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2、或平时听到的别人的观点答题,而应以这些观点为基础和比较对象,去理解作者的看法,以听到的录音内容为基础进行答题。这类短文设置的问题以主旨大意题和造成某个社会现象或问题的原因类题为主。由于这类文章通常有主题句,且主题句常为短文的首句或尾句。所以考生切记第一时间进入状态,集中注意听清文章的开篇及结尾部分。对于原因类题,一般在短文中都能直接提及,所以在预读选项,预测问题的基础上带着问题去听,听到什么选什么能大大降低答题的难度。请看2003年12月CET-4的第一篇短文:11. A) The art of saying thank you.B) The secret of staying pretty.

3、C) The importance of good manners.D) The difference between elegance and good manners.12. A) They were nicer and gentler.B) They paid more attention to their appearance.C) They were willing to spend more money on clothes.D) They were more aware of changes in fashion.13. A) By decorating our homes.B)

4、 By wearing fashionable clothes.C) By being kind and generous.D) By putting on a little make-up.解题思路(1)主旨预测花几秒种的时间浏览3题12个选项,迅速找出相互关联的几个高频词:good manners, appearance, fashionable, generous, nice, pretty。从而作出初步概括,短文中可能会涉及文明礼貌及仪表美等方面的内容。(2)分测各题第11题四选项是四个名词短语,又是本篇短文的第一题,很可能是测试文章的主旨大意。选项C和D中反复出现了good mann

5、ers,具有关键词的特征。所以听时注意文章的开篇和结束部分,重点在辨别短文的主旨。第12题,竖读后发现四个选项主语一致,均以they开头,且都是用的一般过去时,都用到了比较极形式,但均未明确出现被比较的对象,但常识告诉我们比较的对象无非是过去和现在两种不同情况。再看中心词nicer and gentler, appearance, clothes, fashion,虽各不相同,但通过归纳概括可以发现选项A与众不同,描述的是行为举止方面等内在气质的胜出,而其他选项的中心词则同属一个范畴,都是围绕对衣着打扮等外在仪容的表述。由此可推测出这一题是就过去的某些人的内在气质或外在特征较之当前的情况有何区

6、别来设置问题。第13题,各选项结构一致,均以By开头,后接动名词短语,此题必是考察方式方法。与前两题结合起来分析,选项A是美化家居的方法,B和D是使人仪表增辉的方式,而选项C是使人更具内秀的方法。所以这个问题可能会问采取何种方法能使人们的形象更佳。关键词提示 good manners, generous, nice, gentle听力原文Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do. And I feel that much of the wo

7、rld has somehow gotten away from that. Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, or never saying “thank you” when others hold a door open for them. We get lazy and in our laziness, we think that something, like a simple “thank you” doesnt re

8、ally matter. But it can matter very much.The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress or how beautifully we decorate our homes, we cant be truly elegant without good manners because elegance and good manners always go hand in hand. In fact, I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret

9、. Havent you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? Its funny how that happens. But it does. Take the long-lost art of saying “thank you”. Like wearing a little makeup or making sure your hair is neat, getting into the habit of saying “thank you” can make you f

10、eel better about yourselves. Good manners add to your image while an angry face makes the best dressed person look ugly.11.What is the passage mainly about?12.What does the speaker say about people of the past?13.According to the speaker, how can we best improve image? 参考答案11. C12. A13. C技巧点拨这类关于现象与


12、彩,即使考生没听到文章中“Havent you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? Its funny how that happens. But it does.”这几句话,只要抓住了文章的最后一句话,就能轻松确定答案为选项B。另外,考生平时应有意识地关注各种媒体上常提到的热点问题。因为如果考生对材料的内容或类似的内容较熟悉,就能很容易地理解短文的具体内容,大大提高答题的正确率。科普与研究这类短文一般是以通俗易懂的语言,介绍自然科学领域里的新发明、新发现、新技术及其应用,其



15、巢的特点以及树的年轮对于科学家考察太阳风暴活动的模式所具有的特殊意义。2001年1月第三篇短文介绍了造成车祸的原因及相应的防范措施。请看2005年12月CET-4的第一篇短文:11. A) It has been proven to be the best pain-killer.B) It is a possible cure for heart disease.C) It can help lower high body temperature effectively.D) It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

16、12. A) It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.B) It speeds up their recovery after surgery.C) It increase the blood flow to the heart.D) It adjusts their blood pressure.13. A) It is harmful to heart surgery patients with stomach bleeding.B) It should not be taken by heart surgery patients before

17、the operation.C) It will have considerable side effects if taken in large doses.D) It should not be given to patients immediately after the operation.解题思路(1)主旨预测花几秒种的时间浏览3题12个选项,选项都为以it为主语的短句,提供的信息相对较多。迅速找出几个相互关联的高频词或关键词:heart disease, heart surgery patients, cure, recovery, blood vessels, blood pre

18、ssure, stomach bleeding, operation, doses。从而推测出短文中可能会介绍某种药物对于心脏病或高血压手术患者的作用或疗效。(2)分测各题第11题四选项均是以it为主语的短句,又是本篇短文的第一题,很可能是测试文章的主旨大意,询问某种药物的作用或疗效。第12题四选项均又是以it为主语的短句,且都用了一般现在时,而且A,C,D三个选项中分别出现了三个与blood相关的词组blood vessels, blood flow和blood pressure,由此可推测出这一题是就这种药物对于病人在血液方面的疾患有何帮助,听的时候可以着重辨别哪一个是短文中提到的内容。第

19、13题,依然是以it为主语的四个短句,B,D两个选项的谓语均用到了否定式和被动语态should not be (done),A,C两个选项虽然用的是肯定句(It is harmful to及It will have considerable side effects),但表达的同样是负面的意义,通过分析可以推测出这道题会就这种药物的副作用或是用药禁忌来设问。关键词提示 heart surgery, blood vessels, operation听力原文A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life threat

20、ening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart. More than 800,000 people around the world have this heart surgery each year. The doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon after the operation could save thousands of lives. People usually ta

21、ke aspirin to control pain and reduce high body temperature. Doctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacks. About 1015 percent of these heart operation end in death or damage to the heart or other organs. The new study shows than even a small amount of aspirin reduced

22、 such threats. The doctors said the chance of death for patients who took aspirin would fall by 67%. They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operation. The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because it can prevent blood from thickening and blood v

23、essels from being blocked. However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.11. What is the finding of the new study of aspirin?12. In what way can aspirin help heart surgery patients according to the doctors

24、?13. What warning did the doctors give about the use of aspirin?参考答案11. D12. A13. A技巧点拨这篇科普短文篇幅适中,但因涉及的是医药类的内容,生词较多,对考生在听的过程中理解信息造成了障碍。听力理解中内容较难的短文,设题多遵循在段首、段尾的主题句及信息提示词后设问的规律,且问题往往为细节题,所以有时即使没听懂文章的内容,但抓住这种规律,捕获首尾句中及信息提示词后的关键词(通常是听到什么选什么),也能找到正确答案。比如,本文的第一句即主题句,第11小题也是针对短文的段首句提问,听到“greatly reduces l

25、ife threatening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart”这句话后,马上就能综合出reduce, problems, operation, heart等几个词表达是选项D所表明的信息,所以可以在该选项旁作上记号。而听到“The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because ”和“However, the doctors warned that”两句话时,则应对because和however两个信息提

26、示词后的信息重点关注,而第12和13题的答案也正在其中。第12题选项A的“It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.”与because后听到的“prevent blood vessels from being blocked”如出一辙,而第13小题的选项A提到的“patients with stomach bleeding”也与听到的“people who have stomach bleeding”相符,所以根据听到什么选什么的原则,就能选出正确答案。又如2005年12月CET-4的第三篇短文:17.A) They wanted to follow

27、his example. B) They fully supported his undertaking. C) They were puzzled by his decision.D) They were afraid he wasnt fully prepared.18. A) It is more exciting than space travel. B) It is much cheaper than space travel. C) It is much safer than space travel. D) It is less time-consuming than space

28、 travel.19.A) They both attract scientists attention B) They can both be quite challenging C) They are both thought-provoking. D) They may both lead to surprising findings.20.A) To show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be. B) To provide an excuse for his changeable character. C) To expl

29、ore the philosophical issues of space travel. D) To explain why he took up underwater exploration. 解题思路(1)主旨预测全文相关的16个选项开头都非常有规律,第17题和第19题都是以They开头的句子,第18题是以It开头的四个含比较级的句子,而第20题是以To开头的目的状语。在这些选项中频率最高的词非space travel莫属,而且它是作为一个被比较对象出现的,由此可以初步判断将要听到一篇关于人物对space travel的兴趣发生变化的文章,结合diving及water explorati

30、on,多半会讲述他比较space travel及water diving/exploration之后所形成的观点及兴趣问题。(2)分测各题第17题,四选项均以They开头,且四选项谓语均为对he(文章中的某个人,可能是作者本人)的某种行为所持的一种评价或态度,所以此处的They指代的对象应该是人。由此可猜测这个问题可能是问:文章的主人公干了某件事或作出了某个决定后,旁人对此有何反应。又是本篇文章的第一题,它们提醒考生要注意短文开头的某个有关他人观点态度的细节。第18题,四个以It开头的四个含比较级的句子,被比较对象相同都是space travel,可在四个形容词下划线,在听的时间就一定要注意某

31、项工作或研究与space travel相比较的究竟有何不同之处。第19题,四选项同第17题的主语一样,均以They开头,但此They非彼They,结合上一小题看,此处所指代的应是与上一小题中space travel相比较的另一种工作或研究。此外各选项都有both一词,与上题衔接,应该是描述两者的相同(似)之处。第20题,四选项均为以To开头的目的状语,又是短文的最后一小题,是概括文章主旨的可能性很大。多半会问作者说这番话的目的是什么。关键词提示 space travel, diving, underwater exploration听力原文When my interest shifted fr

32、om space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion among my friends, yet I can understand their feelings. As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea does seem peculiar. To explain, Id like

33、to share my reasons behind this unusual change of mind. The first excuse I give is an economic one. Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight. The first round-trip ticket to the moon is going to cost at least 10 billion dollars if you include research and development. By the end of

34、 this century, the cost will be down to a few million. On the other hand, the diving suit and a set of basic tools needed for skin-diving can be bought for 20 dollars. My second argument is more philosophical. The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many things in common with space. In their different ways, both sea and space are equally h


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