1、20英语 卷 I 做«!:小,£大45小舄,70。第一部分听力部分一,新力(故15小分25分)第一,,骑小时5 .欣A.B1 个速中日出F-的速,算日.(黄5小,句小1分.分5分) l Where is Javid's bike?C. On the >treet.C. Tony*g auntC. To look after hh wiMer.A At the school gate B. In front of the houe.2. Who is I be woman in the middle of thr photo?A Tony% Mater.B. T
2、ony mother.3. What is Jim gotfig io do tonight *A. To go shoppen«.B. To watch movie.4. Why is Anna in hcxptul,A. Brc,usc she has a cold.B. Because the bat (ever.C. Ikcauw* *he haw MomarhjM-ftr.5. How * Turn probably fc*1ing now*?A. Exritrd.B. Sad.G Anjn.第一力:所长明博从A、B.C三个选事中选出1E的过* 回齐司II. <轶5小
3、眩,t»小-2分分K)分) >KFtM »ttfc»rA.HW«J«TH18.6. How often dom Prior go wimming?A. Every day.R Oner n week.C. Twrier wrek.7. With whom doe,Pei er usually k。A. His father.R His brother.C. Hir »Ftcr.* Ftii ®ttKMiA.M»8-10 1个问H.8. Who it calhiw Mike?C. CindyC. On Scmd
4、”.A. John.tk Amy.9. When will Mike and hi» ch»»nutc« luvc ihr puviic?A. On Friday.& (>n Saturday.10. What doe» Mike occd to take :A. Snacks and druikKIk A hai and ungl*-C. A cirnrrn -nd an umbrella.第三F&白从AH« 个出1送出土的也.*/、,於5小,每小 2分分10分)C Parenu.C. Book? about
5、hiMory.C. Three weeks.C. Al 00 pm.C. !n LiMiaSoHKc.11. Who ta Lucy moM protwbly «pcaiun« to?A. Students.Hu TwhE12. Wlwii book* can br found an cM floor7A. Book,about English. R Book,about science.13. How long can you kerp the booh from the library?A. One week.B. Two week*.U. When doe«
6、 the library dose on weekdays?A. At 4 1 00 pm.ft At 5 00 pm.15. Where ran you Rrf Nhery card*A. In Mi” Ixeft office. R E tucyS office.第二部分笔试部分=15 小,!小 1 力0分 15 分.血阉读下面知攵.拿其大道然后从依所给的,氏(:”内个选项中义出.任途顼Sam w<5 very nervowi. It wa> his lira day m new lb and lunchonly ihiny miMtes w” Foemo»t stu
7、dent, lunch t» the 17 pari of the mHuoI day.time wheryou talk with your Cfet toknow wlui ifiterentirw thent* everyone ! domg. and. of e”r、, LL"m however. <Mn*t know 9yom or anything, like whrrc io «! or with whom io M at lunch.19 wsw w> thr army, s he family moved > lot. He h
8、ad rell> blud m> oU xhool and20hi. WKFEest friends. They mi! talked to uh otlicr through phone calls and “皿,he couldn,t M« then every day. He wvtidered if,heir 22 mrnW ezmuc He <Mn" B<ni 9 Iom them. Ul he knew k would be 23 (or them io my clow.-| 1mo. 1kl. »you.0 mother Mi
9、d » he go< read> for tcbool thia mormng. "and Km reallyF you bav« to kr*p rhanging “hooR " Sam euld tec regret in her eym. bs he didnF want her to fed 35 Ud alwan been rrty to defend (« P ) not only ibe 小山 but alw theSam k>luTUmKHEobw her 3 rr .le and told her not t
10、o M He had wtnted <o dean % but there ” .3 always worry m bm when thry moved.The 生 <imr -<Ab qm wn» wallufin «> vhr diniNEbc3 me. i<-wf-w«r IhK eh started in IWO and left ihr Olympes in 1920. Tbr team wtm t( they pull tht rope p«M a ccruin point fist. Intrrr«t
11、in<ly. morr than one team from a c<M>ntry can enter m rvmt. Thin make# it |»,ibk for ow country to win wwral medalw. Rope clMnberc li 1*»» appeared a* an Olywpk upon in 1896. The dimber who tpendt the 皿m lime reaching the top in th< wirwr. Thr ropr u%rd io be 15 fnrtrrn 10
12、ng. Years later it *hortrnrd io 8 mrtem. for M»nr reaton. After 1932* there win no rope climbing in the (Jlympica. Sam M Z%” fnradly facM.* Would you like to fotn »?* a*ked ooc o( them.This 29 inviUton W" exactly whnt he needed. Sam nodded yCroom. E. 24 him 730 and wl Hr w“.U” ADOUtlU
13、ltllC 9CIHMM UK HOW.I6. A. companyH. lamalyC. factoryDwchnol17. A brutK k>tl«cmC. »hortesiDWOEIt. A. eatR learnC. runD.kepI9. A. brotherR bihrrG mot hr rD.aster20. A hatedR imaginedQ triedDMJg4C<*>tcd21. A. soH orC. butDif22. A di>cu,onH drceinC. bu,1Mzdfriendship23. Z MfeK. ha
14、rdC. ruluxalDtrrnbk24. A. prowdH FryC. eveiledD.Mirpn«cd2S. A. HeR 1C. SheD.We26儿 lorwrtR »oveG rvtumfXworry27. A. bmkUiK lunchC. teaIXdinner28. A *a< downR got 叩C. ran awayIXturned around29. A. vnexpectedK creauveC. funny(1popular30. A. br” +K bappdyC. nrrwtu4>D.PAticntlys.«ea&
15、#171;<*,小-20分分)同itF列材从树所侑的内)山中速出住选项.31.32.33.Race MalkiOKIn race walking« walken have lo win the race by walkififi. To make turr (hat they do nut run. race “ulkcr. mu»l have one foot on the ground al all limes. Race walking has been *n Olympic sport wnce 1904. Mm enter in 20 kilocneter
16、and 50 kilometer racesi women o<dy race 20 lulocnetcr».Whxh of tbe following eventt left the Olympic* in 1920?A. Rope chmbifw.R HaMkctbalLC. Tug of w>r.The rope i« rope cTivnbeng wmeters lune in 1896.A. 9R 15C 20Which of the fotlowing is TRUE according to the p>3。?A. Ooe country c
17、an oaiy enter one team tn tug-of 8 & Rop< climbinc first appeared in the 193f Olympics C Women in race walking can enter in the 50 kilometer feet, fl waJkmg u Mill an ewnt at the (Mymptc Gamr« today.Etefy night. ju«i after the 3n gor> down. Ruth Mcdjber ulka with her newhbE m TXM
18、in. Ireland, and ukr» a pFurr5*em at their wmdoww.Thrse photos, m tome way. »bow people',he during the gk>UI |>afkSem>c (大D, Rmt waIIun.ABasket twill, running a nd swimming are popular r%rnt«< 4( H)nbc Mytnpic. liut there >re >l*> «ome events that are not
19、 , popuhr. Some arr even v<ry mrance. Let*» *cc if you any knowledge about lhe (oliowin* eventm.* g takifiM photo* <4 2t fnrnd« unci family. In ihi» way. : cmkiU connect with them fiumm this ktal UM when pwple haw U> »uy at home.* the photographer expbned. al live olone.
20、 to I was tWBMrw ihr &八 when wr weer frw lo cv<nmumc4tr with friends Every cenirw. on my way to teeing fnewh. I hod BCMBC of purpose. Now Jir,s making new (ncndw.11 photo protect h,taken off ocli»c. and *hr b*s opened H up ro volunteers. Hui they muni br the peopk who li" within 5 k
21、ilometers of h«f home the Irish government 4oe»n9i allow people to go f&riher out ihfie that. | pick «trecl 2rh ighi and try tu “k,phc>i<>» of volunirvr*." Rsh *1 utuBlIy 91M akowt Cuuf taive it it COmhMjr dark, but two 11 rtn miking - kn - wkeh I love u> (Uk
22、 "She 3d more and more nrighbours art- wntnx in her photo project tad h X now got tmne Low <14 Homr, | think people like krwwin« lh«t ther*re not a tone rven d they have to z” at home, ami tly rvelly try m peck out ihoiw who «rr MmiUr to ihnlF in tht* pho>J Uie iuud.al<
23、alto a diiUrmi new> <W thf pondvmici hr more human vww. In*trad <4 showing what the pan4cmic han taken from us. it 4iowa thai it ha» given us more cbanco to be with family and friends and apend tine togrihrr. 1 <hmh we'd Uwr to find,4nrthg mcc. even m the m*M 5mo* Mtrnmnn . it 2
24、 now J Ruth wri.34. Ruth started out ukinu the photos in order toA. rabc moneyC. make new friends& connect with friend,and family l>. )«n in a photo pfujen uf vxluntecrs35. Acrording to llirat /fnmr 卜 the name ofA. a phot。projectC. a street in TXilJinH. the pictuTY hewn in thinIV lbe tpe
25、ciftl lime w+m j*opk ” hrxnr36. According to whav Ruth “id in Pamgraph A. athe more human vie<* uhowsA. I he benufy “ utrcetn in a city of IrelandH. how peopk do thinffR when staying at homeC thr moment of (amtly and lrirnd« tiring to|(rtlwrD what the gk»lMil pandrmr uk<n from people
26、37. From thewr can infer < HI Vv > that Ruth iperwmA. dulR «hyC. hordwodcing 】ovi”M> dear lx)y» «nd Rtrh. Rood mornin«. r(xhy I* m goin£ to t&k io yoy about my understanding of kariMtig history.Many of you may think it u a ivmbk thinu to Mudy kaory. Yot may uite
27、n wonder why wc Mudentt 4uki Miidy wiarlhtf iImI hac nothing to do with our own lives. H yo« think that wayt 1 should wy you art (ar from the irath.In fact. i( wc atudy history, wc cm ieem quite a lot ahnut perwotutl zoric and event*件)d people )u>f like uk The people who cutne before u»
28、 helped budd and develop thr country wc arc hving m. Thrir ideas often solved many of our probkms and trouble*. Studying ihr pant helps ua» to utuicrMand what our ancotors, (fl) Inc were like. And it aho helps 3 to *«- how their eKpenencet havr shaped our own Ide.To be honez. . Some <4
29、what we Mt>d> in history Helps 3 «dtrMnd the 2<a£ of thepast. And thecwill help people not to domr wrong things. People often k*m from the tohave a better future.一2of tbeml HiMory i> the study of peopl- dx* and events that canHistory i» not ju*i aWhether wc like the Mjbyec
30、t of history ex not. we mutt umirrsUod thr importtnec of (he eveno «ad the people who camr before ux Our RnccQoe' decision* havr inflomred our own life. Simihrir. the deciMon o( our own genera lion(一代人)will finally influence ihw»r who come after 3 门 only way. tho world tn truly ccmnrcf
31、ed.mflurocc the ivturc.t .Now do you Mill think studying luMory is a Md thing? Or do you Uve any tioabt about Irarrung history? U you have any question- juM (ee! free to a»k.M. Whet kind of wniinc the Hr?A. A dury.R A uory. C A speech. D A letttt.39. Which of the following can be put in the _ m
32、 ParqQph 4?A the nii»(akr» of the pa»« wos'l help uiB. I don't like the idea o( learning hiMoryC. it i* not raty 10 learn the »ub|C£t o( historyA. ahow what » hAppenmu to sC mfltBetMT k propk m thr Uiurc41. Thr wntcr wrote theio A. iaimducc some important p
33、eople tn hinoryR develop studcncs, intercut m learning hwtoryC. explain different people , m undcrMandin« o( historyA »bow tKe relationship between the 收k and the futureVery often, when we see young pcoplr there, looking 3 eerven of a mobile phone und smiling we may think nothing it wrong,
34、 when we come <o the qu-n *how much time do thry actunlly medi« (传播媒介)d>ily?*. thr answer is suf|jmtn<: young peoplr *Kncl about nine hour, every day win« media, and thia only incliideB tncdii see *<>r etyoytnent.Tod>y' youN people *rrm to have breornr rriuy 51dtitZe.
35、 T" often u>e media when doin* other activities. Some wateh TV wh. n dxng卜 卜 f ? Ahomework. some tst (发旭信)nd some others listen to music. But wl»t <k> 月 rtu .rescArrh showed that two thirds o( them believed watdiinK TV or lexdng had nO ln.schoolwork. Hull of ihem thought u»in
36、g mmuiI ti»etlu made no diffrrcitcG Kowevir. rmc*re diffemt answer "meduidid worsie in tcnit., tSricn<i»t> did a research among move than 100、Mcn”, k .Hom ihat tho” :吁 lexl a'r mofe trouble »ierpm< and do worse in xhtir nUxiy. In another rr?»rarcht students who
37、&dn t text urin " Wok down lot more note* than tho«c who were texting. A >imihr research d»o found that stu cnt* texted when dotnR schoolwork had lower overall总体的)grade.According to a research, if a kid uses socid media a lot. especially at night, hr or she will Mccp worx and f
38、ed more nervous and deprcMedflltK的).()n thr oat hand, young people nuy up hte to chccA rocMBg* aftd inform«lion. They may aUo br woken up by me“x-h” rrcrivc. On the other hand, even the light from a screen could influence their deep. Some other re»earche« aUo *how tlwt childrrn who u5
39、r media at night go to bed later, get fewer hours of sleep each wxk und become sleepy more easily during the daytime.42. Tbc answer to the question in Paragraph 1 i,«iurpriMnM bcrau5c young people_3,A. Bpcnd About 9 hour* on rnedu for fun dailyK often look at their mobile phone* find wmikC. alw
40、ayn & there for a long time doin® twthincD ue different kind、of media to rrbi、themselves43. TTie underlined word -multin Pariraph 2 refer% to people who .A. ask a lot of questionsR. u*e different media (or iraraingC. have several mobile phonesI). do «ev”al taah at :he time time44. From
41、 fbe pasM«e we can learn that « kid will pn)b«blyif he or «hc uya 90cgi media a lot at night.A. breome more worrirdR more excitedC. ukr fewer note* in cIbmiD Mccp much better45. What is the pAM«<e mainly about?A. Social media is very popular among younje l*oplr.H Vsing me
42、dia too much has n bod influence on younu ph.C. Thr u»e of nocial media both iuivania|cn and dk»advanta«ct%.D. Mobile pbonm are the main loub »iudcnts uac lor M-hool learnioi;.卷II RR:本备有大题.31小* 滴分SO分.四一工运用(共15小;轴小0 I分,清分13分)A.用力嘏中所蛤词语的送身方式M变,*"取用一次.Afterattendbesideseason su
43、ddenQk« pride in一2346. Among the fourof year. I likf winter bcM.47. Uaually. prfnta the smallest success of then children.48. We realiied tliat cvcrylhinK seemed to have changed in one mght.49. Sally ui my best friend. She always mt silently when 1 am 7.50. Everyonr likes to Mr. SciithS cUmc>
44、;. They arc always interesting and livelvr MhtFi帽文然后程需租号内所蛤区第0虺n出伺加u.形式.4在我填 词.Scngiporc is city ol(ldf< r< nt cuhurea. Walking thnxanh th«Sinj,认;,;y0118ndifferent language apokrn. such Emlih. Chines and Mahy. People from ciiffrrcniT , 月lP«cefully with each other and 52 (分享)止cr nadNi
45、oMe and work匕 Singapore cultural difference* are Uiown tn building My les. %hops and in many other t l ,一1 ”的 (例予 > each culture X it,own pUcr to <ell thurfood, but,h°e【ood< * ftft ) Hfawken mirkeu. hlferenf food» are M)ld hrrr in them- SS ( *讨的)mark., 丁 :空一try popular with Sen<
46、;aporr rttimiB and 56< W * from around ikr world. T '57 (便宜的上 ,"ood .nd verySmoB|i>rr aho m anhEhrw Ey. ir«r mifiiWfi U !«心 t4am etc. s m. Q ,3 _f.)the wne .y w *Md kx Ummbv. 肛 (然)(hr </(ml hr. ” Itm . MaiT 2. ttronK Clunrw Immwm ommurety and N, e,. Indmo Iamfwi bmwimW.ta
47、femed peopk (rom around thr world mi 3< < V » they will liw ihmthrw 卜.£.»««$(* 10 小,小,I 分分 io 分)佚下每文在空白处埴人一个适当内嶙或旗人fit号中僭4, 影£ My grandpa lows pUying ehm. Every day hr phy» chn with hit Inmd Lw Mtk« he <«»> 9mil g m Canada. Bui hr wa>
48、wy diAappuintcd wj hr ! Mid mzbr 小 hrtc coeld do» mth >2<h«)One <ley« whm I came kwick (rom xhooL I (<wnd my ”.vtdpe w Mfitag«e chaer* dom<Mhiy I knew he wa> lonely. Why not teach him to play otdine cKrwe on m/ compAUff I titt>Q«ht.°Grandpi. Mxneonr
49、 it waiting 64 you lo pky chon. " 1 ws,t,him and wd."Reelly?* he Mid. hi、eyes oprmng wide. "Who? And wberr,z*I took him to <5_ computer m my room and Mid. RigM here. w Tk<f> I tern iww to um thr Internet .nd how 66(hy) chr” online. At first, he was Uow. H«nn« tned e
50、cverai tmes« he becamebetter and began u> play chess with people from atound ihe world. iniercvtinr it in! This is amply fantastic!" he cncd csritedlr.Now be h quite good at playing chnm onknr and ha* mxle lu< o( . <Giefid> oa the Iwerrt at the Mme time. My grandfather i、much ,
51、9 (happy! Q j before.Grandpn will go back home won. I bdirv,the nmr when wr onbnr che»« togethet 3 70 both of us wJI never forget.天而田。*共5小,0小I分分5分)m谭下他文.根界析铀信Q.完就盥织毡构留,枇交不种用汉三个例.Good re4idef» often u»e « flowchart ( AIV > or web> ( M状图)to hm a better piciurr of what tl
52、wy rend (»ec the drawings the n<h<).A flowchart i> 8cd to put event» in a certain order. W<-b,how a mam idea and »upportin< dnaalt < fli |S >.Now try to be A good reader nd finish the following l'、()".kdTask 11 Red P-«e 1 and complete the (luwchart.P
53、atMgr I I uprni thr wh ith Bob co4ay. In the MfWM. we went shopping km we:I bought nothing. In the afternoon, we went to a prt shop. Then r played computer gamesat home. Bob stayed for dinner wnh our family. Wc had great fva.i wrn,;°_-C J had dinner j|71内6°P" 一- TaA 2t Read PaM«e
54、 2 And complete the wet».rmifr 2i Studmu have different opinions about doing housework. Some «nudent§ thmk good for them to learn to look dur ihrmschrcK BeM(k«. ihry cm learn to <fo 'b«r part m the UnMly. However, other, don't kv They gnh they <houM =“ tM tE OR hounewnf forlet mine their leMoow. ,一different opini
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