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1、1-1 土地面积、人口密度、户数、人口数STATISTICS ON LAND AREA,POLULATION DENSITY,HOUSEHOLDS AND POPULATION城郊区(District) 土地面积(人/平方公里)Land Area (sq.km)人口密度 (人/平方公里)Polulation Density (person/sq.km)2004年2003年户数(户)Households(household)年末人口(人)Population (person)户数(户)Households(household)年末人口(人)Pupulation (Person)总计Total84

2、94.41 9252451814785901722990797811855江岸区Jiang'an64.24 9908220469636463215667632850江汉区Jianghan33.43 13763159829460112155845462231硚口区Qiaokou46.39 11580183064537199179843538235汉阳区Hanyang108.34 4458165787482990160061477642武昌区Wuchang81.22 12015286233977036277933943258青山区Qingshan45.80 9954133520455872

3、131426453898洪山区Hongshan509.00 1553162067790622151449729493东西湖区Dongxihu439.19 5598671424572180486239431汉南区Hannan287.70 3674112510562841784107261蔡甸区Caidian1108.10 418145748462646145991479725江夏区Jiangxia2010.00 323205831648695210793677000黄陂区Huangpi2261.00 48634300210990193004171113109新洲区Xinzhou1500.00 6

4、383184259570142473849577221-5 城市规模和建设用地CITY SCALE AND CONSTRCUTION LAND-USED 单位:平方公里(sq.km)020022003建成区面积 Developed Areas214.22216.22城市建设用地 City Construction249.22251.74 1.公共设施用地 Public INstallations44.545.07 2.工业用地 Industry57.8857.58 3.道路广场用地 Road & Square2020.76 4.仓储用地 Warehouse13.0113.01 5.市政

5、公用设施用地 Municipal Public Installations1212 6.对外交通用地 Traffic1313 7.绿 地 Green Area1313.57 8.居住用地 Dwelling66.8167.73 9.特殊用地 Land of Special use9.029.02国家建设征用土地State Capital Construction2.223.541-6 国民经济和社会发展总量指标 PRINCIPAL AGGREGATE INDICATORS ON NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT指标 Item总量指标 Aggrega

6、te Data20002001200220032004人口与就业Population and Employment人口 (万人)Population (10 000 persons) 年末总人口 Population at the Year-end749.19 758.23 768.10 781.19 785.90 非农业人口 Non-Agricultural Population 441.14 448.89 459.34 474.98 484.70 农业人口 Agricultural Population308.05 309.34 308.75 306.21 301.20 男性人口 Male

7、385.20 390.24 396.22 402.99 405.93 女性人口 Female364.00 367.99 371.88 378.20 379.97 就业 (万人)Employment (10 000 persons) 从业人员数 Employment417.80 406.12 407.30 412.00 417.50 #职工人数 Staff and Workers199.64 192.39 171.67 177.17 172.92 宏观经济Macroecnomic Indicator 国民核算National Accounting 国内生产总值(亿元) Gross Domesti

8、c Product (100 million yuan ) 1206.84 1347.80 1492.74 1662.18 1956.00 第一产业 Primary Industry81.36 85.03 89.53 95.13 103.00 第二产业 Secondary Industry533.31 594.84 660.46 741.80 903.00 工 业 Industry434.33 485.01 534.01 598.80 733.00 建筑业 Construction98.98 109.83 126.45 143.00 170.00 第三产业 Tertiary Industry5

9、92.17 667.93 742.75 825.47 950.00 支出法内生产总值(亿元)Gross Domestic Expenditures(100 million yuan) 1206.84 1347.80 1492.74 1662.18 #总消费 Total Consumptions651.75 732.77 808.48 895.89 居民消费 Resident Consumption491.59 533.03 587.36 640.01 政府消费 Public Consumption160.16 199.74 221.12 255.88 资本形成总额(亿元) Total Inve

10、stment(100 million yuan)561.00 619.12 688.75 777.23 固定资本形成 Fixed Assets506.79 564.60 617.33 707.26 存货增加 Stock54.21 54.52 71.42 69.97 物价指数(上年=100)Price Indices(Preceding year=100) 商品零售价格总指数General Retail Price Index97.40 96.00 97.70 100.40 100.40 居民消费价格总指数General Consumer Price Index100.60 99.50 98.6

11、0 102.30 103.30 工 业Industry 工业总产值 (亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value(100 million yuan)1422.37 1611.76 1769.93 1994.90 2402.34 主要工业产品产量 Output of Major Inustrial Products 纱 (吨) Yarn (ton)85339.00 80302.00 90250.00 96694.00 96385.00 布(万米) Cloth (10 000 metres)20347.00 18852.00 27694.00 31472.65 33466.

12、00 原油加工量(万吨) Crude Oil Processed (10 000 tons)299.73 256.00 274.48 285.41 370.85 合成洗涤剂 (吨) Synthetic Detergents (ton)18686.00 15224.00 17888.00 7179.00 化学原料药 (吨) Chemical Raw Medicine (ton)4142.00 3956.00 6145.00 6378.00 4846.00 中成药 (吨) Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine (ton)7096.00 7487.00 8756.0

13、0 8208.00 7710.00 通讯电缆(万对公里) Cable For Communications(10 000 tons km)104.03 330.52 74.37 48.26 78.83 家用洗衣机 (台) Washing Machines (unit)39.25 26.39 28.27 22.93 12.22 房间空调器 (万台) Household Air Conditioner (10 000 units)37.76 96.99 74.22 97.32 177.91 手 机 (部) Mobile Telephone (unit) 30.35 17.22 33.97 163.

14、83 182.60 钢 (万吨) Steel (10 000 tons)671.65 713.11 761.14 850.30 925.71 生 铁 (万吨) Pig Iron (10 000 tons)641.60 675.06 725.77 802.13 886.11 成品钢材 (万吨) Steel Products (10 000 tons)539.39 593.97 613.94 699.84 850.70 汽 车 (辆) Automobile (unit)59228.00 58884.00 90303.00 112322.00 103258.00 国有及年销售收入在500万元以上的非

15、国有企业财务指标 Principle Financial Item of Industrial Enterprises of State Ownership and Non-state- owned ones with Annual Sales Income Over 500 million yuan 固定资产原价 (亿元) Original Value of Fixed Assets (100 million yuan )1107.53 1117.51 1146.50 1207.58 固定资产净值年平均余额(亿元) Annual Average Net Value of Fixed Asse

16、ts (ditto)722.59 719.74 712.91 722.11 786.50 利润总额 (亿元) Pre-tax Profits (100 million yuan )49.39 66.97 64.79 77.13 115.91 农 业Agriculture 年末耕地面积 (千公顷) Cultivated Areas (1 000 hectares)217.84 216.10 214.95 205.78 206.06 农林牧渔业劳动力(万人) Number of Persons Engaged in Farming, Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fi

17、shery(10 000 persons)79.66 78.06 77.78 73.20 71.73 农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Values of Farming, Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery(100 million yuan)126.94 133.78 141.25 151.79 165.65 主要农产品产量(万吨) Output of Major Farm Products(10 000 tons) 粮 食 Grain130.55 120.18 121.70 113.88 131.46 棉 花 Cotton2.02

18、2.18 1.45 2.09 2.57 油 料 Oil-bearing Crops17.50 18.11 17.52 17.10 19.29 茶 叶 Tea0.13 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.16 水 果 Fruits11.14 52.75 55.39 56.37 55.19 蔬 菜 Vegetables443.12 499.54 537.15 559.22 566.99 牲猪出栏(万头) Slaughtered Hogs(10 000 heads) 181.25 192.19 198.33 207.66 217.19 家禽出笼(万只) Slaughtered Poultry(10 0

19、00 heads)3834.92 4078.93 4277.86 4643.84 4712.07 禽 蛋 Eggs13.68 13.93 14.89 16.63 17.31 牛 奶 Milk4.56 6.96 7.41 8.14 8.82 水产品 Aquatic Products32.09 33.95 36.32 37.64 38.82 固定资产投资Investment in Fixed Assets 全社会固定资产投资总额(亿元) Total Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan)461.93 508.44 570.43 645.06 822

20、.20 国有单位 State-owned Units224.71 254.42 273.81 296.36 319.36 集体单位 Collective-owned Units22.37 22.73 19.78 20.78 25.18 私营经济 Private Units22.47 62.27 52.34 52.27 77.63 其他经济 Others 192.38 169.02 224.50 275.65 400.03 建筑业Construction 建筑业企业人数(万人) Number of Employed Persons(10 000 persons)24.22 24.95 28.97

21、 35.36 42.29 建筑业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value(100 million yuan )155.39 207.65 251.52 382.29 580.77 施工房屋面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction(10 000 sq.m)2086.50 2836.88 3026.01 3924.30 6203.07 竣工房屋面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed(10 000 sq.m)793.89 1255.79 1406.94 1732.43 3191

22、.79 交通运输Transportation 全社会货物运输量(万吨) Freight Traffic in Transportation System=(10 000 tons)16271.00 16244.00 15942.57 16609.79 17044.80 铁 路 Railway4921.00 5253.00 5472.20 5823.60 5860.80 公 路 Highway7000.00 7141.00 7369.00 7786.30 7811.60 水 运 Waterway4342.00 3845.00 3096.85 2994.55 3366.30 空 运 Civil A

23、viation5.20 4.13 4.52 5.34 6.10 全社会旅客运输量(万人) Passenger Traffic in Transportation System(10 000 persons)11438.00 11703.00 11933.31 11882.02 12885.70 铁 路 Railway2498.60 2654.20 2774.30 2611.60 2956.90 公 路 Highway8418.00 8573.00 8851.00 8936.00 9480.00 空 运 Civil Aviation260.40 277.30 308.01 334.42 448.

24、80 邮电通信业 Postal and Telecommunications Services 邮电业务总量(亿元) Total Business Revenue(100 million yuan)52.35 57.83 62.00 70.57 74.97 函 件(万件) Number of Letters Delivered(10 000 pieces)13855.56 14756.72 13424.00 26021.00 15431.00 包 件(万件) Number of Parcels(10 000 pieces)146.42 122.62 109.00 121.00 127.00 城

25、市电话用户(万户) Resident Telephone Subcribers(10 000 subscribers)126.99 167.23 209.60 268.60 343.70 移动通信用户(万户) Number of Mobile Telephone Subcribers(10 000 subscribers)81.74 160.73 270.63 354.92 454.00 本地局用交换机总容量(万户) Capacity of Local Telephone Exchanges(10 000 subscribers)191.34 225.08 235.00 241.70 232.

26、70 国内商业Domestic Trade 社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan)606.10 685.82 770.08 853.99 960.58 对外经济贸易Foreign Trade 进出口总额(亿美元) Total Imports and Exports(By Customs Statistics,USD 100 million)20.31 21.56 22.02 31.36 42.98 进口总额(亿美元) Imports(By Customs Statistics,USD 100 mi

27、llion)8.57 12.10 11.12 16.55 23.67 出口总额(亿美元) Exports(By Customs Statistics,USD 100 million)11.74 9.47 10.91 14.81 19.31 利用外资Utilization of Foreign Capital 实际利用外资(亿美元) Amount of Foreign Capital Actually Utilized(USD 100 million )13.03 14.32 15.76 17.62 15.20 #外商直接投资(亿美元)7.54 7.22 8.63 11.11 11.61 国际旅

28、游International Tourism 海外旅游者人数合计(万人) Number of Tourists from Abroad(10 000 persons)22.16 28.59 38.37 22.44 31.45 旅游外汇收入(万美元) Foreign Exchange Earnings From Tourim(USD 10 000)9487.00 12000.00 16000.00 9400.00 12618.00 财 政Public Finance 全口径财政收入(亿元) Government Revenue(100 million yuan)126.15 150.18 196

29、.54 230.89 288.60 地方财政收入(亿元) Local Government Revenues(100 million yuan)69.77 86.16 85.83 99.71 129.21 地方财政支出(亿元) Local Government Expenditures(100 million yuan)89.04 112.62 119.63 136.64 166.39 金融保险Finance and Insurance 金融机构各项存款(亿元) Deposits in Financial Institutions(100 million yuan)1694.32 2143.7

30、9 2539.03 3032.07 3513.79 金融机构各项贷款(亿元) Loans From Financial Instituions(100 million yuan)1342.94 1666.32 2004.75 2525.13 2854.95 保险公司保险金额(亿元) Amount Insured in Chinese-funded Insurance Companies (100 million yuan)2355.72 4240.95 6087.10 6787.89 5840.49 保险公司保费收入(亿元) Insurance Premium in Chinese-funde

31、d Insurance Companies(100 million yuan)22.45 26.40 39.00 43.88 45.63 保险公司赔款及给付(亿元) Amount Reparations in Chinese-funded Insurance Companies(100 million yuan)4.36 6.76 9.82 10.76 13.00 教育、文化Education and Culture 教 育 Education 专任教师数(万人) Full-time Teachers(10 000 persons) 普通高等学校 Institutions of Higher

32、Education2.15 2.34 2.73 3.25 3.86 中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools0.57 0.50 0.36 0.20 0.21 普通中学 Regular Secondary Schools3.07 3.13 3.20 3.28 3.33 职业中学 Vocational Secondary Schools0.34 0.27 0.27 0.21 0.20 小 学 Primary Schools3.48 3.44 3.40 3.26 3.16 在校学生数(万人) Students Enrollment(10 000 persons) 普通

33、高等学校 Institutions of Higher Education25.19 30.83 39.07 49.05 60.05 中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools10.88 9.05 7.74 4.17 5.09 普通中学 Regular Secondary Schools47.02 51.29 53.22 55.20 54.33 职业中学 Vocational Secondary Schools3.97 3.09 4.22 3.11 3.40 小 学 Primary Schools74.39 70.88 66.92 62.33 57.77 文 化C

34、ulture 出版数量(万册) Publications (10 000 copies) 图 书 Number of Books Published28841.63 30383.20 31511.14 28900.55 23772.00 杂 志 Number of Magazines Issued19854.72 17259.31 15029.83 17831.36 18424.21 报 纸 Number of Newspaper Issued#98012.00 106752.53 11424.41 123562.27 家庭、生活、环境Family,People's Livelihoo

35、d and Environment 家 庭 Family 家庭总户数(万户) Total Number of Households (10 000 households)213.66 218.66 224.59 229.91 245.18 城镇居民平均每户家庭人口(人) Average Household Size in Urban Areas(person)3.12 3.08 3.04 3.03 2.99 农村居民平均每户家庭人口(人) Average Household Size in Rural Areas(person)4.02 3.98 3.94 3.89 3.87 婚 姻 Marriages and Divorces 结婚数(对) Number of Marriages(couples)49049.00 47187.00 45249.00 44504.00 62703.00 离婚数(对) Number of Divorces(couples)5139.00 5195.00 5041.00 6591.00 11707.00 居 住 Housing 城市居民人均住宅建筑面积(平方米) Per Capita Net Floor Space of Urban R


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