1、大学英语预备级课程自学辅导资料二一一年一月大学英语预备级课程自学进度表教材:大学英语预备级 总主编:董亚芬 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 出版时间:2006年周次学习内容习题作业测验作业学时 自学重点、难点、基本要求1Lesson 1Grammar& Text Exercises5英语句子成份和基本句型,课文语言点。一般现在时,现在进行时,课文语言点。谓语动词,课文语言点。一般过去时,课文语言点。动词基本形式,过去进行时,课文语言点。现在完成时,课文语言点。被动语态,课文语言点。被动语态,课文语言点。形容词和副词的比较级,课文语言点。情态动词,课文语言点。将来时,课文语言点。过去完成时,
2、课文语言点。不定式,课文语言点。时态复习,课文语言点。介词复习,课文语言点。介词复习,课文语言点。2Lesson 2Grammar&Text Exercises53Lesson 3Grammar& Text Exercises54Lesson 4Grammar& Text Exercises55Lesson 5Grammar& Text Exercises56Lesson 6Grammar& Text Exercises57Lesson 7Grammar& Text Exercises58Lesson 8Grammar& Text Exe
3、rcises59Lesson 9Grammar& Text Exercises510Lesson 10Grammar& Text Exercises511Lesson 11Grammar& Text Exercises512Lesson 12Grammar& Text Exercises513Lesson 13Grammar& Text Exercises514Lesson 14Grammar& Text Exercises515Lesson 15Grammar& Text Exercises516Lesson 16Grammar&
4、; Text Exercises5135周次学习内容习题作业测验作业学时自学重点、难点、基本要求1LESSON ONEStudy & PracticeReading Activity8Students will be able to master the key new words,phrases and expressions, and grammatical structures in the text, conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the un
5、it.2LESSON TWOStudy & PracticeReading Activity83LESSON THREEStudy & PracticeReading Activity84LESSON FOURStudy & PracticeReading Activity85LESSON FIVEStudy & PracticeReading Activity86LESSON SIXStudy & PracticeReading Activity87LESSON SEVENStudy & PracticeReading Activity88LE
6、SSON EIGHTStudy & PracticeReading Activity89LESSON NINEStudy & PracticeReading Activity810LESSON TENStudy & PracticeReading Activity811LESSON ELEVENStudy & PracticeReading Activity812LESSON TWELVEStudy & PracticeReading Activity813LESSON THIRTEENStudy & PracticeReading Activi
7、ty814LESSON FOURTEENStudy & PracticeReading Activity815LESSON FIFTEENStudy & PracticeReading Activity816LESSON SIXTEENStudy & PracticeReading Activity817REVISION2注:期中(第10周左右)将前半部分测验作业寄给班主任,期末面授时将后半部分测验作业直接交给任课教师。总成绩中,作业占15分TABLE OF CONTENTSLesson One How to Be a Successful Language Learn
8、er .1Lesson Two Parents 16Lesson Three Childrens Education29Lesson Four The Generation Gap.42Lesson Five Mobile Phones .55Lesson Six Compassion70Lesson Seven The Child in Our Heart(Part 1).85Lesson Eight The Child in Our Heart (Part 2).98Lesson Nine Famous Women .119Lesson Ten Success .132Lesson Ele
9、ven Summer Jobs .147Lesson Twelve War and Family 161Lesson Thirteen Born to Buy 176Lesson Fourteen Memories of the Past .191Lesson Fifteen Self-Esteem .205Lesson Sixteen Mistaken Identity 218大学英语预备级课程自学指导书Lesson One How to be a successful language learner一、本课的核心、重点(一)本课的核心:英语句子成份和基本句型,课文语言点。(二)本课重点:
10、The key language points and grammatical structures in the text二、本课的基本概念、难点及学习方法指导(一)本课的基本概念A series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit(二)本课难点及学习方法指导Grammar Exercises and Text ExercisesPart I Notes1. Only this time, since you are grown up, you will
11、 be able to understand what needs to be done much faster.2. Where we use two blocks, they may use three smaller one-or maybe one large one.3. the Turks are able to reduce all these four words to only one.:the Turks are able to use simply one word instead of four.4. You probably would not be able to
12、repeat the words, or even know how it was that you understood it all.5. the language is starting to sink into your mind: you are beginning to understand the language. 三、Language points1. foreign: of or from another countrye.g: -My daughter likes collecting foreign stamps.-Hes visited many foreign co
13、untries and has learnt several foreign languages.2. all over again: start again from the beginninge.g:-When you move to a new place, very often you need to start all over again, finding where things are, making friends, etc.-Jack made so many mistakes in his homework that he had to do it all over ag
14、ain.3. process: connected series of actions, changes, etc.e.g: -Coal was formed out of dead forests by a long slow process of chemical change.-Graying hair is part of the aging process.4. probably: most likelye.g:-Jack was probably drunk and that caused him to drive off the road.-John probably told
15、his father all about the matter; he usually tells him everything.5. point: direct peoples attention towards sb./sth. by extending ones finger towards its direct, aime.g: -She pointed to a red house on the corner and said, “thats where I live.” -Its not polite to point at someone.6. associate: connec
16、t sb. or sth. that in your mind with sb. or sth. else e.g:-Most people associate this brand with good quality.-Some men always associate enjoying themselves with drinking a lot of beer.7. object: sth. that can be seen or touchede.g:-On my desk there were objects of all shapes and sizes.-At sunset a
17、bright moving object appeared in the sky.8. actually: in facte.g: -He seems so quiet, but actually he likes to talk very much.-I didnt actually see JaneI just heard her voice.9. various: of different kinds e.g: -The store carries various items, such as clothes and furniture.-Of all the various ways
18、of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.10. represent (1) be a sign or symbol of sthe.g:- To many people the Queen represent the former glory of Britain.- The blue lines on the map represent subways.(2) act or speak for (another person or group of people)e.g:-The pop singer chose a famous lawyer to r
19、epresent him in court.-This law firm is representing the families who have suffered from the flood.11.get away from(1) do sth. in a different way from what is usual or expectede.g:-The problem with being a fast-food restaurant is that its difficult to get away from the greasy burger image.-They want
20、ed to get away from the busy timetables of the past.(2) escape from sthe.g:-I ate the meal inside the tent to get away from the wind.-This town is a lovely place to get away from the pressures of everyday life.12. instead: as a replacemente.g:-Alice never studies. Instead, she watches television all
21、 day.- There is nothing on at the cinema, lets go to the park instead.13.direct: with nothing or no one in betweene.g:-We have little time, so we must go the most direct route.-There is no direct train to London so we have to change.Directly: in a direct line or mannere.g:-He refused to answer my qu
22、estion directly.-Go directly to school and do not stop on the way.14. image:(1) a picture formed in the mind e.g:-This young man doesnt fit my image of how an actor should look.-I had an image of New York in my head that was totally different from how it really is.(2) the way that sb. or sth. is tho
23、ught of by other peoplee.g:-This supermarket has made great efforts to improve its image in recent years.-We must not do anything that would harm our image.15. challenge(n.) sth. needing great effort in order to be done successfullye.g:-One of the biggest challenges facing the government is that of
24、creating new jobs and new industries.-I am finding my new job an exciting challenge.(vt.) test the ability of a person or thinge.g:-Charlene only likes to study something that really challenges her.-The difficult courses at school challenged Jacks ability to make good grades.16. analogy: a compariso
25、n between two situations, processes, etc. that is intended to show that the two are similar.e.g: -People often draw an analogy between the brain and a computer.-You should make an analogy between the human body and a car engine.17. material: substance from which sth. is or can be madee.g: -Store is
26、often used as a building material.-This new material is strong but it is also very light.18. block: a solid piece of a hard substance used in constructione.g: -The floor was made of wooden blocks.-Theres large block of ice on the road.19. put together:(1) make sth. by joining all its partse.g:-Jack
27、helped his sister put together a model plane.-The bowl broke into so many pieces that I cant put it back together again.(2) prepare a piece of work by collecting several ideals and suggestions and organizing theme.g- The management of the company has put together a plan to sell its new product.-I ha
28、ve to put my thoughts together before preparing the actual speech.20. substitute(v.) use sth. or sb. instead of another thing or person; be used instead e.g-The young teacher had to substitute for her sick colleague.-We substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice.(n.) a person or
29、 thing used in place of anothere.g:-There is no substitute for good eating and exercise if you want to keep fit.-Tofu can be used as a meat substitute for people who eat only vegetables.21. choose: select; decide and pick oute.g:-Linda had to choose between two job offers.-We will let you choose whe
30、re we should go for a picnic.22. depend on (1) be decided bye.g:-The success of the meeting depends on whether the chairman is efficient.-Tomorrows picnic depends on our having good weather.(2) rely one.g:-The student depends on his relatives for support.-Her family depends on her salary from that j
31、ob.23. break down into: separate sth. into partse.g:-Katie broke her expense down into food, housing, travel and personal costs.-This research project has been broken down into parts for different teams to work on.24. reduce: make sth. smaller in size, quality, number, degree, etc.e.g:-The plane red
32、uced speed when it was near the airport.-My weight reduces when I stop eating sugar.25. in terms of: from the point of view of; with regard toe.g:-In terms of money, I was better off in my last job than the present one.-The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasnt been very
33、 successful.26. bundle: a number of things that are held togethere.g: -Emma tied up her few belongings into a bundle.-Matt came into the house carrying a bundle of sticks for the fire.27. concept: thought, idea or principlee.g:-It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.-The very concept
34、 of selling and buying things via the internet is still quite new in this small town.28. convert: (cause sth. or sb. to) change in form, opinion, etc.e.g: -This sofa converts into a bed.-The owner of the house converted the small bedroom into a second bathroom.29.single: only onee.g:-You can start a
35、 fire with a single match.-I managed to finish the whole job in a single morning.30. over and over again: for many timese.g:-Roger has applied to medical school over and over again, but he is always rejectd.-I have told him to drive carefully over and over again.31. situation: conditione.g:-At the m
36、oment Tim is in a very difficult situation.-The leaders are meeting to talk about the situation in the middle east .32. previous: happening or existing before sth. or sb. else.e.g:-No previous experience is required for the job because training is provided.-Douglas has two daughters from a previous
37、marriage.33. bit by bit: gradually, little by littlee.g:-My parents saved up the money bit by bit.-My uncle is building up the house bit by bit.34. build up: (cause to) develop, increase, or become gradually largere.g:-It took Sandra ten years to build up her printing business.-There were big delays
38、 as traffic built up on the roads into the downtown area.35. get into: become strongly involved with or deeply interested in sth.e.g:-King has been getting into yoga recently- she does three classes a week.-These days I am really getting into jazz.36. a good deal: to a very great degreee.g:-Amanda u
39、sed to talk a good deal about her childhood in Indiana.-We still need a good deal more money to buy this car.37. sink in(to)(1)be completely understood; become clear in the minde.g:-It took a long time for the terrible news to sink in.-Their lessons sank deeply into my heart.(2)go into sth. solid; b
40、e absorbede.g:-The rain sank into the dry ground.-Quick! Clean up that wine before it sinks into the carpet.四、思考题、习题及习题解答Text AIListening Exercises2. 1)c 2)b 3)b 4)a听力原文:When learning a foreign language, very often you will find that you do not understand a sentence, passage, or conversation. Some p
41、eople do not like type of uncertainty. They prefer safe situations in which everything has been drilled and explained. But language students must learn to deal with uncertainty. Here are a few suggestions.First, when reading something, you dont need to look up every new word. Look up only those that
42、 really prevent you from getting the main idea. After doing this for a while, you will find that you do not really need to understand every word in order to get the basic idea.Second, when you dont understand what another person is saying to you, avoid saying that you did not understand the whole me
43、ssage when, in fact you only failed to understand several words. Tell the other person what are the words or phrases you didnt understand and ask what they mean. Then he or she might repeat the message or say it in another way.Third, try to keep talking. Some people wont say anything unless they are
44、 sure that they can say it perfectly. This is a mistake, because you cant expect to say things perfectly, especially in the beginning. When you want to communicate, you should simply focus on producing a normal flow of speech and not be too worried about each word. It is better to say something imme
45、diately rather than say nothing at all.IISpeaking ActivitiesIIIVocabulary Activities1. 1 substituted 2 analogy 3 represented 4 associated 5 challenge 6 converted 7 concept 8 reduced 9 image 10 bundles 11 choose 12 pointed 13 instead 14 various 2. 1. Home should be a place where people can get away f
46、rom fear and danger.2. Professor Valentine put together reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list. 3. Jennifer is getting into fashion design. 4. A difficult task is far easier to finish if it is broken down into smaller, easier pieces.5. After taking the medicine, the
47、 patient felt a good deal better.6. Over and over again I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me. 7. Whether he can be hired or not will depend/depends on the job interview.IVUsage1 took 2 go 3 take 4 go 5 goVStructure1 what caused the fire2 what site of shoe your father wears3 w
48、hat looked like a ball4 what our family and friends do for us5 what she had bought for his birthdayVI. Translation1. What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks. 2. In terms of previous working experience, John is the best choice for this position. 3. My physics teacher often u
49、ses analogy to explain some difficult concepts. 4. With the help of his family and friends, Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit. 5. Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6. This company has a very good p
50、ublic image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service.Text BExercise I1 recognized 2 later on 3 fall back on 4 slightest 5 alternative 6 figure out 7 convinced 8 complicated 9 struck terror into 10 oral 11 sound 12 Follow 13 doubts 14 masterExercise II(参见课文翻译)五. 课文翻译课文A
51、 如何学好外语?本文作者认为,你也许得用一种新的方式去思考,这一过程几乎就像是再次回到童年学会重新思考格雷厄姆.E.福勒当你还是个孩子的时候,起初你并不知道树是什么,得有人告诉你。也许是你的父母带你到外面,指着一棵树说,“树!”你得学会将“树”这个词的音同你眼前的高大的绿色的长满叶子的东西联系起来。这是你学外语时必须再次学会做的事。你得学会将声音和事物联系起来,用一种新的方式思考。只是这一次,因为你已经长大,所以能够更快地理解需要做的事。你会知道为什么有人指着一棵树,说着一个奇怪的单词。但是你仍然得学那个新的单词。说不定还得重复学许多遍才能最终掌握它。这里有一个重要的概念。在美国我们称那个高大
53、让我们打一个比方,你能用不同大小和形状的材料早一幢房子。英语使用一套砌块,但其他语言可能使用不同形状的砌块,起初还得运用一些创造力才能将它们拼起来。我们使用两块砌块,而别人也许是用三块较小的-也可能是一块大的。以一个英语句子为例:we have to buy a few books before going home.不论将它译成哪种外语,你都不会取出每个英文单词然后逐个地用外语单词去替代。相反你会将成组成组的词语或思想从一种语言转换成另一种语言。至于每种语言用多少词语来表达某个概念,各种语言不尽相同。比如,在法语和西班牙语中,we have to buy 被分成三个词:we/have to/
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