1、初三作文题目大全初一作文题目大全1.是一道靓丽的风景线2. «,我永远的天空2.都是惹的祸4.笑傲-> 5.生活需要6.何以解忧,惟有7.假如我是.告诉你,我很9.我眼中的1«生活需要11. «在我的身边12.«也是一种美13 是最美的行囊14与同行是«伴我成长惟«三步曲17. «和我有个约会是我发现19.真想做个惟世上只有21.我故我在22 永远的惟惟 23. 惟惟,我恨你24. 惟惟,做我自己25. 惟惟的风波26. 我和惟惟的距离27. 惟惟着并快乐着28. 给自己找个惟惟29. 永远说惟惟30. 那一次,我惟惟
2、31. 惟惟不同情眼泪32. 带上惟惟上路 33. 我与惟惟面对面34.惟惟是一盏明灯35. 那段惟惟的日子36. 一个惟惟的心灵独白 37. 惟惟,让我欢喜让我忧38. 爱上惟惟 39. 欣赏惟惟40. 我眼里的惟惟 41. 那惟那惟那惟42. 想起 43. 的遐想44.第一次45. 给心情涂上46. 人生路上多 47. ,我的最爱48.的故事49. 是一种养分50. 那年,我 51. 和赛跑52. 我,我 53. 有才有远方初一学生作文题目大全初一作文题目是一道靓丽的风景线,我永远的天空3.都是一一惹的祸笑笑傲一一5 .生活需要6 .何以解忧,惟有5.假如我是8.告诉你,我很我眼中的15.
3、生活需要15 «在我的身边12.也是一种美13.是最美的行囊14.与同行我«伴我成长我«三步曲1 «和我有个约会1我发现1真想做个我世上只有21 我故我在22 永远的23 . ,我恨你24. ,做我自己25. 的风波26. 我和的距离27. 着并快乐着28. 给自己找个29. 永远说30. 那一次,我31. 不同情眼泪32. 带上上路33. 我与面对面34. 是一盏明灯35. 那段的日子36. 一个的心灵独白37. ,让我欢喜让我忧38. 爱上39. 欣赏40. 我眼里的41. 那那那42. 想起43. 的遐想44. 第一次45. 给心情涂上46. 人生
4、路上多47. ,我的最爱48. 的故事49. 是一种养分50. 那年,我51. 和赛跑52. 我,我53. 有才有远方54. 在,梦就在55. 还有多少可以重来56. 明天,我57. 我的我做主58. ,是这样炼成的59. 不想60. 将进行到底61. 人生没有62. 是一瞬间的事 一是一一瞬间的事63. 有一种叫成功64. 伴我少年行65. 带上上路66. 是一首歌67. 是一种美丽的痛68. 的回忆69. 有陪伴的日子70. ,没有什么不可以71. 与一起走过72. ,让我欢喜让我忧73. 拒绝74. 让为着色75. 我故我在76. ,妙不可言77. 读懂78. 我总是79. 一族的幸福生
5、活80. 拍卖会81. 永不下岗82. 那次,我与擦肩而过83. 在我胸84. 是一种牵挂85. 带给我的快乐86. 也是一种享受87. 让我如此美丽88. ,其实你不懂我的心89. 最近比较90. 将进行到底91. ,我的最爱92. 下辈子我做93. 谁都可以94. 是金95. 拿什么拯救你,我的96. 怎一个“”字了得97. 拍卖会98. 留些诚信给自己取暖、99. 敬畏100. 不需要理由 101. 我难忘的 102. 假如我能 103. 我想对 说104. 我的梦想105. 生活需要 106. 教养是一种 10. 一起113114115116生活教给你 我劝
6、我家的喜事就是这么简单、课间花絮 、 我的心事我知道、 打开窗子好心情、 “猪头” 班标趣事 117 、初中,一首难忘的歌112 、写给 xx 的信 、与你在 111、期待秋天、 故事发生在我们小组、 青春作伴好飞翔 、 我与伙伴 118 119 120121要来:根据提供的材料自拟文题,抓住“感到意外”“这样做真不容易”展开合理想象,初三的颜色辽宁省 建昌县 汤神庙中学 秦爽( 9.6 )“初三苦,初三累,初三就是活遭罪。”这是许多同学升入初三后得出的结论。尽管如此, 初三的生活仔细品味起来,也是五彩缤纷的。白色平淡升入初三,就意味着一切与“玩”相关的事情都要抛开,每天只能面对熟悉得不能再熟
7、悉的老师在讲台上滔滔不绝地讲述着没有几个人能听得懂的“天书”。放眼望去,本来就不多的学生,除了睡觉的,就真的所剩无几了。下课后,教室里更是让人“窒息”:一些所谓“有心”的学生总是不放过一分一秒,在那儿一个劲儿地学;另一些则是一下课就像离弦的箭一样飞出教室, 直到上课铃响半天了才迈着方步慢悠悠地往回走。 每天总是这样, 生活平淡得像一杯无滋味的 白开水。红色激情“XX,制氧气的化学方程式怎么写? ”“谁知道老师发的数学试卷最后一题怎么做啊?”“ XX,'思考那个单词怎么写来着?”教室里每天都会有类似这样的问题从不同人的嘴里冒出来。 这些人每天 都会为一道题的答案吵得不可开交, 未了还会去
8、办公室问老师, 争得 面红耳赤。教室、办公室,甚至于楼道,到处都弥漫着“火药味” ? 大家每天都充满了激情,为了自己心中的目标奋斗。绿色活力尽管每天都过着三点一线、平淡得像一张白纸的生活,但或多或少总有一些人会忙里偷闲, 自娱自乐, 为这张纸添上多彩的几笔。 瞧!教室的一角又有人在模仿着小品相亲中的小宋: “海燕啊,你可长点心吧!”他那委婉的口气逗得大家捧腹大笑,一下子把学习的压力全抛到九霄云外去了。 过一会儿, 又有人走上讲台, 来了一段“ T”台秀,模仿着各科老师。更可笑的是不知是谁,竟然向讲台上扔了几枚硬币,我们都快笑得直不起腰了 ? 黑色迷茫黑板上几个鲜红的大字“中考倒计时”,每天都在
9、提醒着我们要珍惜时间。 可是这为数不多的日子, 我们还能做些什么呢?都说“黎明前最黑暗”,尽管我们每天都在努力,可是会不会看到明天的曙光呢?明天会发生什么,谁又能预料呢?成功 or 失败?金榜题名or 名落孙山?前途一片迷茫,但至少我们努力了,以后回想起来也 不会后悔。我们播下了希望,又用努力和汗水去浇灌它,希望在收获的季节会有丰硕的果实,会迎来灿烂的明天!? ?辽宁省 建昌县 汤神庙中学 王小爽( 9.6 )日盼夜盼的初三到了,可到了又怎样?我还是像个傻瓜一样不努力,看着别人写着,背着,我?“何有于我哉?”广阔的天空中,鸟儿高傲地飞翔,雪花依旧飞舞,无忧无虑。可我呢?如果我不努力的话, 我会
10、像鸟儿一样在宽阔的天空中自由自在吗?飞舞的雪花铺成白地毯,阳光射入眼睛。回忆起那些时光,才发现自己的不足。一脚走进雪里,我留下了脚印;可这三年来,我留下了什么?是丰富的知识?良好的道德品质?还是??其实,我什么也没得到,以前学习的知识早忘了,自己又不复习。都说人大了懂事,可我呢?一天天大了,有了逆反心理,不愿倾听父母的唠叨,时不时就和父母顶嘴。 每当开班会时花言巧语, 许下的承诺自己都没有遵守,还谈什么别的?有时感到时间很长。时光一去不复返,如果现在不努力,还等什么呢?你不是小鸟,可以在天空中自由自在;你也不是雪花,可以在空中无忧无虑;你更不是伟大的夸父,可以追着太阳奔跑。我们什么都没有,只有
11、知识改变命运!在小崔说事中,赵本山提到:“过去论天过,现在就论秒了。”时间不会为了某个人而停留,你只能跟随着时间赛跑,战胜时间。我们要在书中挥洒汗水。黑板上的大字“苦拼三月赢一生无悔”。不要让自己在后悔的人生中度过, 不要让自己人生中留下遗憾。 有首歌叫 等你的季节 ,可这不是时间。如果自己努力,也许下一个成功的人就是我。我不会让父母失望,更不会让老师失望,我要对我所说的话负责。起路线上的战争已结束,再有89 天的“路程”,就到终点了。终点的战争,我一定要跑在前边。为了他,为了整天吃着粉笔灰的他,我要加油,我要用成功报答他, 我一定不会让人们瞧不起。 我知道 6 月在向我招手, 我接受挑战,看
12、谁能笑到最后, 6 月再见!感受初三辽宁省 建昌县 汤神庙中学 李越刚( 9.5 )正如一位诗人说的那样: “人生如白驹过隙, 一瞬而已。 ” 是啊,不知不觉间我已经迎来了初三的下半年,这期间,感受很多。进入初三的下半年,任务比以前加重了很多。作业堆成山,整天写啊,背啊,忙得不可开交,再也没有时间看那精彩的电视剧了。我的神经像被线拉住一样,绷得很紧。生活的节奏加快了许多:早上早早起床,匆匆吃几口饭,便骑车上学;到达学校,认真听老师讲课,生怕漏掉一点儿知识,影响自己的成绩。幼时同伴的脸上,已难觅旧时欢快的容颜,取而代之的便是那愁眉紧锁的表情。想起以前和他们一起玩耍,一起欢笑,那些日子真的值得怀念
13、。可如今,再也找不到那种欢快的感觉,只是匆匆说上几句便各自学习去了。唉!都怪那揪心的中考。同学们的心里都有一个时间钟, 都在计算着时间账, 努力地学习。老师们也一直告诫我们: “离中考越来越近,千万不要松懈呀,否则后悔晚矣!”是啊,人生能有几回搏?我也要积极向上,尽自己最大的努力向中考发起挑战, 扫除一切障碍, 勇敢面对充满 “硝烟与战火”的黑色六月。家长们也很关心我们的成绩,更关心我们的身体。看到我们每天那样辛苦, 必不可少地给我们提供一些营养品, 没吃过的, 没喝过的,现在都尝到了,可真算得上“一饱口福”了。面对家长的关心,我怎能不加倍努力?中考越来越近,我们在学校的时间也越来越少,同学们
14、一起生活了三年,建立了很深厚的友谊,互送礼品,表达浓浓的情意,铭记相互的友谊。我对初三的感受很多很多 ?酝酿初三辽宁省 建昌县 汤神庙中学 王影( 9.5 )生活中最精彩的是一个过程,这个过程会怎么样?夕阳西下,风如佛手,柔柔地摩挲路边的草木,没有声响 ?时间就这样的流逝了,转眼间,我的初三生活就要结束了。我和同学们一起谈天说地,开怀大笑,仿佛就在眼前。那天,我 给于红静讲了一个笑话,我严肃地说:“我听说一只兔子,它一会儿 跳,一会儿蹦,一会儿蹲。你说为啥啊?”于红静很迷茫,疑惑地说:“不知道。”我笑着说:“因为它愿意,喜欢怎么走就怎么走呗!” 话音刚落,于红静大笑起来。我曾因考试不理想而忧伤
15、过,哭过。老师看到了,笑着说:“真没出息,考不好以后努力啊!”我只是趴在桌子上没有动,老师离开了,我才敢抬起头 来。我心想:我要努力,我会成功的,辛勤的蜜蜂总会酿出最甜美的 蜜。我也曾因同学关系搞得不融洽而烦恼过一一郁闷啊!同学之间有 摩擦很正常。那天,我和同桌吵了起来,她生气地说:“你真自私!” 我听到这句话,伤心地哭了。同学都来安慰我,老师又平和地对我说:“你自己认为你不自私,别的人也不认为你自私,这就足够了,日久 见人心啊!”我很幸福,拥有一个多姿多彩的初三生活。生活需要执着。只有 接受人生中狂风暴雨的洗礼,我们才会更加坚定自己的追求,执着于 那一片光明,那一丝温暖。酝酿一个不同的初三,
16、打造一个精彩的人生。时间流转不停,我们谈天说地。努力代替忧伤,烦恼丢弃一旁。生活接受洗礼,酝酿精彩人生。初一到初三作文题目汇总1 、成长的歌谣2 、与你同行3 、,我想对你说4 、变化5 、并不平凡6 、我终于战胜了自己7 、总有属于我的季节8 、每一个生命都是奇迹9 、成长路上那盏灯10 、那一次,我说了“不”11 、生活的真味12 、留点 给自己13 、这就是幸福14 、我眼中的15 、有这样一种声音16 、人生需要17 、冬日暖阳18 、一道风景线19202122232425262728293031323334353637383940、一丝惬意心中来、你是我心中最美的风景有个约定、风景、
17、心中有春天让我、童年琐忆,你好、没想到我如此、那一刻,我的世界春暖花开、最想为你唱首歌、温暖就是这么简单、幸运、感动、为了自己的梦想而精彩、因你而精彩(快乐)、那一次、第二次、我终于战胜了、有这样一种声音、又是一年春好处41 、春到撷秀园SAT 作文题目汇总 SAT ESSAY QUESTIONS COLLECTION1. (xx.3) Is the opinion of the majority in governmentor in any other circumstances apoor guide?2. (xx.3) Is creativity needed more than eve
18、r in the world today?3. (xx.3) Are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remainneutral and impartial?4. (xx.3) Is a person responsible, through the example heor she sets, for the behavior of otherpeople?5. (xx.5) Do people depend on work whether it is a job, school
19、work, or volunteer work todetermine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be?6. (xx.5) Does progress depend on people with new ideasrather than on people whose ideasare based on the current way of doing things?7. (xx.5) Are people afraid to speak out against authority,indiv
20、idual, a group, or a government?8. (xx.5) Does worrying too much about other people sopinions prevent us from seeing thingsclearly?9. (xx.6) Do memories hinder or help people in their effortto learn from the past and sueedin the present?10. (xx.6) Do people put too much emphasis on learningpractical
21、 skills?11. (xx.6) Should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues?12. (xx.6) Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio,movies, the Inter, and other mediadetermine what is important to most people?13. (xx.10) Is suess in life earned or do people sueedbecause they are lucky?
22、14. (xx.10) Is society s admiration for famous people beneficial or harmful?15. (xx.10) Do we live in a time when people do not engagein serious thinking?16. (xx.10) Should people makemore of an effort to keep somethings private?17. (xx.11) Should our perceptions of beauty be influencedby the percep
23、tions of beauty ofother people?18. (xx.11) Is praising others, even if the praise is excessive or undeserved, a necessary part oflife?19. (xx.11) Is conflict helpful?20. (xx.11) Has the acquisition of money and possessions replaced more meaningful ways ofmeasuring our achievements?21. (xx.12) Are le
24、aders necessarily people who are most capable of leadership?22. (xx.12) Is knowledge of the past no longer useful forus today?23. (xx.12) Is it necessary to limit or put restrictions onfreedom of thought and expression?24. (xx.12) Do the benefits of scientific and technologicaldevelopments e at the
25、cost ofundesirable changes to people s lives?25. (xx.1) Do people aomplish more when they are allowed todo things in their own way?26. (xx.1) Is it necessary to makemistakes, even when doingso has negative consequences forother people?27. (xx.1) Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into someth
26、ing good?28. (xx.1) Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject?29. (xx.4) Is it best not to change our ideas, opinions, or behaviors?30. (xx.4) Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, orare there limits on our ability to makeimportant changes in our lives?31. (xx.4) Wh
27、at do you think motivates people to do their best?32. (xx.4) Should each individual decide what and how to learn?33. (xx.5) Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we canmake?34. (xx.5) Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the plete truth?35. (xx.5
28、) Does the suess of a munity whether it is a class,a team, a family, a nation, orany other group depend upon peoples willingness to limittheir personal interests?36. (xx.5) Does the truth change depending on howpeople look at things?37. (xx.6) Does a strong mitment to technological progresscause a s
29、ociety to neglect othervalues, such as education and the protection of theenvironment?38. (xx.6) Are established rules too limited to guide peoplein real-life situations?39. (xx.6) Is it sometimes better to take risks than tofollow a more reasonable course of action?40. (xx.6) Do we tend to aept the
30、 opinions of others insteadof developing our ownindependent ideas?41. (xx.10) Do people achieve more suess by cooperation thanby petition?42. (xx.10) Is it important to question the ideas anddecisions of people in positions ofauthority?43. (xx.10) Does true learning only our when we experiencediffic
31、ulties?44. (xx.10) Can deception pretending that something istrue when it is not sometimes havegood results?45. (xx.11) Do we put too muchvalue on the ideas or actionsof individual people?46. (xx.11) Can books and stories about characters andevents that are not real teach usanything useful?47. (xx.1
32、1) Can people achieve suess only if they aim to be perfect?48. (xx.11) Do suess and happiness depend on the choicespeople make rather than on factorsbeyond their control?49. (xx.12) Are people more likely to be productive andsuessful when they ignore theopinions of others?50. (xx.12) Is it better fo
33、r people to be realistic or optimistic?51. (xx.12)Is it important to try to understand people motivations before judging theiractions?52. (xx.12) Is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose tobe happy?53. (xx.1) Should people take more responsibility for solving pr
34、oblems that affect theirmunities or the nation in general?54. (xx.1) Is it more important to do work that one findsfulfilling or work that pays well?55. (xx.1) Is education primarily the result of influences other than school?56. (xx.1) Is it better to change one s attitude than tochange one s circu
35、mstances?57. (xx.3) Is it more valuable for people to fit in than tobe unique and different?58. (xx.3) Is it best to have low expectations and to setgoals we are sure of achieving?59. (xx.3) Do we really benefit from every event or experience in some way?60. (xx.5) Should modern society be criticize
36、d for being materialistic?61. (xx.5) Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?72.(xx.11) Does having a large number of options to chooseof right and wrong, or can we benefitfrom following the crowd?63. (xx.5) Do circumstances determine whether or not we should tell the truth?64. (xx.6) Are pe
37、ople more likely to be happy if they focus on goals other than their ownhappiness?65. (xx.6) Is there a value in celebrating certain individuals as heroes?66. (xx.6) Have modern advancements truly improved the quality of people s lives?67. (xx.6) Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune?
38、68. (xx.10) Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people createfor themselves?69. (xx.10) Can people ever be truly original?70. (xx.10) Do people achieve greatness only by finding outwhat they are especially good atand developing that attribute above all else?71. (x
39、x.10) Should we admire heroes but not celebrities?from make people happy?73. (xx.11) Is it always necessary to find new solutions toproblems?74. (xx.11) Is the main value of the arts to teach us aboutthe world around us?75. (xx.11) Is criticism judging or finding fault withthe ideas and actions of o
40、thers essential for personal well-being and social progress?76. (xx.12) Do people need to “unlearn ” , or reject, manyof their assumptions and ideas?77. (xx.12) Should people choose one of the two opposingsides of an issue, or is the truthusually found“ in the middle ” ?78. (xx.12) Do images and imp
41、ressions have too much of aneffect on people?79. (xx.12) Is the most important purpose of technologytoday different from what it was in thepast?80. (xx.1) Is it always better to be original than to imitateor use the ideas of others?81. (xx.1) Is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, eve
42、n if the goal is not reached?82. (xx.1) Should people always prefer new things, ideas, or values to those of the past?83. (xx.1) Is there any value for people to belong only toa group or groups with which theysomething in mon?84. (xx.3) Are organizations or group most suessful whentheir members purs
43、ue individualwishes and goals?85. (xx.3) Should people always be loyal?86. (xx.3) Do people learn more from losing than from winning?87. (xx.5) Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding theuse of modern technology, evenwhen using it would make life easier?88. (xx.5) Do people place too much emph
44、asis on winning?89. (xx.5) Are people s actions motivated primarily by a desire for power over others?90. (xx.5) Do incidents from the past continue to influencethe present?91. (xx.6) Does fame bring happiness, or are people who arenot famous more likely to behappy?92. (xx.6) Is it better for a soci
45、ety when people act as individuals rather than copying the ideasand opinions of others?93. (xx.6) Are widely held views often wrong, or are suchviews more likely to be correct?94. (xx.6) Are the actions of individuals more valuable thanthe actions of groups or teams?95. (xx.10) Is promise always the
46、 best way to resolve a conflict?96. (xx.10) Are the decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly andcarefully?97. (xx.10) Can a group of people function effectively without someone being in charge?98. (xx.10) Do actions, not words, reveal a person or group s rule attitudes and intent
47、ions?99. (xx.11) Do all established traditions deserve to remainin existence?100. (xx.11) Do people need to pare themselves with othersin order to appreciate what theyhave?101. (xx.11) Is it necessary for people to bine their efforts with those of others in order to bethe most effective?102. (xx.11)
48、 Should society limit people s exposure to some kinds of information or forms ofexpression?103. (xx.12) Is persistence more important than ability indetermining a person s suess? 104. (xx.12) Is acting anessential part of everyday life?105. (xx.12) Can people have too much enthusiasm?106. (xx.12) Do
49、 we only help others in order to helpourselves in some way?107. (xx.1) Does planning interfere with creativity?108. (xx.1) Do highly aomplished people achieve more thanothers mainly because theyexpect more of themselves?109. (xx.1) Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or i
50、s it best forthem to stick with their original decisions?110. (xx.1) Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people giveup if they are not making progress?111. (xx.3) Does being ethical make it hard to be suessful?112. (xx.3) Is it sometimes necessary to be impolite
51、?113. (xx.3) Should we limit our use of the term “courage ”to acts in which people risk their ownwell-being for the sake of others or to uphold a value?114. (xx.5) Should we pay more attention to people who areolder and more experienced thanwe are?115. (xx.5) Should people let their feelings guide t
52、hem when they makeimportant decisions? 116. (xx.5) Has todays abundance of information only made it more difficult for us tounderstand the world around us?117. (xx.5) Are people best defined by what they do?118. (xx.6) Do we benefit from learning about the flaws ofpeople we admire and respect?119. (
53、xx.6) Is it best for people to aept who they are andwhat they have, or should peoplealways strive to better themselves?120. (xx.6) Can mon sense be trusted and aepted, or shouldit be questioned?121. (xx.6) When some people win, must others lose, or arethere situations in which everyonewins?122. (xx.
54、10) Is using humor the best way to approachdifficult situations and problems?123. (xx.10) Does everyone, even people who choose to livealone, need a work or family? 124. (xx.10) Dobooks, newspapers, and other media focus too much on bad news?125. (xx.10) Is it better for people to know everything theycan about something before takingaction or should they act first and get more information later?126. (xx.11) Are the values of a soci
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