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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一实验要求用所学的VB语言编写一个自己的记事本,其功能与计算机中记事本的功能基本一致,程序结构清晰。二实验目的通过编写记事本,熟悉并掌握所学VB的程序语言,锻炼编程思想,从而触类旁通发挥自己的创造力编辑自己的作品。三设计软件所实现的功能窗体界面包括:文件、编辑、格式、查看、帮助五个主菜单。每个主菜单都有自己的子菜单,其主菜单的功能如下:1. 文件:包括新建、打开、保存、另存为、页面设置、打印、退出的功能。2. 编辑:包括撤销、剪切、复制、粘贴、删除、查找、查找下一个、替换、转到、全选、时间/日期的功能。3. 格式:包括自动换行、字体的功能。4. 查看:包括状态栏的功能

2、5. 帮助:包括帮助主题,关于记事本。四设计介绍.1.绘制界面新建一个标准的.exe工程,将其caption属性改为”无标题-记事本”,点击icon属性给它找一个合适的图标,其编辑的界面图如下:2.编辑菜单按ctrl+E调出菜单编辑器,来做如下几个菜单:(1)文件菜单:文件(第一层)file、新建(第二层)new、打开(第二层)open、保存(第二层)save、另存为(第二层)lingsave、-(第二层)spar1(分隔线)、 页面设置(第二层)design、打印(第二层)print、-(第二层)spar2(分隔线)、退出(第二层)exit(2)编辑菜单编辑(第一层)edit、撤销(第二层)


4、本(第二层)about3.编辑代码(1)新建Private Sub new_Click()Dim m As New Form1If d Then If Form1.Caption = "无标题-记事本" Then yy = MsgBox("文件 无标题-记事本 文字已经改变," + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "是否保存文件?", 51, "记事本") Else yy = MsgBox("文件 " + rr + " 文字已经改变," + Chr(13) + Chr

5、(10) + "是否保存文件?", 51, "记事本") End IfEnd IfIf yy = 6 Then Call lingsave_ClickElseIf yy = 2 Then Exit Sub End IfForm1.Hidem.ShowEnd Sub(2)打开Private Sub open_Click()cd.InitDir = "D:"cd.CancelError = Truecd.Filter = "全部文挡(*.*)|*.*|文本文挡(*.txt)|*.txt"cd.FilterIndex =

6、 2If d <> True Then start: On Error GoTo ee cd.ShowOpen Open cd.FileName For Input As #1 rr = cd.FileName Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, a$ whole$ = whole$ + a$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10) Loop Text1.Text = whole$ Close #1 ss = Split(cd.FileTitle, ".") dd = ss(0) Form1.Caption = dd + &qu

7、ot;-记事本" Else If Form1.Caption = "无标题-记事本" Then yy = MsgBox("文件 无标题-记事本 文字已经改变,是否保存文件?", 51, "记事本") Else yy = MsgBox("文件 " + rr + " 文字已经改变,是否保存文件?", 51, "记事本") End If If yy = 6 Then Call lingsave_Click GoTo start ElseIf yy = 7 Then GoT

8、o start Else Exit Sub End IfEnd Ifee: Exit SubEnd Sub(3)保存Private Sub save_Click() If Form1.Caption = "无标题-记事本" Then Call lingsave_Click d = False Else cc = Split(Form1.Caption, "-") ff = cc(0) Open ff + ".txt" For Output As #1 Print #1, Text1.Text Close #1 d = False En

9、d IfEnd Sub(4)另存为Private Sub lingsave_Click()cd.InitDir = "D:"cd.CancelError = TrueOn Error GoTo jjcd.Filter = "全部文挡(*.*)|*.*|文本文挡(*.txt)|*.txt"cd.FilterIndex = 2cd.ShowSaveOpen cd.FileName For Output As #2Print #2, Text1.TextClose #2d = False ss = Split(cd.FileTitle, ".&quo

10、t;) dd = ss(0) Form1.Caption = dd + "-记事本"jj: Exit SubEnd Sub(5)打印Private Sub print_Click()Dim firpage, endpage, numcd.CancelError = TrueOn Error GoTo jjcd.ShowPrinternum = cd.CopiesPrinter.font = "楷体"Printer.FontSize = 10Printer.PaperSize = vbPRPSA4For i = 1 To num Printer.Curre

11、ntX = 10 Printer.CurrentY = 10 Printer.Print Text1.TextNext iPrinter.EndDocExit Subjj:Exit SubEnd Sub(6)退出Private Sub exit_Click()EndEnd Sub(7)剪切Private Sub qie_Click() Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText Text1.SelText Text1.SelText = ""End Sub(8)复制Private Sub copy_Click()Clipboard.ClearClip

12、board.SetText Text1.SelText End Sub(9)粘贴Private Sub tie_Click()Text1.SelText = Clipboard.GetTextEnd Sub(10)查找Private Sub find_Click()Form2.ShowEnd SubForm2中代码:注:dd、ee都是全局变量Private Sub Command1_Click()If Check1.Value = 1 Thendd = InStr(Form1.Text1.Text, Form2.Text1.Text)Elsedd = InStr(LCase(Form1.Tex

13、t1.Text), LCase(Form2.Text1.Text)End Ifee = Len(Form2.Text1.Text)Form1.Text1.SelStart = dd - 1Form1.Text1.SelLength = eekk = kk + 1Form1.SetFocusEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Form2.HideEnd Sub(11)替换Private Sub instead_Click()Form3.ShowEnd SubForm3中的内容Private Sub Command1_Click()If Check1.Value

14、= 1 Then If dd <> none And ee <> none Then ff = InStr(dd + ee, LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) Else ff = InStr(LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) End If Form1.Text1.SelStart = ff - 1 dd = ff ee = Len(Text1.Text) Form1.Text1.SelLength = ee kk = kk + 1Else If

15、 dd <> none And ee <> none Then ff = InStr(dd + ee, LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) Else ff = InStr(LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) End If Form1.Text1.SelStart = ff - 1 dd = ff ee = Len(Text1.Text) Form1.Text1.SelLength = ee kk = kk + 1End IfForm1.SetFoc

16、usEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Form1.Text1.SelText = Text2.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Do While (dd + ee) < Len(Form1.Text1.Text) If Check1.Value = 1 Then If dd <> 0 And ee <> 0 Then ff = InStr(dd + ee, LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) Else ff = InStr(

17、LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) End If Form1.Text1.SelStart = ff - 1 dd = ff ee = Len(Text1.Text) Form1.Text1.SelLength = ee Form1.SetFocus Else If dd <> 0 And ee <> 0 Then ff = InStr(dd + ee, LCase(Form1.Text1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) Else ff = InStr(LCase(Form1.T

18、ext1.Text), LCase(Form3.Text1.Text) End If Form1.Text1.SelStart = ff - 1 dd = ff ee = Len(Text1.Text) Form1.Text1.SelLength = ee Form1.SetFocus End If Form1.Text1.SelText = Text2.TextLoopEnd SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()Form3.HideEnd Sub(10)全选Private Sub selectall_Click()Text1.SelStart = Len(RTrim

19、(Text1.Text) - Len(Trim(Text1.Text)Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1.Text)End Sub(11)时间/日期Private Sub date_Click()Text1.SelText = NowEnd Sub(12)字体Private Sub font_Click()cd.Flags = 259cd.ShowFontText1.FontBold = cd.FontBoldText1.FontItalic = cd.FontItalicText1.FontName = cd.FontNameText1.FontUnderline = c

20、d.FontUnderlineText1.FontStrikethru = cd.FontStrikethruText1.ForeColor = cd.ColorEnd Sub(13)其它事件Private Sub Form_Resize()Text1.Width = ScaleWidthText1.Height = ScaleHeightEnd SubPrivate Sub Text1_Change()d = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()If Text1.SelText <> "" Then qie.Enabled = True copy.Enabled = True delete.Enabled = True If Text1.SelText = Text1.Text Then selectall.Enabled = False Else selectal


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