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1、 Lisas last weekend was interesting but scary. They went _in a small village in India. First, they took a long bus ride to a lake in the_. There they put up their tents and _a fire to keep them warm and cook food. campingcountrysidemadeThe first night, they just _under the moon and told each stories

2、. But Lisa was so tired _she went to sleep early. sat that The next morning, Lisa and her sister _a terrible surprise. When they looked out of the tent, they saw a big snake sleeping near the fire. She was so _that she couldnt move. They _their parents to let them know about the danger. gotshouted t

3、oscaredHer dad started to jump up and down in their tent. This _the snake _and it moved into the forest near the lake. wokeupHer dad told her later that snakes dont have _but they can feel things_. He also told her it was important not to go near a snake. This was a very useful lesson for her.moving

4、ears Look at the pictures and complete the passage.3aI had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I _. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and _ cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I _

5、with my friends. On Sunday night, I _. I saw an interesting talk show. 1. 先看所给的图画先看所给的图画,明确它们所表示的,明确它们所表示的动作。动作。2. 通读全文,理解短文大意。通读全文,理解短文大意。3. 理解每句话的意思,理解每句话的意思,根据图片所表示根据图片所表示 的动作及上下文的暗示来确定空格的的动作及上下文的暗示来确定空格的意思意思。第一个图表示打扫房间,在短。第一个图表示打扫房间,在短文中做了文字描述。文中做了文字描述。第二个图表示在做作业,应在第二空第二个图表示在做作业,应在第二空格处填;第三个图显示格

6、处填;第三个图显示“妈妈在做妈妈在做饭饭”,但本句主语是,但本句主语是“I”,可推知,可推知空格处意为空格处意为“帮助妈妈帮助妈妈”;第四个图;第四个图显示他在图书馆里,可推知第三空格显示他在图书馆里,可推知第三空格处应填处应填“去了图书馆去了图书馆”;第四、五空;第四、五空格分别为踢足球和看电视。格分别为踢足球和看电视。I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I _. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I staye

7、d at home and _ cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. helped mumdid my homeworkwent to the libraryThen in the afternoon, I _ with my friends. On Sunday night, I _. I saw an interesting talk show. played soccerwatched TV Write about what you did last weekend. 3b1. 这是一篇介绍自己

8、在周末两天所做这是一篇介绍自己在周末两天所做的事情,的事情,因此应用第一人称,用一因此应用第一人称,用一般过去时态来写作般过去时态来写作。2. 首先,应表述自己对周末的总体感首先,应表述自己对周末的总体感受。受。3. 然后,可以回想一下自己分别在周然后,可以回想一下自己分别在周六和周日的上午、下午和晚上分别六和周日的上午、下午和晚上分别做过什么事情。然后,将这些事情做过什么事情。然后,将这些事情连在一起,形成一遍连贯的短文。连在一起,形成一遍连贯的短文。4. 最后,还要再通读一遍短文,再重最后,还要再通读一遍短文,再重点看一下动词的一般过去式有没有点看一下动词的一般过去式有没有搞错搞错, 看句

9、子是否通顺。看句子是否通顺。On Saturday morning, I On Sunday morning, I On Saturday afternoon, I On Saturday evening, I On Saturday afternoon, I On Saturday evening, I My last weekend was kind of busy. I washed my clothes on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the library. I read a book there. I co

10、oked dinner in the evening. On Sunday morning, I went to the supermarket with my mother. On Sunday afternoon, I played ping-pong. On Sunday evening, I did my homework. 1. _ out with friends 2. _ for a walk3. _ apples4. _ photos gotakeeat go1. Complete the phrases. Then use some of them in the past f

11、orms to write a story.5. fly a _6. milk a _7. camp _ the lake8. study _ a test kiteforby cow2. Complete the conversation. A: I had a school trip last week. B: Really. _ (go)?A: I visited the fire station. B: _ (go with)?A: I went with my classmates.B: _ (do)?A: We watched the firefighters worked. Wh

12、at an interesting job they have!B: _ (learn anything)?A: Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire. 1. 通读这段对话,可以看出试题要求我通读这段对话,可以看出试题要求我们根据空格中单词的提示来完成五个们根据空格中单词的提示来完成五个问句。问句。2. 问句的内容除了根据括号内的提示词问句的内容除了根据括号内的提示词之外之外, 还应根据答语的内容进行确定还应根据答语的内容进行确定。比如比如: 由第三句由第三句“我参观了

13、消防站我参观了消防站”,可知上文所问为可知上文所问为“Where did you go?”; 由第四句由第四句“我和同学们一起去我和同学们一起去的的”,可知上文问句为,可知上文问句为“Who did you go with?”; 由最后一句答语由最后一句答语“当然了,当然了,我们学到了我们学到了”,可知上文应是一般,可知上文应是一般疑问句,疑问句,“Did you learn anything?”。A: I had a school trip last week. B: Really. _ (go)?A: I visited the fire station. B: _ (go with)?A: I went with my classmates.B: _ (do)?Where did you goWho did you go withWhat did you doA: We watched the firefighters worked. What an interesting job they have!B: _ (learn anything)?A: Sure. W


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