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1、文献翻译:印染废水处理的研究摘要:本文分析了印染废水处理的所面临的问题,以及介绍了印染废水处理方法的研究进展与动向。并指出不同印染废水处理方法的组合是印染废水处理的有效方法。 关键词:印染废水;处理方法 印染废水是指棉、毛、化纤等纺织产品在染色、印花过程中所排放的废水,其成分复杂,主要含以芳烃和杂环化合物为母体的带有显色基团及极性基团的染料。为使染色更加均匀,印染时还常加入一些助剂,从而使传统的生物处理工艺受到严重挑战翻。纺织印染行业是工业废水排放大户。因此开发经济有效的处理印染废水技术,成为当今环保工作者关注的课题。印染废水具有水量大、有机污染物含量高、难降解物质多、色度高,以及组分复杂等特

2、点,属难处理的工业废水。印染废水中含有染料、浆料、助剂、油剂、酸碱,纤维杂质及无机盐等,其中染料中的硝基和胺基化合物,以及铜、铬、锌、砷等重金属元素,具有较大的生物毒性,严重污染环境。 1印染废水处理面临的问题 1.1排放标准的日益严格 随着社会经济的不断发展和人们环境意识的提高,各国加大了对印染污水的治理。根据纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准,除类污水排放指标变化不大外,增加了类和类污水印染废BOD、COD、色度、悬浮物、氨氮、苯胺类、二氧化氯等指标的排放限定。而印染废水水质一般平均为COD800-2000mg/L,色度200-800倍,pH值10-13,BOD/COD为0.25-0.4,因此印

3、染废水的达标排放是印染行业急需要解决的问题。 1.2印染废水处理难度增加 印染废水组分复杂 印染废水是指印染加工过程中各工序所排放的废水混合而成的混合废水。主要包括:预处理阶段(如烧毛、退浆、煮练、漂白、丝光)排放的退浆、煮练、漂白、丝光废水;染色阶段排放的染色废水;印花阶段排放的印花废水和皂洗废水;整理阶段排放的整理废水。 印染废水水质随原材料、生产品种、生产工艺、管理水平的不同而有所差异,导致各个印染工序排放后汇总的废水组分非常复杂。随着染料工业的飞速发展和后整理技术的进步,新型助剂、染料、整理剂等在印染行业中被大量使用,难降解有毒有机成分的含量也越来越多,有些甚至是致癌、致突变、致畸变的

4、有机物,对环境尤其是水环境的威胁和危害越来越大。总体而言,印染废水的特点是成分复杂、有机物含量高、色度深化学需氧量(COD)高,而生化需氧量(BOD5)相对较低,可生化性差,排放量大。 印染废水处理方法的局限性 80年代以前,印染废水的可生化性较高,CODcr浓度常在800mg/L以下,采用传统的生物与物化联合处理系统,出水即可达到排放标准。近二十年来,印染废水水质发生了很大的变化。传统的印染废水处理方法,如吸附、悬浮、过滤、混凝等具有设备简单,操作简便和工艺成熟的优点,但是这类处理方法通常是将有机物从液相转移到固相或气相,不仅没有完全消除有机污染物和消耗化学药剂,而且造成废物堆积和二次污染;

5、生物法只能除去印染废水中的BOD,对于COD特别是有毒难降解有机物和色度的出去效果不明显。单一的处理方法已不能满足当前印染废水发展的要求。 2印染废水处理研究进展与动向 2.1传统方法和工艺的改进 吸附法 活性炭又称活性炭黑。黑色无定形粒状物或细微粉末。活性炭在结构上由于微晶碳是不规则排列,在交叉连接之间有细孔,在活化时会产生碳组织缺陷,因此它是一种多孔碳,堆积密度低,比表面积大,不溶于任何溶剂。对各种气体有选择性的吸附能力,对有机色素和含氮碱有高容量吸附能力。 活性炭具有一种强烈的“物理吸附”和“化学吸附”的作用,可将某些有机化合物吸附而达到去除效果,利用这个原理,我们就能很快而有效地去除水

6、族箱水质中的有害物质、臭味以及色素等等,使水质获得直接而迅速的改善。活性炭吸附是城市污水高级处理中最重要最有效的处理技术,得到广泛的应用。 活性炭作为一种优良吸附剂早已广泛应用于水处理中。至今仍是有色印染废水的最好吸附剂。不过,活性炭价格昂贵,加之再生困难,因此一般只应用于浓度较低的印染废水处理或深度处理。吸附剂的最大问题在于难以实现现场再生。目前,国内外已有采用活性炭吸附法,该法对去除水中溶解性有机物非常有效,但它不能去除水中的胶体和疏水性染料,并且它只对阳离子染料、直接染料、酸性染料、活性染料等水溶性染料具有较好的吸附性能。活性炭并不是对所有类型的印染废水处理效果都是一致的。活性炭对染料具

7、有选择性,其脱色性能顺序依次为碱性染料、直接染料、酸性染料和硫化染料。通常活性炭由动物性炭、木炭、沥青炭等以含炭为主的物质经高温炭化和活化而成。 活性炭微孔多、大中孔不足、亲水性强,限制了大分子及疏水性染料的内扩散,适用于分子量不超过400的水溶性染料分子脱色,对大分子或疏水性染料的脱色效果较差。采用活性炭可以有效去除废水中的活性染料、碱性染料、偶氮染料。在一定条件下,活性炭还可直接吸附某些重金属离子。另外,活性炭吸附水溶性染料时吸附率高, 但不能吸附悬浮固体及不溶性染料。活性炭虽然吸附性能优良,但由于成本高,一般应用于浓度较低的染料废水处理或深度处理。 混凝法 印染废水絮凝脱色机制是以胶体化

8、学的DLVO理论为基础的。其投资费用低,设备占地少,处理量大,是一种被普遍采用的脱色技术。包括无机混凝剂包括铁盐、铝盐、镁盐及无机絮剂,天然有机高分子絮凝剂,合成的有机高分子絮凝剂,传统混凝法对疏水性染料脱色效率很高。缺点是需随着水质变化改变投料条件,对亲水性染料的脱色效果差,COD去除率低。如何选择有效的混凝脱色工艺和高效的混凝剂,则是该技术的关键。化学氧化法 化学氧化是目前研究较为成熟的方法。借助氧化还原作用破坏染料的共轭体系或发色基团是印染脱色处理的有效方法。除常规的氯氧化法外,国内外研究重点主要集中在臭氧化、超声波氧化、过氧化氢氧化、电解氧化和光氧化方面。氧化剂一般采用Fenton试剂

9、、臭氧、氯气、次氯酸钠等。按氧化剂的不同,可将化学氧化分为:臭氧化法和芬顿试剂氧化法。氧化法是一种优良的印染废水脱色方法,但如果氧化程度不足,染料分子的发色基团可能被破坏而脱色,但其中的COD仍未除尽;若将染料分子充分氧化,能量、药剂量消耗可能会过大,成本太高。臭氧化法不产生污泥和二次污染,但是处理成本高,不适合大流量废水的处理,而且COD去除率低。通常很少采用单一的臭氧法处理印染废水,而是将它与其它方法相结合,彼此互补达到最佳的废水处理效果。所以氧化法一般用于氧化絮凝或絮凝氧化工艺。电化学法 电化学法具有设备小、占地少、运行管理简单、CODcr去除率高和脱色好等优点,但是沉淀生成量及电极材料

10、消耗量较大,运行费用较高。传统的电化学法可分为电絮凝法、电气浮法、电氧化法以及微电解、电解内法等。国外许多研究者从研制高电催化活性电极材料着手,对有机物电催化影响因素和氧化机理进行了较系统的理论研究和初步的应用研究,国内在这一领域的研究还刚刚起步。 生物处理法 生物处理法主要包括好氧法和厌氧法。目前国内主要采用好氧法进行印染废水处理。好氧法又分为活性污泥法和生物膜法。活性污泥既能分解大量的有机物质,又能去除部分色度,还可以微调pH值,运转效率高且费用低,出水水质较好,适合处理有机物含量较高的印染废水;生物膜法对印染废水的脱色作用较活性污泥法高。但是生物法存在着三个自身无法解决的问题:1.剩余污

11、泥的处里费用较高;2.单一运用生物法己不能满足实际运用的需要;3.有时需要在其前端加一道提高废水可生化性的预处理,提高了投资及运行成本。 单一的好氧生物处理只能去除废水中的部分易降解的有机物,色度问题无法解决。为了降低消耗及去除废水中较难降解的有机污染物,出现了厌氧-好氧新型处理工艺和生物强化技术。厌氧-好氧法可先由厌氧过程中的产酸阶段,去除部分较易降解的有机污染物,将较难降解的大分子有机物分解为较简单的小分子有机物,再通过好氧生物处理过程进一步去除。厌氧-好氧法处理难生化降解的印染废水具有除污染效率高、运行稳定和较强的耐冲击负荷能力等特点。有研究报道,采用厌氧-好氧工艺处理印染废水,在进水C

12、ODcr为1085mg/L,BODS为315mg/L的情况下,二者的去除率分别可达83.9和76.2,再经硫化床自然氧化和混凝沉淀处理,去除悬浮物,排水可达排放标准。 由于传统的生物方法对色度的去除往往不够理想,国内外许多学者致力于培育或改良高降解活性菌种用于印染废水处理,产生了生物强化技术。其机理为向废水处理系统中投加自然界中的优势菌种或通过基因组合技术产生的高效菌种,增强生物量,强化生物量的反应,以去除某一种或某一类有害物质为目的。目前,生物强化技术最普遍的应用方式是直接投加对目标污染物具有特效降解能力的微生物。 2.2高新技术的应用和实践 光化学氧化法 光化学氧化法由于其反应条件温和(常

13、温、常压)、氧化能力强和速度快等优点。光化学氧化可分为光分解、光敏化氧化、光激发氧化和光催化氧化四种。目前研究和应用较多的是光催化氧化法。 光催化氧化技术能有效地破坏许多结构稳定的生物难降解的有机污染物,具有节能高效、污染物降解彻底等优点,几乎所有的有机物在光催化作用下可以完全氧化为CO2、H2O等简单无机物。但是光催化氧化方法对高浓度废水效果不太理想。 关于光催化氧化降解染料的研究主要集中在对光催化剂的研究上。其中,TiO2化学性质稳定、难溶无毒、成本低,是理想的光催化剂。传统的粉末型TiO2光催化剂由于存在分离困难和不适合流动体系等缺点,难以在实际中应用。近年来,TiO2光催化剂的搀杂化、

14、改性化成为研究的热点。 膜分离技术 膜分离技术处理印染废水是通过对废水中的污染物的分离、浓缩、回收而达到废水处理目的。具有不产生二次污染、能耗低、可循环使用、废水可直接回用等特点。膜分离技术虽然具有如此多的优点,但也存在着尚待解决的问题,如膜污染、膜通量、膜清洗、以及膜材质的抗酸碱、耐腐蚀性等问题,所以,现阶段运用单一的膜分离技术处理印染废水,回收纯净染料,还存在着技术经济等一系列问题。现在膜处理技术主要有超滤膜,纳米滤膜和反渗透膜。膜处理对印染废水中的无机盐和COD都有很好的去除作用。超声波技术利用超声波可降解水中的化学污染物,尤其是难降解的有机污染物。它集高级氧化技术、焚烧、超临界水氧化等

15、多种水处理技术的特点于一身,降解条件温和、降解速度快、适用范围广,可以单独或与其它水处理技术联合使用。该方法的原理是废水经调节池加入选定的絮凝剂后进入气波振室,在额定的震荡频率的激烈震荡下,废水中的一部分有机物被开键成为小分子,在加速水分子的热运动下,絮凝剂迅速絮凝,废水中色度、COD、苯胺浓度等随之下降,起到降低废水中有机物浓度的作用。目前超声技术在水处理上的研究已取得了较大的成果,但绝大部分的研究都还局限于实验室水平上。高能物理法高能物理法是一种新的水处理技术, 当高能粒子束轰击水溶液时, 水分子发生激发和电离, 生成离子、 激发分子、 次级电子, 这些辐射产物在向周围介质扩散前会相互作用

16、产生反应能力极强的物质 HO 自由基和 H 原子, 与有机物质发生作用而使其分解。高能物理法处理印染废水具有有机物的去除率高、设备占地小、 操作简单、 用来产生高能粒子的装置昂贵、技术要求高、 能耗大、 能量利用率不高等特点。若要真正投入实际运行, 还需进行大量的研究工作。3结语 印染废水是一种较难处理的工业废水,预防和治理印染废水污染是相辅相成的两个方面,积极研发先进印染设备,提高染料与助剂的使用效率,是降低印染废水危害的有效手段同时采用各种治理方法,并做到处理后水循环利用,这不仅能降低水的消耗,而且能有效的减轻印染废水对环境的污染。印染废水处理的目的就是为了除去废水中的各种有害物质,防止环

17、境污染,使水能够重新利用!所以说印染废水处理大意义:水是一种易受污染而可以再生的自然资源。随着人口的不断增长和经济发展,加之水污染的日益严重,可利用的水资源数量日益短缺,造成水危机。根据水工业的观点,给水和排水分别是人类向自然界取用和归还可再生资源“水”的两个程序,为了使这个循环能够持续地为人类服务,水在使用后回归自然界前,必须进行废水的再生处理,使水质达到自然界自净能力的承受水平,恢复其作为自然资源的属性。对可持续发展战略的实施有着极为现实的意义,给人类营造一个健康绿色的生态圈。 随着排放标准的日益严格,各国学者在印染废水的处理技术方面进行了深入的探索。相信随着科学技术的不断进步,印染废水的

18、处理工艺将逐渐完善,投资省、运行费用低、操作简单的处理技术将给印染废水的处理带来新的希望。附原文:Research on printing and dyeing wastewater treatmentAbstract: This paper analyzes the treatment of dyeing wastewater issues facing, and describes methods of dyeing wastewater treatment progress and trends. And pointed out that different methods of dye

19、ing wastewater treatment is a combination of effective treatment of dyeing wastewater. Keywords: Dyeing wastewater; treatment Printing and dyeing wastewater is a waste cotton, wool, chemical fiber textile products emitted during dyeing, printing, its composition is complex, mainly containing aromati

20、c and heterocyclic compounds with a color group and the polar group parent dyes. In order to make more uniform dyeing, printing and dyeing are also often add some additives, so that the traditional biological treatment process is seriously challenged over. Textile printing and dyeing industry wastew

21、ater is the major emitters. Therefore the development of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment technology economy effectively, becomes the focus of todays environmental protection workers subject. Printing and dyeing wastewater with large quantity, high content of organic pollutants, refractory m

22、aterial, high chroma, characteristics and complex components, belongs to the industrial wastewater treatment. Printing and dyeing wastewater containing dyes, auxiliaries, paste, oil, acid and alkali, fiber impurities and inorganic salt, wherein the dye in the nitro and amino compounds, as well as co

23、pper, chromium, zinc, arsenic and other heavy metal elements, biological toxicity, serious pollution of the environment. A printing and dyeing wastewater treatment problems 1.1 the increasingly stringent emission standards With the development of social economy and peoples environmental awareness, o

24、ur increased investment in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment. According to textile dyeing and finishing of industrial water pollutant discharge standards, in addition to class effluent changed little, the state increased the classanddyeing wastewater effluent BOD, COD, color, suspended solids

25、, ammonia, aniline, Chlorine dioxide emission limits and other indicators. The general water quality printing and dyeing wastewater average COD800-2000mg / L, chroma 200-800 times, pH, 10-13, so printing is a printing and dyeing wastewater discharge standards in the industry need to solve the proble

26、m.1.2 The difficulties in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment components of complex printing and dyeing wastewater Printing and dyeing wastewater refers to the process of dyeing process wastewater discharged by each process a mixture of mixed wastewater. Include: pre-processing stage (such as s

27、ingeing, desizing, scouring, bleaching, mercerization) emissions desizing, scouring, bleaching, mercerization wastewater; dyeing stage of dyeing wastewater discharge; printing stage of waste water and discharge printing soaping wastewater; finishing stages of finishing wastewater discharge. Quality

28、printing and dyeing wastewater with raw materials, production varieties, production technology and management level vary, leading to various printing and dyeing process wastewater discharge summary after the component is very complex. With the rapid development of industrial dyes and finishing techn

29、ology, new additives, dyes, finishing agents in the dyeing industry, being used extensively in refractory toxic organic content are more and more, and some are carcinogenic, mutation, resulting in distortion of the organic matter, on the environment especially the water environment of threats and ha

30、zards is growing. Overall, the printing and dyeing wastewater is characterized by complex composition, organic matter content is high, dark color and chemical oxygen demand (COD), whereas the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is relatively low, poor biodegradability, emission volume. the limitations

31、of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment 80 years ago, our printing and dyeing wastewater biodegradability higher, CODcr often concentration 800mg / L the following, using the traditional biological and physico-chemical co-treatment system, effluent discharge standards can be achieved. Past two d

32、ecades, water quality printing and dyeing wastewater has undergone great changes. Traditional printing and dyeing wastewater treatment methods, such as adsorption, suspension, filtration, coagulation and other features simple, easy to operate and process the advantages of maturity, but such treatmen

33、t is usually to transfer organic matter from liquid to solid or gas, not only did not complete elimination of organic pollutants and consumption of chemicals and pollution caused by waste accumulation and secondary; biological methods can only remove the printing and dyeing wastewater BOD, COD, espe

34、cially for toxic and refractory organics and color out of little effect. Single approach can not meet the current requirements of the development of dyeing wastewater. 2 Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Treatment and Trends 2.1 traditional methods and process improvement 2.1.1 Adsorption Charcoal acti

35、vated carbon black. Black amorphous granular or fine powder. Activated carbon in the structure due to crystallite carbon is irregular, pores are in cross connection between, on the activation will produce carbon tissue defects, so it is a kind of porous carbon, low bulk density, large specific surfa

36、ce area, do not dissolve in any solvent. A selective adsorption capacities of various gas, organic pigment and nitrogenous base has high capacity of adsorption capacity. Activated carbon has a strong adsorption and chemical adsorption role, can be certain organic compounds adsorption removal effect,

37、 making use of this theory, we can quickly and effectively remove harmful substances, the aquarium water odor and pigment and so on, so that the water quality directly and rapidly improve. Activated carbon adsorption is one of the most important the most effective technique of advanced treatment of

38、city sewage, widely used. Activated carbon as an excellent adsorbent has been widely used in water treatment. The best adsorbent is still colored printing and dyeing wastewater. However, activated carbon is expensive, and the regeneration is difficult, so usually only applied to the low concentratio

39、n of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and advanced treatment. The biggest problem is difficult to achieve the adsorbent regeneration. At present, domestic and abroad, using activated carbon adsorption method, this method is very effective for the removal of dissolved organic matter in water,

40、 but it cant remove the dye colloidal and hydrophobic water, and it only cationic dyes, direct dyes, acid dyes, reactive dyes and other water-soluble dye has good adsorption performance. Activated carbon is not the effect on treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater of all types are the same. Acti

41、vated carbon has selectivity to dyes, the decolorization performance in order of basic dyes, direct dyes, acid dyes and sulfur dyes. Usually activated carbon from animal charcoal, charcoal, carbon to carbon based material through high temperature carbonization and activation. Activated carbon pore,

42、hole, and lack of strong hydrophilic, hydrophobic dye molecules and the limitation of the internal diffusion, applicable to the molecular weight of not more than 400 water soluble dye decolorization, poor decolorization of macromolecules or hydrophobic dyes. Using activated carbon can effectively re

43、move the reactive dyes, basic dyes, wastewater of azo dye. Under certain conditions, activated carbon can also direct adsorption of some heavy metal ions. In addition, carbon adsorption water activity of soluble dye adsorption rate is high, but can not absorb the suspended solids and insoluble dye.

44、Although excellent adsorption performance of activated carbon, but due to the high cost, generally used in low concentration of dye wastewater treatment and advanced treatment. 2.1.2 Coagulation Coagulation with low investment costs, equipment, small footprint, processing capacity, decolorization ra

45、te and so on. Coagulants are inorganic coagulants, organic coagulants and biological coagulant. Traditional coagulation decolorization efficiency on hydrophobic high. It requires change with changes in feed water quality conditions, the decolorization effect of hydrophilic poor, COD removal rate. Ho

46、w to choose an effective coagulation process and efficient coagulant, it is the key to the technology. 2.1.3 Chemical Oxidation Study of chemical oxidation is more mature approach. Oxidant commonly used Fenton reagent (Fe2, H2O2), ozone, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, etc. According to the different

47、 oxidants, chemical oxidation can be divided into: ozone oxidation and Fentons reagent oxidation. Ozonation does not produce sludge and secondary pollution, high costs, however, not suitable for large flow waste water treatment, and CODcr removal rate. Seldom a single ozone treatment of dyeing waste

48、water, but will combine it with other methods, complementary to each other to achieve the best wastewater treatment effects. Wang Xiaojun et al 13 with ozone - biological aerated filter wastewater treatment process 2.1.4 Electrochemical Electrochemical method has the equipment, small, small footprin

49、t, simple operation and management, CODcr removal rate and the bleaching of high and good, but the precipitation formation and consumption of large electrode materials, higher operating costs. The traditional electrochemical methods can be divided into electric flocculation, electric float, electro-

50、oxidation and micro-electrolysis, electrolysis within the law. Many foreign researchers from the developing electrode materials with high electrocatalytic activity to proceed, on the organic electro-catalytic oxidation mechanism of influencing factors and a more systematic application of theoretical

51、 study and preliminary research, the domestic research in this field has just started. 2.1.5 biological treatment Biological treatment include aerobic and anaerobic methods. Currently the main method of dyeing wastewater using aerobic treatment. Divided into aerobic activated sludge and biofilm. A l

52、arge number of both activated sludge decomposition of organic material, but also remove some color, you can fine-tune the pH value, high efficiency and low cost of operation, effluent quality is better suited to deal with printing and dyeing wastewater with higher organic matter content; biofilm dec

53、olorization of dyeing wastewater than the activated sludge process. However, there are three biological methods can not solve its own problems: Department of residual sludge in higher costs; single-use biological Ji can not meet the needs of practical application; sometimes necessary to add a front-

54、end to improve its wastewater biodegradability pretreatment, to improve the investment and operating costs. Only a single aerobic biological treatment to remove part of readily biodegradable wastewater organic matter, color can not solve the problem. In order to reduce consumption and waste removal

55、more difficult to degrade organic pollutants in the emergence of anaerobic - aerobic treatment process and the new biological technology. Anaerobic - aerobic anaerobic process can start with the acid production phase to remove part of the easily degradable organic pollutants, degradation of macromol

56、ecules will be more difficult to decompose organic matter to simpler organic molecules, and through aerobic biological treatment process to further remove. Anaerobic - aerobic treatment of biodegradable wastewater was difficult with the removal of pollution, high efficiency, stable and strong resist

57、ance capacity and so on. Studies have reported that anaerobic - aerobic process of dyeing wastewater, the influent CODcr to 1085mg / L, BODS to 315mg / L in the case, both the removal rate up to 83.9 and 76.2, respectively, and then by fluidized bed natural oxidation and coagulation treatment to rem

58、ove suspended solids, water up to emission standards. The traditional biological method of color removal is often not ideal, many domestic and foreign scholars dedicated to nurturing high-degradation activity of bacteria or improved treatment of dyeing wastewater, resulting in a bioaugmentation. The

59、 mechanism for the wastewater treatment system to increase the dominant species in nature or produced through genetic technology and efficient combination of bacteria, increased biomass, enhanced biomass response to removal of a particular hazardous substance or class of purpose. At present, the biological technology is the most common a


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