



1、农业英语词汇一、植物分类种子植物seed plant常绿植物:evergreen plant; 落叶植物:deciduous plant.草本植物:herbaceous plant; 木本植物:ligneous/woody plant=xylophyta ligni-=xylo-: 表“木义被子植物:an giosperm; 裸子植物:gymno sperm sperm :精液 /子 阔叶植物:broadleaved plant;针叶植物:conifer.旱生植物:xerophilous plant=xeromorph; 水生植物:water/aquatic plant; hydrophyte

2、阳性植物:light-dema nding pla nt; 阴性植物:shade-dema nding pla nt.优势植物:domi na nt pla nt指示植物:in dicator先锋植物:pion eer森林植物:forestry plant欣赏植物:decorative plant;盆栽植物:potted plant; 药用植物: medical plants无叶植物:aphyllous pla nt种 seed=strain=breed品种 variety矮杆品种 short-stalked茎杆variety=short-straw稻草,麦杆variety二、物种名称1植物物

3、种水稻 paddy rice=rice水葫芦 water hyacinth包心菜cabbage2、动物物种植物寄生虫 a garden pest种牛 bull kept for covering ; 种马 stud;种蓄 breeding stock=stud stock水牛water buffalo昆虫in sect有害物pest螨acarid;红蜘蛛 a red mite *mite:微小的东西。十二生肖:鼠rat;牛ox ; 虎 tiger;兔 hare;龙 drag on;蛇 snake;马 horse;羊 sheep; 猴 mon key;鸡 cock;狗 dog;猪 hog。1 w

4、as born in the year of the cock我 属鸡。3、微生物微生物germ 细菌; 细菌bacteria; 真菌fungus三、种植术语1 一般术语种植 grow=plant=cultivate种田地till=cultivate Iand=go in for farming例句油菜种植面积 rape growing areas=areas sown to_rape*sown: sow播种的过去分词。在田里播种小麦 sow a field with wheat在田里播种 sow seeds in the field种玉米的那六亩地 the six mu of land so

5、w n to maize过去这里水稻多数只种一季,但现在全部种两季。Most paddy fields here used to yield only one crop a year, but now they all yield two crops.种植园 plantation水田 paddy (field)小块土地plot种子田 seed-breeding field水浇地 irrigated land水涝地 waterlogged land荒山:a barren hill; 荒地: wasteland; uncultivated land; undeveloped land.The la

6、nd lies waste. 地荒了。荒草:weeds2、专业技术术语催熟 accelerate the ripening (of fruit)*accelerate:力卩速,促进;ripen:(使)成熟。催肥fatten杀菌 destroy harmful microorganisms*organisms:生物体,有机体。四、农业生产资料1机械水稻插秧机 rice(二paddy) transplanter*transplant: v./n.移植(种,民)者种子清洗机seed clearer除草机weeder水田犁 paddy plough;水田耒耙 paddy harrow2肥料不中月巴se

7、ed manure厩肥 barnyard manure *barn:谷仓,畜棚 /舍。3、生化药剂除草剂 weed killer -herbicide (除莠剂)杀虫剂 insecticide=pesticide杀菌剂 germicide=bactericide杀卵剂ovicide杀螨剂 acaricide=miticide杀鼠剂 ratpoison=raticide促进剂 accelerant矮壮素cycocel植物生长调节剂:pla nt growth regulator五、农田水利水禾U (a) water conservancy 例水禾U设施: facilities(b)irrigat

8、ion works=water conservancy project(=works)(水禾U工程)例使农田水利化 bring the farmla nd un der irrigati on* conservation:保持,守恒;irrigation:灌溉。水利灌溉网 irrigation network水禾U枢纽 key water control project水禾资源 water resources水库 reservoir水沟 ditch=drain=gutter水坑潭puddle污坑=pool池=water hole水涝 waterlogging六、产品及其出产量产品 produc

9、t=produce农产品 farm produce蓄产品 livestock products工业产品 in dustrial products产品本钱 cost of goods产品销售 sale of goods产品销售禾 润 profit on sales of products产品质量 the quality of products产量output 指煤coal产量之类=yield 指农作物产量例句The per mu yield of hybrid rice exceeds that of ordinary rice by 15 to 20 percent. 杂交水稻亩产超过普通水稻

10、的15-20%。*exceed:超过。七、林业专业术语1、生物与生态生态平衡:ecological bala nee生态圈ecosphere生物圈biosphere生态学ecology生物学biology;生物:liv ing thi ngs/be ings植物学bota ny=phytology树木学den drology植物界vegetable/pla nt kin gdom生物工程:bioengineering生长期growth period水土保持:water and soil con servati on水土流失:soil erosi on*erosi on:腐蚀、侵蚀。水质:wat

11、er quality水质保护:water quality protecti on水污染:water polluti on/con tami natio n2、土壤土壤学:土壤结构:soil structure土壤质地:soil texture土壤改进:soil improveme nt/ameliorati on土壤湿度:soil moisture*moisture :潮湿的。土壤通气性:soil aeration*aerate:使充满气体。3、气温描述温度: temperature 室内(外)温度:in door/outdoor temperature温水: warm(=lukewarm)

12、water; 将温热一下: warm up 严霜: smart frost冰点以下 10 度:ten degrees of frost4、森林资源森林覆盖率:perce ntage of forest cover森林抚育:tending of woods森林火灾:forest fire森林资源:forest reserves防护林:shelter-forest 防护林带:shelterbelt;防风林 windbreak (forest) 林带: forest belt例句:the forest belt-森林地带;a sand-break forest belt-防沙林带 树行:rows o

13、f trees, woods林网: crisscross forest belts林区: forest (zon e/regi on)林场: forest cen ter=tree farm林地: forest land=woodland; timberland *timberyard:贮木场 *timber:木材林分:sta nd=sta nding forest林冠:crow n cover/ca nopy*crow n: (花、王)冠; cano py:遮蓬。林龄:age of sta nd蓄积: cubage=volume面积: area; proportion; acteage 例句

14、: the acreage under cultivation-耕地面积 米伐量:fall采伐森林:deforest n. deforestatio n开伐森林:disforest自然保护区:wilder ness area林产: forest products植被: vegetati on植树造林:afforestation; 植树:tree planting; 植苗:plant seedlings植树节:Nati onal Treepla nti ng Day植物:plant, flora(植物区界,植物志)植物群落:pla nt com mun ity植物保护:plant/crop pr

15、otection;植保员:plant/crop protector植物病害:pla nt disease病虫害:pla nt diseases and in sect pests防治病虫害:the prevent on and con trol of pla nt diseases and elim in ation of pests *vent:放/排出,发泄,通风;*elimination:排除,消灭/除。生物防治:biological con trol植物检疫:pla nt quara nti ne非洲的动植物:the flora and fau na of Africa5、育苗苗圃 n

16、ursery花圃:flower nu rsery苗木:nu rsery-stock树苗:seedli ng, sapli ng苗期:nu rsery stage花期:floresce nee花瓶:flowervase花盆:flower pot植物育种:pla nt breedi ng种子: seed*抱子: spore; 抱子植物:cryptogam;抱子生殖:sporogony树籽: seeds of trees 谷种:seedcor n播种:sow种子处理: seed treatme nt温汤浸种:hot water treatme nt of seeds温室育苗: nurse young

17、 pla nts in hothouse温室: hothouse; gree nhouse; glasshouse; con servatory播种时期:seedtime繁殖再生,复制:reproduce/reproducti on例句:expa nd reproduct ion -扩大再生产种子繁殖方式:seedage种内杂交:in traspecific hybridizatio n/cross无性繁殖: asexual reproducti on*sexual :有性的。6、林木、林相树木园植物园:arboretum乔木和灌木: tree and shrubs乔木:arbor树荫处;乔木

18、的:aboreal树栖的。树木状的:arboraceous=arboreous=de ndroid树荫: umbrage灌木林: spinney, shrubbery, 灌木丛:bosk=boskage 丛林,树丛 grove、thicket;灌木茂密的:bushy;灌木丛生:bushiness n.灌木状的:fruticose树林多的树林中的:woodsy树木繁茂的:wooded, arboreous树木状的纯林: pure forest混交林: mixed forest松林:pine forest小桔林:an orange grove树林: woods, grove树种: kinds of

19、 trees阔叶树种:broadleaved trees针叶树种:coni ferous trees针叶树,松类:conifer7、形态或生理树形与解剖a stock for maki ng paper,造纸原料,tree trunk树枝:branch, twig嫩枝,末梢气后枝:bastard slip * bastard:私生子,混帐;slip:纸片。树桩、树墩:tree stump树皮: bark v.剥树皮,rind, cortex=cortices树叶:leaf pl.花瓣,foliage 例句:foliage leaf-营养叶;foliage plant-观时植物树冠: crow n of a tree树梢: treetop, the tip of a tree生根: take=strike root木质部:xylem ; 韧皮部:bast=phloem树细长的,草稀疏的:lank 花花卉:flowers and plants 花木:flower and trees花冠:corolla花萼:calyx花梗:pedicel花蕾、花苞:(flower) bud花蕊:stamen or pistil花粉:pollen花粉管:pollen


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