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1、江汉艺术职业学院英语词汇学期末试卷管理学院 英语教育专业用卷 时长100分钟I . Fill the gaps with the given words or expressions. (10X1)bound form morphemeroot affixinflectional affix prefixcompounding derivationfree form suffix_1. A minimum unit of meaning _2. A morpheme to which affixes can be added_3. A linguistic form that can occu

2、r as an independent word_4. A morpheme that must occur with at least one other morpheme_5. A bound morpheme attached to a root_6. An affix attached to the beginning of a root_7. An affix attached to the end of a root_8. An affix (in English, usually a suffix) that changes the form of a word without

3、changing its part of speech or basic meaning_9. The process by which noninflectional affixes are added to roots to form words_10. The process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independentlyII. Fill in the blanks in part A , B , C and D.(10X2+5x2+5X1+5X1)A. Fill in the blank

4、s with the given hints. 11. a room in a theatre or concert hall where actors, musicians, etc., can rest when not performing(green):_12. a bar of wood or metal fixed beside a place where one walks for holding onto, especially near stairs (hand):_13. a flesh of sunlight, especially through a break in

5、clouds: (sun):_14. the condition of having sore skin after experiencing effects of strong sunlight (sun): _15. a short book giving all the most important information about a subject (hand):_16. a large fixed basin foe water for washing ones hands and face (wash):_17. a large thick envelope or bag of

6、 warm material for sleeping when camping (sleeping):_18. the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins (sun):_19. a division into smaller parts (break):_20. a sudden appearance or beginning of something bad (out):_B. Explain the following words and translate into Chinese.e.g. UN United

7、Nations 联合国21. IOC _; _22. NATO _; _23. smog _;_24. brunch _;_25. V-DAY _;_C. Write the opposites of these words. 26. maximum: _27. accept: _28. mature. _29. existence: _30. happiness: _D. Choose the proper word into the sentences.31.Her _ (bridal, bridle) gown was trimmed with lace.32. A _ (pedal,

8、peddle) of the bicycle fell off.33. The wreckers began to _ (raise, raze) the building.34. Edgar cannot sail until he has a full _ (complement, compliment) of men for his crew, and he is still lacking a deck hand.35. Although we watched carefully, the guard remained _ (stationary, stationery) for on

9、e hour.III. Choose the best answer from the choices. This part consists of A, B , C, D and E. (5X1+5X1+5X1+5X1+5X1)A. Study the following words and identify the types of morphemes underlined. ( )36. windy A. suffix( )37. predict B. prefix( )38. works C. free morpheme( )39. maltreat D. inflectional a

10、ffix( )40. beautiful E. bound rootB. Find out the synonyms of these words.41. overcome A. acknowledge42. sentiment B. weary43. confess C. reply44. exhausted D. emotion45. respond E. conquerC. Choose the answer from A and B. A= metaphor B= metonymy46. the finger of a clock ( )47. to ones face ( )48.

11、the shoulder of a vase ( )49. to write a good hand ( )50. the neck of violin ( )D. Choose the best translation. 51. like a fish out of water A. 文绉绉52. like a cat on hot bricks B 满脸绯红 53. blush like a rose C. 如鱼离水54. like a rat in a hole D. 如坐针垫55. speak like a book E. 瓮中之鳖E.Choose the proper answer

12、from the four choices.56.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT _.A.works B. prewar C. postwar D. bloody57.The word “motel” is created by _.A. compounding B. clipping C. blending D. suffixation58.“BBC” is formed in the way of _.A. initialism B. clipping C back-formation D. prefixation5

13、9.By _ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.A. onomatopoeic B. morphological C. semantic D. etymological60. The sense relation between the two words rose and flower is _.A. hyponymy B. synonymy C. polysemy D. antonymyIV. True or false. Write T or F next to the sent

14、ences. (5X1)( )61. Words that are opposite in meaning are often called antonyms.( )62. Foreign words provide a most important source of English synonyms.( ) 63. The word fuel is a verb formed by derivation.( )64. Words have no meaning, people have meaning for them.( )65. Absolute synonyms are very c

15、ommon.V. Write down the Chinese meanings of these English phrases. (10X2)66. home letters_ homemaker _67. home voyage_ home sickness _68. home affairs _ home help_69. poverty-stricken _ summer-flowering _70. peace-loving _ hot-tempered _ 江汉艺术职业学院英语词汇学期末试卷答题卡管理学院 英语教育专业用卷 时长100分钟 题 号IIIIIIIVV总分得 分I.

16、Fill the gaps with the given words or expressions. (10X1)1._2._得分评卷人3._ 4._ 5._ 6._7._8._9._得分评卷人10._II. Fill in the blanks in part A. B. C and D. (10X2+5x2+5X1+5X1)A. Fill in the blanks with the given hints. 11. _ 16._12._ 17._13._ 18. _14._ 19._15_ 20._B. Explain the following words and translate into Chinese.21. _; _22. _; _23. _; _24. _; _25. _; _C. Write the opposites of these words.26._27._28._ 29._ 30._D. Choose the proper word into the sentences. 31._32._33._ 34._ 35._得分评卷人III. Choose the best answer from the choices. This part c


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