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1、员工培训与开发本章学习目的:1理解培训开发对组织的作用2了解培训开发程序和开发方法3评估培训的方式4了解提高培训效果的因素5. 学习型组织6.1 培训的目的与理论6.1.1 什么是培训 培训是一个组织采取的促进内部成员学习的正式步骤,以更使 培训后的成员行为有助于组织目标的实现。 培训是一个过程,是培训专家和培训管理者依据培训政府的组织战略目标,制定培训政策,筹划培训项目,并付诸实施的过程。Trainingsystematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction to increase organizatio

2、nal goals.6.1.2 职工培训的目的 1. 培训可以支持组织目标 2. 培训是一种管理工具 3. 培训是为获得理想的行为 4. 培训为员工学习提供系统帮助Organisational ExpectationsBarrow and Loughlin 1993 to enable new technology and empower ability to adapt and learn new skills, take responsibility for own learning and keep up-to-date continuous quality improvement fl

3、exibility, multi-skilling and shift in management style departments with flatter, project/team structures. reduce supervision, set own objectives, monitor own performance, take corrective action manage interfaces and delight customers - external and internalDisappointment with TrainingTalk, expendit

4、ure and effort is committed to trainingMany have initiated training/development for others, contributing to or running training eventsEvidence of gains from training, coaching, secondments, learning from experience (success and failure) and from role models.Yet, T&D strategies have great capacity to

5、 disappoint. Why?What determines and influences training effectiveness? How do training needs become apparent?What factors hinder/help investment in T&D?Is training a strategic issue and whose purposes are served?6.1.3 培训理论学习原理1 实践分配原理 2 整体地学习对部 分学习3刺激强化理论刺激强化理论 4 学习结果反馈理 论5 促动因素原理 6 学习转化原理 7实践原理 8

6、连惯学习行为调整 组织行为调整(OBM) 正强化(positive reinforcement) 负强化(negative reinforcement) 惩罚(punishment) 消退(extinction) 当积极有价值的结果(如,提升)随着对于激励的反应到来时,正强化发生了,当行为引起了不想要的因素被去除时(如,爱唠叨的老板),负强化发生了。当不想要的行为发生后紧跟的是令人不愉快的结果时(如工资的损失),惩罚发生了。在惩罚中,通过收回一些积极的东西,行为被弱化了。学习:学习:由于经验而发生的相对持久的行为由于经验而发生的相对持久的行为改变;学习包含着变化,这种变化应该改变;学习包含着变

7、化,这种变化应该是相对持久的,行为活动发生了变化。是相对持久的,行为活动发生了变化。Learning Theory(学习理论)学习理论 经典条件反射理论:经典条件反射理论:当某事发生时,我们一某种特定的方式进行反应。 操作条件反射理论操作条件反射理论:行为是结果的函数。如果人们的行为得到了积极的强化,则可能重复这种令人满足的行为 社会学习理论:社会学习理论:个体不仅通过直接经验进行学习,还通过观察或听取发生在他人身上的事情而学习。Knowledge of ProcessThe Learning CurveTimeLearning HighLowLearningPlateau学习理论在培训中的应

8、用 实践的机会 榜样的示范 及时的反馈和强化6.2 培训程序I前期准备阶段前期准备阶段 II 培训实施阶段培训实施阶段 III评价培训阶段评价培训阶段 1设计计划设计计划 1 确定标准确定标准 1 培训需要分析培训需要分析 目标目标 2 受训者先测受训者先测 学习原则学习原则 3 培训控制培训控制 2 确立目标确立目标 组织制约组织制约 4 针对标准评针对标准评 受训者特点受训者特点 5 价培训结果价培训结果 具体方法具体方法 6 工作效率工作效率 预算预算 变化评估变化评估 2 培训实施培训实施 6.2.1 培训需要分析1组织需求分析2职位需求分析3个人需求分析4不同人口的需求分析Analy

9、sing training needs?Comprehensive? Is it necessary? For whom? examine ALL job facets: skills, knowledge & attitudes for every task define objectives, frequency, difficulty, performance standards and measurementsSelective? analyse key tasks, problems/difficulties. Is a training solution vital for per

10、formance? Identify nature/causes of each problem competencies (KSA in performance) to handle it. learner involvement - “what type of training would you find most effective?”. individual and group needs best training media and methodsBlanket training: Brief/train all according to level. New legislati

11、on, strategy/policy drive. Self-organised learning opportunities or cop-out?sample question training needs survey(1) Please indicate in the blanks the extent to which you have a training need in each specific area. Use scale below. To what extent do you need training in the following areas?To no to

12、a very extent 1 2 3 4 5 large extent sample question training needs survey(2)Basic Management Skills Setting goals and objectives Developing realistic time schedules to meet work Identifying and weighting alternative solutions Organizing work activitiessample question training needs survey(3)Interpe

13、rsonal Skills Resolving interpersonal conflicts Creating a development plan for employees Identifying and understanding individual employee needs Conducting performance appraisal reviews Conducting a discipline interviewsample question training needs survey(4)Administrative Skill Maintaining equipme

14、nt, tools, and safety controls Understanding local agreements and shop rules Preparing work flowcharts Developing department budgetssample question training needs survey(5)Quality Control Analyzing and interpreting statistical data Constructing and analyzing charts, tables and graphs Using statistic

15、al software on the computerThe Training/Learning Needs GapThe Personknowledge, skills, orientation, motivationThe Jobknowledge, skills, orientation, motivationIndividualLearner/traineeWhat needs to belearnt? Changes inperformanceDifficulties andpreferences. Learning style?Ability gap - job competenc

16、e required minus present performance competenceSelection/training - fit the person to the jobJob counselling, job re-design - fit the job to the person6.2.2培训计划(5W1H)1.Why are someone trained2.Who Participates in Training3.Who Conducts the Training4.What Types of Skills are to be Acquired5.Where is

17、the Training Conducted, and How budgetTraining policy & programmesrecruitment,redundanciesredeploymentMissionStaffing planSkills auditPerformance reviewDevelopment actionDemand for skillsData for auditData to integrate individual & organisational needsKnow-how for competitive advantage and performan

18、ceSkill gapsDeveloptneedsCurrent performanceImproved capability, competence + motivationTraining, seminars, delegation, coaching, private study, day release, learning company1. Business Strategy and TrainingSample: Company Statement for training We face competitive world markets and rapidly changing

19、 technology. We need flexibility to innovate with products, open or close facilities and redeploy the workforce. Whilst tenure in any one job or even future employment for all is never certain, our aim is to ensure that everyone is fully employable and in demand for new jobs - here and elsewhere. We

20、 aim torecruit people with potential for increased competencetap creativity and offer learning opportunities of all kindsprovide challenging growth-oriented work assignmentsre-train to avoid obsolescence of skills and abilitiesrecognise achievements and build reputations internally and externallypro

21、vide internships and sabbaticals find job opportunities in our customer-supplier network 2. Trainee Groupsyoung and older staffskilled, semiskilled, unskilled, manual and non-manualgraduates, professionals, technologists and ITsecretarial and clericalteam supervisors, department and project managers

22、strategic and international managerswomencustomers and suppliersminoritiesdisabledWhose purposes are served?Training Sponsors Top managers (“lack of know-how is jeopardising performance”)? Line Managers? HRD specialists who speak for, develop/deliver T&D activity? Employer attitudes to training. Inv

23、estors in People. Investment in team, group, culture. The individual Well placed (job demands + aspirations) to evaluate development needs (SWOT)? But is time & effort invested? Perception of“market” gaps, demands, relevance, support and learning opportunities?Market and institutional factors? Educa

24、tional, life-style and cultural factors? Occupational competencies of UK workforce vs. international competition. Changing industrial structure. Univs, colleges, training firms, recruitment agencies, TU as training centre/providers? Training ManagerPlanning, organising, directing & controlling. Stra

25、tegy & programmes. Mere service provider or change agent?Maintainer-InstructorReactive proactive. Delivers T&D to requirements. Conforms to expectations within existing brief, structure & culture. Change Agent (Facilitator)Proactive & consultancy. Define problems. Facilitate organisational and indiv

26、idual learning, innovation & cultural change. Difficult to gain acceptanceRole in transition?from provider to change agentin-house or out-sourcedSuccessful Trainer Traits Knowledge of subject Adaptability Sincerity Sense of Humor Interest Clear Instructions Individual Assistance Enthusiasm6.2.3 培训实施

27、评估1. 确定标准:与目标为基础,与计划目标相一致2. 受训者先测:3. 培训控制4. 评价培训结果Hamblin (1974) Five Levels of Training Evaluationthe training approach, methods, learner reaction to these?the learning - what is learnt, is it meaningful for the individual? Is the training meeting its objectives?changes in job performance - do thes

28、e stem from the training experience? changes in organisational performance? Are the training objectives the right objectives?is the organisation now making a different wider contribution ?6.4 培训与开发类型一、立方体培训模型员工学习的三个维度:实践性(X):沿此轴越靠近原点1,则学习的内容就越抽象化、概念化和理论化,越难以具体描述;交往性(Y):沿此轴越靠近原点1,则学习越是个人独立进行,与其他员工学习个

29、体经常相隔离;自主性(Z):沿此轴越靠近原点1,越没有学习的自主性,培训者对学习者的监控就越具体,指导越频繁。 Y轴交往性 2 3 5 8 X轴:实践性 1 6 7 Z轴:自主性 1模式:典型的“一人堂”式培训,培训者按照既定的教学程序,进行结构式的课堂讲授,学生只是听和记,没有相互之间的交流,没有对课堂讲授内容的实践; 8模式:培训者不参与,靠学生自己通过实践去构建知识体系和实践技巧,由学生之间进行相互的切磋和讨论。 案例:追求企业培训的实践性、自主性和交往性 斯图伦纳得奶制商店斯图伦纳得奶制商店访问竞争对手的培训方式, 尽量找出一件让竞争对手比我们干的好的事。 关键是无情地剖析自己,基层或

30、者中层管理人员也是专家,通过肉眼观察分析去抓住那些虽小但立刻可以做到的事情,对于提高中层管理人员的素质和敏锐的经营神经将十分有效。二、精英培训计划 (一)企业领导人成长培训 态度维度:计划性、成就动机、自信心、自知力、自我激励、敢冒风险和挫折忍耐力情商维度:认识自己的情绪、管理自己的情绪、认识他人的情绪、人际关系管理和为了长远目标牺牲目前的利益。有效性维度:生物钟、节时习惯、节时方法、授权、善于学习和立即行动。二、精英培训计划 (二)企业职能领域的骨干人员培训 专业技能培训:对有关管理人员进行所管理领域的专业或者专家技能培训 综合能力培训:思维能力、创新能力、观察能力、想象力和交际能力等,目的

31、是要求管理岗位的人具有多方位的素质,对工作中的各种困难能有效、及时和合理的应变和处理能力。 职业道德培训:如松下电器在许多年前已要求全体员工具备“先做人,再做事”的理念。 企业中现有职业道德考察合格的管理人员,一般处于以下三种典型状态 :“”管理人员:专业精,但知识面窄,综合能力弱;重点加强综合能力的培训 、“”型管理人员,专业不精,但知识面宽,综合能力强;重点提升专业技能 、“”型管理人员,专业精,知识面宽,综合能力强;关注提升管理层次的可能。 经过培训后,企业对人才的目标可以达到“”字型人才的要求,即全面或复合型。三、岗位轮换制、加强新员工入职前对企业的了解;、培养中层管理人员和后备管理人

32、员;、克服疲钝倾向,提高企业整体效率,发挥创新精神。岗位轮换要注意的问题: 、在轮岗前应建立完整的各职务的岗位说明书和作业流程书; 、一般在同一管理层级或同一作业区进行岗位轮换; 、工作性质不同的职位不宜进行轮换,过于敏感或有高度机密性的职位不适合轮换; 、岗位轮换前要征求员工意见,就岗位轮换的目的进行妥善的交流。四、IBM接班人计划 强调接班人的遴选是当任经理的重要职责,必须将接班人的培养提高到企业发展的战略高度。 IBM认为:找不到接班人的经理将得不到升迁,而他也不是一位合格的经理人。 计划的目的是培养、锻炼和选择有潜质的后备人才。 培训方式:领导力培训和“导师”培训计划Training

33、Programmes and InterventionsNew recruits induction to firm and job, familiarization -comprehensive job trainingDevelop and up-date know-how for live situations. Technical: product, procedure and specialism training e.g. for IT, for machine operation, for a medical technique for end-of-year accounts.

34、 Social skills e.g. handling demanding interpersonal situations Corporate initiative training for all e.g. for ISO9000 or new safety policySupervisory and management training leadership and team building, communications, meetings, decision-making, project management, interviewing, corporate analysis

35、 and managing change. Action learning Customer, dealer and supplier trainingFace-to-face vs. package training - from manuals to computer-basedThe Company University - Ford, McDonalds, LotusU?6.5 增加培训效果最大化Why learning outcomes?Competencies (staff know-how and situational mastery). What learners shoul

36、d know, be able to do, feel at the end (nb. learning transfer).Problems of taxonomic definition (Blooms taxonomy) Agree specific targets/learning contracts. Verify progressMore systematic training design. Define content, structure, methods, aids, programme/timetable. Relevance seen - added-value, ta

37、ngibles/intangibles. Identify size, level, timing of problem.Achieved on-the-job vs. off-the-job?The problem may be business planning, competition, products, methods, conflicts and relationships, job change, technology etc. - not training.Learning Curves and Competence?What are competencies?Time - A

38、ssociativeCognitiveAutomatic- autonomousDevelopment tonext level?Competence level/standardPerformance e.g. in output units, quality indicators,completion of project etcCWSAdequacy vs. masteryConditions under which performance is required?LearningCan we measure learning - degree of behaviour change?A

39、ssess - individual progress and performanceCompare - performance and progress between individualsEstablish norms or standard levels of performance or progress for a variety of planning and control applications6.5.1Setting the Stage for Learning Provide clear task instructions Model appropriate behav

40、ior 6.5.2Increasing Learning during Training Provide for active participation Increase self-efficacy Match training techniques to trainees; self-efficacy Provide opportunities for enactive mastery Ensure specific, timely, diagnostic, and practical feedbackProvide opportunities for trainees to practi

41、ce new behaviors6.5.3 Maintaining performance after training develop learning points to assist in knowledge retention set specific goals identify appropriate reinforcers train significant others in how to reinforce behavior teach trainees self-management skills“monitoring the training function and i

42、ts activities to establish its social and financial benefits and costs”Why Evaluate?If we can measure the effectiveness of the instruction, then we have information to improve the effectiveness of later or even current instruction evidence of the training functions contribution which can confirm is

43、value and increase its influenceevaluation process itself often generates further benefitWhat is involved? Who does it? What techniques?Evaluation Techniquesreactions one-to-one and group reactions. Direct and indirect feedback. Survey methods (rating against criteria + open-ended responses)learning

44、 end of training tests, demonstrations, examinations, simulators, role play. job behaviour (transfer and application) incidents, staff appraisal reviews, project outcomesorganisation improved production and service quality indicators, survey feedback of organisational climate/cultureoverall value co

45、st-benefit reviews, human resource accountingEvaluation of T&D ProcessesMethods - validity, reliability, utility?Quantifiable e.g. drop-out rates, absenteeism, wastage, complaints, time saved, cost savings. Happy sheets? The questions? Halo effect? Pre-course survey of needs/aims. Post- survey of ac

46、hievement + transfer to work. Experience, reflection, planning, implementation, review. Evaluate course and tutor methods vs. the learningPerformance tests (pre/post). Quizzes. Examinations. On-job demonstrations . InspectionsTrainee and line-manager observationAppraisal Coaching/counsellingValidati

47、onobserve results of the course. Measure whether the training objectives are metEvaluationcompare actual costs of the scheme against assessed benefits obtainedCost benefits? redesign or withdraw the scheme.培训评估:组织培训的成本收益分析 训练成本: 直接成本:培训师的费用、培训的交通费、材料费、餐费; 间接成本:培训的管理费、员工和管理者的工资和福利、培训前面的学习教材等; 收益分析:产品


49、真听讲。公司员工普一少半,但是一直都坚持认真听讲。公司员工普遍反映培训效果很好,原因在于总经理以身作则。遍反映培训效果很好,原因在于总经理以身作则。所以,企业培训应尽量获得总经理的了解和支持,所以,企业培训应尽量获得总经理的了解和支持,培训管理者应让总经理了解各种培训内容、方法培训管理者应让总经理了解各种培训内容、方法及必要性等。及必要性等。 点评:优秀公司的员工往往能够从培训中真正学到知识,始终如一,坚持学习,原因在于优秀企业对培训自下而上地重视。获得培训成功有四个不可缺少的决策获得培训成功有四个不可缺少的决策:员工培训证书都由总经理发放和签字,能够对员工的积极性起到极大鼓动作用。 让总经理

50、了解培训课的情况,可以采取拍摄和张贴培训照片的办法体现高层管理者对培训的重视继而起到轰动效果,并请总经理做培训课的开场白和结束语。总经理了解培训情况之后就会更多地支持培训,比如在公司开会的时候,有意或无意地提到公司的培训。总经理提到培训的次数越多,到培训现场的次数越多就意味着重视程度越高。2.做好培训的七个条件做好培训的七个条件 七件事:七件事:调动员工学习的意愿、营造良好的培训环境、学习调动员工学习的意愿、营造良好的培训环境、学习绩效评估、角色演练、解决现实问题(充分利用现实案例)、绩效评估、角色演练、解决现实问题(充分利用现实案例)、建立非正式环境、应用不同方法。建立非正式环境、应用不同方

51、法。 调动员工学习意愿:调动员工学习意愿:改变员工的意愿,手段包括:薪资福利、职业生涯规划和企业文化。 营造良好培训环境营造良好培训环境:建立轻松、舒适、优越的培训环境。很多公司都宁愿提高成本在高级酒店里进行培训,因为培训本身非常重要,比如两天培训用三万元,但是如果为了节省三千元的会议室场地费,那么培训效果就会随培训场所档次的降低而降低百分之三十,等于浪费了公司一万元,也就等于更大的浪费。此外教室内部格局、礼品摆放、温度都是营造良好培训环境需要考虑的问题。 学习绩效评估:把绩效评估和培训、把职业生涯与培训联系起来推动员工学习,调动其意愿。培训效果的好坏,不在于培训师,而在于员工的投入程度。 角

52、色演练:在行为培训中请学员反复演练所学的各种行为技巧。 在诺基亚的培训评估表上,有一个项目就是考查员工在培训课上是否参与了演练活动,并以此来定性该员工的培训收获。 解决现实问题:任何知识只有用于指导工作才能体现其价值。培训的目的是为了解决现实问题,在培训过程中应列举员工工作中的实例,讲员工工作中的话,这样才能使员工接受起来更加容易。 建立非正式环境:是与正式环境相对而言的。非正式环境是指讲究桌椅板凳的摆放、茶点设置、注意出席情况等。 应用不同方法:培训师可以利用的方法有:演讲、演示、提问、小组讨论、游戏、角色演练、案例分析等。在培训过程中,培训管理者不是做培训,而是对培训进行引导和甄选,在此过程中,一个值得注意的问题就是培训的方法要求多样化。组织学习与学习型组织(一)背景:知识经济时代的到来(一)背景:知识经济时代的到来 知识经济是建立在知识和信息的生产、分配和使用上的经济。知识包括人类迄今为止所创造的一切知识,其中科学技术、管理和行为科学的知识是最重要的知识。 特征:(1)科学技术的研发成为知识经济的重要基础;(2)信息和通信技术在知识经济的发展过程中处于中心地位;(3)服务业在知识经济中扮演主要角色;(4)


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