已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、小升初名词专项1、 定义 名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。 二、分类 一名词分类 专有名词              个体名词可数名词(普通名词所表示的 普通名词    集体名词  人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词)         

2、0;     物质名词  不可数名词(普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,               抽象名词  事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。) 二、名词的数 不可数名词没有复数形式。可数名词有单数和复数之分, 单数变复数形式变化规则如下:  1. 一般的名词词尾直接加

3、-s 。如:   (书)book  books        (钢笔)pen  pens   (房子)house  houses   (天,日子)day  days  2. 以s, ch, sh, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:  

4、 (公交车)bus  buses       (玻璃)glass  glasses (手表)watch  watches     (盘,碟)dish  dishes  (盒子)box  boxes  3. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:  

5、 (城市)city  cities         (身子,身体) body  bodies    (工厂)factory  factories等等。 (典型例子:“元音字母+y”的名词直接+s   boy  boys)  4. 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-

6、es。如:   half  halves     leaf  leaves   knife  knives    wife  wives   5.以o结尾的名词分两种情况 a. 有生命的:+es 如:(土豆有生命)potato  potatoes  (西红柿有生命)to

7、mato  tomatoes b无生命的:+s  如: (照片无生命)photo  photos    (钢琴无生命)piano piano1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词 如:John is a student student是普通名词,John是专有名词 普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词的首字母要大写。 2. 普通名词又可以分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词,其中个体名词与集体名词

8、是可数名词,物质名词和抽象名称是不可数名词。 3. 专有名词 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。 名词复数的构成法构成法读音例词在词尾加s1在清辅音后发s2在浊辅音和元音后发z1deskdesks s2boyboys z在词末加es1以“x,s,ch ,sh”等结尾的名词后加es2以e结尾,直接加s (e)s读作iz1glassglasses izclassclasses iz2orangeorangesizhorse horsesiz如以f,fe结尾,则去f,fe加vesves读作vzknife knivesvzwife wivesvz以辅音字母加y

9、结尾,则去y加iesies读作izbaby babies izparty parties iz以辅音字母加o结尾,则加eses读作zpotato potatoes ztomato tomatoesz但radio, photo ,piano,则直接加s大显身手一 写出下列各单词的复数形式 。1. glass _ 2. family _ 3. wolf _ 4. country_ 5.radio_ 6. photo _ 7. fox _8.fridge _9.bus_ 10. box_ 11.watch_ 12.brush _ 13.policeman_14.farm_15.fish_ 16.sa

10、ndwich_17. apple _ 18.foot _ 19.ruler _ 20.tooth _二画横线,选出下列正确的单词或词组。 1Do you drink much( milk ,milks )? 2I visited ( Jim ,Jims )house yesterday 3This is ( Tom and Marys ,Toms and Marys )house4He had two( cup ,cups )of tea 5Those( books ,book )are on the desk 6Look at this( boy ,boys ) 7That( dogs ,d

11、og )is mine 8Would you like some( bananas ,banana )? 9The sperm whale has 50( tooth ,teeth )10These ( shoes ,shoe )are very nice三选择填空。( )1This is _roomAJack and Lucy BJack and Lucys CJacks and Lucys DJacks and Lucy( )2She is a good _Astudent B students Cboy Dboys( )3I want two _A. pencilbox Bpencilb

12、oxes Cpencilsbox Dpencilsboxes( )4How many _ do you have?A friend Bfriends Cfriendes Dfriends( )5These _ are Judys Afish Bfishes Cfishs Dfishs( )6Look at those _ Achild Bchilds Cchildren Dchildrens( )7He has two big _ Aeye Beyes Ceyees Deyes( )8He is Jeffs _ Abrothers Bbrother Cbrotheres Dbrothers(

13、)9 _is this pen ? Its Wang Fangs AWhos BWhose CWhere DWhich( )10_birthday is September 5thA. Her mother B. her mothers C. Her mothers D. Her mothers四将下列表示单数的句子改成复数的句子。1. This is a boy_2. Do you have a new rubber?_3. There is one apple in my hand_4. That is her watch_5. She has a camera and umbrella_

14、 6. There is a plane in the sky_五圈出句子中的错误并改正。 1I dont like orange juices It is sour ( ) 2There is an old books in my bag ( ) 3Bananas is my favorite fruit ( ) 4They go to school on feet ( ) 5There are many photoes of my family ( )六连词成句。1. teacher is strong My and tall ( . ) _2. teacher This science

15、is new our ( . ) _3. there bedrooms How are many ( ? )_4. lake The jumped the dog into ( . )_5. is What your hobby ( ? )_七 阅读理解。 Tom is sevenHe goes to school every day The school is near his home,so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(按时)But today he is lateHis mother asks him“ Why ar

16、e you late today ?”“ I am in the headmasters office(校长办公室)” “ Why do you go to the headmasters office?”“ Because my teacher asks us a question in the classNobody (没人)can answer it ,but I can” “It is good to answer the teachers question” “But the question is who puts ink on my chair” 根据短文内容,回答问题。1. I

17、s Toms home far from his school?_2. How does he go to school ?_3. Does Tom often come back home late?_4. Only Tom can answer the question ,cant he? _5. Is it good for Tom to do it ?_(1).名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词,不可数名词没有单复数,一律看作单数。例如:food, meat, bread, tea, water, milk, ink, orange, drink, rice, fish等。(2).可数名

18、词的单数前什么时候用a,什么时候用an?答:以元音音标(或音素)开头的用an,以辅音音标(或音素)开头的用a。 注意:我们看的是音标(或音素),而不是元音字母。1>选择a或an或者不填(用/来表示) pen bag apple big apple banana orange oranges orange pen hour hauE小时 house haus房子 umbrella Qm5brelE雨伞 university 7ju:ni5vE:siti 大学 Aei Uju: HeitF Ra: Bbi: Mem E chick water child children 2>用a/a

19、n填空:Is it Chinese book or English book?This is ring, and it is orange ring.Mary is English teacher. Tom is Chinese teacher.This is bike. Its old bike.This is telephone number.That is ID card.I lost my keys. Its set of keys.Its apple, not pear.This is peach. Thats orange.You have banana, but I have e

20、gg.用a/an填空:Is there umbrella on the desk?There is island in the sea.There is picture on the card.I have old book. apple is a kind of fruit.There is armchaira:mtFeE(r) in the living room.Id like egg.Look, there is bird in the tree.Is there map on the wall?There is benchbentF in the park.(3). 可数名词的变化规

21、则:一般规则:1>一般在词尾加s,如:books,bags,fruits。加s之后的读音规则:清清浊浊,即清辅音后读清辅音s,如books buks浊辅音后读浊辅音z,如bags bAgz元音音标后面读z,如boys bRizt后读ts,d后读dz 如:catskAts birdsbE:dz请写出下列名词复数加s后的读音:例:boats t birds dpens ducks dogs chicks bears rabbits cards flowers 2>以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加es,读iz如:busbuses 5bQsizs公交车boxboxes 5bRksiz 盒子

22、watchwatches 5wRtFiz手表brushbrushes 5brQFiz刷子写出下列名词的复数并写出所加s或es后的音标。glass match wish 3>以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i再加es,读iz;以元音字母加y结尾的名词直接在词尾加s。如:baby babies 5beibiz 婴儿写出下列名词的复数:butterfly sky boy toy 4>以f、fe结尾的名词变f、fe为ves,读vz如:wolf wulf 狼wolves wulv写出下列名词的复数:wife(妻子) life(生命)knife(小刀)5>以o结尾的名词加es 的有:he

23、ro5hi 英雄Nigro 5nigrEu 黑人 tomato tEmeitEu西红柿potato pEteitEu土豆,其他的以o结尾的名词直接在词尾加s如:zoozoos photophotos(4)名词复数的不规则变化:manmen男人 womanwumEnwomen 5wimin 女人tooth tu:Wteeth ti:W 牙齿foot futfeet fi:t 脚,英尺goose gu:sgeese gi:z 鹅mouse maus mice mais 老鼠child tFaildchildren 5tFildrEn 孩子(5)单复同形的名词有:Chinese 5tFaini:z

24、中国人Japanese 7dVApE5ni:z日本人sheep Fi:p 绵羊deer diE 鹿 fish fiF 鱼注意:fish当一条鱼讲时,单复数同形,如three fish.当各种各样的鱼讲时,即强调鱼的种类时,要加es.如:all kindskaindz of fishes .各种各样的鱼当鱼肉讲时,不可数。(6)名词修饰名词时的复数情况:a man teacher 一个男老师two men teachers 两个男老师a woman teacher 一个女老师two women teachers 两个女老师只有当man和woman修饰名词时,前后两个名词都变复数。其他的名词修饰名

25、词,只把最后的名词变为复数。如:a girl student 一个女学生two girl students 两个女学生翻译:两个男工人 两个女工人 两个小孩 3个中国人 3条鱼 4只绵羊 4只鹿 5只鹅 5英尺 6颗牙齿 6个女人 7只脚 7个男人 写出下列句子的复数句子: This is my friend. That is his brother. Is this your sister? Is that her cousin? Whats this? This is an apple tree. It is an old backpack. 写出下列单词的复数形式:bird( ) chi

26、ck( )chick-( ) fish-( )church( ) pencil box( )toy-( ) donkey( ) monkey( ) baby-( ) candy-( ) family-( ) potato-( ) tomato( )选择填空: Its autumnC:tEm , are falling(降落)down from trees.A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leaves There are five under the tree.A. sheep B. sheepes C. ships D. sheeps What are these

27、in English?-_are stamps.stAmpA. They B. It C. Those(7)不可数名词的用法:1>不可数名词前面不能用a,an来修饰,但可以与the连用,表示特指。2>不可数名词不能和具体的数词(one,two,three,等)连用。3>不可数名词不能用指示代词this,that,these,those来修饰,但可以用some,much来修饰。例如:some orange一些橘汁 much water许多水常用的不可数名词有三类,液体:water (水) coffee(咖啡) juice(果汁) 等,例如:a cup of water 一杯水

28、a bottle of juice 一瓶果汁 翻译:一杯咖啡: 一瓶牛奶: 一杯茶: 肉类meat mi:t肉类,beef bi:f牛肉,porkpC:k猪肉,muttonmQtn羊肉等。注意:肉类中chicken 为鸡肉时不可数,为小鸡时可数(keep chicken养鸡)。固定用法:bread 面包;rice 大米,米饭;grass草;glass,当”玻璃”讲不可数: hair 头发当满头白发中的几根黑发时,或满头黑发中的几根白发时可数。weather5weTE(r) 天气; fun 有趣的事或人;adviceEd5vaIz;建议; information InfE5meIFEn 信息,情

29、报翻译:给我一些面包: 我喜欢吃米饭: 勿踏草坪(walk, on the grass): 我们度假时天气真好。(on holiday) 玩的高兴: 给Sam一些建议吧。 好的/坏的消息: 4>不可数名词“量”的表示方法: 在英语中,不可数名词如果要表示“量” 的概念,可以用以下两种方法: 用much, a little, a lot of/lots of, some, any等表示多少。例如:There is some milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些牛奶。Is there any water in the glass? 杯子里有水吗?There is too much snow and ice. 冬天有很多的雪和冰。Linda has a lo


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