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1、Lesson Two Going HomeTeaching Objectives:A. To know the background information about the author and the text;B. To acquire the key words, rhetorical devices, and word-formation;A. To understand the connotation of the title and main idea of the text.Teaching Procedure:I. Pre-task1. Warm upListen to a

2、 song and answer the questions: What kind of music is it? (country music)What is the key word? (home) What is the general meaning of the song?Individual opinions:l This might be the first time you left your home, then do you miss your home?l Can you describe what kind of feeling it is when you are h

3、omesick?l What attracts you most as you think of home?2. Background information about the author Author:Pete Hamill was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1935. He attended Mexico City College in 19561957, studying painting and writing. He has been a columnist for the New York Post, the Daily News, and New

4、York Newsday, and has won many journalistic awards. At the same time, Hamill has pursued a career as a fiction writer, producing 8 novels and 2 collections of short stories. His 1997 novel, Snow in August, was on the New York Times bestseller list for four months. His memoir, A Drinking Life, was on

5、 the same New York Times list for 13 weeksII. Task cycle:Theme of the text:l The ability to forgive and forget is important in all human relationships.l Mutual care and affection among people, esp. among strangers are important, too.Structure of the text:This text can be divided into three parts:Par

6、t I (paras.1-4) about: introduction of the story, including the protagonist, the setting.Part II. ( paras.5-9) about: Vingo began to relate his story.Part III (paras.10-12) about: Vingo was forgiven and welcomed home.In-class discussion:Question: What are the elements of this story?Answer: Protagoni

7、sts: Vingo Setting: on a bus from New York to Florida Plot: an ex-con on his way homeDetailed study of the Text:1) They were dreaming of golden beaches and tides of the sea as the grey, cold spring of New York vanished behind them. (para1)To dream of/ about (doing) sth.: to imagine and think about s

8、th. that you would like to happen,e.g. 这个女孩梦想成为明星。The girl dreamed of becoming a movie star.vanish: v. to disappear suddenly, esp. in a way that cannot easily bee.g. 南非的很多物种已经灭绝。Many species in South America have vanished completely.Expressions about vanish:vanish from sight消失不见vanish into the void化

9、为乌有vanish into thin air从人间蒸发掉vanish without trace消失得无影无踪The whole sentence It was a grey, cold day in spring. As the bus left New York City,these young people were thinking about what they would enjoy in Florida-thegolden beaches and tides of the sea.2) Vingo was on the bus from the beginning. (para

10、 1) Question: What information can we get from this sentence?Answer: This sentence introduces the main character of the story. He is not one of the six young people going to Florida. Throughout the story, he is something of a mystery. We are never told his age, why he had been in prison, what his li

11、fe has been before, ect. However, what we want to know most is probably where he was going and what was worrying him.3) to pass through(a place). (para2)to pass (a place): to go past a place without entering,e.g. 在她去工作的路上,她路过了一家超市。On her way to work, she passed a supermarket.The whole sentence: to g

12、o through a town, etc., perhaps stopping there for a shorttime, but not staying4). He sat in front of the young people, his dusty face masking his age, dressed in a plain brown suit that did not fit him. (para 2)mask: v. to hide the truth about how you feele.g. mask ones fear by a show of confidence

13、. 表现得自信以掩饰恐惧n. an expression that hides ones true feelings.e.g. Her confident manner is really a mask of fear. 他自信的表现就是对恐惧的一种掩饰。dressed in a : This past participle phrase is used to tell the readers more about the subject of the sentence “he”to fit (sb.): to be the right size or shape for sb., e.g.

14、Cinderellas sisters tried the shoes, but they didnt fit. 灰姑娘的姐姐们试穿了这双鞋,但都不适合。The whole sentence: He sat in front of the young people. You could hardly tell howold he was because his face was covered with dust.5) His fingers were stained from cigarettes(para 2) stain :v. change the color of sthe.g. 常

15、年吸烟,她的手指被熏黄了。Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.The whole sentence: His fingers were yellow because he had smoked a lot.6) and he chewed the inside of his lop a lot. (para 2) The whole sentence: he repeatedly bit the inside of his lower lip, which showed hisnervousness.7). He sat

16、in complete silence and seemed completely unaware of the existence of the others. (para 2)unaware of sth.: not knowing or realizing that sth is happeninge.g. 他在电脑前工作数小时,完全没有意识到外面的声音。He worked at his computer for hours, unaware of the noise outside.The whole sentence: He sat without saying anything a

17、s if he did not know there wereother people around.8) Deep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnsons restaurant and everybody got off the bus except Vingo. (para 3)pull in to sth: (of a train or bus) to enter a station and stopThe whole sentence Late at night the bus stopped at one of th

18、e Howard Johnson fastfood chain restaurants. Every passenger on the bus got off to eat, but Vingo didnt.9) one of the girls became so curious that she decided to engage him in a conversation. (para 3)to engage sb in conversation: to start talking to sb. and involve him or her in a conversation.to en

19、gage (sb) in sth: to make sb take part in sth,e.g. I have no time to engage in gossip. 我没有时间闲扯。The whole sentence: one of the girls became very interested in Vingo, and shedecided to get him to talk.10) You going that far? (para 4)It is an elliptical sentence. It is very often used in conversation.

20、Here “are” is omitted.The whole sentence: Are you going as far as Florida?11) You live there? (para 4)Writing skill: When we think the answer is likely to be “yes”, we can turn a statement into a question by using the rising tone in speaking and a question mark in writing.e. g: You come from Beijing

21、? You want to read this book?12) Want some wine? (para4)The complete sentence: Do you want some wine? Would you like to have some wine?an elliptical sentence.13) took a swig from the bottle. (para 4)The whole sentence drink a large mouthful of wine from the bottle.14) He thanked her and retreated ag

22、ain into his silence. (para4)The whole sentence: After thanking her for the wine, he again became silent.15) as Vingo nodded in sleep. (para4)“in” is often used to show a state or a condition.More examples:He sat in complete silence. (para 2)Then suddenly all of the young people were up out of their

23、 seatsshaking clenched fists in triumph and exaltation. (para 11)Cf. “into”: it is used to show a change in state.e.g. He thanked her and retreated into his silence. (para4) Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex-cons mask(para 10)The whole sentence: as Vingo fell asleep.Question: Wh

24、at is the main idea of part one?Answer: In this part Vingo was sitting quietly on a bus. His silence and stillness posed a striking contrast to the liveliness and hilarity of the young people behind him. He became the center of our interest. This opening scene creates a mystery about the protagonist

25、, making us look forward to something more.Question: What do you think of the opening of the story?Answer: This opening scene creates a mystery about the protagonist, arousing our interest in him and his past history; therefore we are looking forward to something more.16) .The girl insisted that he

26、join them. (para5)to insist that sb. do sth. or sth.be done: to demand that sth. should happen and refuse to let anyone say no,e.g. 教师要求学生按时交作业。The teacher insisted that the students turn in their homework on time.Summarize the usages of words like “insist”:After the verbs expressing a command, deci

27、sion, suggestion, such as decide, decree, demand, insist, move, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, vote, advise, determine, desire, resolve, urge, etc, in that-clause we usu. use subjunctive mood “(should) do sth.”.17) He smoked nervously, as the young people chattered abo

28、ut sleeping on beaches. (para 5)to chatter(about sth.): to talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important.Question: What is the implication of this sentence?Answer: Probably he started smoking because what the young people were talking about reminded him of something h

29、e had tried to forget, or because, as he got nearer and nearer to his home, he became more and more nervous. He was completely absorbed in his own thoughts.18) I dont know. (para 6)The whole sentence: Im not sure whether I can call myself a married man.Question: What did Vingo say so?Answer: Vingo w

30、orried that his wife may have gone to another man or may have decided not to have him back19) .I understand if you cant stay married to me. (para 7) The whole sentence: If you want to divorce me, Ill understandyou have every reason to do so.Question: What is the meaning of the underlined part in thi

31、s sentence?Answer: Vingo used a euphemisman indirect phrase “cant stay married to me” refer to the more embarrassing and unpleasant term “divorce me”.20) .Get a new guy-shes a wonderful woman, really something-and forget about me. (para7)something: if a person or thing has got sth or is sth or is qr

32、ite sth, then they are special.eg: Its quite sth for her to remember us after so many years. 事隔多年,她还记得我们,真了不起。really something: (she) is really a special woman.Question: What is the meaning of the underlined part?Answer: The part of the sentence put in between the two dashes is added to the speech f

33、or Vingo to give his opinion of his wife. This part is called a parenthesis.21) I told her she didnt have to write to me or anything. And she didnt. Not for three-and-a half years.(para 7)or anything:(spoken) or something of a similar type.e.g Her main interesting is singing or sth她的主要兴趣就是唱歌之类的The w

34、hole sentence: I told her she didnt have to write to me or keep in touch withme in any other way. And she didnt. I didnt hear from her or about her for three anda half years when I was in jail.22)And youre going home now, not knowing? (para 8)The whole sentence: And so youre going home without knowi

35、ng whether your wife has another man or whether she would accept you?23) when I was sure the parole was coming through I wrote her again. (para 9)parole: permission for early release that is given to a prisoner before the end of his sentence on condition that he behaves well.to come through: to arri

36、ve eg: Were still waiting for our exam results to come through. 我们仍然在等考试成绩公布。The whole sentence: when I knew for sure that I would be released an parole Iwrote her a letter again. 24) If she didnt want me, forget it, no ribbon and Id understand and keep going on through. (para 9)forget it: (spoken E

37、nglish) used to tell sb.that sth is not important and that he or she should worry about it. 算了eg: -I still owe you 70 cents.- Forget itThe whole sentence: If she couldnt forgive me, she shouldnt bother about theribbon, and I would understand her feelings and wouldnt get off the bus when itreached th

38、e town.25) wow/wowee ( para 9): (informal) an exclamation used to express great surprise or admiration.Question: What is the main idea of part two?Answer: As the plot develops, we learn where Vingo was going and what for, and how the young people got interested in what was going to happen. One of th

39、e girls tried to draw Vingo out. Vingo began to relate his story. Who he was, where he was going and what this journey was for, all the mysteries about the protagonist were gradually revealed.Question: After reading this part, what would you predict the writer to say in the following part?Choices:A)

40、 The author would disclose Vingos past.B) The author would talk about the passengers effort to find out Vingos identityC) The author would go on with the plot and discuss what will happen to Vingo.26) soon all of them were caught up in the approach of Brunswick, looking at the pictures Vingo showed

41、them of his wife and three children. (para 10)to be caught up (in sth): to become involved, excited and interested in sth.eg: 我正和朋友兴致勃勃聊天的时候,有人敲门。I was caught up in conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.The whole sentence: all the young people became excited and deeply interest

42、ed inVingos story and in what was going to happen at Brunswick.27) the young people took windows seats on the right side, wainting for the approach of the great oak tree. (para 10)approach: v. to move towards or nearer to someone or something e.g. I heard footsteps approaching. 我听见渐进的脚步声。The whole s

43、entence: the young people then moved to the seats by the window on theright side where they would be able to see the oak tree; they waited there for the oaktree to come into view.28) Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex-cons mask, as if fortifying himself against still another disa

44、ppointment. (para 10)the ex-cons mask: the expression of a former prisoner (ex-convict) trying to hide his true feelings.to fortify oneself (against sb./sth.): to strengthen (sth. or oneself) so as to be able to deal with (i.e. an attack)eg: He fortified himself against the cold with a heavy coat. 他

45、把自己用厚大衣裹紧以御寒。The whole sentence: Vingo moved his eyes away from the window, and his faceagain became expressionless as if he was trying to find the courage to face anotherpossible blow, another disappointment in his life.29) Then suddenly all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances, shaking clenched fists in triumph and exaltation. All except Vingo. (para 11)The whole sentence: Then all of a sudden, all the young people left their seats andbegan doing all sort of things they could think of to express their happiness andexcitem


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