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1、专题三专题三 图图 表表 类类u考向关注 图表类作文是高考常见的表达形式之一,通常以表格形式或图形形式来呈现。体裁多为说明文、应用文和议论文,此类题要求考生根据图表提供的数据和文字内容进行分析和讨论。【典例1】 (2014陕西质检一) 最近,你校学生会呼吁中学生关爱父母从做家务开始。你班就Should Middle School Students Do Housework at Home?话题展开讨论。请按下表所列要点给某英文报写一篇短文,介绍不同的观点,并阐述自己的看法。赞同方反对方你的观点1.有利于培养学生的劳动意识和责任感1.中学生的主要任务是学习2.有利于理解父母,增进家庭成员之间的感

2、情2.孩子年龄小,不适合做家务注意:1.短文词数不少于100(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。2.内容充实,结构完整,语义连贯。3.书写必须清晰、工整。参考词汇:劳动意识 labor consciousnessShould Middle School Students Do Housework at Home? The students union appeals to us students to do housework in our spare time. Recently our class has had a heated discussion about whether middle

3、 school students should do housework at home._【思路点拨】 1.审体裁:时态,本题要求考生讨论“中学生该不该做家务”,是一篇议论文,应该用一般现在时。2.审内容:从给出的内容看正、反两方各有两点,其他方面以及自己的观点自由发挥,仔细查看,凡是给出的信息不能漏掉,充实内容,使用过渡词,使文章自然衔接。【思路模板】 1.提出讨论议题 whether middle school students should do housework (已给出)2.具体内容:(1)赞同方的观点 Firstly .; Secondly .(2)反对方的观点 For one

4、 thing,.; For another,.(3)自己的观点 In my opinion/I think .参考范文 Should Middle School Students Do Housework at Home? The students union appeals to us students to do housework in our spare time. Recently our class has had a heated discussion about whether middle school students should do housework at home

5、. The majority of the students think it necessary as it is beneficial in many ways. Firstly, we can develop a sense of responsibility and labor consciousness. Secondly, we can help parents and ease their burden as well, which may help us have a better understanding of respecting and caring for paren

6、ts.However, some students hold an opposite view. They think it a waste of time and energy to do housework. For one thing, students are too young to be fit for such kind of work. For another, with so much housework to do, there is no time left for studies.In my opinion, it is necessary to do housewor

7、k in our spare time, which not only develops our labor consciousness but also has a good effect on our future.亮点分析 (1)本文段落清晰:第一段点明主题(已给出);第二段赞同方观点;第三段反对方的观点;最后一段阐明自己的观点。(2)使用了高级词汇和短语,如:majority, ease, beneficial, hold a view, a sense of .;使用了定语从句:which may help us .; which not only develops .;使用了过渡词

8、和连词:Firstly, secondly, Howevever, not only . but also,给文章增添了亮点。【典例2】 (2014苏锡常镇四市调研二) 图表为近几年中美两国电子商务发展比较及其将来几年的发展趋势。请根据图表信息,以E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China为题,为某英语报写一篇稿子,内容须包括:1.图表主要信息(用30个左右英语单词描述)。2.中国电子商务增长的原因(经济稳步增长,人民收入提高,人口大于美国,网上购物方便)。3.你的观点(可从保护和规范电子商务市场谈起)。 注意: 1.词数150左右,开头已经给出

9、,但不计入总词数。 2.作文中不得提及你所在的学校及本人姓名。 参考词汇:网络犯罪 cybercrime;网络钓鱼 phishing _【思路点拨】 1.审要求:这类作文的前提是看懂图表内容,再按要求来写。图表中所提供的文字说明是关键词,必须表达清楚,时态用一般现在时。2.审内容:考生应根据所给的图表、数据等进行分析、研究,弄清各信息点之间的关系,提出要点,然后组织语言进行写作。【思路模板】 1.说明图表内容(已给出)2.叙述图表内容:about 60% of the USs in 2011 .3.叙述中国电子商务增长的原因:Firstly .; Secondly .; Finally .4.

10、阐明自己的观点:I think .参考范文 E-commerce, an Ever-increasing Trend in China The chart shows Chinas e-commerce sales started with only 20 billion USD in 2008, and was about 60% of the USs in 2011. However, it surpassed the US in 2013, and is expected to double that of the US in the near future. There are sev

11、eral factors contributing to the rapid growth in e-commerce in China. Firstly, even though the world has experienced a serious economic decline, China has enjoyed a steady growth throughout, leading to peoples income increasing continuously. Secondly, China has a much larger population than the US,

12、possessing the largest number of netizens in the world. Finally, people find it more convenient to shop online, and are more willing to purchase online than ever before. The speedy e-commerce, I think, is just inevitable. What we should do is find effective ways to regulate the e-shopping market, im

13、prove the quality of e-service and prevent cybercrime like phishing, fraud and cheating, so as to enjoy a healthier and more prosperous e-commerce market in China.亮点分析 (1)段落清晰,条理清楚,第一段说明图表内容,第二段阐明中国电子商务增长的原因,最后阐明自己的观点。(2)文中使用了contribute to, even though, lead to, so as to, what引导的主语从句,动词不定式的复合结构等高级词汇



16、相似点。四、常用句式1. As is apparently shown in the pie chartgraph/table above. 正如上面饼状图曲线图表格所明显呈现的2. It can be seen from the table that .从上面的表格中可以看出3. It can be concluded from the graph that .从上面曲线图中我们可以得出以下结论4. Its clear from the table that .上面表格很清楚地表明5. Based on the description above, we can exactly draw the conclusion that .基于上面的描述,我们能


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