1、词汇Unit 1 1. aspire aspiring aspiration aspirant aspire to sth. /doing2. anguish (n./v) anguished 3. atheist 无神论者4. bitterly 极度地5. bulge 向外鼓起 激增 be bulging with6. Catholic7. costly8. counter 反驳9. deficiency 10. delinquent 有违法倾向的11. detestation 憎恨 detest12. devise 设计13. disintegrated integrated integr
2、ity14. disinterested15. draught 一阵风16. exalt 兴奋 增强 exaltation exalted17. fault18. file19. flag 偃旗息鼓20. fuss 无事自扰21. heady 鲁莽的 22. hideous 丑恶的23. high-minded 高尚的24. hindquarters (四足动物的)臀部及后腿25. hustle 催促 hustle to do26. hypocrisy 伪善 hypocrite 伪君子 hypocritical 虚伪的27. impediment 阻碍 口吃 impediment to sth
3、28. immense巨大的 immensity29. league30. leopard31. lest +should be32. libertine 浪荡子33. majesty34. masterpiece35. Methodist36. monologue 一个人滔滔不绝地讲话37. mock mockery38. muscular (adj.) muscle39. navy40. oratory 演讲技巧 oration演讲 oratorical 雄辩的41. outnumber 42. penal 刑罚的 penalty43. pious 虔诚的44. proficient 熟练
4、的45. prominent 显著的46. reel 蹒跚47. remorselessly 无同情心地,无休止地48. restively 不安地,难以控制地49. rotten (adj.)50. rug 小地毯,垫子51. ruinous52. Solidarity 团结,齐心协力 solidarity into sthsolidify53. spectacles 眼镜,场面,奇观54. spring 弹簧55. statuette 56. symbolize57. trifle 琐事 trivial58. unaccustomed59. undeserved60. writhe 翻腾,
5、蠕动61. withdraw withdrawal62. contempt 鄙视 contemptuous63. contemplate 凝视,端详 contemplative 64. endow 捐赠 endowment65. protrude 突出66. project (v.)突出 67. acquaintance acquaint with68. confer 授予,协商69. stampede 惊跑 Unit 21. assert assert oneself assertive assertion2. cluster a cluster of cluster together cl
6、ustered3. depressed 4. gruff 粗暴地说,生硬的 (adj./v.)5. imminence imminent(adj.)6. overpower 征服7. numb8. revel 沉醉 revel in 9. streak 划出条纹,一丝 a streak of 有.气质 streaker10. subjugate 使臣服subjugate A to B subjugation11. throb 悸动12. tremor 小地震 tremulous a tremor down my spine13. gleam14. secure 通过努力获得15. hearty
7、 heartily16. mechanic机械师 mechanical mechanism mechanize mechanistic 机械的17. bad-humored 无精打采的18. breed 物种19. bundle 捆,束20. cock 倾斜21. commence(v.) commencement22. coop 笼子23. crunch 嘎吱嘎吱响24. dejected25. dotted26. felt 27. flannel28. fowl 家禽29. freckled 有雀斑的30. furrowed 31. grumble 发牢骚 grumble about/at
8、32. hamlet 小村庄33. hearth 壁炉34. henceforth 从现在开始35. hobble 跛行36. homespun 土布37. hop38. knoll 土墩39. limestone40. low 哞哞叫41. manure42. mating43. merciless44. mitten 手套45. peg 桩46. pore 毛孔47. pretend48. primeval 处于原始天性的49. rake 梳理50. rasping 刺耳的51. rawhide 生皮52. rim53. rod 棒54. seaweed55. shawl 围巾56. sh
9、rewd 精明的57. sideways 向一旁地58. skull59. sod 带草的土块60. sow61. spotted62. striped63. swear swear at sb./sth64. triangular65. turf 泥煤 Unit 31. afresh2. anecdote 轶事3. antagonism 敌意antagonist 敌人 antagonize 激怒 antagonistic4. attribute attributable5. allowance6. belittle7. brain-center8. bungle 冒冒失失地做 bungler
10、 9. compel compel sb. to do sth. feel compelled to do10. conceive conceive of/that conceive a plan11. cowardice12. cue13. dispose dispose sb. to/towards sth 使某人倾向于做某事 be disposed to do well-disposed to sb.14. dogma15. energetic16. extend17. Fogeyism落伍的 fogey 18. gladiatorial 角斗士的19. gramophone20. gr
11、udge 怨恨 grudge to bear a grudge against sb21. headhunting22. improvident 没有长远打算的23. inheritance inherit heritage24. legitimate legitimacy legitimize25. merit 优点 demerit 26. originate originate form/in 27. recollection 回忆28. staunch 坚定的(adj.)29. stock 普通的30. striking31. tedious32. keen33. wicked 邪恶的3
12、4. prestige prestigious earn prestige35. consist consist of consist in consist with36. justice justifiable justify justification 37. classify classified classification Unit 61. amid 2. bustling bustling with忙于3. chickenpox4. chime chime in with 5. congregate congregation congregational6. crank 曲柄7.
13、curse8. deli 熟食店9. desolate 荒芜的 desolation10. devout 虔诚的11. divine 神圣的12. drill sergeant 负责新兵训练的中士13. droppings14. escalate升级 escalator escalation15. fish-bearing16. flare闪耀 flare up17. forcefully18. forsaken 被抛弃的19. full-blown20. grapple 扭打 grapple with 21. hailstorm22. heel23. hide-and-seek24. hom
14、ey25. incorporate包含 incorporation26. Iraqi Iraq27. jet-black28. knockdown-dragout 暴怒的29. Lebanese Lebanon30. locust 蝗虫31. maimed 使残废32. marble-sized33. outshout34. panty35. piaster36. raspy37. ravine 峡谷38. rumor39. shoo40. shun 避免41. sinewy 精瘦的42. sticky 粘粘的43. tag44. terraced45. timepiece46. tingle
15、 刺痛,使激动47. troubleshooter48. Turkish Turkey49. vineyard50. whirlpool 漩涡51. whirlwind 旋风52. whoop 53. whore54. wriggle 蜿蜒55. wring 拧 wringer wring out56. rip 撕坏 Unit 91. allegiance allegiance to sb/sth2. anaconda3. ancestor4. appease appeasement5. ascent ascent to heaven6. atrocious邪恶的 atrocity7. ava
16、ricious 贪婪的 avarice8. bloodshed 杀戮9. brood brooding broody brood over10. brute蛮力的,残忍的 brutality11. captive12. colonel13. concubine 妾14. conjecture 猜想 conjecture that15. crucial16. degenerate 堕落 degeneration17. descent descendant18. disposition19. exterminate extermination20. gory 血淋淋的21. gouge gouge
17、 out22. harem 妻妾23. humiliating humiliate humiliation humility24. incurably25. indecency26. jackass蠢货27. microscopic28. miserly吝啬的29. mutilation 致残,损毁 mutilate30. oblige be obliged to 31. obscenity 淫秽 obscene(adj.) 冒犯的32. postulate(n.)假设33. rabid 狂热的 rabies狂犬病34. reptile爬行动物35. salvation36. Scotch37
18、. scruple 顾虑 scrupulous 谨慎的 scruple to do 38. sketch39. soiled 肮脏的40. sordid 污秽的41. speculate猜测 speculation speculate on/that42. tame43. trait44. turban 包头巾45. vulgarity 粗俗 vulgar(adj.)46. wantonly 恣意地 wanton47. inflict48. prior priority prioritize49. grace be in ones grace50. loose a loose woman51.
19、 assassin(n.) assassinate52. heresy heretic异教徒 词组 Unit 11. the virtue of2. be given to习惯3. be exalted by4. turn of oneself5. come to a settled detestation6. confront sb (about/with) sth7. best of times 8. stand to可能9. if anything10. catch the light反光11. think well of = think highly of12. lecture sb
20、about sth 批评13. set sb doing14. set out to do 着手做15. lag behind16. put in the place of17. for the money 不管怎样18. too much for sb 对某人来说太过了19. be deficient in20. make for 导致21. out of ones depth 超过某人能力22. tumble down 轰然倒下23. do away with = get rid of24. be trifled with 不能轻视25. 猛然敲门 bang the door26. 向国王
21、陛下欢呼 cheer His Majesty27. 凝视那雕像 contemplate the statute28. 设计一种新方法 devise a new method29. 获得一种名声 gain an reputation30. 鼓舞人民 inspire the people31. 低下头 sink ones head32. 代表国家 symbolize the nation33. 暖和双手 warm ones hands34. 扮演重要角色 play an important role35. 解决这个问题 settle the issue36. the eternal truth 永
22、恒的真理37. a filing cabinet 文件柜38. utter nonsense 无稽之谈39. delinquent behavior 违规行为40. a frequent visitor 常客41. fresh air 新鲜空气42. high-minded monologue 一个人唱高调43. a settled view 一种固定的观点44. a speech impediment 言语障碍45. a hideous wind 可怕的风46. heady patriotism 使人兴奋冲动的爱国热情47. the remorseless invaders 无情的侵入者48
23、. the Prime Minister 首相49. a mental process 思维过程50. the League of Nations 国际联盟51. a coherent article 一篇条理清晰的文章52. a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手53. an irresistible trend 一种不可阻挡的潮流54. rotten apples 烂苹果55. a nodding acquaintance 点头之交Unit 21. on fire with= be excited with2. be fixed on3. be worthy of
24、sth./doing sth. be worth doing4. a well-off society 小康社会 be better off doing.than 5. cross with 生气6. embrace a change/idea/system 接受7. take complete hold of 8. take for9. gaze at10. drive out 清除11. draw back 回收12. be chained to13. in the open14. a draught of wind15. be weary of16. rob of17. revel in
25、18. mutter in oneself 喃喃自语19. pay no heed to = pay no attention to20. hobble away蹒跚21. vanish from/into sth22. straighten up23. bend ones back24. 表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概 assert ones manhood25. 在头脑中掠过 cross ones mind26. 丈量土地 measure the ground27. 设法弄到食物 secure ones food28. 驱散黑暗 scatter the darkness29. 揉揉他的眼睛 r
26、ub his eyes30. 大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油 munch her bread and butter31. 抑制住了恐惧的感觉 overpower that feeling of dread32. 声音传得很远 carry a long way33. 弯下他们的腰 bend their backs34. live coals 燃烧着的煤35. his freckled face 他那张长着雀斑的脸36. a fair mustache 淡淡的八字须37. the imminence of the event 事情的紧迫性38. a shrewd woman 一位精明的妇女39. the
27、head of the family 一家之主40. a throbbing heart 一颗怦怦直跳的心41. a cluster of cabins 一群山间小屋42. a strip of ground 一块狭长的地43. a fierce and hard look 一副严厉凶狠的表情Unit 31. as a rule=usually, generally2. make allowance for 把.考虑在内(不好)3. in fashion4. in the light of sth5. run out of sth run sb/sth out 去除6. on the grou
28、nd that因为7. a shadow of 某事的证据 without a shadow of doubt 毫无疑问8. at all costs 无论如何9. be astonished at10. rest upon=base on11. class sth as sth12. be consistent with=fit in with 13. establish a conviction14. be true of15. other than16. bring up to 17. cease to do/sth18. at a time19. be on guard 对.警惕gua
29、rd againstcatch sb off guard 突然袭击20. entertain an opinion 持有观点21. enquire into22. find sth doing23. be tempted to = would like to 24. break down = collapse25. beyond question毫无疑问26. conceive of sth/doingconceive as = regard as27. shake off = get rid of28. credit the fact = believe the fact29. demons
30、trate the opposite 证明结果完全相反30. leave no room for31. attribute to 32. extend the term33. cling to 34. stand for 支持35. play a big part36. bear a grudge against37. dispose sb to do38. be it true or not39. stamp in 嵌进去40. a stock argument 老套回答41. tell sb straight42. get at sth = find sth43. 将这些动物归类 clas
31、sify these animals44. 持不同看法 hold a different view45. 引申该词的意思 extend the meaning of this word46. 建立一种新理论 establish a new theory47. 放弃他的信念 abandon his conviction48. 把这个过程颠倒过来 reverse the process49. 珍惜他们的尊敬 value their respect50. 质疑它的真理性 question its truth51. 轻视他们的意见 belittle their views52. 接受一种新的思路 ad
32、opt a new thought pattern53. 怀有种种乌托邦思想entertain all kinds of Utopian ideas54. 鹦鹉学舌 parrot other people55. non-rational factors 非理性因素56. social position 社会地位57. the good old days 过去的好日子58. thought patterns 思维方式59. room for doubt 怀疑的余地60. stock anecdotes 老掉牙的轶事趣闻61. a dogmatic view 一个教条的观点62. a striki
33、ng contrast 一个鲜明的对照63. age-long struggle 长期的斗争64. conflicting ideas 矛盾冲突的想法65. a bitter quarrel 一场恶吵66. deeply-rooted convictions 根深蒂固的观点67. groundless opinions 毫无根据的意见68. bare assertion 仅仅是断言Unit 61. call sb names 骂人 call sb by name2. chime in3. escalate into 升级到4. incorporate into/with 吸收,合并5. kee
34、p sb out of ones hair 使某人不被烦扰6. keep track of sth 追踪,看清楚7. talk sb out of sth 说服不做某事talk sb into doing 说服做某事8. trail off 逐渐减弱9. on track 走上正轨 on the track of 找某物信息10. have need of 11. cave in 凹陷12. be packed with13. at the elbows of = very close to 14. wriggle ones way through费力穿过15. attend to = dea
35、l with16. be bustling at/with 忙于17. object to sth oppose sth18. toss back and forth 扔来扔去 toss and turn 辗转反侧19. deliver from = free from20. in it for 有报酬21. congregate at22. 使墙体开裂 crack the walls 23. 拯救灵魂 save souls24. 玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek25. 减慢速度成涓涓细流 slow to a trickle26. 抓住某人的头发 grab sb by the h
36、air27. 撕破她的衬衫 rip her shirt28. 泄露秘密 reveal the secret29. 拒绝进步 resist progress30. 进入视野 come into view31. 捡柴火 gather firewood32. 说服某人放弃做某事 talk sb out of doing sth33. 慢慢挤出人群 wriggle ones way out of the crowd34. 跑腿 run an errand/errands for 35. 救某人于水火 deliver sb from suffering36. 确保稳定供应 assure a steady
37、 supply37. 减轻某人压力 take the pressure off sb38. 让他不至于添乱 keep him out of ones hair39. terraced fields 梯田40. rocky mountains 多岩石的群山41. whooping cough 百日咳42. surrounding villages 周围的村庄43. a clearing in the wood 林中一块空地44. fine dust 粉尘45. goat droppings 羊粪46. sticky hands 黏糊糊的手47. sinewy women 精瘦强健的妇女48. a
38、 forest of flags 旌旗如林49. firsthand information 第一手资料50. jet-black hair 漆黑的头发51. a devout Catholic 一位虔诚的天主教徒52. household chores 家务事53. a reassuring homey sound 一种让人感到在家般自在的声音54. hand-rolled cigarettes 手卷香烟55. lucrative business 有利可图56. a butcher-shop 一家肉铺57. a skeleton of its former self 它原来的空架子58.
39、a missionary school 一所教会学校Unit 91. oblige sb to 2. in proceeding = in the process of3. subject . to4. present itself to = existing5. in the course of 6. for the entertainment of 宴请某人7. be descended from8. a disposition to dohave no disposition to9. cause sb to docause sb/sth to be done10. facts stand proven11. scruple to12. appease that appetite13. furnish sb sth/ with sth 提供14. brood over15. offer oneself16. take revenge revenge sb 为. 复仇 revenge oneself on sb 向某人复仇17. be unknown to18. by consent of19. be allowed no hand in doing 20. loose in21. the saving grace 仅剩的22. e
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