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1、Business Process Management LifecycleBPM Strategy & Business CaseJuly 27, 2012Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Presenters2Mike McCleeryBPM-L MAtlanta, GAParu MehrotraBPM-L CBallston, VACopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.BPM Strategy & Business CaseOffering OverviewCase

2、StudyProposal and ApproachDeliverables and ResultsWrap-upLessons LearnedQ&A3Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The BPM Strategy approach is critical in identifying, targeting, and delivering real business value through BPMBPM Strategy - ObjectiveFrom IssuePaceCertaintyStrategic Agility

3、To OutcomeDelivering real business value through BPM and creating a process based advantage by directly supporting the business strategyWithout targeting the right BPM initiatives with the right BPM methods in the context of real business value, BPM initiatives dont deliver the full potential of des

4、ired benefits Fast identification of high impact processes, capability gaps and a prioritized BPM roadmapClient engagement + execution + outcomeBusiness model + Operating Model + Execution42011 Accenture All rights reserved. Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.BPM Strategy - ComponentsProce

5、ss Impact Matrix (PIM)Capability Assessment Model (CAM)Process Segmentation BPM Capability Maturity AssessmentBPM Business CaseBPM RoadmapThe PIM helps target client efforts onto processeswith the greatest impactand potential to drive most value for the clientThe CAM identifies how well specific pro

6、cesses are currently functioning to determine the ones with the significant improvement potential Process segmentation makes it clear which process improvement approach and governance procedures will be most appropriateThe BPM Maturity Assessment evaluates all relevant aspects of how to develop, ret

7、ain and manage the required business process management capabilitiesThe BPM Roadmap defines the current and end-state maturity of BPM for the client with the business objectives charted over time to drivea prioritized list of projectsThe BPM Business case provides an approach to determining the real

8、 value of the BPM initiatives and also helps to prioritize initiatives52011 Accenture All rights reserved. Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.In order to define a BPM Strategy that targets and deliver value, there are three main activities that an organization needs to undertakeBPM Strateg

9、y - Approach6Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The Accenture BPM Business Case approach has eight distinct phases for developing a BPM Business Case:The BPM Business Case template is intended to provide the structure, approach, and functionality for BPM Business Case development. It is su

10、pplemental to (it does not replace) BPM and business case expertise, and other resources that are necessary to develop a BPM Business Case.Every situation is unique, so BPM Business Cases will vary in terms of structure, BPM components, assumptions, key metrics, etc. Although the BPM Business Case t

11、emplate covers the key components and approach, specific situations might only use portions, duplicate other sections (multiple process analysis), or add additional custom sections.BPM Strategy Business Case71. Understand Situation &Formulate Hypothesis4. Determine ConcreteBPM Benefit Values5. P

12、erform ProcessImprovement Analysis2. Determine BPM Benefits & Value Drivers3. Establish Financial Baseline6. Calculate BPM Benefits8. Perform Sensitivity Analysis andAssess Results7. Determine BPM Initiative Investment StructureCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.BPM Strategy & Busi

13、ness CaseOffering OverviewCase StudyProposal and ApproachDeliverables and ResultsWrap-upLessons LearnedQ&A8Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The mail sortation process, equipment and programs .Sort Program Management (SPM)9Originating / Incoming MailMail Processing Equipment (MPE)Sort

14、 Program System (SPS)Sort ProgramsSortProgramMgmt(SPM)Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The Sort Program Management Assessment focused on analyzing all aspects of the current sort program management methods Detailed analysis into existing methods and tools including: Process mapping Gap a

15、nalysis on current vs. desired SPS system capabilities Benchmarking of people, processes, and technologies as compared to other high performing SPM processes and technologies used for managing sort plans Potential options for improved SPM Centralized management and disbursement of sort plan updates

16、Standardized sort program creation rules, naming, and algorithms/tools used to generate the sort plans High-level quantification of value of each option for use in a Business CaseSort Program Management “Assessment”10Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.To perform a comprehensive assessment,

17、 we looked at the people, process, and technology related to sort plan creation and managementAssessing People, Process, and Technology11PeopleProcessTechnologyIdentify various skills, levels, and experience of resources involved in sort plan creation, approval, and managementSurvey the skills, leve

18、ls, and experience of resources tasked with managing sort plans at high-performing foreign posts and mail service providersProcess mapping identifies manual steps of the sort plan creation processAssessment of hand-off points and data gaps in sort plan creation, naming, and catalogingDefine process

19、of creating sort plan “library” and implementing dynamic updates to sort plans and the sorting equipmentIdentify gaps between current SPS capabilities and desired SPS capabilitiesDevelop solution recommendations that would allow central management of sort plansConsider technologies used by other hig

20、h-performing foreign posts and mail service providersCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.A process improvement lifecycle provided clear steps for project activities and deliverablesApproach - Process Improvement Lifecycle12Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.This was a12-week effor

21、t with 3 major phases and 3 primary deliverablesTimeline13123456789101112As-IsAnalysisTo-BeBenchmark People, Process, and Technology at Other High Performing Posts and Mail Service ProvidersPerform Process Mapping to Identify Manual Processes, Hand-off Points, User Interactions, etc.Analysis of Peop

22、le/Skills Involved in Sort Program ManagementDevelop Process and Solution Improvement RecommendationsSPS System Capability Gap AnalysisAs-Is ReportBenchmark ReportTo-BeReportCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The following deliverables were created as a result of this effort:Deliverables14

23、DeliverableDescriptionAs-Is Report Stakeholder consultation to obtain feedback on existing methods, technologies, pain areas, areas for improvement, roles and responsibilities Assessment of the existing IT Solutions and hardware infrastructure related to Sort Plan Management in terms of functionalit

24、y, user-friendliness, integration capability, enterprise standardizationBenchmarking ReportStudy and report on international leading practices in the area of Sort Plan Management used by high-performing foreign posts and mail service providersTo-Be Report Develop IT solution and hardware infrastruct

25、ure options that can be considered to address capability gaps identified in As-Is report Identify potential operational efficiency improvements on existing processes and high-level plans and timelines for implementation Provide feedback on training and resource skillset improvements for resources ta

26、sked with Sort Plan Management across the enterprise High-level quantification of value of the options described aboveCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The following sponsors, stakeholders and SMEs were involved in the project to provide the necessary ownership and decision making with re

27、spect to recommendationsProject Team15Client LeadSEProgram MgrSM (1)Project LeadManager (1)Functional LeadConsultant (1)Technical LeadConsultant (1)SpecialistAnalyst (1)AccentureClient TeamCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.BPM Strategy & Business CaseOffering OverviewCase StudyProposa

28、l and ApproachDeliverables and ResultsWrap-upLessons LearnedQ&A16Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Defining high performance and how to measure it was a necessary and foundational component for driving analysis and formulating recommendations for SPMStrategy Performance Framework (KPI

29、s)17Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The Performance Framework estimated qualitative and quantitative impact on operating cost components using the following stepsStrategy Relationship to Operational Performance18Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.These new metrics focused meas

30、urement on SPM areas that would drive the biggest cost savings for Operations overallStrategy Standard for Measuring Value19Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.To perform a comprehensive assessment, we looked at the people, process, and technology involved in sort plan creation and manageme

31、nt using the following methodsStrategy - Assessing People, Process & Technology20PeopleProcessTechnologyPeople SurveysLeader interviewsFront-line interviewsLogical Operating ModelProcess Modeling & AnalysisPlant toursConceptual ArchitectureVendor researchCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights r

32、eserved.The following processes were defined to scope the Sort Program Management assessment. Consideration was made for the related processes outside this scope that could have an impactAs-Is Report Logical Operating Model21Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Process Impact Matrix tools an

33、d Opportunity Analysis tracking helped guide and prioritize the effort PIM - identified 2 High and 3 Medium impact areas that drove our focus and priority Opportunity Analysis - 60+ opportunities were identified and tracked including: Related processes Analysis synopsis Priority level Change impact

34、KPI mappingsAs-Is Report - PIM / Opportunities22Process Impact MatrixOpportunity AnalysisCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.As-Is Report - Governance23It was critical that the following entities worked in conjunction across a common understanding of sort program optimization in order to de

35、velop feasible and effective solutions to improve overall operational performanceCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The benchmarking survey was divided into 5 major sections. For each component, specific questions were included to allow participants to describe their key activities around

36、SPM.Benchmark Report Survey & Results24SectionQuestionsA: PerformanceA1: What factors are considered for measuring the performance of SPM? A2: What is the investment level for centralized (e.g., headquarters) SPM functions for each of the following categories?B: ProcessesB1: What are the major i

37、ssues (e.g., significant pain points, high complexity, low performance, etc.) with respect to SPM processes?B2: What SPM processes are performed at the local (decentralized) vs. headquarters (centralized) level?B3: What are the critical inputs for designing and creating sort programs? Indicate the s

38、ignificance of the input.C: PeopleC1: What is the average number of personnel involved with SPM at the local and HQ levels? Indicate the average skill level. D: TechnologyD1: Where is technology used to optimize SPM with respect to the processes? What technology and/or vendors are used for SPM optim

39、izationE: GeneralE1: What is your strategy for enhancing SPM performance with respect to timeline?E2: Contact & Follow-upBenchmarking SurveyCopyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Out of 12 solicitations, 5 foreign posts responded and the results were summarized to develop the benchmarkResu

40、lts were summarized to:Compare responsesEvaluate level of maturityProvide key observations to support the to-be phaseNOTE: This approach was used since Capability Assessment Models (CAMs) were not available for this domainBenchmark Report - Summary25Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Work

41、packages were created based on combining related opportunities, along with prioritization and refinement. They were mapped against the areas of impact.To-Be Report Work Packages26NOTE: Some work packages identified touch-points that were “out of scope” which identified additional E2E effortsCopyrigh

42、t 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.An overview was provided for each solution category that included the following summary level information. A conceptual solution design was also provided for each solution set.To-Be Report - Solutions27Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Solutions were e

43、valuated for expected benefit and total effort to implementTo-Be Report - Rankings28Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Benefit vs. Effort provided a perspective on highly vs. less desirable opportunities. To-Be Report Benefit vs. Matrix29Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.Recomme

44、ndations were based on priority and included rationale and actionable stepsTo-Be Report - Recommendations30Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.The roadmap provides timing with respect to related initiatives, solution priority and interdependencies. Identifying clear owners was key to establishing the right sponsorship.To-Be Report - Roadmap31Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.BPM Strat


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