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1、Module 2第二课时I .用方框中所给的单词填空attractive , climate, construction , industrial, inhabitants, location, polluted , similarity , vast, transport1. The wheat doesn't grow in the south , because the and soil aren't suitable for its growth.2. Many European countries are developed nations.3. The air an

2、d water can explain the main reason why the here are getting ill oneby one.4. Which subject is the most to you , Lily?5. There was a wonderful between the twins.6. The experts didn't agree on the of the new chemical plant.7. The earth is so tiny compared with the universe.8. The railway under no

3、w connects Hainan and Beijing.9. Cars, buses , trains and ships are means of.答案:1.climate 2.industrial 3.polluted ; inhabitants4. attractive 5.similarity 6.location 7.vast 8.construction 9.transportn.选词填空although , however, but , while , though1. She's at the age of 80, she still goes swimming e

4、very day.2. 一 Would you like to go to the movies tonight?I'd like to , I'm busy preparing for the final examination.3. She thought I was talking about her daughter, , as a matter of fact , I was talkingabout my daughter.4. in poor health , she continued to carry out her duties.5. Danny wants

5、 to go abroad for further study, his brother wants to stay and earn somemoney in their hometown.6. small , the rooms were pleasant and airy.7. she was asleep , thieves broke in and stole her handbag.8. He knows so many difficulties are in front of him.He will not, , give up.9. he loves his students

6、, he is very strict with them.10. He sat for a , thinking about what Jenny had said to him.答案:1.but 2.but 3.while 4.Although/Though 5.while 6.Though/Although 7.While8.however 9.While 10.while,no matter how long it takes.m.句型转换1 We have to finish the difficult task tonightfWe have to finish the diffi

7、cult task tonightlong it takes.I don't support his plan.2 Although I admire his courage3 Although he is a little boyhe can know more knowledge.f I admire his courage , I don't support his plan.f Little boyhe is , he can know more knowledge.4 Try though you willyou can't make it on time.y

8、ou will tryyou can't make it on time.4.Even if/though答案: 1.however 2.but 3.though/as. 语法填空1 We've invited our manager to the party, he may decide not to come.答案: but 句意:我们已经邀请了经理参加这个晚会,但是他也许不来。根据前后句意可知表示转折。2 The cost of living of Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, the quality of life is

9、probably one of the highest.答案: while 句意:格拉斯哥的生活消费在英国属于最低的,然而那里的生活质量也许属于最高的之一。while 在此表示对比。3 the Internet is of great help , I don't think it's a good idea to spend too much timeon it.答案: Although 句意:尽管因特用处很大,我认为在上面花费大量时间,不是一个好主意。although 尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句,符合题意。4 In some places womenare expecte

10、d to earn moneymenwork at homeand raise their children.答案: while 句意:在有些地方妇女在外挣钱,而男人在家做家务养孩子。while 然而,表示前后对比转折关系,符合本题语境。5 well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.答案: However 考查让步状语从句的引导词。句意: 无论你准备得多么充分,在爬山时你仍需要许多运气。依据句意理解,其结构为:however + adj./adv. 或however + adj. + a/

11、an +单数可数名词,表示“无论"。6 We had to wait half an hourwe had already booked a table.答案: although 句意:虽然我们已经预订了一个桌位,但还是得等半个小时。根据句意,前后句子应表达“虽然但是”的意思,故用 although 。7 Girlshe is , she is much naughtier than a boy.答案: though/as 句意:尽管是个女孩,她比男孩子还淘气。though 引导的让步状语从句可倒装也可不倒装; as 引导让步状语从句必须倒装。8 He is a danger ; t

12、here is no reason , , to shoot him.答案: though 句意:他是危险分子,但也没有理由击毙他。though 表转折可以作副词,多放在句尾,有时也可放在句中。9 Although he was tired , he didn't stop working.答案: yet 句意: 虽然他很累,但是没有停止工作。although 不能与 but 同时使用,但是可以和yet , still同时出现。10 He has much difficulty in learning English, , he isn't discouraged.howeve

13、r表示转折。答案:however句意:他学英语有很多困难,然而,他没有泄气。此处用副词 new buildings , new technologies andV .完形填空Beaufort County's public school has changed over the years new teachers._1_ , at Eastern Elementary School , one thing has been_2_in recent years the_3_theof the first-grade children.She has workedstudents get

14、 on their first day at school from Evelyn Dudley every year.Dudley,63 , knows how to_4_attention to the needsas a teacher's_5 _in Roxanne Beeman's first-grade class for more than a decade and_6_a BeaufortCounty School employee for 42 years.As such, she is the public school system's longe

15、st servingemployee.And she still looks forward to the_7_day of school when she could hold the students closely in her arms. "There's still a(n)_8_and an excitement about the first day of every_9_schoolyear , " she said in an interview."You'remeeting new children and getting to

16、 see what theycan_10, “ she said.It's seeing students' progress , not only over the school year but over the courseof their lives, that Dudley enjoys most about her_11. "It's nice to see them_12 up and achievetheir dreams and know I could help them in a way." A native of Washin

17、gton, Dudley_13_ from P. S.Jones High School and began to work later.Over the years , she has 14 a varietyof positions with the schoolsystem as a typist for the English department, as a tutor and , 15, as one of the first peoplehired as a teacher's assistant 13 years ago.She said she especially_

18、16 the opportunity to work with young children, not only for what shecan bring to them , but for what they bringto her. "You can get them and move them inthe_17_ direction , “ she said , “little childerncan_18_your day, and they're just lovable at thisage." Beeman one of he workmates ,

19、_19_ Dudley for giving her support and love to the children. "Sheis 50 percent of what makes the room a happy place and a successful place for the_20_ ! ” Beemansaid.1. A.HoweverB. ThereforeC. OtherwiseD. Besides答案:A根据文章第一句提到的学校发生的变化和后文中“一件不变的事情”,可知此处表示转折关系, 故用 however.2. A.differentB. constant

20、C. importantD. general答案:B 根据第二段中“.about the first day of every_9_school year.”可知这件事情 (达德利到校门口给学生拥抱)是不变的,故用 constant o3. A.examsB. speechesC. hugsD. ceremonies答案:C 根据第 7 空后的".when she could hold the students closely in her arms.”可知她是在“拥抱学生”,所以用 hugs.4. A.payB. findC. produceD. afford答案:A她知道如何去关

21、注(pay attention to)一年级学生的需要。5. A.officerB. assistantC. managerD. customer答案: B 根据 15 空后的 “as one of the first people hired as a teacher's assistant.达德利是一名助教,所以用 assistant 。6. A.likeB. asC. withD. for答案: B 上文 “She has worked as a teacher's_”有提示,此处表示达德利作为一名雇员(as aserving employee)为博福特县学校服务了42年

22、。7. A.working8. playing9. opening10. breaking答案:C 从第 8 空后的".the first day of every_9_school year.”可知是开学的时刻,所以要用 opening.8. A.sadnessB.expectationC. nervousnessD.laughter答案:B对学生的到来有所“期盼”;第7空所在的句子也说明了她非常“期盼”这一天,故用expectation 。9. A.pastB.sameC. specialD.new答案:D 从下面的"You're meeting new chi

23、ldren.”可知她期盼“新学年的第一天”,所以此处要用new。10. A.deserveB. benefitC. accomplishD. explain答案: C 从下句的 "It's seeing students' progress.”可知要看看“学生能取得什么成就”,所以要用 accomplish 。11. A.jobB.lifeC. schoolD. dream答案:A根据"It's seeing students' progress ,not only over the school year but over the cour

24、seof their lives.”可知看到学生们在校期间以及在他们人生中取得的进步,正是达德利对这份工作(job)的12ApickB. growC. getD. turn答案:B从后面的看到他们实现自己的梦想,可知看着他们“成长”,用grow up。13.A.cameB. returnedC. studiedD. graduated答案:D 从后面的".and began towork later. ”可知她是先“毕业”,然后才工作,所以要用D项。B. heldC. delayed14. A.missedD. attended答案:B担任工作用hold 。15. A.hardly

25、B . casuallyC. absolutely D . eventually答案:D前面从事过几个职业,“最后”她才当了学校的助教,因此要用eventually 。B. challengesD. wishes可知她特别“珍惜”同孩子们在一起的时光,所以要用treasures 。17. A.simpleB. nearC rightD. hopeful答案:C指引学生们走上“正确的”道路,所以要用in the right direction18. A.arrangeB. disturbC. loseD. brighten答案:D 根据“they're just lovable at t

26、his age.”可知孩子们很可爱,他们可以给你的生活增添乐趣(brighten)19. A.praisedB. rewardedC. supportedD. remembered答案: A 从后面的 “for giving her support and love to the children.”可知她的同事在“表扬”她,所以要用praised 。20. A.teachersB. parentsC visitorsD. children答案:D达德利是一名助教,很显然她的工作对象是孩子,所以此处要用children 。VI .阅读理解BEIJING, June 20(Xinhua) Ove

27、r 60 million students and teachersat China's 80,000 middle schoolsexperienced a special class delivered by China's first teacher in space from more than 300kilometers above the Earth's surface.“Hello , everyone.I amWangYaping.I will host the lecture today. " Female astronaut WangYap

28、ing,one of the three crew members of Shenzhou-10 spacecraftgreeted about 330 students at a Beijinghigh school , through a live video feed system.The studentson her class included children from migrantworkers' families , of ethnic minorities and from Hong KongIn this space class, Wang carried out

29、 some physicsmotion( 运动)and surface tension( 张力)of water in aenvironment( 微重力环境 ), which can help students betterweight , mass and Newton's Laws.The most amazing one is,Macao and Taiwan.experiments aboutmicro-gravityunderstandwateraaball ” , WangYaping makes a water film(水膜)with a water bag and

30、a metal ring.She explains to students that thesurface tension of water enlarges in space because of zero gravity.Then she made a second water filmturn into a water ball.“I have been very excited since I learned I could come to this class,“said Luo Jiangyuan ,in his first year of high school. "W

31、hen I learned about those laws of weightless condition at classes16. A.treasuresC. respects答案: A 从后面的”.not o nly for what she can bring to them , but for what they bring to her.”before , the teacher couldn't show the experiment for us, so I needed to imagine what would happen.But , at today'

32、s class , I am able to see what really happens.It is too exciting, “ he said.Wang is the second Chinese female astronaut after Liu Yang.It was also the second video class delivered from above the Earth's surface , with the USastronaut Barbara Morgan's 25-minute class being the first in 2007.

33、As some scientists believed , the lesson is aimed at making space science more popular.Space activities can also help the youth build up the spirit of seeking science and facing challenges.语篇解读:2019年6月20日,中国女航天员王亚平成功实施了太空授课,中国成为继美国之后第二个太空 授课的国家。1. The best title for the passage would be.A. China'

34、;s First Teacher in Space Wang YapingB. Shenzhou-10 Astronaut Gives LectureC. Chinese Astronaut Gives the First Space LectureD. An Important Physical Experiment in Space答案:C主旨大意题。文章第一段就点明全篇主题:中国八万所中学的六千多万师生经历了一堂特别的课,这节课是由中国首位太空女老师王亚平从距离地球表面300多千米的太空主讲的。文章还描述这次太空授课的全过程及其意义。因此 C项(中国宇航员进行首次太空授课)符合题意。A项

35、作为标题太片面。B、D偏离文章主题内容。2. The experiment “a water ball " is used to show.A. surface tension of water in weightless conditionB. Newton's second law of motionC. how to know weight due to zero gravityD. mass of water in a micro-gravity environment答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二、三、四句可知:王亚平是用水珠来演示失重状态下水表面张 力的,

36、故选Ao3. The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to.A. my imaginationB. the experiment showingC. a water ball in spaceD. weightless condition答案:B词义猜测题。根据文章第四段中一名高一学生Luo Jiangyuan 的话(以前在课堂学习失重现象时老师不能为我们做实验,我全靠想象,但在今天的课堂却见证了实际发生了什么,这次实验的展示太令人兴奋 了),故选Bo4. Who have held the video

37、 class from above the Earth's surface so far?A. Liu Yang and Wang Yaping.B. Barbara Morgan and Wang Yaping.C. Barbara Morgan and Liu Yang.D. Barbara Morgan , Liu Yang and Wang Yaping.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容可知,在王亚平这次太空授课之前,美国宇航员Barbara Morgan于2007年已经进入人类首次太空授课。故选B。W .语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号

38、内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】It's the world's fastest growing economy and shows no sign of slowing down, so dealing with Chinese businesses is now the top task for every British company_1_wants to stay ahead in global trade. Now schools in the United Kingdom want to give_2_(they)students a start by te

39、aching themMandarin and they are making it_3_(will)Richard Cairns, headmaster of Brighton College, describes_4_move as “all the more radical”as there is “only a handful " of native Chinese pupils studying at the College. Mr Cairns_5_ (consider) something of a radical himself as he too will begi

40、n Mandarin classes in September as a pupil in an ordinary class of students. He believes that_6_(teach) Mandarin is essential for his students that already have a good record in succeeding in business._7_Mandarin added to a pupil's skills, that record can be kept and improved. He said:" One

41、 of my key tasks isto make sure pupils are equipped for the realities of the 21st century and one is that China has the fastest growing economy. ”The increase in popularity of Mandarin in_8_(compare)with Spanish has been the most surprising,with a 50 percent increase since 2001 to 2,062 candidates l

42、ast year. Spanish attracted 2,561. It is predictedthat_9_ that level of growth continues, the studying of Mandarin in the UK could overtakeSpanish in_10_than five years.1.答案:1. that/which 这里用that/which引导定语从句。2. their 主语是 schools ,故用 their 。3. willingly 用副词做状语。4. the表特指应用定冠词 the。

43、5. is considered用被动语态表示"被认为"。6. teaching 动名词短语teaching Mandarin做宾语从句的主语。7. With从本句后面的宾语补足语可以看出,这里要用介词,构成 with复合结构。8. comparison 这里用名词,构成 in comparison with 结构,表示“与对比”。9. if这里表示假设。10. less这里强调学习汉语的人数增长之快,故应用 less ,表示在五年之内。【辽宁卷题型】Todd: Kevin, we're gonna talk about nature._1_of allcould you tell the listener where we are?Kevin : Well , let's


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