA : 45 It takes tin e. You can becom ebetter by reading som elhhg you enj)y every day. The m ore you ead, the festeryou,Jibe.B : IH try. Thank you, M ib. B feck.A.Ihope lean.B. W eQ be patientC . Ifeiled m y m a1h testD . W has yourproblem now?
21、E. But Im a very sbw readerF. Ihave touble Laming EnglishG . ButIdonunderstand m any of 1he woids(三)匹配:请将I栏中常见中文告示、指令与栏中的英文进行匹配,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。III46 .道路封闭47 .小心地滑48 .向右急转弯49 .事故多发区域50 .请勿乱扔垃圾A. W etFborB. N o PaikhgC . N o LitteringD , R oad C bsedE. AccilentAreaF. Turn R fehtShaipG . D anger! C toss W
22、 hd第三节 完形填空(本节共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空自处的最住选项, 并将答案填涂在答题卡上。D earM rs. M acD onald,A s you know, w e ve been in the fhtnow for six m onlhs. W e like it, 51I m afeid Ihere are a few problem s.F加七 a good dealof 1he fiimiture is talher52 . The am chairs, for exam pie, are in bad
23、 condition and so is the bfe 53 whetE w e eat C ould you please 54 these item s?S econdK, 1he fht is extern eg 55 h w nter The centraIh3atiig doesn tw otk veiy w ell and w e have to use electric 56. And ihey awexpensive, of course. P artof 1he problem is 1he w hdow s. They dont fit veiy well so 1hey
24、 letlhe 57 Fhal, 1here s 1he kitchen. Itreally does need58 .We arc quiteprepared to do 1he w oik ourselves if you pay for 1he pahtC an you possibly com e and bok attiie flatyouiBelf? Im sure you 1159 us. In any case, please let us know aboutthese Ihrigs as 60 as possfcle.Y ouib tiuly,S andra S haw51
25、 .A. and52 .A. oH53 .A. flat54 .A. sell55 .A. wet56 .A. cbcks57 .A. fehtB. butB. feshbnableB. cupboatdB. useB. noisyB. firesBdustC . soD .C. expensiveC. kitchenD. fedC. crow dedC. fensC. w hdorD , heavyD , ta b leD , coHD . w sD , heat58 .A. expanding B. desfenhg C . cJeanhgD. pahthg59 . A. agie w i
26、h B.hear fiomC .aigue w iih D . w ony about60 .A. ferC. soon第三部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)第一节选择(本节共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。AC om e on!G eth S tyle !D o you w antto getsom e stylhg tips to bok brghtand pleasant?C om eand j)in us h 1he new S tying C hb to m ake youiselfdifew
27、nt!W hatw Hl you leam? basr haircare and skhcatB tips m akeup (化妆)and ha ir styIhg skills properm ix-andn ateh ( 和谐搭配)skills dresshg tps fer speckloccasbns (场合 )Stylist (发型师)M s. Janice Smith will teachm em berslhe above skills. N ot on& w ill you becom e m ore confidentw ilh your boks, you w illals
28、o have the chance to hebwilh 1he m akemp and stylhg fcr school activities like feshbn show s and N ew Y eatB parties.W hen and where do we m eet?0 urclib m eets eveiy Tuesday afterschool fiom 3 : 30 pm to 5 : 30 pm , atR oom TA01 h 1he S Indent Activity C entreH ow can you be a m em bei?S tudents wh
29、o w antto j)h 1he clib should visitourw ebsite at to sign up before 15th S eptem ber There are only 20 places. F instcom e, tet served! W hat is the cost?Each m em berneeds to pay $50 forstylhg products.H ow can you getm ore hfotni ation?auFor further hfcim atbn, you can em aUKaren Yung ( -一). she w
30、in be happy to answ er a llyour questions.61. W hatw ill the clib m em bers Lam?A. H ealth care tps.B M akeup skills.C . C om m unication skills.D . Advanced skhcare tips62. Afterleamhg fiom M s. Janice Sm ilh, youll.A. be capable of teaching wellB. be m ore confident about your studiesC. have the c
31、hance to hostfeshbn show s w ilh diBsshg for schoolactivities 63. W hatw ill the clib m em beiB do every Tuesday? A. They w Ulm eetfcr tw- o hours in the afternoon.B. They w illhave a party in the m oming.C , They w ill study for an houratR oom TAO 1.D . They w illdance atlhe S tudentActivity C entr
32、e.64. If you w ant to be a m em bei; you are required to.A. send an em ailto Karen YungB. pay 50 doHars for 1he classesC . visit up to 20 diflfetEnt placesD , sign up beforc 15 S eptem ber65. W hat is 1he puipose of 1he postei?A. To invite readeiB to j)h a stylhg chbB. To sellfeshionabfe stylhg prod
33、uctsC . To offeradvre on how to be dififerentD . To heb students oiganize activitiesBD tugs com e h diflferentfoim s. However; can you in aghe Ihatdiugs com ein chicken eggs? A team ofscfentists torn England prove that it can com e true. They have devebped specialchrkens that lay eggs w Uh diugs hsi
34、de. These specialdmgs can het treat som e kinds of diseases. U ntilnow, they havem a detwo khds of dnigs. 0 ne drug can treat skh cancer and 1he olher can treat a nerve disease (神经性疾病).Certain drugs are produced by the special chickens inside 1heir egg whites. These diugs are m ade ofprotehs ( 蛋白质 )
35、whrh can be found h anin als skh, hair; m ilk and m eat The scientists also use DNA technobgy to m ake sure that 1he drugs ate only hside the egg whites. In this way, 1he chrkens can stay healthy.B e sides egg w hites, drugs m ade ofprotehs com e h m flk of cow s and sheep. C om pared w ith cow s an
36、d sheep, 1he specialchrkens have ascendancy overthem .they are cheaper to raise. S econd, they need less room and grow fester These specalchrkens can pass on 1heirdrugT)ix)duchg abilily to their children. S o fei; five generations of the specialchrkens have appeared. But scientists m ay need m ore t
37、in e to m ake the drugs perfect It:s said that scientists w illrealize 1heir dream h five to ten yeatB.66. The specgIdiugs h chicken eggs can now be used to treatA. hng cancerB. heartdiseaseC . Skh cancerD . bbod disease67. W hy m ust 1he diugs be on卜 h 1he egg whites?A. To ensure 1he chrkens keep h
38、ealthy.B. To produce m ore egg white.C. To cutlhe costofraishg chickens.D. To m ake 1he protehs grow fester68. The underlhed wo id ascendancy7/ h Paragraph 3 m ostprobably m eans .A. problem B. effect C . advantage D . dem and69. W hatcan w e know fiom the Jastpaiagraph? A. The drugs have already wo
39、iked w ellon patfents. B.S cfentists w iHrealize 1heirdream w ilhin five yeaiB. C .M ostchrkens have the abilily to produce 1he diugs. D.S cfentists are confident about 1he fiiture of the diugs.70. The passage is m ahly about a w ay of.A. m a king chickens by m ore eggsB. producing dmgs h chicken eg
40、gs C .treating diseases m ore effective D .hcwashg the productbns of chickenCW e had an enoim ous (巨大的)apple tree h our garden onK a few yards fom 1he kitehen w hdow.erealb m ustcutlhat tree down, m y husband said, soon after w e m oved into 1he houses, Im sure is dangerous ! ”UD on,tbe sflly, “ Isa
41、ii. Iquite liked 1he tree myself” 出squite safe.Itisn tgohg to felldown on the house !”“W ell Iread som elhhg in 1he paper only 1he olher day, “he said, 卜 tree crashed into awom ans bedroom during a storm and now shes in hospital!”In the end, afterseveralaigum ents of 1his khd, we asked a couple ofwo
42、ikm en to com e abng and cut the tree down.“W hataboutlhe roots? ” the m en asked. Shallwe take 1hem outtoo or leave 1heni ? ”“0 h, take 1heni out ” I said. Let s m ake a good j)b of it !”This took allafemoon and Iwas beghning to think aboutlhesize of 1hebill! There was a bfe hole h 1he gaiden!“Y ou
43、 Ube able to putall your old iubbish h Ihere !the m en sail asthey leftM y husband cin bed dow n hto !he hole and began to bok around. ey, bok! ”he called up to m e. There aw som e old cohs hew! And Ithink they e gold!”Iclin bed dow n hto 1he hole and w e started to around, hophg to findsom e m ore
44、cohs. W e didand w e also found a sm alm etalbox. W e broke itopen. Itwas fiillof上welfetyrhgs,necklaces and bracelets!“G osh r I said, u Isuppose som eone hid these things h 1he groundpethaps during a w ar! ”They are probably w orth a sm allfcrtune !” m y husband said. Wellaren tyou ghd now 1hat got
45、rid of 1he old tree? ”71. The writers husband insisted on cutting down the tree because it.A. m fehtfelldown on IheirhouseB. would reach to the w hdowC , m ightgrow hto the kitchenD. would grow too bige fer 1he garden72. W hatcan w e inferaboutlhe w om an in 1he new spapei?A. She felldown fiom a tre
46、e h hergaidenB. S he had aiKum ents w ih herhusbandC . S he hurthersetf tiyhg to cut down a tree.D . She was hurtby a tree ciashhg hto herbedroom73. W hatwas found when 1he roots were taken out?A. A laige billB. A big hole.C . A btofmbbish.D . S om e m ore roots.74. As 1he couple dug around, they fo
47、und.A. m ore coinsB. som e applesC . som e papersD . w ooden boxes75. H ow did 1he couple feelin the end?A. Proud B. U nfortunate C . H appy D .D iscouraged第二节 判断(本节共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)请根据下面的短文内容判断下列句子,如果正确就选“ T ”,如果错误就选“ F ”,如果 文中没有提到就选“ N ”,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。M olher s D ay is a ceJebratibn h m em oiy ofm olh
48、eiB. Itcefebiates the in portance ofm olhetB in socfety. It is celebiated on d违entdays h m any parts ofthe world, mostly in M arch, April orM ay. Les see how diflferent people celebrate theirM olher s D ay .M exicoM ay 10C hiHren m ake gifts and give them to Iheirm um s on M olhers Eve(M ay 9).0 n 1
49、he m omhg ofM aylO, fem flies m akea special trj) to church and eattam ales (玉 米饼), som etfai es filled w ith m eat cheese or vegetables.S outh AfricaS econd Sunday ofM ayB esides giving m um sM o1her, s D ay caids, people show 1heir thanks to 1heir m otheiB by w earing red and pink fbw ers called c
50、arnations (康乃馨 ).fflheirm olheishave passed aw ay, they w earwhite camatbns.U nited K hgdomFourth Sunday ofLent(大斋期)M olheiB D ay is a traditbnalday forpeople to visitIheirhom etown and attend 1heir hom e churches. People also bake specal fiuitcakes for 1heir m um s.IndonesiaD ecem ber22People 1hrow
51、 big parties for 1heir m um s,filledwith fin activitiessuchas cooking com petitions and kebayavearhg com petitions! (A kebaya is a traditional blouse and skirt)76. M others D ay is m os由 celebiated h M aich, AprilorM ay.77. M others h M exro w ill receive gifts fom child 比 n on M ay 10.78. A llpeopl
52、e h S ou1h Afia w earwhite carnations on M other s D ay.79. Lent is a traditbnalfestivalh 1he U K, which hsts 40 days.80. There are cooking com petitions in Indonesia on M olher s D ay .第三节 简答(本节共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)请根据以下短文内容,回答短文后面的问题,并将答案填写在答题卡上,各题回答词数 不得超过10个单词。UC obr, cobr; cobr!, are 1he wotds of ar
53、tist Eric C arle.Eric is like the khg ii the world ofchildiBn books. H e has written over 70 childrens books. H is m ostfem ous book,The V ery H ungty C aterpilhr , iscom m on on child疣n s bookshelves allover 1he world. W hatm ostpeople dont know is IhatErr also m akes artforadults, which is calledA
54、rtart . Peopfedidn tknow about it because he dilntshow it to 1he public untilhe was 84 years old!Like Eric children s bo oks, his z, Artart z,is fiilLofbrightand clear cobr H e says that he bves cobr so m uch because he m issed it during 1he w ar in G eim any. Eric w as bom h N ew Yoik in 1929, butm
55、 oved to G eim any w ith his fem 的 when he was 6. W hen he was 10, W orH W ar II began. H e noticed Ihatall 1he houses and buildhgs in his town were painted grey, brown ordatk green. Itwas a sad tin e, and itseem ed like there was no cobranywhere.At 1he end of 1he war when cobr cam e back, Erfc expb
56、hs, I jist bved it so m uch. Ikept sayhg 1hat Iw ished our eyes couH see m ore cobtB. C obr is a very in portantpartofm y w oik.Thafs Hue. Eric paints brfeht cobiB on paper; cuts out shapes, and 1hen ghes 1hem onto anotherpfece of paper Thfe m ethod is called collage (拼).h feet it is what led Eric to hisArtart .Erics “Artart hclides laige co Hages as wellas pahthgs, photographs and even costum es. In all 1hese
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