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1、课题 Joseph had a little overcoat教材书 名:Joseph had a little overcoat 英语原版 出版社:河北教育出版社出版日期:2008年设计思考英语课程标准(2011版)明确了英语课程工具性与人文性的双重性质,同时指出“课程应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程”。对于低年级的学习者来说,课程标准的目标要求为对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做动作、做游戏、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事等。(一)语言学习需要大量的输入,丰富多样的课程资源对英语学习尤其重要


3、越来越多,书页上也出现越来越多的“洞”。 只要你翻动一页,就自然地意识到约瑟夫的外套又破了一个洞。而透过这些洞与绘者充满想象力、有趣的细节,交织成这本令人惊奇的绘本。旧外套可以化腐朽为神奇变成精彩可爱的小东西。这本书取材于西姆斯·塔贝克(Simms Taback)年轻时的一首犹太歌曲:约瑟夫在他的外套破旧后,用这旧外套做成了一件夹克。当这件旧夹克缝缝补补多次时,他又把它改成了背心。背心不能再穿后,他又把它做成了一条领带。直到这件外套再也没有可改的余地。但是聪明的约瑟夫总是有办法!故事内容如下:Joseph had a little overco

4、at.It was old and worn. 约瑟夫有一个小外套。它又旧又破。  So he made a jacket out of it. 所以他用它做了一件短上衣。  and went to the fair. 穿着它去交易会。  Joseph had a little jacket.It got&#

5、160;old and worn. 约瑟有一件短上衣。它又旧又破。  So he made a vest out of it. 所以他用它做了一件背心。  and danced at his nephew's wedding. 在他侄子的婚礼上他穿着它跳舞。  Joseph had a little vest.It

6、60;got old and worn. 约瑟夫有一个小背心。它又旧又破。  So he made a scarf out of it. 所以他用它做了一个围巾。  and sang in the men's chorus. 在男子合唱队唱歌的时候穿。  Joseph had a little scarf.It

7、 got old and worn. 约瑟夫有一个小围巾。它又旧又破。   so he made a necktie out of it. 所以他用它做了一条领带。  and went to visit his married sister in the city. 去看望他的在这个城市已经结婚的姐姐的时候带上它。&#

8、160; joseph had a little necktie.It got old and worn. 约瑟夫有一个小领带。它又旧又破。  So he made a handkerchief out of it. 所以他用它做了一个围巾。  and drank a glass of hot tea wit

9、h lemon. 围着它喝上一杯柠檬热茶。  Joseph had a little handkerchief.It got old and worn. 约瑟夫有一个小围巾。它又旧又破。  So he made a button out of it. 所以他用它做了一些钮扣。  Joseph had a little&

10、#160;button.One day he lost it. 约瑟夫有一个小钮扣。有一天,他失去了它。  Now he had nothing. 现在他一无所有。  So Joseph made a book about it.which shows. 约瑟写了一本关于它的书。它表露出  You can always make 

11、;something out of nothing. 你总是可以使一些东西无中生有。教学内容对五年级学生来说,篇幅适中,认识的词汇较多,故事中的哲学道理发人深省。2. 对本课内容的理解。本课在故事学习过程中引导学生认真观察,通过观察、体验、合作等多种方式感受绘本传达的感情,构建含有丰富情感和创造力的阅读过程。在英语学习过程中丰富学生的情感体验,发展学生思维。教学目标教学目标1、 认知目标:1.1学生能认读绘本。2、 能力目标:2.1学生能发挥想象力猜测绘本剧情的发展。2.2学生能用自己的话说说这个故事并说说这个故事的含义。3、 情感目标:3.1学生能够通

12、过阅读该绘本学会珍惜,变废为宝。教学重点1.学生能认读绘本。2.学生能用自己的话说说这个故事并说说这个故事的含义。教学难点1. 学生能发挥想象力猜测绘本剧情的发展。 教学过程Step 1 Before-reading (3 minutes)1. 30-seconds game (family members, place, clothes)T: Lets have a brainstorm. Brainstorm round a word in a pairs in 30 seconds. Ready?T: The first key word is (课件出示family members,

13、教师手指屏幕)Ss: family membersT: Ready? Go!Ss: Say the words in pairs.T: OK, the next key word is place/ clothes 【设计意图】:通过头脑风暴的形式激发学生的兴趣,引出故事的相关内容。在学生回顾了相关的知识点,有了一定的基础铺垫后介绍绘本。教师呈现绘本,明确故事的名字和作者,这些信息都非常重要。Step 2 While-reading(24 minutes)1. Show the cover of the book. (3 minutes)T: We know coat. How about o

14、vercoat? What is overcoat?Look at the picture, it is an overcoat. Overcoat is a kind of S: a long coat.T: Today well read this picture book: Joseph had a little overcoat. T: Teach JosephT:This is the cover of the picture book. What can you get from the picture?S: T: What is the moral? After reading

15、the picture book, youll get it.2. old and worn T: Yes, it was old and worn. Teach: worn(or, worn,) (让学生用英文解释worn)T: Yes, it was too old to sew.3. T: His overcoat is old and worn, if you are Joseph, what will you do?S: T: What could Joseph do with the old overcoat? Lets listen to the story.(课件出示: Wha

16、t could Joseph do with ?)2. Read page 1-4 (3 minutes)(学生通过听阅读绘本)课件逐一出示1-4页的绘本并配有录音T Did he ? What did he do? Can you read it aloud for us?S: He made a jacket out of it.T: Look, I have an overcoat here. Can you make a jacket out of it?S: 请一位学生上台剪T: Then what did Joseph do? Can you read it out?S: So h

17、e made a vest out of it.T: Who can make a vest out the jacket?S: 请一位学生上台边剪3. Read page 5-13 (9 minutes) (学生通过先猜测再自读,阅读绘本)T: We know Jeseph had a (边说1-4幅图边板书: Joseph had a It was / got old and worn. So he made out of it.)What happened then? What did he make out of the vest?Ss: Discuss in four.T: Whic

18、h group can have a try?Ss: Joseph had a It got So he made a out of it. Joseph had a It got So he made a out of it.T: Did Joseph do like this? Lets read from page 5-page 15Ss: Read and discussT: What did Joseph make out of the vest?S: T: teach: handkerchief, button (教师板书)4. Talk about the new words.

19、(6 minutes)T: We know Joseph can DIY a lot of new things with his old overcoat. What did he do with his DIY items.T: Read from page 1 to page 13 again and underline what he did with his DIY items.课件出示:(图字)went to the fair danced at his nephews wedding sang in the mens choruswent to visit his married

20、 sister in the city drank a glass of hot tea with lemonused it to fasten his suspendersTips: 1. 根据图猜测意思 2。 根据拼写猜测读音5.the end of the picture bookT: Joseph had a little button. What happened to Joseph? Look at the picture.One day he lost it. Now he had nothing.T: Teach: lost, nothing (跟老师读一读,学生能够通过上下文

21、体会单词的含义,中文就不解释了)T: He lost his button, he had nothing, how does he feel? Can you guess?S: T: Look at next picture. Is he sad? Is he angry?T: What did he do? Lets read page 15. T: Joseph made a book about the story and the book shows 引导学生读:You can always make something out of nothing.T: Can you tell

22、me what is the moral of the book now? Lets read it aloud.Ss: (Read twice)T: What does it mean? 请学生用中文说一说T: Do you like this picture book? Is it interesting? Why?【设计意图】:不断激发学生的好奇心,鼓励学生发散思维进行猜测。通过引导学生先把握整体后关注细节的方式,揭示本课主题,出示大绘本,介绍书名和作者,请大家欣赏封面封底,蝴蝶页,这些信息在绘本中往往承载了特殊的意义,暗示了故事情节,因此要引导孩子重视这些细节,学会看绘本。Step 3

23、. Consolidation (12 minutes)1.Read the picture book aloud. (5 minutes)T: Lets read the picture book after the tape, OK? And feel the beauty of the book.Ss: Read with T.T: Lets try to read the picture book together.2. Lets try to retell the story in a group of 2. (10 minutes)Tips:1. Retell the story

24、in four.2.可用连词将句子连接起来,力求表达更加流畅。如:so, after that, however,3.完成后同桌合作将此故事复述给大家听,S1复述,S2将手中的overcoat随故事变化进行剪裁,S2复述,S3剪裁3. Listen to the song (4 minutes)T: Can you remember the author of the book.Simms is a great artist. He made Joseph, this character out of himself. Look at the pictures.Is it interestin

25、g? He made this book from a folk song. Simms heard it when he was a little child.Do you want to listen to the song?【设计意图】:以复述的形式考察高年级学生的故事梗概能力与口语表达能力。能够及时有效地查落补缺,对绘本学习效果是一种很好的监测方式。Step4:Finish the book sheet完成读书报告单What story do we learn today? Lets take out the book mark. This story named “Joseph ha

26、d a little overcoat” by “Simms Taback”Do you like the story? You can circle the happy face or sad face.And remember to write your name and date here.边介绍边在实物投影仪上做示范。Step 5 Extending and homework扩展阅读 作业展示活动一:布置作业,仿写绘本句子Write your own story named“Joseph had a little overcoat”.【设计意图】:利用微型绘本和学生绘本作业,既是补充阅

27、读材料,同时又为学生打开思路,树立了完成绘本的信心。作业的设计充分尊重学生的个性,发挥学生的多元智能,在个性化的创作中丰富学生情感,发展学生思维,给不同优势的孩子展示的空间。 学习效果评价设计评价方式1. 教师对学生在授课过程中的表现的现场评价:教师根据学生发言,动手操练活动的正确率,同桌活动,现场展示等,通过教师表情、口头激励,交流互动的反馈等方式不断给与学生鼓励和肯定,促进教学。2. 学生自评:在读故事和复述故事的环节,学生根据教师提示进行自我评价,检查课堂实效。3. 学生作业评价展示:教师出示学生作品,启发学生思考,为不同的学生提供平台,尊重学生个性和爱好,完成一份自己创作的Joseph had a little overcoat绘本。教师对活动实施情况和学生学习效果的自我分析评价,调整教学。评价量规1. 学生能够以小组形式将故事演一演。2. 学生作业评价:能够选择自己感兴趣的内容并完成 本


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