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1、Opening 模版句型 1 The graph(s) and chart(s) tell/illustrate/display/explain to/show/unfolds/give us aclear picture/overview/ of the characteristics and trends of_.2 As is shown/displayed/revealed in the graph(s) and chart(s) (respectively), thenumbers/amounts/percentages of _surged/fluctuated/differed/

2、varieddramatically/(comparatively) gently/gradually from_to_/during_and_.3 It can be seen /It is clear from the table(s)/diagram(s)/figure(s) that_.4 According to the chart(s) and graph(s), _.5 A glance at the _ of_ reflects great similarities/differences/surge/dipbetween_and_.Example:A This bar cha

3、rt displays the number of men and women enrolled in futureeducation in Britain during three periods.B It is immediately apparent from the diagram that in 1970 the professions inMalaysia were almost totally dominated by men.C As is revealed in the diagram, the number of hours per week spent on unpaid

4、work is unequally distributed between men and women.D According to the bar chart, the number of men and women enrolled in highereducation in Britain show a number of trends.E A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries,Canada, Japan, Peru and Netherlands, in 2001

5、reflects the great differences thatexist between wealthier and poorer nations.V It fluctuated四种必备句型1. fromto/duringand 用于任意两个无特征性数字2. within a (large/small) range of 用于两个差值为十、百、千的整数3. reaching a peak at (statistics) in (year) and bottoming out at (statistics) in (year)第一种方法的复杂版,通过表示伴随状况的从句揭示最高最低点4.

6、2+3此句为小作文的必备句,每次都会用到表示超过的单词补充1exceed/surpass/overtake (后面直接跟数字): The final cost should not exceed 5 million dollars.2outnumber/outscore (指一种事物的数字超过另一种数字,后面不直接跟数字): In our office the females outnumber the males: 5 to 3.3outweigh/outperform: (指价值超过另一种事物): The advantages outweigh the drawbacks.with介词状语

7、后置的用法 The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power. But hydro power contributed only 5 units. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro power which contributed only 5 units. 真题例句:The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oi

8、l and nuclear power, with hydro contributing only 5 units.with介词状语后置的用法: 练习 These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s. Europe had as much as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation. These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, with Europe which had as muc

9、h as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation. 真题例句:These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, with Europe having as much as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation.E.g. Between 1940 and around 1960, the proportion of elderly people in the Western countries showed/saw an upwa

10、rd trend, with (that of )Sweden increasing more rapidly from about 7% to 9 % while the figure for Japan experienced/witnessed a downward trend, decreasing rapidly from 5% to only 3%.With 介词状语后置的主要用途是它可以把很多有相似性的数值归纳在一起(前半句),并突出其中有特点的一些数值 (后半句)Table 以图十六为例首先确定表格题描写的顺序。Five technical methods of listing

11、 statistics effectively andmultifariously􀂾 Extreme 极端数字举例法The general trend of the visits abroad by UK residents for holiday rose comparatively dramatically, reaching an apex at 20,700 in 1998 and hitting a trough at 14,898 in 1995.􀂾 Range 范围法Visits abroad by UK residents for busin

12、ess boomed within a small range of approximately 800.􀂾 Average 平均值举例法Visits abroad by UK residents for other reasons rose and fell evenly, averaging out at nearly 1000. take an average at Strike a balance at􀂾 Similarity 类比法This is the similar case with the trend/statistics of TOTAL

13、类比的四种句型:This is the similar case withThis is true of So doesThis can be paralleled with 􀂾 Contrast 反比法This is the opposite with the trend/statistics of反比的三种句型:This is the opposite withThis is converse with This is contrary to 表格题的审题顺序-首先,在表格左边空白区域标上trend编号见图十七表格题审题顺序:1) 确定写作顺序(横?纵?)10 sec2)

14、 表格审题编号先趋势,后数据² 在表格左边空白区域标上trend编号 30 sec² 写出all trends那句话(总分句)2 min² 在表格右边空白区域进行数据方法的编号 2-3 min² 进行数据的描写 10 min(纵向比较结果)All trends can be categorized into 4 groups with falling in items such as Food, rising in items including Housing, fluctuating in Household goods and services,

15、and stabilizing in Other items.Transport and communications soared, reaching an apex at 16% in 1997 and hitting a trough at 9% in 1967. Household goods and services was volatile dramatically with the vertex in 1997 and the nadir in 1977. Furthermore, there was a subsiding in Other goods and services

16、, ranging from 8% to 14%.Alcoholic drink reached a plateau at 7% from 1967 to 1977, followed by a sudden slump to 4% in 1997, this was almost paralleled with the trend of Fuel, light and power. Similarly, the trend of Housing accrued from 1967 to 1997 with an average of 14 in 1977.This was almost th

17、e similar case with the trend of Recreation, entertainment and education, which was the opposite with that of Tobacco.What is worth mentioning is that Other items, not making its debut until 1977, remained constant from 1977 to 1997.The table below shows the number of marriages and divorces in the U

18、K from 1950 to 2000.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.UK Marriages&Divorce(thousands) 195019601970198019902000Number of first marriages330336389279241180Number of re-marriages785882140135126Number of marriages40839447141937

19、6306Number of divorces 332663160168155The number of first marriages was 330 thousand in 1950,increasing steadily for the following two decades and peaking at 389 thousand in 1970. However, from then on, it experienced a sharp fall to 180 thousand in 2000, the lowest of the whole period. Similarly, t

20、he number of re-marriage had generally increased from 78 thousand in 1950 to a peak of 140 thousand in 1980, though its lowest point (58,000) reached in 1960. The following decade from 1990 to 2000 witnessed an insignificant decrease to 126 thousand. Since marriage are a sum of first marriages and r

21、e-marriages, it can be clearly seen that the trend of marriages saw an overall drop, with its record low (306,000) in 2000, about a third less than its peak (471,000) in1970.In contrast to the general downward trend of marriages.见图十八首先确定写作顺序,然后标出趋势编号All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with r

22、ising in Agriculture of Britain, Computer Industry and Finance of China, fluctuating in Computer Industry, Finance, Manual Labour of Britain and Manual Labour of China, and falling in Agriculture of China.表格题比较原则:有可比点的比,没有可比点的不要比“可比点”表示差异性“没有可比点”表示同质性(similarity)或不相关性(irrelevancy)横向比较结果:In Britain,

23、Manual Labour was the largest industry drawing employees, while most people in China, were engaged in Agriculture. 纵向比较结果:Agriculture witnessed a converse trend in aspect of employment for both countries. In China, Computer Industry and Finance were prone to be booming industries.Paragraph 1 The pie

24、 chart shows that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world today. 转述题目 Globally, 65% of degradation is caused by too much animal grazing and tree clearance, constituting 35% and 30% respectively.(分词状语后置) A further 28% of global degradation is due to over-cultivation of c

25、rops. Other causes account for only 7% collectively. (features)Paragraph 2 承上启下:These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, with Europe having as much as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation,(介词状语后置) while the impact of this on Oceania and North America was minimal, with on

26、ly 1.7% and 0.2% of land affected respectively. (介词状语后置) Europe, with the highest overall percentage of land degraded (23%), (介词做插入语) also suffered from over-cultivation (7.7%) and over-grazing (5.5%). In contrast, Oceania had 13% of degraded farmland and this was mainly due to over-grazing (11.3%).

27、 North America had a lower proportion of degraded land at only 5%, and the main causes of this were over-cultivation (3.3%) and, to a lesser extent, over-grazing (1.5%).Conclusion Overall, it is clear that Europe suffered more from farmland degradation than the other regions, and the main causes the

28、re were deforestation and over-cultivation. 总结Bar Chart􀂗 Compare and Contrast (Summary and Analysis)􀂗 Grammatical Accuracy􀂗 Hidden Characteristic柱状图本质上就是前三种图的柱状形式下面请看图十九1)三张饼图2)四根曲线图All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in bus, rising in car and fall

29、ing in bike and foot.3)3X4 的表格题This was the similar case with the trend of foot.总结:题型本质上分为两种动态图和静态图动态图最好用曲线图(天龙八部+All trends)的整体写作模式静态图则是静态表格(纯比较)的写作模式柱状图的要求:1) 充分的比较(共性)和对比(差异),文字性的部分可以多一点,不必局限在每一种题型的要求上。2) 语法要求较高:对于主语的要求和句式的多样性(60%的柱状图为静态图)3) 对于隐藏特征的开发(适用于所有类型的图) 隐藏特征:隐藏在数据背后的客观性事实。A 隐藏不明显,有别于主体段(

30、body)的内容B 客观性事实有数据支持的现象,不同于个人观点C 隐藏特征在结尾段写隐藏特征的默认格式:What is worth mentioning is that since (原因数据支持), it indicates the fact that (结论文字总结)What is worth mentioning is that since the overall percentages exceeded 100%, it indicates the fact that some adults chose several reasons for study.Task 1高分的关键:一 变

31、换多端的wording和句式、体系二 清晰宏观的分类(ALL TRENDS)三 有力得体的隐藏特征(HC)找隐藏特征方法1 通过百分比去找 100% . Some people choose several reasons for.100% There exist some other factors/reasons unlisted/unmentioned.2 抓住反义词,出现一组或几组反义词,通过对比可以找出abnormal statistics3 debut statistics ,凡是有空着的数据就可以用这个写:not make its debut until (year) 只出现在柱

32、状图和表格图中,饼图和曲线图基本没有4 既定趋势及特征,雅思中有一些图很明显地对未来是大势所趋的。 以图十二The new source of energy, especially nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached the bottleneck/ceiling to some extent.Ending􀂗 From the diagram it can be safely concluded that_.􀂗 As a w

33、hole/In general/To sum up/In conclusion/In summary/In a nutshell/Thus,the data suggest that_.􀂗 It appears that/In fact/We can see clearly that_.􀂗 What is worth mentioning is that_/noun.Example:1 From the diagram it can be safely concluded that in the years 19781987 Florida develope

34、d much more rapidly than the United States as a whole.2 In general, the data suggest that the increased presence of women in the paid work force has yet to lead to an increased role for men in the home.3 It appears that women are either more law-abiding守法的 than men or that law enforcement officers a

35、re more reluctant to arrest women.4 What is worth mentioning is that nuclear power didnt make its debut until 1998The column graph shows the variations of educational levels of staff members in a company in the years of 1991, 1996 and 2000.流程图流程图的写作a) 平实的格式As is displayed in the flow chart, the proc

36、ess / principle of _ can be explained/ analyzed/ specified as follows.There are _ stages in _.First,Second,Next,Last/ Finally/ In the endThus, the new circle begins. 文章中间涉及的一些写法:As to/ for, As far as .is concernedIn respect/ aspect of, in approach toConcerningOn 文章最后涉及的一些写法:Through a brief introduct

37、ion of _, we come to realize how _/the _of_.Having a glimpse of the general process of _, we are fascinated by the _of _/ the fact that_.b) 句式丰富多用被动语态(2次);多用定语从句(2次);多用状语从句(1-2次)多用分词短语(2次);多用介词短语(2次)c) 过渡的自然d) 准专业的词汇e) 适当的展开加联想以下我们来看一个实例及其范文,讲瓶子回收的。The maps show the school sites in 2004 and 2010. It

38、 can be seen that the school in 2010 had more infrastructure than that in 2004, because the number of its students increased from 600 to 1000.From the first map, we can see that there were two buildings, one in the north and the other in the south. In the west of the school was a small car park, while a play ground was located in the east part, next to Building 2.雅思作文应用:写大作文前必须知道的词汇:认为 assert/ contend/ claim/ maintain/ argue/ hold the view that支持者,赞成者 proponent(s)批评者, 不赞成者 critic (s)反对 be against sth,


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