1、商务英语3(听力练习+实用词汇 学习)Lesson 11Dialog 1:New words: Board of Directors, implementF: Has Mrs. Edison decided whether to retrain or lay off?M: She met with the Board of Directors yesterday. They are making the decision.F: Fortunately for her, she is not the decision maker.M: I ' ll say, she will be he
2、re soon to give me the decision.F: we can help them implement it.M: Yes. If the board decides to retrain the current workers, we can help them to organize their training program.F: If they decide to hire new employees, we can help them recruit skilled workersM: and then help them to train the new wo
3、rkers for their specific jobs.F: Either way we have a full plate( either our plate is full):我们有好多事情要做Q: Who makes the decision?of directorsThe boardDialog 2:F: well, Mr. Green, the board voted to retrain, the loyalty factor was an important one.M: Workers ' loyalty to you?F: And our loyalty to t
4、hem.M: It was a tough decision. There would be cost and time consideration in either case.F: But we can never replace the lost loyalty.M: I agree. you have invested a lot of time and money in your employees.F: We cannot put a price tag on loyalty.( 千金难 买)M: I am sure your company morale( 士气)will be
5、high now.F: I hope so, but change always is a problem though.M: Yes, no one likes change, but ultimately it work out for the best.Q: What is the most important consideration?Loyalty.Dialog 3:Pros and cons一禾U弊 optionF: So, what is the next step? Where would we go from here?M: Let ' start by looki
6、 ng at your retraining options.M: Yes. It shouldnF: Options?'t surprise you that you havea couple of options.F: Both Options with pros and cons?M: Yes, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.F: and Nothing is ever simple.M: Basically, you can either train your workers on site or off sit
7、e.(场内场夕卜)F: well,without knowing the pros and cons, my first reaction is to train on site.M: Let me pool(采集)汇总)some information together for our next meeting, so you can make an informed decision.Q: How many options are there?Two.Small talk:提建议1) Why don ' t we? E.g. T am hungry-Why don' t w
8、e get some lunch.2) Let' s?E.g.一I need something to wake me up? 一Let ' s take some caf e .Lesson 12Dialo厂 /New words: alternative, convenient, and disruptive.M: I ' vtold Mrs. Edison she has two training options.F: what are these alternatives?M: Off site training and on-site training.F:
9、So the quality of the training is the same, only the location varies.M: There is also the question of convenience. Itis more convenient for workers to train On-site.F: There is also the disruption; off-site training is more disruptive to the employee -to-dayday routine.M: There are advantages and di
10、sadvantages to each option.F: Have you explained the pros and cons of each?M: That is what we are going to discuss today.F: Brief me on her decision when you finished.Brief me on the meetingQ:What are the two retraining optionsDialog New words: on- the- job training(在职培训I ) schedule(作息),oops (表示惊讶狼狈
11、) on- the- job training(在职培训I )与 on-site training的区别:前者还指在正常的工作时间接 受培训。F: So tell me about on site training, what are the advantages?M: with on-the-job training, the workers train on the new computerized machines.F: right on the factory floor?M: on the factory floor with an instructor on side during
12、 normal working hours.Q: where does the on-the-job training take place? On the factory floor.F: So there is no disruption in the employees work schedule.M: No disruption, they follow their normal work schedule.F: That sounds good.M: What is the disadvantage?F: They are learning while doing, they wil
13、l make mistakes.M: and waste materials.F: Yes, it ' what is called the oops factor, mistakes will be made and materials wasted during the training.Q: What are the disadvantages of on-site training?Dialog?:F: How can we avoid this oops factor?M: train the workers off-site, then the production wou
14、ld not be affected.F: That is a big advantage.M: With off-site training, workers train in the evening,(此句型)F: so our production continues, the work on the factory floor is not affected.F: After computers are installed, the workers will be ready.M: They' lwork in the factory during the day and tr
15、ain off-site at night.F: It ' s a long day. that is the big disadvtage. It 'll take a lot of energy to work all day and train at night.M: It makes me tired thinking about it.( 表达各 种感受的句型)想着都累)it makes me happy /angry thinking about it.)Q: what is the advantage to off-site training?A: product
16、ion will not affected.Small talks:表示同意:1 Good idea!2 Great!3 Sure!4 Let ' s take a break!-Ok! I can use this break to take some cafLesson 13Dialog 1:F: I hope Ms. Addison can consider the employee attitude in her decision.M: I am sure she will. She understands thatF: It they don work well.employ
17、ees have to be happy in their jobs.'t have a good attitude, they wonM: They have to have a good attitude during training too.F: absolutely, especially when they are learning new skills.M: like learning computer skills.F: becoming computer literate can be frustrating.M: talk about having a bad at
18、titude.( 句型 talk about .表示深有同感)一My employees have been with me for 25 years.-Talk about loyalty.Q: what should Ms.Addison consider?-Employee attitudeDialog 2:New Words: minimize, initial cost, Bottom-line(实质问题;最终结果)downtime(停 产时间)F: This was a difficult decision for the board.M: The bottom-line is a
19、lways time and money.F: True. We are concerned with the initial cost.M: There are costs to both alternatives.F: Costs in both time and money.M: and of course, you don ' t want any downtime.F: There will be some lost time, but we have to minimize it.M: As I said before, it all boils down to time
20、and money o (归结为)Q : What is the bottom-line? -Time and money.Dialog 3:New words: split(分成),alternate(轮换)F: To minimize down-time, we are going to do both on-the-job and off-site training.M: How? By splitting the work force into two groups?F: Half train off-site but during normal working hoursM: And
21、 the other half will train on the factory floor with new machines.F: By alternating the groups, we can keep production going.M: that will minimize downtime, but you still have the oops factors.F: But the production will increase as soon as the workers are up to speed.(达至U熟练程度)使 知晓。)Hey, what are you
22、 talking about?Let me bring you up to speed.M: Then you ' lbe able to keep up with the detailer ' s demand.F: And keep our workers.M: Sounds like a win-win situation.Q: when will workers be trained? -Both on the job and off-site.Small talk:-回绝提议。Let ' s have a break and get some lunch.I
23、' dke to, but I can' tI. am too busy (I ' like to, but not with you).(I have another appointment)(I don ' t feel well)-How do you think the meeting went?-Fantastic.-Let ' s come to another one.Lesson 14Dialog 1:New words: Jeans(牛仔裤),retail outlet (零售 点)guilty as charged(所控属实),cat
24、alog (邮购)Market penetration(市场渗透力)F: Mr. Gomes. Blue Jeans King. Welcome.M: what you ' ve heard is not true.F: It ' nsot true that you sell more jeans than anyone else?M: True, that ' s true.F: It ' s not true that you have more jeans retai outlets than anyone else?M: Yes, guilty as
25、charged.F: It ' not true that your Jeans catalogs are in every home?M: well, almost every home, we don' thave 100% market penetration.Q: what does Mr. Gomes sell?Blue Jeans.Dialog 2;New words: Electronic Commerce.F: You don' thave 100% market penetration yet?M: Not yet, but we are workin
26、g on it.F: what can I help you toward that goal? What brings you in?M: We want to go global.F: You don ' t mean more retail outlets?M: No, we want to sell on the Internet.F: You are talking about E-commerce.(表示再 次确认自己理解无误)-We want to get into E-commerce.一You are talking about Internet sales.M: P
27、recisely, we want to get into (= go into) E-commerce.Q: what do Mr. Gomes want to get into?-E-commerce.DialoNew words: With access to worldwide web, Cybercafe(能上网的咖啡馆)F: Electronic Commerce will definitely broaden your market.M: At least to market share with access to Computers.F: And with access to
28、 Worldwide web.M: With E-commerce, we can reach more people.F: you can access other markets without opening new stores.M: Every cyber caf is a store.F: That ' srue; anyone can walk into a cyber cafe and log on (log off)M: Point their browsers to our website and buy a pair of jeans.Q: Why do Mr.
29、Homes want to get into Ecommerce? 一To broaden the market.Small talk:一 给建议-You ought to (should) take it easy.Why don' t you take a break?Lesson 15Dialog /New words: webpage, corporate site(公司网址)PR (公关)F: You' ve decided to go global.M: Hasn ' t everybody?F: do you have a webpage?M: we
30、39; ve had a corporate site for years.F: But you haven ' t used it to sell Jeans?M: No, It is just informational, a PR kind of thing.F: Does it get many hits?M: No, but the target audience is our own people.Q: What is the corporate site for? -PRDialog 2:New words: proprietary data(专有资料), encrypt(力口密),password, encryptionF: Do you mean you target your own retail shops?M: right, our
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