



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上The use of force 大意: Mathilda had been ill for three days. Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didnt do any good. So they had to ask the doctor to come. There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda School and two of them had been dead. When the doctor arrived at

2、 Olsons home, he wanted to examine Mathilda throat first. But no matter how he coaxed, She wouldnt open her mouth. So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth. But Mathilda reduced it to splinters. In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children, the doctor had to make sure

3、whether she had diphtheria or not, so that he could treat her in time. Letting Mathildas father hold her wrists he tried his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a question that something in life cant only depend on self-willingness. Under som

4、e circumstances, certain force seems necessary. 对医生的评价: After the doctor arrived at the girls home, he wanted to see her throat. As there had been a number of cases of diphtheria in the school to which the girl went during that month, the doctor also thought that of the girl. So he smiled to the gir

5、l and asked her to open her mouth and let him have a look at her throat. No matter how the doctor coaxed, the girl shut her mouth firmly. Thinking that the girl might have diphtheria and possibly die of it, the doctor decided to use force to open her mouth. He had seen at least two children lying de

6、ad in bed of neglect in such cases. He felt that he must get a diagnosis now. So he grasped the girls head with his left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. But when the doctor got the wooden spatula behind her last teeth. She gripped the blade between her molars and

7、 reduced it to splinters. In the final unreasoning assault the doctor outer powered the girl. He forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. Her both tonsils were covered with membrane. From that the doctor had done, I thought he was a responsible person. In

8、order to save the lives of the patients, especially those children who did not know how to co-operate with the doctor, he had to take some measure. Otherwise a good or suitable time of treatment would be missed. The doctor appears to be compassionate and keen to human behavior, characteristic of a g

9、ood doctor, though he is also undeniably blunt and slightly prejudiced. 思想: Though there are reasons often justifiable, what compels the use of force against others isn't simply altruism alone. The overall theme of the story revolves around power and submission and the doctor's unnerved feel

10、ing following the forceful encounter. 作者如何写的: The story is narrated in first person by a doctor, who is answering a house visit to see a sick girl. Williams uses interior monologue as a "stream-of-consciousness" tool reflects the narrator's experience of dialogue and gives insight into

11、 the character and his appraisal of the situations he encounters. The story is written without the use of quotation marks, and the dialogue is not distinguished from the narrator's comments. The story is rendered from the subjective point of view of the doctor, and explores his subdued enjoyment

12、 of forcefully subduing the stubborn child in an attempt to acquire the throat sample.The FlyBrief Introduction of "The Fly"The story is mainly about a man called only the boss meeted with his ex-employee, Old Woodifield, heard Old Woodified mentioned the boss's dead son, his feelings

13、changed greatly from the already the forgotten memories to the sudden recalling of his dead son. He felt so desperate and hopeless about the world, then the boss tortured and killed the fly.The theme of the storyBy the destription of a vivid picture bewteen the fly and the boss. The writer wants to

14、say that life is fragile, the length of life is controled by a kind of intangible power. The fly was like a little life, it tried it's best to resist but it still died. The boss symbollized a mysterious power. The fly was controled by a visible hand. In the end, the boss and the fly have the sam

15、e fate that they never surpass the mysterious power. 1. In what way is the fly a symbol? What does the fate of the fly imply? (问题与思考1.)The fly: It stands for those that is struggling and fighting for their lives but could not escape themselves from the final destiny for them which was death. it also

16、 represent the boss. The ending of the fly means the ending of the boss.2. 3. How does he treat Woodifield and Macey? (问题与思考3.)He treated Woodifield with superiority.He treated Macey as his servant.4.5. What does the storys conclusion mean?” for the life of him he could remember.” What and why cant

17、he remember? Who Or what does the boss represent? ( 问题与思考5.)The death of the fly make the boss miserable because he see the fly as himself. Boss finally collapsed mentally. The boss: He stands for magical power gifted with the strength that could destroy everything.The words for the&#

18、160;life of him are chosen carefully. At this moment he has an intimate though subconscious knowledge of his own mortality. For the reader, things are set back in

19、60;balanceAraby Summary:This article mainly tells about a boy who secretly loves a neighboring girl, Mangans sister. This simple and pure love can be revealed through his action, his self-narration and his mentality, which can be best revealed in some sentences in the work. The theme The theme of lo

20、neliness is introduced early in the story by the image of a deserted, isolated house and the narrator's recollection of a priest who lived and died in their back room.问题与思考1.1.blind This word sets the basic tone for the whole environment in which the boy lives,as seen in other other words like &

21、quot;uninhabited," "detached," "brown," "imperturbable" -quickly presents a world that is solemn, indifferent, desolate, cold and dull. 2.imperturbable 沉着的,镇静的 The street was a symbol for the whole Ireland.5.v From the language style of the novels, we identify a fi

22、gure of an adult narrator : This is a grown-up man recalling his youth. v The story writes about the crush of the small boy, but apparently not in the children's writing style or tone. It is through a mans memories, his own choices and treatments, and then to be woven into the chapter.A rose for

23、 Emily1.what is the time sequence in the story, and why is it divided into five sections?(The plot with inverted and disturbed time order: it forces the reader to shift the attention from what happens to why and how it happens. Full of suspense and shocks, it leaves much for the readers to explore)(

24、The story in chronological order) a. Emily lived to the age of 30, and her father died. b. Emily was sick for long, later she was in love c. the town frowned on her affair, the minister going to see her; the female cousins visiting; Emily ordered jewelry, preparing for marriage.

25、Homer Barron going away and coming; Emily bought the rat poison. d. the smell from Emilys house (from the rotten body); Emilys hair turning gray, her door closed; from 40 to 50, giving china-painting lessons. e. Since when she was about 60, the tax problem had remained unresolved. f. Emily died at 7

26、4.2.What foreshadowings of the discovery of Homer Barrions body does the author give us in the story? Do the foreshadowings give away the ending of the story? Do they heighten your interest? Foreshadowing creates expectation for action that has not yet happened; it prepares the reader for what is ye

27、t to happen by presenting some details which hint at the direction the story will take. It is a device conducive to suspense. Faulkner uses both devices in A Rose for Emily to strike the reader with the following feelings: grotesque, mysterious, shocking, tragic, sympathetic, etc.3.4. who is the nar

28、rator and what is his relationship to the story? The Narrator“We”- one of the townspeople: first person (direct, easy to influence the readers views) He reveals a lot about the towns mind. He has mixed feelings. Sometimes he is exactly the towns speaker, but sometimes he is different from the rest o

29、f the town, which shows the authors criticism to the town.5.6.what do you think the author called his story a ”A Rose for Emily?” (The meaning of the title is ambiguous, capable of various interpretations. A rose is a traditional symbol of love and a pledge of faithfulness. From the story we can see

30、 Miss Emily was denied love. So, in this sense, the title has an ironic meaning. A rose for somebody can also mean a kind of memorial, an offering, in memory of somebody. It shows the authors sympathy and deep respect. Does Faulkners Emily remind you of another famous EMILY? What are similar?The symbols in the story  Emily as a symbol The symbol of the roselove The symbol of t


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