1、畜 畜牧 牧兽 兽医 医专 专业 业英 英语语 S S p p e e c c i i a a l l i i z z e e d E E n n g g l l i i s s h f f o o r V V e e t t e e r r i i n n a a r r y M M e e d d i i c c i i nn e 讲 讲稿生 生物 物秀 秀搜 搜集 集整 整理理 w w w w w w .b b b b i i o o o o .c c oo m 院 院 系 系 系: : 动 动 动物 物 物医 医 医学 学 学院院 任 任 任课 课 课教 教 教师 师 师: : 姚 姚
2、 宝 宝 安安 授 授 授课 课 课对 对 对象 象 象: : 动 动 动物 物 物科 科 科技 技 2 2 20 0 00 0 02 2 级 级 1 1 1- - -4 4 班班 动 动 动物 物 物医 医 医学 学 2 2 20 0 00 0 02 2 级 级 1 1 1- - -4 4 班班 总 总 学 学 时 时 时: : 4 4 400 0 2 20 00 05 5前 言Preface按照大多数高等院校兽医本科专业的教学计划及培养目标,在畜牧兽医本科 专业学生完成 2 年基础英语学习的基础上,一般于三年级第一学期开设畜牧兽 医专业英语(English for Students of
3、Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine选修 课程。有的高等农业院校也给硕士研究生开设畜牧兽医专业英语。该课程的 教学目的与要求是:学生通过本门课程的学习,达到借助专业词典等工具书能熟 练阅读畜牧兽医专业英语书刊并掌握畜牧兽医专业文献英译汉、汉译英的基本技 能。本课程重点阐述了动物科技和动物医学的科技英语阅读和翻译的基础知识、 科技英语的特殊性、科技词汇的基本结构和构词法、动物科技和动物医学科技英 语论文及摘要的撰写、参考文献引录 以及动物科技和动物医学相关的英语文章, 包括动物科技、动物医学基础知识和专业知识。Chapter 1 General of En
4、glish for Science and Technology Section 1 The important of Study Englishfor Science and Technology1.1 Foreign languages for Science and Technology is a individual subject Foreign languages for Science and TechnologyLanguages for special Purposes ( LSPEnglish for Science and TechnologyEnglish for Sp
5、ecial Purposes (ESP1.2 The important of Foreign languages for Science and Technology 1.3 Request of study in Foreign languages for Science and Technology 1. 3.1 Study English book and magazine using dictionary1.4 Study methods of English for Science and TechnologyImmunoassay ImmunoassayImmunochemica
6、l ImmunochemicalSection 2 The formation and development of several foreign languagein normal using in the world2.1 The major language in the worldThere are 2700 nationality and 5651 languages, but there are not words in three fourth. There are 500 languages studied by philologist.There are 70 differ
7、ent kind words published in foreign countries.English 60%German 11%Russian 11%France 7%Japanese 3%Spanish 2% Others 8%2.2 The origin and development of several major languagesin India and Europe希腊 东希腊文 斯拉夫文 俄文腓尼基文 古希腊文 法语西希腊文 拉丁文 意大利语西班芽语 英语日尔曼语德语 2.3 The significance of study foreign languages for
8、science and technology from study languages in India and EuropeSection 3 The general character and individual character in English for science and technology and public English3.1 The general character in English for science and technology and public EnglishThe English for science and technology is
9、the branch of general English. The basic words are come from general English. The grammar is as same as general English.3.2 The difference of English for science and technologyand public English.The meaning of vocabulary is proprietary and stabilitydo, make, takeThere is no feeling in English for sc
10、ience and technologyThere are no figure of speech, overstate and parallelismIt is a written language. International There are 70% vocabulary come from Latin and Greece in medicine and veterinary. Using normative written verbdiscover (find out observe (look at.Using derivative adjectiveverb add able,
11、 ed, ing, ivebreath breathing, breathed, breather, breathlessnoun add al, ic, iouselectron electronic, electropolar, electropositive1 Using noun and word groupThe title of paper(1 Methods of detecting drugresistance in chicken coccidian(2 The pathway of cell death induced by lead in Wish cells(3 Est
12、ablishment of a Radiorecepter Assay (RRA capable ofmeasuring serum bioactive LH/CG in a wide variety of species2 Using passive voiceThe Toxplasma gondii infection were found in animals as early as in 1950s in Fujian province of China. During the next twentyodd years much progress was made and more t
13、han 100 papers were published.3 Using participle and nonpredicate as adjective(1 The sounds heard in the heart are due to the closing of the valves.(2 A zoonotic disease is defined as a disease shared by animals and humans.4 Using more than two clause(1 Such use as we are able to make of helpful bac
14、teria and such control aswe have of harmful ones depend upon our knowledge of their habits.(2 Water provided to the hogs was sampled and soil from the site of mostrecent slurry spread was collected.5 Using it as antecedence subject(1It makes no difference to take this medicine before or after meals.
15、(2It can be concluded that bovine embryo recloning is similar to theembryos cloning except for the embryos low in vitro development ability.6 Using preposition word groupThese cases are grouped by the severity of the disease.7 Using as guidance active and positive sentencesAs the illustration showsA
16、s has been statedAs followsChapter 2 Three basic of English for science and technology Pronunciation vocabulary grammarSection 1 PronunciationSection 2 Wordformation in words of science and technology2.1 The derivational expansion of general English wordsBasic words :35004500Morpheme (word element,
17、basic words: prefix, stem, suffixThe basic Chinese words : 3500There are only 2900 different Chinese words in Chairman Mao florilegium.New words: skylab moonquake EmailThere are three methods of formation words:1 CompoundingUsing two or more words form one new words.(1Compound nounA. Noun + noun new
18、spaper testtube bookwormB. Adjective + noungreenhouse Whitehouse darkroomC. Gerund + nounSleepingbag freezingpoint workingtableD. Verb + nounGrindstone workshop sawdustE. Adverb + nounOutbreak overcoat overbridgeF. Pronoun + noun Hegoat shewolfG. Verb + adverbMakeup breakdown gettogetherNoun + prepo
19、sitionEditorinchief fatherin law soninlaw(2Compound adjectiveA. Adjective + nounFirsthand secondhand lowtemperature hightemperatureB. Adjective + Adjective lightblue redhotC. Noun +Adjective colorblind worldwideD. Adjective + noun + ed (d smallsized openmindedE. Noun + participle manmade snowcovered
20、F. Noun + present participleManeating earthshakingG. Adverb + participle farreaching wellinformedH. Adverb + preposition + nounUptodate outofdateI. Numeral + noun (+ed fiveyear (plan fourcorneredJ. Adverb + adjective evergreen oversensitiveK. Adjective + participle readymade goodlookingL. Noun + nou
21、n + ed ironwilled strongwilled weakwilled (3 Compound pronounPronoun objective case or possessive pronoun + self (selvesHimself ourselvesIndefinite pronoun (some, any, no, every + body (one, thing Everybody, anybody something, nothing(4 Compound verbA. Adverb + verb : overcome upholdB. Noun + verb s
22、unbathe(5compound adverbA. Noun + noun sidewaysB. Noun + adverb headfirstC. Adjective + noun meanwhileD. Preposition + noun beforehead2AffixationIt is called derivative method to change the meaning with prefix or suffix. A. Prefix can case the meaning change without change of parts of speech. Unfair
23、, dislike, amoral, superman, cooperate, foretell, Bicycle, tricycle, pentagon, sexangleB. Suffix can case the change of parts speech, and sometimes the meaningof word changed.Piglet, armlet, friendship, happiness, childless3ConversionParts of speech change(1 Noun turned to verb: form to form, heat t
24、o heat(2 Adjective turned to verb: slow to slow, direct to direct(3 Adjective turned to noun:Wounded the wounded, beautiful the beautiful(4 Adverb turned to verb: down to down2. The word of special purpose extension in vertical and horizontal1 The words of special purpose in vertical extension(1 The
25、 words from Greece and Latin word element5070% English words are come from Greece and Latin.A. The compound method from Greece and Latin word elementsMany derivative words are compounded from more than three wordelementsPolyavitaminosis poly a vita amin(o osisPolyuria polytrophy aminoacid acidosis l
26、eucocytosisLeucocyt(aemiaB. One stem of organ can composed to new word with suffix of disease, symptom, skillterminologyorgan algia rragia otomy rrhaphy plasty it is oma osis celeEnteroentero entero entero entero entero entero enteroentero entero algia rragia tomy rrhaphy plasty tis cele gastro gast
27、ro gastro gastro gastro gastro gastri gastro gastro algia rragia tomy rrhaphy plasty tis sis celehepato hepatal hepato hepato hepato hepati hepato hepato hepato gia rragia tomy rrhaphy tis ma sis celeC.Vertical extension in some hematology noun terminologyhaemocyte haemocytoblastmyelo myeloblastlymp
28、ho blast lymphoblastmono monoblastmegacaryo megacaryoblasterythro erythroblastpro + myelo + cyte promyelocytemeta + myelo + cyte metamyelocyteFurthermore, above mentioned the cell words can added with other suffix , e.g. blast(oosis, cytohaemia, oma etc.2The character of Greece and Latin and rule of
29、 synthesis(1 The morphem of Greece and Latin is as same as common Englishword structure, and it is divided into prefix, root and suffix.A. Prefix: Greece and Latin preposition, number or word derivatione.g. a aleukia, anti antibody, dys dyscontrol,B. Root: Greece and Latin words changee.g. entero en
30、terotoxin, thoraco thoracotomy,haemo haemorrhagiaC. Suffix: Greece or Latin suffix or word changeD. e.g. itis enteritis, osis babesiosis, tomia enterostomy(2 Divided into primary word derivative and compound wordsPrimary word: entero, stomaDerivative word: primary + prefix or suffixanti + toxinum an
31、titoxinCompound word: compound from two or more wordsHaemo + thorax haemothorax(3 The major rule of formation and connection in stemA. Stem and prefix mostly come from single meaningTake off the suffix of single meaning word , if the end of word is consonant, it need s to connect “o”. But if it is v
32、owed, it does not need to change. But spleen is coming from Greece spleen, the suffix is needing to add “o” , splenoo.B. When the stem has prefix, there is a vowel in front of the stem, the vowel is taken out in the end of prefix . If there is a vowel in front of the stem, the vowel is kept.Enter (o
33、 + it is, “o” meet “i”, take out “o” enteritisEntero + rrhagia, “o” meet “r”, keep “o” enterorrhagiaC. If “o” take out , two consonant add “o”, it is difficult to know the stem, adding “” in the middle.Chondroosteodystrophia, intraabdominalD. gastro + enter(o +it is, “o” meet with “e”, keep “o” gast
34、roenteritis2 Come from general English words with new meaningenergy, base, normal, cell3 New words(1Compound new words from Greece and Latinatom, a + tomos , bicycle (bicyclette France(2Condensation from first wordLaser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Rader Radio Detection an
35、d Ranging(3Compound from head and tail of wordsTransfer + resistor transistor, Positive + electron positron (4Take part word instead of whole wordGrammolecularweight mole or mol(5Change wordTelevision televise, laser lase , diagnosis diagnose (6Reverse the wordFrequency quefrency, filter lifter(7Con
36、densation wordAtombomb abomb, undersea boat uboat(8Condensation of LatinEt al. (et alifi, e.g. (exampli gratia, ie. (id est2. Horizontal extension of special wordsUsing Greece and Latin stem1 Latin For the name of animal, plant, microorganism, parasites and drugsetc.Nephritis haemorrhagicaaa, Bacill
37、us mallei zopf,Natrium chloratum2 Translate to special words from Latin by different countries Avitaminosis (L. E. W., Avitaminose(F. G. , Avitaminosi(I. Septicaemia haemorrhagica suum (L.Haemorrhagic septicemia swine (E.Septicemia (haemorphagique du pore (F.Haemorrhagische septikamie der schweigne
38、(G.3. Harf English wors and phrasse of Science and technologyIt means that using and meaning are changed from general English. Specimen, sample, germ, case, carrierSection 3 Grammar for English of science and technology1. Using passive voice One third verbs are using passive voice in English for sci
39、ence and technology. Because the article of science and technology are introduced the outcome and results.1 The sentence without personUsing passive voice is more confidence.Research was being done.Parasites have to be controlled. Parasites have controlled.2 expression the necessary and responsibili
40、tyThe instruments need to besterilized.There are several factors to be considered.3 Expression item, plan and aimThe results of research are to be published soon.The results of research are (was published.4 Expression the probability and tendencyThese animals are liable to be attacked by germs.5 Exp
41、ression the performer in passive voiceThe operation was performed by the surgeon.6 Expression the method and mannerThe solution is weakened by the addition of more water.7 The subject is animal, plant and other substanceDecay is accelerated by enzymes.8 Expression inverted sentence orderBy the addit
42、ion of water, the solution is weakened2. Using noun and noun word group instead of verb or adjective noun verb, preposition adjective and adverbIf we compare Type A with Type B, we will find that Type A is more advantageous to our purpose.* A comparison of Type A with Type B shows that Type A has mo
43、re advantageous to our purpose.3. Using more nonpredicate verb phraseTo determine the number of cells, a sample is put under a microscope.l The cell units were found to be filled with living substances.4. Using more participle as attributeThe quantity of oxygen liberated to atmosphere by growing veg
44、etation is obviously very large.5. Using subjunctive moodBut for the heat of the sun (if there were no heat of the sun, nothing could live.6. Using fixture sentenceIt is ( or verb + adjective(or noun + that (clauseIt is common knowledge that water is made from oxygen and hydrogen. Chapter 3 The styl
45、e and structure of sentence in English for science and technologySection 1 Stylistics in English for science and technologyA. Chinese is different from English on oral expression.E.g. # I want to ask you a question.* Id like to ask you a question. * May I ask you a question?B. Style in English is di
46、fferent from Chinese. The English for Science and technology has special individual character in word, grammar and structure of sentence.1. The structure of style is rigor, concision and briefness .1 We made a hole in a cork and pushed into a narrow glass tube. Then we pushed this into neck of a bot
47、tle which we had filled with colored water. When we did this some of the colored water went up into the tube. We marked the level of the colored water in the tube was marked. Then thebottle was placed into a pan of hot water.Almost immediately, the water level in the tube fell slightly, but then it
48、started to rise until the water overflowed.* 2 After a hole was made in a cork, a narrow glass tube was inserted and the cork was inserted into neck of a bottle filled with colored water. On doing this, some of the colored water rose in the tube. The level of the colored water in the tube was marked
49、. Then the bottle was placed into a pan of hot water.Almost immediately, the water level in the tube fell slightly, but then it started to rise until the water overflowed.2. The article of science and technology is strictness, refine, in focus and concision.1 This piece of metal expanded when it was
50、 heated. It will contractwhen cooled.l Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled.2 The chick embryos are chopped up and are put into a jar, then theyare poured into a large flask. An enzyme is added to break down the tissue.3 There is a choice in article for science and technologyA. Tin res
51、ists corrosion by air or water.B. Tin is resistant to corrosion by air or water.C. Tin has a resistance to corrosion by air or water.Section 2 Structure of sentence in English for science and technology One sentence has subject, predicate verb, object and modifier parts.The basic parts are subject a
52、nd predicate. The modifier parts are attribute, adverbial and complement.3. Type of sentence1 Simple sentenceAll of us must learn Dr. Bethune.2Compound sentenceAfter liberation the incidence of occupational and epidemic diseases has dropped remarkably, the general health condition of the workers has
53、 greatly improved.3Complex sentenceThat China is a big country with all kinds of resources is well known.The question was whether it was common cold or influenza.We are know that red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.The air that animals breathe is a mixture of differen
54、t gases.Every bit of food eaten must be dissolved in water before it can be absorbed and utilized.4Members of the sentenceA.SubjectStreptomycin preparations can be administered by a variety of methods.B.Predicate verbOur country has a great future.First aid should always first be directed toward the
55、 control of haemorrhage. One of the functions of bone is to protect important organs.5Predicative Most colds appear to be communicable.6ObjectWe must hold ourselves responsible to the people.7ComplementWe call the new method acupuncture anaesthesia.8AttributeNormally, each beat of the heart cause a
56、pulse in the arteries.9AdverbialOn clinical examination no changes in the animals condition were found.4. Analysis of English for science and technologyTo find the subject, predicate ( how many and other parts.*e.g. In the early days of sea travel, seamen on long voyages lived exclusively on salted
57、meat and biscuits. Many of them died of scurvy, a disease of the blood which causes swollen gums, livid white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion. scurvy: a disease (formerly common among sailors marked by blooding and caused by not eating fruit and vegetables (with vitamin C.livid: paleexhaustion: the state of being tired outChapter 4 Reading and translation of English for science and
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