1、 One-Dimensional Fluorescent Silicon Nanorods Featuring Ultrahigh Photostability, Favorable Biocompatibility, and Excitation Wavelength-Dependent Emission Spectra一维荧光硅纳米棒具有超高的光稳定性、良好的生物相容性,和激发波长依赖性的特性讲课人:西北大学2022-5-31Journal of the American Chemical Society大纲:u前言 u摘要uSiNRs的制备uSiNRs的表征及应用u总结与反思2022-5
2、-32Journal of the American Chemical Society 前言 文章出处:Song B, Zhong Y, Wu S, et al. One-Dimensional Fluorescent Silicon Nanorods Featuring Ultrahigh Photostability, Favorable Biocompatibility, and Excitation Wavelength-Dependent Emission SpectraJ. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(14
3、): 4824-4831. 光致化学发光:光致发光是指物体依赖外界光源进行照射,从而获得能量,产生激发导致发光的现象,它大致经过吸收、能量传递及光发射三个主要阶段,光的吸收及发射都发生于能级之间的跃迁,都经过激发态。而能量传递则是由于激发态的运动。紫外辐射、可见光及红外辐射均可引起光致发光。如磷光与荧光。2022-5-33Journal of the American Chemical Society 摘要u这篇文章主要报道了一种长度可调的硅纳米棒(silicon nanorods,SiNRs)的制备,表征,证明此材料具有较高的荧光量子产率、可忽略的生物毒性(negligible toxici
4、ty)、激发波长依赖性的光致发光(excitation wavelength-dependent photoluminescence)、荧光稳定性(photostable),在多色生物成像、LED灯的色彩转换器等方面有较大的应用潜力。2022-5-34Journal of the American Chemical Society硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的制备Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration of microwave synthesis of SiNRs. The whole growth process is composed of three typi
5、cal steps: micelle fusion and crystal nucleation (Step1), crystal growth and aggregation (Step 2), and different growth rate in longitudinal direction (Step 3).2022-5-35Figure 1.(bi) TEM and HRTEM images of SiNRs with different lengths: (b, f) 250 nm; (c, g) 180 nm; (d, h) 140 nm; and (e, (i) 100 nm
6、 at different milk concentrations ranging from 1 to 4 mg/mL. Insets in (be) represent corresponding length distribution analysis (histograms) determined by TEM and DLS spectra(blue curves).2022-5-36硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 2. (a) XRD patterns of the four types of SiNRs samples. The diffraction peaks are
7、 analyzed by XRD software (PCPDFWIN). The standard diffraction lines of cubic silicon and hydroxyapatite are also shown for comparison. (b) FTIR spectra of the SiNRs, exhibiting obvious absorption peaks at 4004000 cm1.2022-5-37硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 3. (ad) Si 2p region of the high-resolution XP spect
8、ra of SiNRs with different lengths. Fitting is shown for the Si 2p3/2 component. The Si 2p1/2 components have omitted for clarity.2022-5-38硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 4. (a) PL (excitation (ex) = 420 nm) spectra and (b) absorption spectra of the SiNRs with different length. (c) Photographs of SiNRs with di
9、fferent lengths under ambient light (I), 365 nm irradiation (II),400 nm irradiation (II), and 450 nm irradiation (IV).2022-5-39硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 5. (ae) TEM images of the SiNRs obtained at different reaction times (0, 10, 20, 40, 60 min) with a milk concentration of 3 mg/mL(reaction temperature:
10、150 C). (fj) Photographs of the SiNRs aqueous solution under 365, 400, and 450 nm irradiation; (ko) corresponding fluorescence spectra under serial excitation wavelengths from 400 to 510 nm.2022-5-310硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 6. (a) Cell viability of HeLa cells treated with the SiNRs (the SiNRs with leng
11、th of 140 nm (determined by TEM) are employed as a model)for different incubation times. The viability of the control cells was considered 100%. (b) Morphology of cells incubated with SiNRs of different concentrations (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/mL) for 0.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h. Multicolor confoca
12、l images of (c) HeLa cells and (d) C. elegans treated by the SiNRs. Their corresponding bright-field images are shown in (c (I) and (d (I), respectively. The images of (c (II), d (II) are collected in the ranges of 430480 nm at ex = 405 nm; the images of (c (III), d (III) are collected in the ranges
13、 of 470550 nm at ex = 458 nm; the images of(c (IV), d (IV) are collected in the ranges of 560620 nm at ex = 514 nm with laser-scanning confocal microscope, respectively.2022-5-311硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 7. (a) The as-prepared aqueous samples of SiNRs withdifferent length retain nearly identical fluores
14、cent intensity during 100 days of storage. (b)Photostability comparison of aqueous solutions of FITC, CdTe QDs, CdSe/ZnS QDs, and four different aspect ratio SiNRs under continuous UV irradiation (450 W xenon lamp) for serial times. (ch) Photographs of aqueous solutions of FITC, CdTe QDs,CdSe/ZnS QD
15、s, and SiNRs under continuous UV irradiation (450 Wxenon lamp) for serial times.2022-5-312硅纳米棒(SiNRs)的表征Figure 8. (a) Photographs of the blue LED operated at 5 mA current.(b) Schematic diagram of the SiNRs-based white LED (1) blue LED chips (emission peak at 420 nm); (2) mixed SiNR-siliconecomposite
16、s). (c) As-prepared SiNRs-based white LED (SiNRs-LED) operated at 10 mA current. (d) The color coordination of the spectrum under various currents (the red circle) on the CIE 1931color space.2022-5-313文章思路2022-5-3141.明确研究SiNRs的研究意义2.制备SiNRs3.对材料的形貌表征成分表征分析激发波长依耐性表征分析毒性表征分析光学稳定分析在LED中的应用表征分析4. 结论总结与反思创新点1. 方法创新:该文献中制备硅纳米棒的方法是相对简单的一锅法,并且能够很好地控制纳米棒的长度轴向生长。2. 应用创新:一般的材料制备很
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