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1、Choose one which is the best answer in each question(40 1 point = 40 )1. Immunological unresponsiveness to self antigens is called: ( A) 窗体顶端ATolerance BTolerogen CMemory DAcquired immunity 2. The signal transduction molecules associated with BCR are (B )A. CD21 and CD81. B. Ignd IgCD79a,b C. IgD an

2、d IgM. D.ITAMs and ITIMs.3. T cells are MHC-restricted in their ability to respond to antigen because (D )A. all antigen must be processed and presented to activate lymphocytes. B. during an infection, all cells in the body present antigen on MHC Class I. C. MHC binds antigen more specifically than

3、TCR does. D. TCR must recognize both antigen and MHC molecules. 4. An antibody Fab contains ( A B)A. complementarity determining regions. B. H and L chain variable regions. C. one antigen binding region. D. one H-L interchain disulfide bond. 5 Positive selection in the thymus is mediated by: ( A )窗体

4、顶端AThymic epithelial cells. BMacrophages. CDendritic cells. DB-cells. 6. Type hypersentivity is often referred to as: ( B )A. Immediate hypersensitivity B. Delayed hypersensitivity C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity D. Allergic hypersensitivity7. Type hypersentivity is often referred to as: ( C ) A. Imme

5、diate hypersensitivity B. Delayed hypersensitivity C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity D. Allergic hypersensitivity 8. Naive B cell expresses ( C ) A. IgA alone B.IgA and IgG C IgM +IgD D.IgE and Ig 9. T cell-derived cytokines ( D ) A. are antigen-specific products of T cell activation B. are stored in th

6、e resting T cell and released on activation C. are MHC-restricted in their effects D. influence the class of antibodies produced by B cell10. Neutrophils are attracted to an infected area by ( C ) A. IgM B. C1 C. C5a D. C811. Complement lyses cells by ( C ) A. enzymatic digestion of the cell membran

7、e B. activation of adenylate cyclase C. insertion of complement proteins into the cell membraneD. inhibition of elongation factor 2 12. CD8 is a marker of ( C)A. B cells B. Helper - T cells C. cytotoxic T cell D. M13. MHC class molecules are found on (B ) A. Virtually all cells in the body B. B cell

8、s, DC and M C. Virtually all nucleated cells in the body D. Only on virally-infected cells.14. All of following cytokines are secreted by Th2 cells except (B )A. IL-4 B. IFN- C. IL-5 D. IL-615. Which of the following is NOT true of CD4+ and CD8+ cell markers? ( D ) A. These are both surface glycopro

9、teins expressed on T-cells. B. These serve to distinguish different types of T-cells, e.g., helper, suppressor and cytotoxic, from each other. C. These are not found associated with immunoglobulins. D. Both of the markers are present on ALL T-cells. 16.Cells bearing MHC class I plus peptide are targ

10、ets for specific: ( B )AB-cells. BCytotoxic T-cells. CTh1 cells. DTh2 cells. 17. Dendritic cells are characterized by: ( D )Athe presence of major basic protein Bexpression of CD3 Cexpression of IgM molecules Dtheir interface between the innate and adaptive immune system18. Which of the following un

11、iquely distinguishes the T-cell receptor (TCR) from an antibody? ( A )A. The TCR can bind an antigen fragment only in a trimolecular complex with either the class I or class II surface proteins of the major histocompatibility complex B. The TCR can function as a cell surface antigen receptor C. The

12、TCR is composed of two different types of polypeptide chains D. The TCR is capable of participating in a cytotoxic reaction.19. A critical property of an antigen is ( A )A. Its ability to stimulate an immune response B. a unique topological feature called an paratope C. not a unique topological feat

13、ure called an antigenic determinant D. the size of which is relatively small20.Opsonization of bacteria occurs through coating bacteria just with: ( A )窗体顶端AC3b BC8 CMembrane attack complex DIgM 21.The following is characteristic of B- but not T-cells: ( D )窗体顶端AClass I MHC. BCD3. CHIV virus recepto

14、r. DSurface immunoglobulin.22Which of the following molecules is expressed on the surface of mature CD4+T cells? ( C )A. B cell receptor B. CD1d C.CD3 D.CD823 The thymus is the site of initial differentiation for ( D )A. B cells B. Erythrocytes C. Hematopietic stem cells D. T cells 24. The membrane

15、attack complex consists of: ( C ) AOH BC3b3b,Bb CC5b,6,7,8,9 DProperdin 25. Type hypersentivity is often referred to as: (A ) A. Immediate hypersensitivity B. Delayed hypersensitivity C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity D. Immune complex hypersensitivity 26. Type hypersentivity is often referred to as: (

16、D) A. Immediate hypersensitivity B. Delayed hypersensitivity C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity D. Immune complex hypersensitivity 27. The typehypersentivity is mediated by: ( D )A. IgA B. IgD C. IgG D. IgE 28. The cytokine which is most involved in the class switch to IgE production is: ( D )A.IL-1 B.IL

17、-2 C.TGF beta D.IL-4 29. Which type hypersensitivity is related to the mechanism of acute Arthus reaction: ( C )A. Type hypersentivity B. Type hypersentivity C. Type hypersentivity D. Type hypersentivity 30.T-cell CD40L provides a costimulatory signal to B-cells by ligating: ( A )窗体顶端ACD40 BMHC clas

18、s II CCD28 DCD19 31. Which immunoglobulin can be transported through the placenta? ( A )A. IgG B. IgM C. Secretory IgA D. IgE 32. Which immunoglobulin is the most one in the blood? ( A )A. IgG B. IgM C. Secretory IgA D. IgE 33. Which immunoglobulin can mediate the immediate hypersensitivity? ( D )A.

19、 IgG B. IgM C. Secretory IgA D. IgE 34. Molecules directly involved in NK cell mediated killing include: ( B )Anitric oxide Bgranzyme Ccomplement DIFN- 35. Immune complexes consist of ( C ) A. antibody plus complement B. basophil plus complement C. antigen plus antibody D. antigen plus complement36.

20、The main costimulatory signal for activation of resting T-cells is provided by ligation of: ( A )ACD28 BSurface Ig CLFA-1 DVLA-4 37.The T-cell receptor antigen recognition signal is transduced by: ( E )AThe TCR alpha chain. BThe TCR beta chain. DCD2. ECD3.38.The T-cell ligand binding B7 on a profess

21、ional antigen-presenting cell is: AACD28 BCD2 CLFA-1 DICAM-1 39.Secondary antibody responses are better because: ( C) AThey provide defense against unrelated antigens BThe antibody can be made by both T and B cells CThey are stronger and faster DThey do not require T-cell help 40.Which cell type pro

22、duces antibodies?: ( D ) AMacrophages BT-lymphocytes CNK DPlasma cells II. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false. (102 points =20 )1. A hapten can stimulate antibody formation but cannot combine with antibody molecules. ( F)2. Booster shots are required because repeated

23、exposure to an antigen builds a stronger immune response. ( T)3. The Ig/Ig heterodimer and CD3 serve analogous functions in the B-cell receptor and T-cell receptor, respectively. ( T )4. Antigen-presenting cells express both class I and class II MHC molecules on their membranes. ( T )5. Babies can a

24、cquire IgE-mediated allergies by passive transfer of maternal antibody. ( F )6. Both CTLs and NK cells release perforin after interacting with target cells. ( T )7. Target cell lysis and destruction can be achieved by perforin released from antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells ( T )8. The immune respo

25、nse is mediated via the humoral and/or cellular arms of the immune system ( T )9. Immediate type hypersensitivity is mediated by IgM. ( F )10. All cytokine-binding receptors cintain two or three subunits. ( T ) Answer the following questions in brief (104points =40 )1. Name the three types of professional APCs, and give one example of nonprofessional APCs. B M DC endothelial cell2. Summarize the four major functions of complement system lysis of cells, bacteria and viruses opsonization to enhance phagocytosis clearance of immune complexes stimulation of inflammation3. List the c


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