1、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionWildlife ProtectionSection AFour adult elephants from IndonesiasElephant Flying Park gathered on Saturday1in Riau Province. They carriedbannerscalling for the immediate protection of the remaining forests ofSumatra(苏门答腊).2Riau has a fastdeforestationrate in the world, threa
2、tening some of the endangered species onearth, including Sumatran elephants and tigers. The event was held in a lowland forest area in Riau,Central Sumatra. Sumatra, theworldssixthlargest island, is the only place on earth where tigers, elephants and chimpanzees coexist.The event took place as part
3、of climate-change activities around the world. The four elephants joinedmore than 4,300 communities in over 170 countries to urge world leaders to take immediate steps to dealwith climate change and protect wild animals.The four adult elephants are former wild elephants coming from the forested area
4、s3of Riau, and they werecapturedby the Indonesian government as“conflict elephants.”The WWF andTesso Nilo Park now use them to keep wild elephants in the forested area, so that theywontbecaptured.Notes:1. banner n.横幅2. deforestation n.毁林;滥伐森林3. capture v.俘获;捕获 词数:190处理时间:455 Read the passage and cho
5、ose the bestanswer to each question.1. The event involving the four elephants was intended to _ .A. attract tourists to the forestB. do a survey about animal protectionC. save the endangered species on the planetD. call for protection of the remaining forests of Sumatra2. The four adult elephants or
6、iginally came from _ .A. the forested areas of RiauB. the Indonesian governmentC. the Tesso Nilo park authorityD. IndonesiasElephant Flying Park3. The WWF and Tesso Nilo Park use the four elephants to _ .A. help other animals enjoy better livesB. prevent more wild elephants from being capturedC. cap
7、ture more elephants as“conflict elephants”D. drive theparkselephants back to the forested areas4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The Indonesian government is to blame for the wild elephants dying out.B. Sumatra is the only place where tigers, elephants and chi
8、mpanzees coexist.C. The four elephants have been kept by humans since they were born.D. The event was part of deforestation activities around the world.Section BThe tiger, the largest of all cats, is one of the most charming species on earth; it is also one of themost threatened. Fewer than 4,000 ti
9、gers remain in the wild. Most are in isolated forests stretching fromIndia to south-eastern China and from the Russian Far East to Sumatra, Indonesia.This great animal is being ill-treated. Tigers are poisoned, shot and trapped, with many being killedto meet the demands of the continuingillegal wild
10、life trade.Hunters, traders, and poor local residents whose livelihood mainly comes from the forests are killing tigersand the naturalprey1on which they live. Whilepoaching2for trade continues to menace tigerssurvival, perhaps the greatest long-term threats are the loss ofhabitat and the decrease of
11、 their natural prey. Large3commercialplantationshave replaced a lot of tiger habitat in several countries.The WWFstiger conservation strategy and action plan names seven areas where the chances oflong-term tiger conservation are best, and four additional areas where conservation opportunities aregoo
12、d. In each of these areas, the WWFaims to establish and manage effective tiger conservation, reducethe poaching of tigers and their prey, get rid of the trade in tiger parts and products, and encourage localcommunities to support tiger conservation.Notes:1. prey n.被捕食的动物;猎物2. poach v.(在他人地界)偷猎;偷捕3.
13、plantation n.种植园;人造林词数:141处理时间:350Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.1. According to the passage, the present situation of tigers is _.A. encouraging and hopefulB. worrying and pressingC. hopeful and enjoyableD. troublesome and unusual2. The underlined word“menace”in the se
14、cond paragraph probably means _.A. threatenB. destroyC. promoteD. meet3. The greatest long-term threats to tigers are _ .1the loss of habitat2the continuing illegal wildlife trade3large commercial plantations4the decrease of their natural preyA.B.C.D.4. Which of the following is NOT an aim of the WW
15、F?A. Meeting the demands of the wildlife trade.B. Getting rid of the trade in tiger parts and products.C. Establishing and managing tiger conservation areas.D. Encouraging local communities to support tiger conservation.读写任务 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Elephants in Sri Lank
16、aSri Lanka has already lost almost 80% of its original forest cover. The numberof elephants on the island is about 20 million. In 1870, when the human population1was 2.4 million, the land:manratiowas 2.7. Today, the ratio is 0.35. Almost 70%of elephant habitat lies outside protected areas, and when
17、elephants lose their habitat, they will die. SriLanka has set aside 8,580 square kilometers of land (or 13% of its total area) for nature protection. Butmost of the conservation areas are small, and farmers living alongside are in conflict with the elephants.With so little room for the elephants, mo
18、st of the elephants live outside theprotected areas. For every wild elephant in Sri Lanka there are 4,760 people, so the2conflict between menand elephants isintense. Between 1950 and 1970, a total of 1,163 elephants diedin the wild, while between 1990 and 2001, an additional 1,369 died.3Elephants are notbeing killed in Sri Lanka fortusks; they are not being killed formeat, since no one eats elephant meat; they are not being killed for their leather which has no commercialvalue. They are being killed simply because they destroy agriculture. The conflict is real, and is leadin
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