2012届高中英语一轮复习 M4 Unit 3 Tomorrows world精品学案 牛津译林版_第1页
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1、Unit 3Tomorrow's world Module4热点单词1.real adj. 真实的 reality n. 真实性,现实 really adv. 真正地,确实2.tire vt. 使某人累tired adj. 累的; tiring 累人的 tiredness n. 疲惫,疲倦3.happy adj. 快乐的,幸福的 happiness n. 快乐;幸福 happily adv. 快乐地4.able adj. 能够的,有能力的 ability n. 能力 enable vt. 使能够5.Brazil n. 巴西 Brazilian adj. 巴西的,巴西人的6.thrill

2、 vt. 使欣喜若狂 thrilled adj. 欣喜若狂的; thrilling 令人欣喜若狂的7.fantasy n. 幻想,狂想,想象 fantastic adj. 奇异的;特棒的 8.impress vt. 给某人留下印象 impression; n. 印象 impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的9.industry n. 工业;产业 industrial adj. 工业的;产业的1.Did you see all the exhibits at the exhibition?2.Who is the announcer? What's the announcement

3、about?3.Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment,because most employers are thinking about downsizing (裁员) their company. 4.The accuser claimed that the accusedhad stolen his money.5.The authorities(当局) will popularize the new water­saving device, but many just doubt

4、whether it will become popular, for it's too expensive for ordinary families to afford.6.The editor is ordered to make some revision to the last editionof the book.7.The central government think that Shanghai can make a financial center of the Far East.8.Back in the 1990s, everybody was consider

5、ing finding work in the south of China because many Hong Kong, Taiwan and foreign companies invested in the southernpart of the country.9.What does their proposal say? They propose that forty percent of the government's income should be devoted to social security.根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造

6、句记忆)1.工作之后,戴上耳机听听轻音乐,可以让人减少疲劳,找到快乐。 Wearing a headset; to listen to some soft music after work enables; you to lessen tiredness; and find happiness.2.举世闻名的巴西男足再次获得了世界冠军,这让巴西举国欢腾。 The world­famous Brazilian men soccer team won the world champion again, which made the whole Brazil full of thrill.

7、3.去年9月才成立的那家公司,因被指控有盗版行为,已经停业。 The company which was set up last September has been closed down as it was accused of piracy . 4.燃烧的仓库发出刺鼻的气味,但这不能让勇敢的消防队员退缩。他们的这种无畏的表现,给在场的公众留下了深刻印象。 The burning warehouses gave out terrible smell, but it couldn't stop the brave firefighters. Their fearless perfor

8、mances left a deep impression on the public.5.在老人的引导下,这群缺乏经验的探险者终于克服了他们在途中突然遇到的困难,安全返回营地。 With the old man's guidance, the inexperienced explorers overcame the difficulties they came across on the way and returned the camp site safely . 根据中文写出英文短语1. 发出(气味、热等) give out2. 给留下的印象 have / make / leav

9、e aimpression on3. 以为背景 be set in4. 把某人从某事中解救出来 deliver sb. from sth.5. 冒险做某事 risk doing sth.6. 使某人的梦想成真 make one's dream come true7. 以而告终 end in8. 坐落在 be situated / located in; lie in / on9. 被控告犯有罪 be accused of10. 逃避现实 escape from reality11. 提出(观点、议案等) put forward12. 曾经,一度 at one time13. 发现,(偶

10、然)遇见 come across14. 最后但同样重要的 last but not least15. 全神贯注于;致力于 concentrate on/upon 1. Not only倒装句,but also陈述句语气。 不仅而且 2. so that表目的,引导目的状语。3. Instead of waiting to be rescued instead of 是介词短语在句中作状语。. 同义转换1.Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be

11、 experienced. On reaching the top of the mountain, we will experience a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement.2.Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels. Wearing such a headset while watching the film will give us a real feeling,which surprised most of the viewers.3.In my opinion, it

12、 is about time we had new computers. From my point of view, it is the proper time for us to have new computers.4. HG Wells wrote this science fiction story in 1895. The science fiction story, writtenby HG Wells, was one of the famous works in 1895.5. In the film, a World Cup final was being played a

13、nd the teenager was made to think that he had scored the winning goal. In the film, the teenager was watching a World Cup final, which made him feel that he had scored the winning goal.汉译英1.如果你参与那些活动,你不仅要冒丢工作的风险,还有可能要坐牢。(involve; risk; not only) Not only will you risk losing your job but also you ar

14、e likely to be put into prison if you get involved in those things.2.他们千方百计的满足你的愿望,这样他们就能够给你留下一个好印象。( so that;satisfy) They tried everything to satisfy your wishes so that they could leave a good impression on you.3.他们将资金从股市中及时抽了出来,结果他们没有亏本。(draw; so that; lose) They drew their money out of the stoc

15、k market in time so that they didn't lose any money.1、besides adv. & prep. 除以外还, 如同plus()。They all went there besides Tom. 除汤姆去了以外,他们也都去了。I don't like the color of the dress. Besides, it's too expensive. 我不喜欢这裙子的颜色,另外它也太贵了。 except 意思是“除了之外”。 except for 是except引申出来的一个词组,它所指代的除去的部分和主题不

16、是一个层次的。 except 从句除了 but prep. 除了,相当于apart from; except apart from 既可以相当于except for, 又可以相当于besidesI enjoy doing anything in the holiday except doing homework. 假期里我什么都愿意干,就是不想做作业。Your article is quite good this time except_for some spelling mistakes. 你的文章很好,就是有几处拼写错误。(这里的文章和拼写错误不是一个层面上的东西)He never goe

17、s out except_when he needs to buy something. 除了需要买东西外,他从不出门。I could come every day except Thursday. 除了星期四,我每天都能来。Apart_from the low salary, it's not a bad job. 除了薪水少了点,这工作不算差。I would go with you, _ I have to work that day.A. besides B. exceptC. besides that D. except thatD 那天如果我要工作则不能和你一起去,所以选择e

18、xcept,同时其后跟的是宾语从句,从句的结构与意义均完整,用连词that引导。2、setvt. 为(故事等)设置背景;建立;调节The novel is set_in_France in the early 19th century.这部小说是以19世纪早期的法国为背景的。A committee has been set_up to organize social events in the college. 委员会的成立是为组织大学里面的社交活动。We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals. 我们需要开一个会去讨论这些提议。完成

19、句子People often set offa lot of fireworks to celebrate their vital festivals.Try to set aside some time each day for exercise.3、 fearvt. 害怕Most older employees fear unemployment. 大多数年长的员工害怕失业。What do you fear most? 你最害怕的是什么? vi. fear for sb. / sth. 担心Her parents fear_for_her_safety. 她的父母为她的安全而担忧。n. 担

20、心 for fear that / of sth. 担心某事将会发生They wouldn't let their cat outside for_fear_(that) it would get run over. 他们不敢让猫出门,因为害怕会被轧死。I didn't want to move for_fear_of waking her up. 我不想动,担心会把她吵醒。4、impress vt. 给留下印象 be impressed with/by 对印象深刻 impress sth.on / upon sb. impress on / upon sb. sth. 使某人

21、对某物印象深,使某人铭记某We're very impressed with the excellence of the children's works. 这些儿童作品水平之高,给我们留下了深刻印象。I am deeply impressed with her talent for music. Her talent for music impresses me deeply. 她的音乐天赋给我留下很深的印象。My father impressed_on_me the value of hard work. 我父亲让我明白了努力工作的重要性。She impressed me

22、as a scholar. 她给我留下了学者的印象。impressive adj. 给人印象深的impression n. 印象leave / make a deep impression on 给留下深刻印象The scenery here is _ and all the visitors are deeply _.A. impressive; impressB. impressed; impressionistsC. impression; impressionistsD. impressive; impressedD第一空是说风景“给人印象深刻的”;第二空的意思是“对印象深刻”。 5、

23、deliver vt. 转交;投递;发表;接生;解救The doctor delivered a baby. 这个医生接生了一名婴儿。They prayed to God to deliver them from danger. 他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救出来。The professor usually delivers_his_class in a lively way. 这个教授总是以一种非常生动的方式去讲课。deliver sth. to/over sb. 把某物交付某人deliver a message 带信,传话deliver a speech 发表讲话deliver over

24、/ up (to) 移交,交给6、voice v. 表达,吐露If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to voice them. 如果大家有任何疑问或评论,可以利用这个时间段来提出。I dared not voice_my_dissatisfaction. 我不敢表达我的不满。 voice 用作名词,多指人类发出的“声音”;用作动词,指“表达”、“吐露”。 noise 名词,多指各种声音或响声搅和在一起时的“杂音”、“嘈杂声”。 sound 用作名词,多指一下一下地“响声”;用作动词有“听起来”,“发出声音”和

25、“使发出声音”之意。The construction site gives off too much _ day and night, and the people living nearby have no choice but to _ their complaints to the government.A. sound; voice B. noise; soundC. noise; voice D. sound; noiseC第一空为名词“嘈杂声”,第二空为动词“表达”、“吐露”。 7、accuse vt. & vi. 指责,谴责;控诉 Man often accuses na

26、ture for his own misfortunes. 人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。They accused_him_of taking bribes. 他们指控他犯有贿赂罪。accuse sb. of sth. / doing sth. 指控,指责,责怪某人做某事the accused 被告结构相似的短语:rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人某物inform sb. of sth. 通知 / 告诉某人某事warn sb. of sth. 告诫某人某事remind sb. of / about sth. / sb. 使某人想起某人或某事Tom has always thought of

27、 himself as a good cook and never fails to_ everyone of it.A. remind B. rememberC. know D. introduceA句意:Tom总以为自己是一个好厨师,并且总是使所有的人知道这一点。 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事; 提醒某人某事。1、give out 散发,用光,分发,筋疲力尽The flowers in the garden give_out a pleasant smell. 花园里的花散发出怡人的芳香。After climbing up to the top of the mou

28、ntain, I gave_out. 在我爬上山顶之后,我就筋疲力尽了。In order to go to school, the 7­year­old boy made money by giving_out leaflets in the street. 这个7岁的小男孩为了上学在街上发传单赚钱。What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _?A. given out B. put outC. held up D. used upA2、put forward 调快(钟表,时间),提出(观点、

29、议案等以供人考虑或讨论),推荐The clock slows down. Please put_forward the hands of it. 钟慢了,请把指针调快些。She has decided to put her name / put herself forward as a candidate. 她打算推荐自己作为候选人。The ideas you put forward deserve serious consideration. 你提出的那些想法值得认真考虑一下。put / set / lay aside 搁置一旁; 把(钱,时间等)留存起来,储蓄; 抑制(愤怒等);忽视(忠告

30、等)put away 收拾起来,放好; 储蓄put asideput back 放回; 拨回钟表的针put down 放下,使乘客下车; 记下,写下; 镇压put off 推迟; 脱去,除去put on 穿上; 增加(速度,体重等); 上演put out 伸出; 扑灭; 生产put together 组合,拼凑put up 举起; 建造,挂起; 提高(价钱)put up with 容忍put an end / a stop to 制止,使停止putto bed 使上床睡觉putto death 处以死刑,杀死It's reported that Changsha has _ the g

31、eneral plan for city­building.A. put out B. put forwardC. put up D. put awayB3、at the moment 在此刻I'm afraid she's not here at_the_moment. 恐怕她现在不在这儿。for the moment 暂时at any moment 随时the moment还可以充当连词,引导时间状语从句。Stop discussing for the moment, please. 请暂时不要讨论。The firefighters rushed into the

32、 burning building though it might fall down at_any_moment. 尽管正在燃烧的那栋房子随时都可能会倒塌,但是消防员还是冲进了大火中。He fears that she will tell the police everything the moment they get her. 他担心警察一抓住她,她就会说出所有情况。 The classroom is big enough _, but we'll have to move if we have more students.A. for the moment B. on the

33、momentC. in a moment D. for a momentA4、at a speed of 以某种速度New maglev train nowadays can travel at an amazing speed of 430 km / h. 目前的磁悬浮火车能以每小时430千米的惊人速度行驶。 at top / full speed 以全速speed up 加速at a safe / dangerous / low / high speed 以安全 / 危险 / 低 / 高的速度pick up / gather speed 加快速度He was driving at top

34、speed down the street when the accident happened. 当事故发生时他正沿着街道高速驾驶。This drug may have the effect of speeding_up your heart rate. 这种药物能够使你的心率加速。5、come across 偶然碰到;走过来;出现于I_came_across his name on the list. 我无意中在名单上发现了他的名字。同义短语有run across / run intoHave you come_/_run_across_any_problems with your hom

35、ework? 最近家庭作业有问题吗? Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah, I will tell you later.A. come about B. come acrossC. come up with D. come out withC考查与come相关的词组的辨析。come about 发生;come across 偶然碰到;come up with 想出,提出;come out with 发表,公布;说出。Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer, but also the cold, the tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced. 观众不仅能够感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛,还能体验到寒冷、劳累,品尝到食物,闻到香味,欣赏到山上的风景,以及聆听到自然界的


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