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1、2019学年辽宁五校协作体高一下期中考试英语卷【含答案及解析】姓名_班级_分数_题号-二二三四五六总分得分、阅读理解1.Imagi ne look ing for your lost dog. You step into a cave(洞穴).Butin stead of the dog, you find beautiful cave pain ti ngs. You see paintings of horses, deer, andbis on that are draw n in black, brow n, red and yellow. Your first questi on w

2、ould probably beWho did this?This is what happe ned to four French boys in 1940. They found the Lascaux caves. The pain tings the boys discovered in those caves are 17,000 years old. They were draw n by the an cie ntpeople called Cro-Mag nons.Cro-Mag nons looked much like people of today. They usedt

3、ools, such as fishi ng net s. But their art was extremely good. The main cave at Lascaux iscalled the Great Hall of Bulls, which has a picture of bulls and horses in many colors. The largestani mal is 18 feet long. There are smaller ani mals, such as bis on, stags(雄鹿)and abear.There is also a strang

4、e spotted two-horned (两只角的)animal.To the left of the main cave are the most famouspain ti ngs that are the draw ings of multicolored ani mals. Onepain ti ng is called Little Horses. On the ceili ng are horsesand cows. The most unu sual sight may be in the Shaft of the Dead Man where there is a thi n

5、oceros (犀牛),acarefully draw n dead man, a woun ded bis on and a bird.Why did Cro-Mag non artists do these beautiful draw in gs on cave walls? Did thedrawings call upon some magical power? Did the Cro-Magnon people hope that the draw ingswould bring good luck? There is one thi ng the paintings seem t

6、o tell us. The Cro- Magnonswere in terested in the world. They looked at beauty and they un derstood it.1. The author uses the word you in the first paragraph to _ .A. pull the reader into the storyB. make it clear that this is a true storyC. give the reader good directions to find the cavesD. compa

7、re present-day readers with the Cro-Magnon people2. Most of the drawings in the caves are about _.A. boys_ B. tools_ C. dead men _ D.animals3. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Cave paintings are beautiful.B. Who found the beautiful cave paintings.C. The Lascanx caves hold ancient colorful pai

8、ntings.D.Drawings of horses are on the walls of the Lascaux caves.2.Heres one very simple but lifechanging piece of advice that I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cutdown on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead, use that hour to read books that could improveyour life. If youre a salesman, google f

9、or the best and most useful books on improving yoursales.This applies to all fields, not just the work-related ones. Maybe you want to improve your health,become a more energetic person. Or maybe you want to improve your study, your relations orperhaps do some personal development. One hour a day is

10、 not much. But if you read for onehour a day on weekdays, thats about 260 hours a year. Thats a large number of books and a lotof useful advice.If you follow the ideas, who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life. Also,all that information and advice will start to open up your

11、 mind. You will start to see more chancesin your life.Now, you might think something like this:1.I really dont have the money. Answer: Visit your public library or search the database. Orlook for books that are used in places like .2. I really dont have the time.Answer: Buy audiobooks and listen to

12、them in the car while driving to and from work. Or copythem to yourMP3-player and listen while riding your bike /bus to workor school. Recently selling audiobooks through MP3-downloads has become popular.Shut off the TV a little earlier and start reading.1. What is Brian Tracys lifechanging advice a

13、bout?A. Watching TV.B.Listening to MP3.C. Surfing the internet.D. Reading helpful books.2. Which is NOT true about reading an hour a day?A.It will open up your mind.B.You will have about 260 hours a year to read.C.You will read lots of books and get much useful advice.D. It will probably bring great

14、 things and feelings into your life.3. What should you do if you really dont have the money to read?A. To buy some books from .B.To download MP3 free.C. To visit the public library.D. To borrow audiobooks and listen to them.4. What is the writers idea about audiobooks?A.They are more useful.B.Listen

15、ing to audiobooks is easier than reading books.C.Its dangerous to listen to audiobooks while driving or riding.D.Audiobooks are a good solution to the problem of having no time to read.3. Le Val de Cantobre, Aveyron (France)Its in the grounds of a medieval house. Theres a swimming pool, a river and

16、a pizzarestaurant. The scenery around the park is beautiful and great for walking. A weeks stay willcost you about ?280.For more information please go to www.eurocamp.co.uk.Four Seasons Tented Camp, Golden Triangle (Thailand)This must be one of the best campsites in the world.Instead of tents, there

17、 are“canvas cabins”. And there s a gourmet restaurant, a spa and apool. There are only15 of cabins to rent so youll have to book early.The campsite can only be reached by river boat, but once there you can learn to ride an elephant.Unfortunately, it isnt cheap, and two nights at the Four Seasons wil

18、l cost you about ?1,500!For more information please go to www.F Cliffs Bay, Gower (Wales)The Three Cliffs Bay is in a beautiful part of the country, and it wont cost you much either:a familytent (2 adults, 2 children) is about ?28 a day. There s a camp shop where you can buy food anddrinks, and ther

19、e are pubs and restaurants nearby so you wont even have to cook. You canwater-ski from the beach, or go walking along the Gower Way.For more information please go to www.T. Longitude 131, Uluru-Kata TjutaNational Park (Australia) Situated in the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, near the massive redro

20、ck formerly known as Ayers Rock, this is more like a hotel than a campsite. Theres arestaurant, a pool and even a library. The only problem is that it s a bit expensivearound ?1,500 a night.For more information please go to www.L.au.1.If a couple want to stay in Le Val de Cantobre for two days, they

21、 will have to pay about.A. ?56 _ B. ?280_ C. ?160_ D. ?802.Visitors can do all the following in Four Seasons Tented Camp EXCEPT_ .A. enjoy a spa _ B. rent a cabinC. ride an elephant _ D. visit a pub3. If families like water-skiing, they can find information on _ .A. www.eurocamp.co.ukB. www.TC. www.

22、L.auD. www.F What do we know about Longitude 131 ?A. It is the most expensive. _ B. Itis made of rocks.C. It is located on a bay. _ D.It is a real hotel.4.T oo much eating. T oo many unhealthy foods. T oo many ads for food. T oo few activities. Different reasons are given for Americas weight problem

23、-a problem increasingly shared byother countries. A lmost one-fifth of American children and teenagers are overweight.S chools have been asked to increase physical education, an important tool for public health. However, a recent study has shown an increase in the number of injuries in P.E. classes.

24、R esearchers say one possible reason for this is a decrease in the number of school nurses. Schools without a nurse on duty may be more likely to send an injured child to a hospital.A nother possible reason for more injuries is a change in the traditional idea of physicaleducation . T his“New P.E.”e

25、xpands the kinds of sports that are taught. B ut activities thatsome schools offer now, like rock climbing and skateboarding, can also increase the risks, saysCheryl Richardson, who is with the National Association for Sport and PhysicalEducation(NASPE).S he also says not all states require P.E. tea

26、chers to be specially trained. Untrained teacherscould be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions.Cheryl Richardson points to one of the studys findingsthat injuries are ofte n the result of con tact with a person or a structure. T his tells her that theteachers were not giving each student enoug

27、h space to move around safely.S ix activities produced seventy percent of all injuries : running, basketball, football , volleyball,rugby and gymnastics.T he researchers say larger class sizes are another possible reason for theincrease in injuries. Larger classes can mean less supervision(监督). T he

28、National Association for Sport and Physical Education says twenty to thirty students in a P.E.class should be the limit.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.What leads to the weight problem in America.B.Whether students should have more P.E. classes.C. Why there have been more injuries in P.E. c

29、lasses.D.What kinds of activities are safe for school students.2._We can know from the third paragraphthat_ .A. nurses are paid more in hospitals than in schools in America.B. many nurses in American schools dont have go od skills.C.fewer people choose to become a nurse in America.D.American schools

30、 need more school nurses at present.3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. P.E. classes become more dangerous for students now in America.B.Fewer and fewer students are interested in P.E. classes in America.C.The number of P.E. teachers in schools must be increased now.D. P.E. classes follow

31、 the traditional ideas in physical education.4._According to Cheryl Richardson,.A. students should do more exercise when they are at schoolB.teachers are partly responsible for injuries in P.E. classesC.the equipment for P.E. classes must be improved in all schools.D.P.E. teachers should give studen

32、ts more freedom in their classes二、七选五5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a poolof fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp ,an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered hisfarm. 1.What caused this s

33、trange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who studyfish. 2.When it is spring in the northern part of the world, it is fall in Australia. 3. The strong winds sweepoverAustralia like huge vacuum cleaners, collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools offish. 4.Although

34、they seem unusual, fish-falls occur quite frequently in Australia. When Bill Tapp wasasked to describe the scene of fish, he remarked,“They look like millions ofdead birds falling down.”5. The wonders of thenatural world are as common as rain. Nature, with its infinite wonders, can create waterfalls

35、 thatflow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.A. Strong winds may carry these bits of nature for many miles before dropping them on fields,houses, and astonished people.B. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.C.How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitti

36、ng against his roof.D. How happy he must have been when he saw a rain of fish covering his farm.E.Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and rains flood the land.F. His statement is not surprising.G. Throughout the summer season, rainstorms flood the land.三、完形填空6.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选

37、项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Last night it was still light out when I returned home from work. My new neighbors and hiswere intheir favorite place, outside in the yard, playing baseball. The young boy always reports to mehow many home runs he hits and I always clap andfor him.These guys are special. W

38、here you see one of them, the other is not far away. The dad is alwaystalking with the child face to face, _ on the childnottalking on a cellphone or walking ahead of the boy so that he has to run tohim. This guy isreally great. It _ my heart to see a father andson enjoying each others _ like they d

39、o.As they were returning to their upstairs apartment, I_ the dad if his son had a _ . The boywas far ahead and couldnt hear us. He said no. I_ no time going to the store and I was beside myself with excitement as Ia newbike in astyle that most kids like. I _ the bike into mycar carefully and off I w

40、ent.At home, I took out the bike and carried it upstairs to theirand left it outside the door. Not aneasy _ for a 50-year-old woman! About five minuteslater, they were at my door, with the boy dancing up and down with, the dad humble(谦卑的)and_ . I told the dad that I needed to get rid of a bike that

41、I wasfor a friend, and hewas happy to take it from me. N ow the two of them have another they can do together.I told the dad _ proud I was of him for valuing quality timewith his son. Its something the boy will _ throughout hislife. For me, its one of lifes _ to see them together.1. A. daughter _ B.

42、 son_ C.sister_ _ D.brother2. A. call _ B. care_ _ C.cheer_ D.prepare3. A. focusing_ B. depending _ C. carrying_ D. passing4. A. put upwithB. keepup withC. look upto_ D. lookforward to5. A. breaks_ B.burns_C.hurts_D. warms6. A. company_B. benefit_C.respect_ Dhope7. A. told _ B. dem anded_C. asked_ D

43、. suggested8. A. doll _ B. toy_C. car_ D. bike9. A. saved _ B. waste d_ C.spent _ D. had10. A. picked out B. gave o ut_ C. brokeout_ D. figured out11. A. sent_ B. filled_C. charged_ D. put12. A. apartment_ B. office_ C.shop_13. A. effort _ D. hotel_ B. duty_ _ C.task_ _ D. road14. A. courage _ B. ex

44、citement_ _ C. calmness_ D. disappointment15. A. active _ B. careful_C. serious_ D.thankful16. A. repairingB. producing_ C.storing_ D. hiding17. A. activity _ B. interest_ _ C.movement_ D. experiment18. A. why_ B. how_C. what_ D. whether19. A. imagine _ B. expect_ C.follow_ D. remember20. A. purpose

45、s _ B. dreamsC. pleasures_ D.secrets四、语法填空7.阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。O ne morning, I waswaiting at the bus stop, worried about_ 1. _(be) late for school. There were many peoplewaiting a t the bus stop, _ 2. _ some of them looked very anxious and _ 3.(disappoint).When the bus finally came,

46、we all hurried on board. I got a place next_ 4. _ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike _ 5. _(catch) my attention. H e was riding beside the bus and waving hisarms. I heard a passenger behind m e shouting to the driver, but he refused_ _ 6.(stop)until we reached the next

47、stop. Still, the boy kept _ 7._(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came tothe next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversa tion. Then thedriver stood up and asked ,“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”A woman on

48、the bus shouted,“Oh dear! Its _ 8. _(I).”Shepushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about_ 9._the boy had done, and the crowds of strangers_ 10. _(sudden) became friendly to one another.五、短文改错8.短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语

49、言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My birthday is coming. Father asked me how I would want as my birthday present. I told him I need no presentbut a party. Father said OK. When I recit

50、ed the name of my seven friends I planned to invite, he wonderedwhy his guest list did not include my new neighbor Tom. I told him about that I didnt like to be with a personwhom I didnt know well. And father insisted that I should seize the chance to make new friends. In mybirthday, Tom came includ

51、ing my seven friends. Very quick we became good friends. From this I realized giveothers a chance means giving myself a chance. It was a really forgettable birthday.六、书面表达9.书面表达众所周知,地震是一种可怕的自然灾害,近期日本和厄瓜多尔相继发生7级以上大地震,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。那么当地震来临我们需要怎样去做呢?p10.ly:宋体; font-size:10.5pt在教室时 藏在课桌下面等待老师指示 在家时 藏在

52、起 居室或厨房的桌子下。不要去窗户旁边也不要去阳台(balcony) 在街上时 不要站在建 筑物,栅栏(fence)或墙边,也不要站在树下,要赶快到安全的露天的空地去 请根据以上信息写一篇文章,题目已给出。注意:词数100左右。What to Do During an EarthquakeAs we all know, an earthquake is a ki nd of terribledisaster. So what should we do whe n an earthquake comes?参考答案及解析第1题【答案】1.A3.C【解析】擁 3 人劭曲“一艸么样的感受哪?如果心同里

53、五彩的壁画,相 推理判断题第一段虛构了一个以读者为主人公的场黑目的就是为了引起读者的阅读兴趣。故选2 D细节理解题亠根据第三、四段对壁画的描述可知同內的绝大多数璧画是关于动物的。放选第2题【答案】能够全面LD细节埠梓岂根据第一段SijCut down 001 ihe TV at nigkt by just one hoy雪Instead! use Ekat houz to readbooks tht could iiwprov& your life.ffJE电视的时间花在读书上故选D细节理解题。文章第四段总ut if you read ox one liour a day on wee

54、kdays,1s about hours a year*吿诉我们:并木是莪们每年只有260独寸的R寸间来着耳 故迫*4.D细节理解题。 根18文童1到麹第二行Euy audiobcoksandlit ento them inthe car u/kilediivinstoandfromwork.对那些没有时间不读书府人来说是个好芳进Q故搖DQ第3题【答案】l.r2.B3.C实上相反。如果我们能每天羣出一小时的间fcr1细荃理解题o根据Visit your public libzaxy or宮重看书,故选 6sexch the databasE如果我们浚有钱,可汰去【解析】第4题【答案】1.C纟昨

55、理解証.根据L,e Vai de Cantobtrej veyron (Fiance)中的A vreeh s須will cost you.風*260.可知莓人毋天花费40,2人2天则花费2*2*40=9160,故选 S2.1)细节理解题。很据Four Seasons Tented Camp,Golden Triangle (Tkailsnd)屮的介绍可知L游春 可以去篁曼莱炳去租小木屋,还可以学习骑大象,没有去酒吧一项本题婪求选择没有的故选D。玄卫细节理解題。 根据尹 已E Cliffs Bay, C-ourer (Vales) a fajnily七ent(2 adults, 2childre

56、n)isabout 23 a day.和You can urater-ski fro the beach.可知:_可典罟稱九Fo1mcMie iufarmation please go to www. Threecltff stay,CCUIL.获収更多的信息RDyViAiw-Ilireecliffsbay, com;故选Ekl.C2.1)蜒錨嘉龍自朝勰|譎癱福需蹋豁鐸薫趣旳四个專的海Thte& Cliffson膏LSS8E- - 廳不羸而isis -?-?f f- - 3 31 1毒丄以更晶庾匕仏,【解析】在rr罷在息夕1 1嗔1313J J e e推两itit上住邮4.DLO14.

57、DLO1这个价格在七心Four S fiasonspr第5题【答案】l.C2.1)3盘【解析斟疊爾勰隔籍緞班l,c主旨犬意题。 根1E丈童的结果可知 第二段提到However, a Tecent studyhasshownan increase m thunumberof injuries in P. E. classes.接下去就分段分折美国孚宁社斗本目裸F专牛 意夕MJi害的僧;兌増力希原因歩选匕 縫推勰疇锻i數鬻隸的医护人员外所奸得不把受伤赧子送到医院如果钟里有3.A细节理-根据文章的学果可知, 第二段UJljHaurever, arecent study has shown incre

58、ase in the? lumber cif injuries in P. E. classes.応的体育课变了,后面提到药班容量大.檢医数量少,靄邂屢黔和鷹量猜黨可畠些体育老师没有 经过专业的嘲山给学生的活动空间不够等anl.C2.E3.E4. A5.F舉睾生夹杂着海扫澳大怪的现&SWOIP1【鮮十】一旬前一解QC理團下-奇4对到常沓靠考舉圧豳掘勰I瞬的黔躺諏響 T 个希困醐究鱼的訓吃显的的可旬尢有旬ititACAC-S -8曼咲前囁。此0聲逑凿奇m二m m二J Jnlnl鹫:鹫0101St書正文思思文备令-HE 的上壬对 WHw+-杳二这杳和房箕和E E所丄*野3.3.了*4.4.

59、丿田即自T T像就E1E1下:用曰牡i i固一在选 Q Q善奇理.为疋足文恩不H H F1F1普的考 0-第6题【答案】l.B2. C3.A4.B5.D6.A7. C8.D9.B10. A11. D12.A13. C15. D16. C17. A18. B19.D20. C【解析】to;勰鑰鷺嗨胚瓣薯最輕醪朋艇-皈父亲楠点- 謀畫籃词和对芦境的理解A 抨沖咲儿J B 呼儿子3 c.sistex姐妹$D brother兄弟。根 姑 回盟+ my he琴t to see a f ather and son enjoying each otherJs like -they AonTtri,選选儿子,

60、意思罡:邻居和他的儿子在-起玩棒球t濾By脚晞考5觀螫昭翩啜輛騒碍碱铳耀曬泅c静动鞭轆聽躍删臓晶囂囉皆 3 为加油“ 涪炭Ipxepare/Uffi )第7题【答案】1 being:2.and3 disappointed4. -to5.caughtu.to stop7工iding8 jne/jRine9. what,完成词汇在特定语境下的正确运用C词语形式的变化要考虑它们在句子中所做的1. being考查非谓语动词的用法。血U僱介i司,后面的动词用-认形式。2仙d考查连词的用法。句意:人们在站点等公共汽车,一些人看上去很着急。前后表并列用and。3.disappointed考查形容词的用法。disappointed指等车的


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