牛津译林版英语八年级上期末词汇复习测试Units 1-4(含部分答案无听力部分)_第1页
牛津译林版英语八年级上期末词汇复习测试Units 1-4(含部分答案无听力部分)_第2页
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1、期末词汇复习测试U1-U4Unit 1词汇复习一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. My English teacher is really an _ (极好的) teacher.2. That boy has a good _ of humour.3. Yesterday a car _ (hit something) her mother onto the ground.4. Five of us joined in the knowledge _ (竞赛) in our school.5. This term, every one of

2、us will become _ (working very hard).B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使 句子通顺。6. The old man feels even _ today than yesterday.7. Mike is so _ . We often laugh with him.8. Jay Chou is one of my favourite _ . I often listen to his songs.9. My teachers _ eyes made me feel better.10. I think all of you will

3、 enjoy _ at the party.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使 句子通顺。11. She likes drawing. I think she _ an artist when she grows up.12. Sandy _ nothing this morning, so shes hungry now.13. Our school day often begins at 7 a. m. and _ at 5 p. m.14. What do you think _ a good friend?15. Look! Daniel _ a presen

4、t for his mother.A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. He is one of the best _ (游泳者) in China.2. How _ (耐心的) Daniel is! We should learn from him.3. Jackie Chan is an _ (very good) actor. Many people like his films.4. My brother got the first place in the drawing _ (match).5. I trust him very much,

5、 because he can keep _ for me, and he never tells others.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使 句子通顺。6. Jennys bright _ eyes make her look really pretty.7. The boy is more than 2 metres in _ and he is good at playing basketball.8. Whats wrong with your sister? She looks _ .9. You should take more exercise.

6、Nobody else is _ than you in your class.10. Among all the students in Class 4, Lily is the _ at History.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使 句子通顺。11. Yesterday we _ Helen as our monitor because she is kind and helpful.12. - What _ your friend so special? - His kindness.13. There _ two basketball games on

7、TV this evening, arent there?14. Sandy would like to be an artist when she _ up.15. Its 6 a. m. The twins _ along the City River.Unit 2词汇复习一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. I have many _ (杂志) to read.2. Daniel spends the _ (最少的)time on homework in our class.3. I think he will become _ (ver

8、y good)teacher someday.4. We will have a meeting to _ (talk about) the plan for our trip next week.5. Mr Li, can I take an hour _ now? I must meet mycousin at the station.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。6. He will go to America to have _ study.7. Do you think Helen is the _ of the three sisters?8

9、. There is a _ report at the beginning of our English class.9. Mark Twain was one of the _ writers in the world.10. - How are you today? - Even _ .C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。finish offer be start win1. My ideal school _ at 9 a. m. , so I can have enough sleep every day.2. They _ him a very g

10、ood job, but he didnt take it.3. Who do you think _ the next game?4. I went to my uncles home after I _ doing my homework.5. The number of the workers _ over 1, 200 in this factory.一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. _ (物理) is a new subject to us. We must try to learn it well.2. - Whats Davi

11、ds hobby? - Playing _ (国际象棋).3. English is very important in our _ (everyday) life.4. Last year, John _ (use time to do sth. ) his summer holiday in Beidaihe.5. The model ship looks like a _ one, but its much smaller.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。6. Do you have enough time for after - school _

12、?7. The 21st Century is a(n) _ newspaper. You can learn a lot from it.8. Kitty jumped _ at the sports meeting. She. was so happy.9. The twins always do some _ in their free time. They can learn a lot from books.10. Among these students, Simon spends the _ time on his lessons.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当

13、时态填空,使 句子通顺。11. Our school starts at 7: 00 a. m. and _ at 5: 30 p. m.12. It rained hard, so my father _ my mother to work.13. Look at the dark clouds! It seems that it _ .14. - Are you Mr Li? - No, Im not. Mr Li _ with his friend in the next room.15. We _ an important exam soon and were preparing fo

14、r it now.Unit 3词汇复习一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. People in _ (澳大利亚) are as friendly as those in the USA.2. Children like to go to the Tiejun _ (广场) in Fun Street to fly kites.3. During the long _ (a long trip), we made friends with each other.4. When did you _ (get to a place) Yancheng

15、 last Sunday?5. I like the actors in this new film very much, but the story _ is really boring.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使 句子通顺。6. - Whose are those cameras? - I think they are those _ . Look, they are resting over there.7. _ , he passed the English exam though he didnt work hard enough.8. - Can yo

16、u tell me the _ of the new word traffic? - Of course.9. He was a clever boy. When he was young, he taught _ Science.10. These new trainers may be _ for your trip to theGreat Wall.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。keep watch cheer be not fall11. If you _ patient, Im afraid youll never learn it.12. P

17、eter _ off the tree and hurt himself.13. I can hear the students _ for their team from the playground.14. Jack is a dirty boy because he never _ his room tidy.15. - _ the little girl _ TV everyday? - Yes, she does.词汇请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,句子通顺。1. - I dont know anything about the flight MH370.

18、- Maybe you can search for some information on the _ (网络).2. Lets go out for a trip on May Day because the _ (票)for us children are free.3. The _ (a, long trip)to America makes him want to further study there.4. _ (at last), please work out the cost of the trip per person.5.Some of my friends think

19、the film is interesting while others think it is very _ .请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使通顺。it mean lucky climb they1. - Do you know the _ of the new word ton? - Of course.2.Look at that cute cat. It is enjoying _ meal under the big tree.3.- Who did better in the last Chinese exam, you or Tom? - Tom was

20、 _ , I think.4.They enjoyed _ the World Park last week.5.These _ from the USA will climb the highest mountain in the world.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使 子通顺。1.We can trust him. He never _ lies to us.2.He _ to play badminton instead of playing baseball yesterday afternoon.3. - Where is Bob? - He _ on

21、the playground for next weeks sports meeting.4. - Can you help me with the work tonight? - Oh, sorry. I _ part in Miss Whites birthday party.5. He _ late this morning. He got to school on time.Unit 4 一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. Children always like _ (气球) with colourful pictures on t

22、hem.2. Youd better follow the _ (指令) correctly, or you may hurt yourself.3. When he finishes decorating his house, it always looks _ (very unpleasant).4. Mr Black _ (go to an event) an important meeting in Qingdao yesterday.5. - What do you think of Kate? - Shes very careless. She always makes _ in

23、the exams.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。she polite luck excite brush6. _ , he got 60 points and passed the exam.7. Little Kitty likes to keep secrets to _ ; even her best friends dont know them.8. John is so _ that no one likes him.9. I was so _ when I heard the good news.10. - Can I help you,

24、sir? - I need two more _ to paint my room.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使通顺。stick try paint have stand11. Sandy always _ her best to help her mother with the housework.12. DIY _ fordo - it - yourself.13. Look! Andrew _ his living room blue.14. He _ the poster on his wall and went out for dinner.15. The

25、y _ an English party on Friday afternoon, arent they?一、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. Youd better read the following _ (说明) before taking the medicine.2. We are _ (积极的) in Mr Greens classes because his classes are interesting.3. If you do the _ (right)things in public, people will welcome

26、 you.4. After John finished his DIY, his bedroom looked really _ (very bad).5. Yesterday, I didnt go to see a movie. _ , I made a paper rose for Mum at home.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使 句子通顺。6. Its _ for little Jack to finish his DIY in five minutes.7. Kitty will go to the USA for _ study after she finishes her high school.8. The magazine is published _ .9. You should put the books back to the _ after reading.10. - What do


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