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1、Chapter 1 Basic Structure of ComputersContentsl1.1 Computer Typesl1.2 Functional Unitsl1.3 Basic Operational Conceptsl1.6 Performancel1.7 Historical PerspectivelSummary 1.1 Computer TypeslComputer Types (size, cost, computational power, intended use)lEmbedded computerslIntegrated into a larger devic

2、e or systemlAutomatically monitor and control a physical process or environmentlFor specific purpose1.1 Computer TypeslComputer TypeslPersonal computerslPrimarily for dedicated individual uselDesktop computers, workstation computers, portable and notebook computerslServer & Enterprise systemslLa

3、rge computers, be shared by a large number of users over a public or private network1.1 Computer TypeslComputer TypeslSupercomputers & Grid computerslOffer the highest performancelSupercomputers: used for the highly demanding computations, e.g., weather forecasting, engineering design, scientifi

4、c work.lGrid computers: Combine a large number of personal computers and disk storage units in a physically distributed high-speed network 1.2 Functional UnitslBasic Functions of a Computer lData ProcessinglData means any digital information, includesMachine InstructionsNumbers and CharacterslData S

5、toragelData MovementlControl1.2 Functional UnitslBasic Functional Units of a Computer lInput UnitlOutput UnitlMemorylArithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)lControl UnitI/O UnitProcessorBasic Functional Units of a Computer1.2 Functional UnitslInput UnitlFunctionlMake computer accept coded informationlInput

6、DeviceslKeyboardlTouchpadlMouselJoysticklDigital CameralMicrophonelInternetl1.2 Functional UnitslOutput UnitlFunctionlSend processed results to the outside worldlOutput DeviceslPrinterlGraphic displayl1.2 Functional UnitslMemorylFunctionlStore programs and datalClassification of StoragelPrimary Stor

7、ageStore programs when they are being executed Related TermsWordWord Length (typically 16, 32, or 64 bits)AddressRandom Access Memory (RAM)Memory Access Time Word 0 n-1 . . . 1 0000 0001 Memory 1.2 Functional UnitslMemorylClassification of StoragelCache MemoryA smaller, faster RAM unit.Hold sections

8、 of a program that are currently being executed.Initially, the cache is empty. As execution proceeds, instructions and the required data are copied to the cache.1.2 Functional UnitslMemorylClassification of StoragelSecondary StorageStore many programs and large amounts of data, particularly for info

9、rmation that is accessed infrequently.Secondary storage devicesMagnetic disksOptical Disks (DVD and CD)Flash memory devices1.2 Functional Units Electronic Circuits Registers Accumulators lArithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)lFunctionlExecute arithmetic or logic operations1.2 Functional UnitslControl Unit

10、 lFunctionlCoordinate operations of the other unitslOperations of a ComputerlThe computer accepts information in the form of programs and data through an input unit and stores it in the memory. lInformation stored in the memory is fetched, under program control, into an arithmetic and logic unit whe

11、re it is processed. 1.2 Functional UnitslOperations of a ComputerlProcessed information leaves the computer through an output unit. lAll activities in the computer are directed by the control unit.1.3 Basic Operational ConceptslProgram ExecutionlExecute instructions specified in the programl1. The p

12、rocessor reads (fetch) instructions from memory one at a time, and executes each instruction. l2. Program execution consists of repeating the process of instruction fetch and instruction execution.StartFetch InstructionExecuteInstructionHaltFetch CycleExecute Cycle Instruction CycleOpcodeAddress0 3

13、4 15Instruction1.3 Basic Operational ConceptslProgram ExecutionlExample: Load R2, LOClFetch the instruction from the memory into the processor register (IR)lRead the operand at LOC and load it into register R2lAdd R4, R2, R3lAdd the contents of register R2 and R3lPlace the sum into register R4lStore

14、 R4, LOClCopy the operand in register R4 to LOC1.3 Basic Operational ConceptslProgram ExecutionlTwo important registers:lPC: points to the next instruction to be executedlIR: holds the instruction that is currently being executed1.3 Basic Operational ConceptslProgram Execution1.3 Basic Operational C

15、onceptslProgram ExecutionlInterruptlAn interrupt is a request from an I/O device for service by the processor.StartFetch NextInstructionExecuteInstructionCheck for InterruptProcess InterruptHaltFetch CycleExecute CycleInterrupt Cycle1.6 PerformancelThe most important measure of the performance of a

16、computer is how quickly it can execute programs.lIt is affected by the design of instruction set, hardware and software. lVLSI technologylSmaller transistors switch fasterlParallelism: performing a number of operations in parallellInstruction-level parallelism (pipelining)lMulticore processorslMulti

17、processorslMulticomputers1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe Zero Generation: Mechanical Computers (1642-1945)lThe first person to build a working calculating machine (only do addition and subtraction) was Blaise Pascal.lLeibniz 1672 multiplication and divisionlBabbage Difference Eng

18、ine Analytical EnginelLate 1930s Electromaganetic relay (电磁继电器)1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe First Generation: Vacuum Tubes (1945-1955)lENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)The worlds first general-purpose electronic digital computerThe Moore school of the Univer

19、sity of PennsylvanialEDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe First Generation: Vacuum Tubes (1945-1955)lStored-program concept (John von Neumann)Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory.The contents of this memo

20、ry are addressable by location , without regard to the type of data contained there.Execution occurs in a sequential fashion (unless explicitly modified) from one instruction to the next.lAssembly Language1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe Second Generation: Transistors (1955-1965)l

21、Magnetic core memories and magnetic drum storage deviceslHigh-level languages (Fortran)lCompilerlSeparate I/O processorslIBM7094, 1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe Third Generation: Integrated Circuits (1965-1975)lIntegrated-circuit technologylMicroprogramming, parallelism, pipelin

22、inglCache, Virtual memorieslIBM360, PDP-11, 1.7 Historical PerspectivelComputer GenerationslThe Fourth Generation: LSI & VLSI (1975- 1990)lVLSI technology makes complete processors and large sections of the main memory of small computers could be implemented on single chipsDesktop personal computers, embedded comp


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