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1、The richest city in the Middl The richest city in the Middl EastEastDUbaiDUbai中东最富有的城市迪拜Dubai, the modernized international metropolis, the united Arab emiratess most populous city, the second largest emirate after ABU dhabi, the richest city in theMiddle East, is in the Middle East economic and fin

2、ancial center, known as the trade in the united Arab emirates. Dubai has the worlds first seven-star hotel (sailing hotel), the worlds tallest building (khalifa), the worlds largest shopping center, the worlds largest indoor ski resort, and active in real estate, games, talks almost attracted a worl

3、d record for the feature of the eyes of the world.迪拜,现代化的国际大都市,阿拉伯联合酋长国人口最多的城市,继阿布扎比之后第二大酋长国,中东最富裕的城市,是中东地区的经济和金融中心,被称为阿联酋的“贸易之都”。迪拜拥有世界上第一家七星级酒店(帆船酒店)、世界最高的摩天大楼(哈利法塔)、全球最大的购物中心、世界最大的室内滑雪场等,以活跃的房地产、赛事、会谈等近乎世界纪录的特色吸引了全世界的目光Burj AL Arab Hotel Dubai,also known as junk hotel.Dubai sailing hotel ,transla

4、ted into Chinese ,also known as “Arab Star”it is the worlds first 7-star hotel. It is in the Middle East, Dubai, United Arab Emirates city of Dubai Emirate Hotel,designed by British architect WS Atkins,look like a dium full of the wind,a total of 56 floor,321meters high,is the Worlds highest hotel,i

5、s higher than the Eiffel Tower in FranceIt is learned that the hotel was renovated,only used 40 tons of gold on, not to mention the furniture,even the door,or even a note of paper,are “climbing” full of gold. 阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店。迪拜的帆船酒店,翻译成汉语又称“阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。它是世界上第一家的七星级酒店。位于中东地区阿拉伯联合酋长国的迪拜市。饭店由英国设计师

6、W.s.Atkins设计,外观如同一张鼓满了风的帆,一共有56层、321米高,是全球最高的饭店,比法国埃菲尔铁塔还高上一截。据悉,当时酒店装修时,仅黄金就用了40吨,其豪华程度令人叹为观止。酒店内部触目皆“金”,不要说家具,连门把、厕所水的水管,甚至是一张便条纸,都“爬”满黄金。The palm is one of the worlds most iconic residential and tourism projects. Every island has a lot of villas, apartments, add a lot of demand for the emirate of

7、 dubai beach. At a cost of $14 billion to build and into dubai palm is known as the eighth wonder of the world. Planning in 2012 after the completion of the entire island, is the worlds largest artificial island. Each island consists of three parts: the trunk, crown and new type of DAMS. Will also g

8、row 12000 palm trees on the island, these plants are located in zhu mela nursery cultivation. The entire island is a great summer resort and play heaven, above has the housing 2400 sets, you can check in 5000. There is also the playground, gym and facilities such as the cinema.棕榈岛是世界最具标志性住宅及旅游项目。每个岛

9、上都有大量的别墅、公寓发售,为整个迪拜酋长国增添了诸多供不应求的海滩。耗资140亿美元打造而成的迪拜棕榈岛被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。规划2012年整个岛屿建成后,将是世界上最大的人工岛。每座岛屿包括三部分:“树干”、“树冠”和新月型围坝。岛上还将种植12000棵棕榈树,这些树苗正在位于朱梅拉的苗圃里栽培。整座岛屿就是一个巨大的避暑胜地和游玩天堂,上面拥有2400套海边住房,可以入住5000人。另外,还有运动场、健身房和电影院等设施。Atlantis, at a cost of $1.5 billion to build, is located in the united Arab emirat

10、es dubai palm island, covers an area of 113 acres, has 1539 rooms, as ancient Persia and ancient Babylon building decoration style. Grand opening on September 24, 2008, among the most expensive suite ChengHui $35000 a night, there are three bedrooms and three bathrooms, gold leaf and are available i

11、n a 18 people dining table, has an extraordinary. Is the best feature of the hotel lobby is equipped with a giant aquarium tank, inside have 65000 fish. In addition, there is a dolphin pool, raised more than 20 imports from Solomon islands bottlenose dolphins. In addition, the hotel has four by star

12、 chef at the helm of a senior restaurant, nightclub, a spa and fitness center, and large conference center and other facilities. It is the worlds only a suite hotel under the sea亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis),耗资15亿美元兴建,坐落阿联酋迪拜的棕榈人工岛上,占地113亩,有1539个房间,如同古波斯和古巴比伦建筑装潢风貌。2008年9月24日隆重揭幕,当中最贵的套房盛惠3.5万美元一晚,内有三间睡房和三间浴室,并有一

13、张可供18人用餐的金叶餐桌,气派非凡。酒店的最大特色是大堂设有一个巨型水族缸,内里有6.5万条鱼。此外,还有一个海豚池,饲养了20多条从所罗门群岛进口的瓶鼻海豚。此外,酒店拥有四家由星级名厨掌舵的高级 餐厅、一家夜总会、一间水疗及健身中心,还有偌大的会议中心等设施。它是世界上唯一一个有海下套房的酒店。Khalifa, formerly known as the burj dubai, also known as the dubai tower or than dubai tower, is the worlds tallest building and artificial structure

14、s.Khalifa, height of 828 meters, the floor, a total of 162 layer cost $1.5 billion and the construction of the building itself will cost at least $1 billion, not including its internal large shopping centers, lakes, and slightly shorter towers of construction costs.哈利法塔,原名迪拜塔,又称迪拜大厦或比斯迪拜塔,是世界第一高楼与人工

15、构造物。哈利法塔高828米,楼层总数162层,造价15亿美元,大厦本身的修建耗资至少10亿美元,还不包括其内部大型购物中心、湖泊和稍矮的塔楼群的修筑费用。Due to occupy the important geographical location in the Middle East, dubai and much oil, so dubai is a rich country. Dubai taxi is lamborghini, buses are mercedes-benz, flower house golden create artificial island, with gold hotel, it can be seen that dubai is a world of local tyrants. Again a word if one day I no country for old men, please throw me picking up litter in dubai. Can go to dubai is a very happy thing, of course if you want more gold迪拜由于占据


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