1、目 录前 言11 零件的分析21.1 零件的作用21.2 零件的工艺分析32 工艺规程设计32.1 毛坯的制造形式42.2 基准面的选择42.2.1 粗基准的选择42.2.2 精基准的选择42.3 制订工艺路线42.3.1 工艺线路方案一42.3.2 工艺路线方案二52.3.3 工艺方案的比较与分析52.4 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定62.5 确定切削用量及基本工时72.5.1 工序:车削端面、外圆72.5.2 工序:粗车65,80,75,100外圆以及槽和倒角9工序 钻扩mm、及锪孔。转塔机床C365L122.5.4 工序 钻613.5, 2-M10-6H, 4-M10-6H深孔
2、深24132.5.5 工序:精车65mm的外圆及与80mm相接的端面16工序:精、粗、细镗mm孔182.5.7 工序:铣60孔底面182.5.8 工序:磨60孔底面19工序: 镗60mm孔底沟槽202.5.10 工序: 研磨60mm孔底面203专用夹具设计203.1 问题的指出213.2 夹具设计213.2.1 定位基准的选择213.2.2 切削力及夹紧力的计算213.3 定位误差的分析223.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明22参考资料22致谢23附 录24前 言 毕业设计是高等工业学校教学中的一个主要组成部分,是专业学习过程是最后的一个主要的实践性的教学环节,是完成工程师基本训练的重要环节,是
3、培养学生独立思考和科学工作方法重要的实践性的过程。 设计的目的和要求在于培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能去分析和解决机械工程实际问题的能力.熟练生产技术的工作的一般方法,培养学生树立工程技术必备的全局观点,生产观点和经济观点。树立正确的设计思想和严肃认真的工作态度,培养学生调查研究,查阅技术文献资料,手册进行工程运筹,图样的绘制及编写技术文件的独立工作能力. 毕业设计,通过到工厂的实际调研,对设计内容有了基本的了解,并仔细观察和了解各加工工序的加工过程,查阅了大量的资料,在何鹤林、邓兴贵两位教授的指导下完成了设计任务,并编写了设计说明书。就我个人而言,我希望通过这次课程设计对自己未来将从事的工作
4、进行一次适应训练,从中锻炼自己分析问题、解决问题的能力,为今后的技术工作打下一个良好的基础。 由于能力和经验的有限,设计尚有许多不足之处,恳请各位老师给予指教。 1 零件的分析1.1 零件的作用题目所给定的零件是解放牌汽车的填料箱盖(附图1),其主要作用是保证对箱体起密封作用,使箱体在工作时不致让油液渗漏。填料箱主要由填料,水封环,填料筒,填料压盖,水封管组成。填料函的作用主要是为了封闭泵壳与泵轴之间的空隙,不让泵内的水流不流到外面来也不让外面的空气进入到泵内。始终保持水泵内的真空!当泵轴与填料摩擦产生热量就要靠水封管住水到水封圈内使填料冷却!保持水泵的正常运行。1.2 零件的工艺分析填料箱盖
5、的零件图中规定了一系列技术要求:(查表1.4-28机械制造工艺设计简明手册)1 以65H5()轴为中心的加工表面。包括:尺寸为65H5()的轴,表面粗糙度为1.6, 尺寸为80的与65H5()相接的肩面, 尺寸为100f8()与65H5()同轴度为0.025的面. 尺寸为60h5()与65H5()同轴度为0.025的孔.2.以60h5()孔为中心的加工表面.尺寸为78与60H8()垂直度为0.012的孔底面,表面粗糙度为0.4,须研磨.3. 以60H8()孔为中心均匀分布的12孔,6-13.5,4-M10-6H深20孔深24及4-M10-6H.4.其它未注表面的粗糙度要求为6.3,粗加工可满足
6、要求.2 工艺规程设计2.1 毛坯的制造形式零件材料为HT200,考虑到零件材料的综合性能及材料成本和加工成本,保证零件工作的可靠,采用铸造。由于年产量为1000件,属于中批生产的水平,而且零件轮廓尺寸不大,故可以采用铸造成型,这从提高生产率、保证加工精度上考虑,也是应该的。此处省略 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN字。如需要完整说明书和CAD图纸等.请联系 扣扣 二五一一三三四零八 另提供全套机械设计地址。 r: 工作台移动速度(m/min) :工作台往返一次砂轮轴向进给量 : 工作台往返一次砂轮径向进给量则 工序: 镗60mm孔底沟槽内孔车刀
7、 保证t=0.5mm,d=2mm 工序: 研磨60mm孔底面采用手工研具进行手工研磨:Z=0.01mm3专用夹具设计为了提高劳动生产率,保证加工质量,降低劳动强度,需要设计专用夹具。经过与指导老师协商,决定设计第6道工序钻12孔的钻床专用夹具。本夹具将用于Z3025摇臂钻床。刀具为麻花钻。3.1 问题的指出本夹具主要用来钻12孔,由于工艺要求不高,因此,在本道工序加工时,主要应考虑如何提高劳动生产率,降低劳动强度。3.2 夹具设计 定位基准的选择由零件图可知,12孔中,613.5在圆周上均匀分布,2M10,4M10也为对称分布,尺寸精度为自由尺寸精度要求。其设计基准为两对称孔中心距,由于难以使
8、工艺基准与设计基准统一,只能以65外圆面作为定位基准。为了提高加工效率及方便加工,决定钻头材料使用高速钢,用于对12孔进行加工。同时,为了缩短辅助时间,准备采用气动夹紧。 切削力及夹紧力的计算刀具:高速钢麻花钻头,尺寸为13.5。 则轴向力:见工艺师手册表28.4F=Cdfk3.1 式中: C=420, Z=1.0, y=0.8, f=0.35 k=(F=420转矩T=Cdfk式中: C=0.206, Z=2.0, y=0.8T=0.206功率 P=在计算切削力时,必须考虑安全系数,安全系数 K=KKKK式中 K基本安全系数,1.5; K加工性质系数,1.1;K刀具钝化系数, 1.1;K断续切
9、削系数, 1.1则 F=KF=1.5气缸选用。当压缩空气单位压力P=0.6MP,夹紧拉杆。N= N>F钻削时 T=17.34 N切向方向所受力: F=取F=4416F> F所以,钻削时工件不会转动,故本夹具可安全工作。3.3 定位误差的分析 定位元件尺寸及公差的确定。本夹具的主要定位元件为止口,而该定位元件的尺寸公差为,而孔径尺寸为自由尺寸精度要求,可满足加工要求。3.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 如前所述,在设计夹具时,为提高劳动生产率,应首先着眼于机动夹具,本道工序的钻床夹具选用气动夹紧方式。本工序由于是粗加工,切削力较大,为了夹紧工件,势必要增大气缸直径,而这将使整个夹具过于
10、庞大。因此,应设法降低切削力。目前采取的措施有两个:一是提高毛坯精度,使最大切削深度降低,以降低切削力;二是在可能的情况下,适当提高压缩空气的工作压力(由0.5M增至0.6 M)以增加气缸推力。结果,本夹具结构比较紧凑。 钻床夹具的装配图及零件图分别见附图3及附图4。参考资料1.机床夹具设计 第2版 肖继德 陈宁平主编 机械工业出版社2.机械制造工艺及专用夹具设计指导 孙丽媛主编 冶金工业出版社3.机械制造工艺学周昌治、杨忠鉴等 重庆大学出版社4. 机械制造工艺设计简明手册李益民 主编 机械工业出版社5. 工艺师手册 杨叔子主编 机械工业出版社6. 机床夹具设计手册王光斗、王春福主编 上海科技
11、出版社7. 机床专用夹具设计图册南京市机械研究所 主编 机械工业出版社8. 机械原理课程设计手册 邹慧君主编 机械工业出版社9.金属切削手册第三版 上海市金属切削技术协会 上海科学技术出版社10.几何量公差与检测第五版 甘永立 主编 上海科学技术出版社 11机械制造工艺水学、机床夹具设计 (教材)12机械零件设计手册13机械制造工艺学课程设计指导书, 机械工业出版社14机床夹具设计 王启平主编 哈工大出版社15 汽车制造工艺学 侯家驹主编 机械工业出版社16汽车构造与修理图解 唐艺 主编 机械工业出版社17汽车传动与行使部分检修问答 刘文举 主编 人民邮电出版社致谢 经何鹤林、邓兴贵两位教授的
12、悉心指教。为期3个月的毕业设计终于结束了,在此要感谢老师的辛勤指导。 通过这次走向工作实践前的最后一次综合练兵。使我们对自己的专业有了更进一步的认识,清楚了自己在今后工作中的努力方向,熟悉了所学的基础技术知识,加深了解了自己在专业工作中一般工作方法,了解解决问题的一般常规程序,基本上具备了一定的分析和解决问题的能力,锻炼了设计计算,绘图的能力,以及建立了自己独立思考。查阅大量资料的习惯及方法。 附 录1.外文原文复印件2. 外文译文3. 毕业实习报告The packing box divulges reason analysis and countermeasure abstract: Rea
13、son the packing box divulges which through the analysis petrochemistry enterprise each kind of adjustment valve in, as well as the adjustment valve divulges the harm which brings to the environment and the production, proposed some solution countermeasures. Guan Jianci: Adjusts the valve; The packin
14、g box divulges; Seal; Countermeasure1 foreword adjustment valve is the petroleum chemical industry refines oil in the installment the essential part, its use adjustment valve type many, quantity big, in the chemical production medium many is corrosiveness strong, virulent or is flammable explosive,
15、when adjusts the valve divulges, not only can create the serious raw material, the energy and the product waste, moreover also has the serious influence to the environment, even causes the serious security accident. Therefore, we have the necessity also to have to take in the petroleum chemical indu
16、stry production process to adjust the valve to divulge the question. Under causes the reason on the petroleum chemical industry installment in which the adjustment valve packing box divulges as well as prevented divulges the countermeasure, the method with the elimination makes the key discussion.2
17、adjustments valves packing box divulges the reason analysis adjustment valve divulges divides into two kinds, namely outside divulges with the interior divulges. In the majority situation, outside divulges the consequence which creates, often divulges compared to the interior seriously.In the indust
18、rial production, adjusts the valve outside to leak not only creates the raw material and the energy waste, but also can directly pollute the environment, even causes the fire, the detonation, is poisoned and so on the harm safety significant accident, the national economy creates the heavy loss for.
19、 Outside but the packing box divulges also belongs leaks. The packing box divulges reason: The packing box by the stuffing box, the padding, the padding pad as well as the padding contracts the organization and so on to be composed. The stuffing box sets on the valve body or the valve cover, plays h
20、olds the padding the role. The padding pad sets to the stuffing box base, plays the strut padding role. The padding divides the soft nature sealing compound and takes shape the padding two kinds. Takes shape the padding take the elastic material quality as the raw material, uses the mould pressing t
21、o take shape or the turning processing makes each kind of joiner curtain under, compares, takes shape the padding structure compact, sealing property good, the serviceability is stronger. The medium divulges in the sealing compound place, the reason becomes less crowded, the sealing compound for the
22、 padding gland is not strict, the padding variety or the quality does not conform to the requirement, the padding gets older or by the valve lever attrition. 3 adjusts the loss which the valve divulges creates Divulging causes which by the above situation, creates the economic loss and further becau
23、se the medium characteristic different has differently to the environment pollution degree. If is the gas medium, then very easily proliferates the dissemination in the air, its pollution radius can be bigger. The liquid medium can through have the pollution to the ground seepage, also possibly or t
24、he exile expels flood water the ditch through the open ditch, pollutes the rivers and streams lake and other environment. Former Soviet Union's nuclear power station because adjusts the valve the question to breed the unprecedented disaster, not only has caused the significant personnel casualty
25、, creates direct and the indirect economic loss and the environment destroy also with difficulty estimates. The statistical data indicated that, in the production unit approximately 20% adjustment valve existence divulges the question, creates the direct economic loss approximately composes the tota
26、l losses 5%0 in the petrified profession, take a set of 5000kt/a scale often the decompressor as the example, in the ordinary circumstances has 5,000 about the adjustment valve, divulges the economic loss by 20% adjustment valve which creates and the pollution which creates to the environment indeed
27、 may not belittle, if looked from the entire petrified profession, the situation was more serious.4 packing boxes divulge the countermeasure because the adjustment valve packing box seals divulging, as well as valve body connection spot seal divulging, is creates adjusts the key which outside the va
28、lve leaks to be at, therefore needs specially to take. The traditional soft nature padding seal, is depends on the padding gland the thrust, causes it between the valve lever and the padding as well as the padding and the stuffing box sidewall, has the certain radial direction contact stress to achi
29、eve the seal. Therefore, the gland axial force must be quite big, this creates between the padding and the valve lever rubs the torque to increase, the attrition increases, the soft nature sealing compound wears quickly, thus must frequently screw tight the packing bolt or the replacement padding, c
30、an guarantee the better seal effect. Uses the appropriate padding seal and the padding seal combination, may enhance adjusts the reliability which the valve uses, lengthens the service life. If the flexible graphite link padding combination use, only uses the flexible graphite link padding the seal
31、effect to be better than. At present in domestic uses the sole flexible graphite link padding the situation quite to be many; But in overseas, uses the flexible graphite link padding combination the application method to start popularly, and has obtained the good effect. 5 concluding remark In summa
32、ry, adjusts the valve in the petrification industrial production divulging is the not allow to neglect question, it to the production efficiency, the security as well as can bring the significant influence to the environment. The elimination adjustment valve divulges the key lies in the optimized ad
33、justment valve structure the design, adjusts the valve according to the different craft condition reasonable choice the material, enhances adjusts the valve in production process quality control level, as well as adjusts the valve according to the craft operating system optimization the shaping. Alo
34、ng with the science and technology progress, specially the new material appearance, some new structures adjustment valves put into the use, their performance good, the life is long, may satisfy production the need to develop. Reference: 1 Wang Xunju Valve use maintenance handbook s Beijing: Chinese
35、petrochemistry publishing house, 1,999 2 German ginger The petroleum chemical industry installment process tube installs design handbook second S Beijing: Chinese petrochemistry publishing house, 1,998 3 Lu Peiwen The valve selects the handbook S Beijing: Mechanical industry publishing house,中文译文填料函
36、泄漏的原因分析及对策 摘要:通过分析石化企业各种调节阀门中填料函泄漏的原因,以及调节阀门泄漏对环境和生产所带来的危害,提出了一些解决对策。 关健词:调节阀门;填料函泄漏;密封;对策1前言 调节阀门是石油化工炼油装置中不可缺少的部分,其使用的调节阀门种类多、数量大,化工生产中的介质多是腐蚀性强、有毒或易燃易爆的,当调节阀门泄漏时,不仅会造成严重的原材料、能量和产品的浪费,而且对环境也造成严重的影响,甚至引起严重的安全事故。因此,我们有必要也应当重视石油化工生产
37、过程中调节阀门的泄漏问题。下面就石油化工装置中引起调节阀门填料函泄漏的原因以及防止和消除泄漏的对策、方法做重点探讨。2 调节阀门填料函泄漏的原因分析 调节阀门泄漏分为两种,即外部泄漏和内部泄漏。在大多数情况下,外部泄漏所造成的后果,往往比内部泄漏更加严重。在工业生产中,调节阀门的外漏不但造成原材料及能源的浪费,还会直接污染环境,甚至引起火灾、爆炸、中毒等危害生命安全的重大事故,给国民经济造成严重损失。而填料函泄漏又属于外漏。填料函泄漏的原因:填料函由填料箱、填料、填料垫以及填料压紧机构等组成。填料箱置于阀体或阀盖上,起容纳填料的作用。填料垫置于填料
38、箱底部,起支撑填料的作用。填料分软质密封填料和成型填料两种。成型填料以弹性材质为原料,采用模压成型或车削加工制成各种环形密封圈,相比之下,成型填料结构紧凑,密封性能好,适用性更强。 介质在密封填料处泄漏,原因为填料压盖松动、密封填料不严密、填料品种或质量不符合要求、填料老化或被阀杆磨损。3调节阀门泄漏造成的损失 由以上情况引起的泄漏,所造成的经济损失和对环境的污染程度又因介质的特性的不同而有所不同。如果是气体介质,则很容易在空气中扩散传播,其污染半径就会较大。液体介质则会通过对地面的渗透产生污染,也可能
39、通过明沟或暗沟流人排洪渠,污染江河湖泊及其他环境。前苏联的切尔诺贝利核电站因为一个调节阀门的问题而酿成空前的灾难,不仅造成了重大的人员伤亡,所造成的直接和间接的经济损失及环境破坏也难以估量。统计数据表明,工业装置中约20%的调节阀门存在泄漏问题,所造成的直接经济损失约占总损失的5%0在石化行业中,以一套5000kt/a规模的常减压装置为例,一般情况下有5000个左右的调节阀门,由其中20%的调节阀门泄漏所造成的经济损失和对环境造成的污染的确不可小觑,如果从整个石化行业来看,情况就更严重了。 4填料函泄漏对策 由于调节阀门填料函
40、密封的泄漏,以及阀体连接部位密封的泄漏,是造成调节阀门外漏的关键所在,所以需要特别重视。 传统的软质填料密封,是靠填料压盖的轴向压力,使之在阀杆与填料以及填料与填料箱侧壁之间,产生一定的径向接触应力而达到密封的。因此,压盖的轴向力必须相当大,这就造成填料与阀杆之间摩擦转矩增大、磨损增加、软质密封填料磨损快,因而须经常拧紧压盖螺栓或更换填料,才能保证较好的密封效果。 采用合适的填料密封及填料密封组合,可提高调节阀门使用的可靠性,延长使用寿命。如柔性石墨环填料的组合使用,比只用柔性石墨环填料的密封效果好。目前在国内采用单一柔性石墨环填料的情况比较多;而在国外,采用柔性石墨环填料组合的使用方法已开始流行,并且取得了良好的效果。5结束语 综上所述,在石化工业生产中调节阀门的泄漏是不容忽视的问题,它对生产的经济性、安全性以及对环境都会带来重大的影响。消除调节阀门泄漏的关键在于优化调节阀门结构的设
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