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1、用心 爱心 专心1湘潭市2011届高三第五次模拟考试试卷英 语本试题卷分四个部分,共10页。时量120分钟。满分150分。PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION ADirections: In this section, you will hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For eachconversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen tothe conversation

2、s carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter(A、B or C) on the QUESTION BOOKLET. You will heareach conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday.is B.Conversation 11. What does the woman think the weather will be like in th

3、e afternoon?A. Foggy. B. Clear.2. How will the man get the weather information?A. By listening to the radio. B. By watching TV.telephone call.Conversation 23. What time is it now?A. About 10:30 p.m.B. 7 oclock a . m.oclock at night.4. What is the man probably doing?A. Working.B. Having a rest.Conver

4、sation 35. How long has the mans wife worked in the bank?A. 3 years. B. 5 years.6. What does the man think of the womans suggestion?A. He agrees to it.B. He disagrees to it .like it.Conversation 47. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a flat building.B. In the mans office .house.8. What is

5、 the woman looking for?A. A two-bedroom flat.B. A three-bedroom flat.flat.9. What does the woman think ofthe flat?A. Too small. whole.Conversation 510. What can be the man?A.Firefighter .B. A bodyguard.11. What happened to the man?B. He fell off a tall tree.C. He breathed in too much smoke.12. What

6、is the relationship between the man and the woman?A. Mother and son. B. Wife and husband. C. Friends.Con versati on 6C. Windy.C. By making aC. Nearly 12C. Watching TV.C. 8 years.C. He doesntC. In the womansC. A ground-floorB. Too expensive.C. Satisfying on theC. Friday.The answerC. A policeman.A. He

7、 was burnt.用心爱心专心213. Why can t the woman pick up her mom?A. She has a golf match.B. Her car is being repaired.C. She forgot toget her car back.14. Why can t Mom take a taxi?A. She hates it.B. She always leaves thi ngs on the taxi.C. She is bringing many thi ngs.15. What fin ally leads the man to ch

8、a nge his mind?A. Mom s call.B. Dads golf clubs (球杆). C.Mom sgetti ng lost.Section BDirections:In this sect ion, youll hear a mini -talk. Liste n carefully and the nfill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got. Fill in each blankwith NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.You will hear the mini-talk TWI

9、CE.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Get your childre n to 16. and succeed in schoolMake sure childre n 17._Require childre n to be 18.丄_Make childre n do 19. _._Teach childre n good 20. _ ._PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGESECTION ADirecti ons:Ben eath each of the followi ng sentences are 4 choices m

10、arked A, B, Cand D. Choose the an swer that best completes the sentence.21. Look,_ fashi on able clothes is she weari ng that all the eyes are fixed onher!A. soB. suchC. howD. what22. Many questi ons have bee n an swered by Joh n. He must have previewed the less onslast n ight,_ he?A. needn tB. hasn

11、tC. didntD. mustn t23. David applied for the positi on three times_ he fin ally got it.A. un tilB. whe nC. beforeD. after24.Linda hasnt shown up yet.Its strange. She _ .A. couldB. mightC. must haveD.should have25. The split betwee n huma ns and liv ing apes is thought by some scholars_ 15to 20 milli

12、 on years ago.A. to occurB. occurri ngC. to have occurredD.hav ing occurred26.Ill be able to come to see your performanee at 8:30 tomorrow evening.Im sorry, by then my performanee _and I_reporters in the meetingroom.A. will be en ded; will meetB. is to end; will meetC. will have en ded; will be meet

13、i ngD. will end; am going to meet27.We shall take the con diti ons into careful acco unt_you have attached tothis con tract.Than ks. Hope for further cooperati on.A. as B. which C. where D. what用心爱心专心328._the flight to Beijing will be delayed is _Im especially worried about.29. His advice made me ha

14、ppy, but_ others angry.A. causesB. causeC. causedHow did it come that you damaged your car so badly?I_into a tree on the roadside the other day.A. ranB. had runC. was runningD. run32.Ill have all of the readings _by the end of this term if my plan goes pleted33. While watch ing televisio n,_.A. the

15、doorbell rangB. we heard the doorbell ringC. there was some one knocking at the door D. the doorbell was ringing34. Because of the heavy snow, we had to delay the visit un til this weeke nd to theart gallery_ in the cen ter of our city these days.A. being heldB. holdi ngC. to be heldD. held35.Are yo

16、u pleased with what he has done?It couldnt be. Why didnt he put more effort into his work?A. any worseB. much betterC. so badD. bestSECTION BDirectio ns:For each bla nk in the followi ng passage there are four words orphrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each bla nk with a word or phrase that best

17、fits the con text.When I was in the final year of my graduation studies, I visited a friend homefor lunch. The momentl reached his house, I found the staircases were not sogood and his home was not pain ted very well. I could nbut it was not even the type of house in which lives.The greatest things

18、I did find there were lunchbecause they didn t have a dining 37 .food, smiled throughout and showed care for the 38lunch session. I can n ever forget that.His father worked as a no rmal 39 and Iwon dered if he earned eno ugh money tosupport their two sons. While we were taking lunch, his father retu

19、rned home to meet us. Whenheentered their home, his hands were dark black and his clothes were very dirty. My friend had no 40 abouthis father and made the in troduct ions.As soon as his father came in, myfrie nd asked meif I wan ted“Papac”(a typicalIndian food)to eat. Before I could say anything, t

20、he father very gently and kindly41 it for me, after going through many staircases even though he was looking 4_Today, my friend is a leader in a big company. He is able to 43 high rent i _Hyderabad and have a new beautiful home. Not only that, he helped his brother 44_in his studies and is still hel

21、ping.What I want to say is that I con sider 45 as richness in a poor family. Theamount of money you make won t 46 others hearts;the only way is with love andkindn ess. Struggle and bad periods are n eeded for every ones life, as they makeus strong. If you have strong willpower, goals and also the at

22、titude of hard andsmart work, you can 47 be a successful pers on in some areas of life.A. If; what B. Whether; thatC. When; that D.Whether; whatA. maki ng 30. Airpollutio n, in dustrialcities today.B. to makeC. /together with litteri ng,D. make_ many problemsinour largeD. causing31.A. completi ng B.

23、 to completeC. completedD. beingof his buildingt 36 in wordsa typical middle-classIn dia n familyhis parents.Wesat on the ground forHis mother served us very delicious用心爱心专心436. A. describeB. takeC. talkD.speak37. A. roomB. carC. tableD.hall38. A. desirableB. healthyC. temporaryD.en tire39. A. docto

24、rB. mecha nicC. lawyerD.teacher40. A. comme ntB.hesitati onC. worryD.expectati on41. A. borrowedB.boughtC. broughtD.took42. A. tiredB.happyC. sadD.excited43. A. costB.spendC. tookD. pay44. A. dearlyB. finan ciallyC. highlyD.costly45. A. familiarityB. relati on shipC. loveD.frien dship46. A. winB.get

25、C. gai nD.defeat47. A. possiblyB. hardlyC. sudde nlyD.defi nitelySECTION CDirecti ons:Complete the follow ing passage by using ONE word that best fits thecon text.In many countries today, laws protect wildlife. In India, the need for suchprotectionwas realized centuries ago. About 300 B.C, 48_ India

26、n writer describedforests that were somewhat like n ati onal parks today. The killi ng of game beastswas carefully supervised(监管).Someanimals were fully protected. 49 the forest, no body was allowedto cut timber, burn wood for charcoal,50 catch ani mals fortheir furs. Ani mals51 became dan gerous to

27、 huma n visitors were caught or killedoutside the park, so that other ani mals would not become un easy.The need for wildlife protection is 52 now than ever before. About a thousand species of ani malsare 53 dan ger of dying out, and the rate at which 54 are being destroyed has in creased.55 we took

28、no measures to protect wildlife, some day ourchildre n would see no livi ng creatures except man himself.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSIONDirections: Read the follow ing three passages. Eachpassage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marke

29、d A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the informationgiven in the passage.AIf cars had wings,they could fly and that just might happen,beginning in 2011.The company Terrafugia, based in Wobur n,Massachusetts, says it pla ns to deliver its car-pla ne, the Tran siti on,to custome

30、rs by the end of 2011.“Its the n extwow vehicle,”sa id Terrafugia vicepreside nt Richard Gersh . “Anybody can buy a Ferrari, but as we say,Ferraris don t fly.”The car plane has wings that unfold for flyinga process the company says takes one minute 用心爱心专心5and fold back up for driv ing. A run way is

31、still required to take off and land.The Tran siti on is being marketed more as a pla ne that drives tha n a car that flies, although it isboth. The compa ny has bee n work ing with FAA to meet aircraft regulati ons, and with the Nati onalHighway Traffic Safety Admi nistratio n to meet vehicle safety

32、 regulati ons.The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as a more convenient and cheaperway to fly. They say it saves you the trouble from trying to find another mode of transportation to getto and from airports: You drive the car to the airport and then you re good to go. When

33、you land,you fold upthe wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you dont have to storeit at an airportyou park it in the garage at home.The car-plane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum takeoff weight of1,430 pounds, includingfuel and passenge

34、rs. Terrafugia says theTransition reducesthe potential for an accident by allowing pilotsto drive underbad weather in stead of flying into margin al(临界)con diti ons.The Transitions price tag: $194,000, But there may beadditional charges foroptions like a radio, transponder or GPS. Another option is

35、a full-plane parachute.“If you get into a very awful situation,丄is the necessary safety option,”Gersh said.So far, the company has more than 70 orders with deposits.“We re working very closely with them,but there are still some remaining steps,”Brow n said.56. We can lear n from the first paragraph

36、that ._A. car-pla nes will be popular in 2011B. people might drive a car-pla ne in 2011C. both Tran siti on and Ferrari can take off and landD. Richard Gersh is the vice preside nt of Massachusetts57. lt takes the car-pla ne one minute to ._A. fold and un fold its wings B. un fold wings for flyingC.

37、 la nd in the airportD. meet flying safety regulati ons58. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. The car-pla ne n eeds a run way to take off and land.B. To meet aircraft regulati ons, the compa ny has bee n worki ng with FAA.C. The car-pla ne may fly as high as no rmal pla

38、nes.D. People can park the car-pla ne in the garage at their home.59. The underlined word“it”in the last but one paragraph refers to._A. the radio B. the tran spo nder C. the GPS D. the full-pla ne parachute60. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Cars With Wings May Be Just Arou nd The CornerB.

39、Which to Choose: A Ferrari or a Car Pla ne?C. A more Convenient and Cheaper Way to FlyD. Cars With Wings Can Fly as Fast as Pla nesBIf you know exactly what you want, the best way to get a job is to get specialized training. A recentsurvey shows that compa nies like graduates in such fields as bus i

40、n ess and health care who can go towork immediately with very littleon-the-jobtrai ning.Thats especially true of booming fields that are challenging for workers. At Corn ells School ofHotel Adm ini strati on, for example, bachelors degreegraduates get an average of four or five job offers with salar

41、ies ranging from the high tee ns to the low20s and ple nty of cha nces for rapid adva nceme nt. Large compa nies, especially, like a background of用心爱心专心6formal education coupled with work experienee.Butin the long run, too much specializati on does nt pay off. Busin ess, which has bee n flooded with

42、 MBAs,no Ion ger con siders the degree an automatic stamp of approval.The MBA may ope n doors and comma nd a higher salary in itially, butthe effect of adegree washes out after five years._As further evidenee of companies gradually losing faith in specializeddegrees,Michigan States Scheetz mentions

43、a pattern in hiringpractices. Although companiestend to take on specialists as new hires, they often seek out generalistsfor middleand upper- level man ageme nt.“They want some one who isnt con strained(限制)by details to look at the big picture,”says Scheetz. This sounds like a formalstateme nt that

44、you approve of the liberal-arts(文科)graduates. Time and aga inlabor-market an alysts men ti on a n eed for tale nts that liberal-arts majors are assumed to have: writi ngand com muni cati on skills,orga ni zati onalskills,ope n-min ded ness and adaptability, and the ability to an alyze and solve prob

45、lems.David Birch, man ager of the Bost on Red Sox, claims he does n ot hire an ybody with an MBAor anengineeringdegree,“I hire only liberal -arts people because they havea less-than- canned way of doing things,”says Birch.For a liberal-arts degree, stude nts focus on some basic courses that in clude

46、 literature,history, mathematics, economics, scie nee, huma n behaviorplus acomputer course or two. With these useful and importa nt courses,you can feel freeto specialize,“A liberal -arts degree coupled with an MBA or some other technical trai ning is a verygood comb in ati on in the marketplace,”s

47、ays Scheetz.61. What kinds of people are in high dema nd on the job market?A. Students with a bachelors degree in humanities.B. People with an MBA degree from top universities.C. People with formal schooli ng plus work experie nee.D. People with special training in engineering62. By sayingbut the ef

48、fect of a degree washes out after five years”(Para 2),the author means ._A. most MBA programs fail to provide stude nts with a solid foun dati onB. an MBA degree does not help in the future promotionC. MBA programs will not be as popular in five yearstime as they are nowD. people will not forget abo

49、ut the degree the MBA graduates have got63. According to Scheetzs statement ( Para. 3), companies prefer people who _A. have a strategic mindB. are tale nted in fine artsC. are ambitious and aggressiveD. have received trai ning in mecha nies64. David Birch claims that he only hires liberal-arts peop

50、le because they ._A. are more capable of han dli ng cha nging situati onsB. can stick to established ways of solvi ng problemsC. are thoroughly trained in a variety of specialized fieldsD. have atte nded special programs in man ageme nt65. Which of the follow ing stateme nts does the author support?

51、A. Specialists are more expe nsive to hire tha n gen eralists.B. Formal schooli ng is less importa nt tha n job training.C. On-the-job training is, in the long run, less costly.D. Generalists will do better than specialists in management.CFrom a very early age,some children exhibit better self-contr

52、ol than others.用心爱心专心7Now a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a childs lowself -control can predict poor health, money troubles and even a crim inal record in their adult years.Researchers have bee n study ing this group of childre n for decades now. Theyo

53、bserved the level of self-c on trol the youn gsters displayed. Parents even the kidsthemselves,scored the youngsters on measures like thinking”and“Persisteneein reaching goals.”The study led by Moffitt of Duke Uni versity and colleagues followed 1,000children from birth to age 32 in Dunedin, New Zea

54、la nd.“The childre n who had the lowest self-con trol whe n they wereage three to ten , later on had the most health problems in their 30s,”Moffitt said,“ and they had the worst financialsituation.They were more likely to have a crim inal record and to be rais ing a child as a single pare nt on a ve

55、ry low in come.”Moffitt expla ined problems were widely observed,and werentjust a feature of a small group of misbehavi ng kids.Moffitt said its still unclear why some children have better self -control than others,though shesaid other researchers have found that its mostly a learnedbehavior, with r

56、elatively little gen etic in flue nee. But good self-c on trol can be set to run in familiesbecause childre n with good self-c on trol are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.But the good news,Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curri

57、cula thathave bee n show n to be effective.66. From the first two paragraphs we lear n that ._A. the research has bee n carried out for five yearsB. self-control in kids tends to determine their futureC. self-control was assessed by childrens intelligeneeD. childrens self -control is almost the same

58、 at early age67. Childre n with low self-c on trol are more likely to ._A. become wealthy in later lifeB. get good school performa neeC. have better finan cial pla nningD. adopt n egative behaviors68. Accordi ng to Moffitt, ._A. only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the futureB. scie nt

59、ists know well why some childre n have better self-c on trolC. self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activityD. willpower as a child really in flue nces peoples cha nces of adulthood69. What can be in ferred from the passage?A. Self-c on trol cannot be taught in schools.B. The st

60、udy is restricted within few participa nts.C. Its never too late to deal with self-control problems.D. Good pare nti ng can improve self-c on trol and life success.70. Which of the follow ing might be the best title of the passage?A. Childs self -control predicts future health, successB. Kids are en


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