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1、一、根据首字母或中文提示完成句子1. I am d_to have been invited to your school to talk to you . people realized that his visit to England at that time was of great s_. finish your work before watching TV. O_ youll have to stay up late.4. At the ancient games , the a_ were all men .5. The players had to c_ wearing no

2、 clothes.6. His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people live p_ side by side .7. Chinese athletes have also made important c_to the Olympic Games .8. Mr. Smith will be in charge of the business during my fathers a_.9. She r_ the dirty dishes from the table.10

3、. Join me in wishing the Olympic movement a successful future to match its past _ (光辉).11.The shop owner offered the shirt for 200 yuan, but my b_ was only for 100 yuan.12Joe was celebrating his success with his colleagues. M_, his father was waiting for him at home. city itself should be clean and

4、public _(交通)ought to be convenient . exact (由来)_ of table tennis is not known . l_ candle showed that someone was in the room not long ago. lot of successful players use a staring (技巧)_ to make their opponents uncomfortable . are many (要求)_ that must be met before a sport can be considered by the In

5、ternational Olympic Committee.18. The research showed an a_ between diet and various diseases. daughter is the most p_ thing to him, for she means everything to him. likes drinking so much. It is u_ for him to refuse a drink today, totally out of my expectation. fact, Australia is the only country t

6、hat is also a c_. team t_ the visiting team. It was really a close game.23 He made an a_ to take a medical degree.24. I had the h_ of presenting the awards at the ceremony.rights. me something about your daily r_.二选词填空(一)请从下面方框里选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。apply to; by accident; make way for ; come to public at

7、tention, at ones first attemptkeep under control; hope for; in my absence; take delight in; be associated with1. “Dont worry,” she said, “the fire now has been _ by firefighters.”2. These old houses are going to be torn down to _ a new hospital.3. The decision was made _, so I was in the dark about

8、it.4. Last year 5,000 students _ Harvard University, and the acceptance rate was 6%.5. According to the report, bad diet _ closely _ many common illnesses.6. We all _ the best, but we have to be prepared for the worst.7. The car was discovered _ when the police were searching for a missing woman.8.

9、He _ playing tricks on others. passed the driving test _.10. She _ the first time she acted in a film选词填空(二)请从下面方框里选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语仅用一次)。in the absence of ; lead the way; join (.) in; in honour of;pass onto; look forward to; by tradition; hang on, compete in; , be of little significance the boo

10、k _ me when youve finished it. 2. Would you like to _ me _ preparing a surprise birthday party for your mum 3. In 1884, the worlds tallest stone structure was built _the first US President George Washington. witnesses, the police had great difficulty solving the case. 5. It is known to all that Amer

11、ica, Russia and China are _ in space technology. 6. _, and youll achieve success sooner or later. 7. Though its going to rain, were still _ not calling off the match scheduled for this afternoon.8. _, people eat turkey on Christmas Day in America.9. How many runners will _ the marathon10. The propos

12、als they put forward at the meeting _.三动词的适当形式填空: this time tomorrow we _ _(repair) this machine. order for a new sport_(add) , another sport must be dropped.3., Im really sorry _ _(keep)you waiting for so long a time. I know you are very busy at the moment . match was tied with minutes .(go) footba

13、ll is played in 80 countries, _ (make) it the most popular sport in the world. moment they had been looking forward to _(come) at last.7. -What has made him upset recently -_(leave) alone to face a troublesome milk case. womens volleyball team _(hang) on for a narrow victory, which excited all of us

14、.9. The Eagles captain happened _(hit) the ball with his hand. on the treadmill(跑步机)is not similar to _(run) on the street or on the sports ground.四基础知识单选: way he did it was different _ we were used to.A. in which B. in what C. from which D. from what2. Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oc

15、lock and take me to the airportA. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient _ candle _ the faces of everybody in the room. They all looked tired.A. lit , lit up B. lit up , lit C. lighted, lit up D. lighted, lit was in the hotel _ Mr smith stayed _ we found him.A. that, that B. where , that C. where , w

16、here D. that, where5. -Have you _ some new ideas -Yeah. Ill tell you later.A. come about B. come across C. come up with D. come up visit of the police was _ the lost child.A. connected with B. joined with C. connecting with D. joined to from many countries came to compete _each other _goldmedals the

17、 _ the Asian games. A. with; for; against B. against; for ;in C. in; for ;with D. against ;with ;for they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were _ food and water supplies. A. in want of B in praise of C. in honor of D. in place of9.When can I come for the photos T hey should be re

18、ady by 12 oclock. You can _ _us ,sir. on B. watch on on on book is said to be a special one , which _ many events not found in other history books.A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads matter_ well you prepare for an interview, things may not always to as smoothly as you have expected.A. how B. whe

19、n C. where D. how international agreement, _ to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February 27 this year. A. meaning B. to mean C. meant D. to be meant eagles went home .Aangrilyand bitterly and bitter and bitter and bitterly14. _ the weather is like, he al

20、ways walks to work.A. No matter how B. No matter what C. No matter where D. No matter which,he realized the important part his father in their family.A. took B. played C. acted old tower must be saved, _the cost. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever to take the medicine .A. every five hou

21、rs B .every five hour C. each five hours D. every fifth hours18. It was _ the boy said he almost never did any exercise in the school _ the mother began to worry about his health. A. what; that B. that; how C. when; that D. that; that19. The presence of social support helps people fend off(避开) illne

22、ss, and the _ of such support makes poor health more likely. A. absence B. absent C. appearance D. help20. The girl _ to run out of the falling house in the earthquake, but she failed.A. succeeded B. attempted C. managed D. offered21. -Mary looks down today. What is up -Well, _ happened between Mary

23、 and me is none of your business.A. wherever B. whoever C. whatever D. no matter what22. A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night.A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted五情态动词 单选 exam was very difficult but everyone _ pass. to B. would C. could D. was able to2. -Shall

24、I go and buy some fruit for the party-No, I have already bought 3 baskets. That _ be enough.A. ought to B. need C. may D. can3. Jenny _ to the shop. I have already bought her the goods.A. mustnt go B. neednt go C. should have gone D. neednt have gone4. -What do you think we can do for our aged parnt

25、s -You _ do anything except be with them.A. dont have to B. oughtnt to C. mustnt C. cant5. You _ get the book on condition that you give it back to me on time.A. should B. must C. ought D. shall6. -My cat is really fat. -You _ have given her so much food.t B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt7. I am fee

26、ling much better now, so you _ call in the doctor.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt8. Children under 12 in that country _ be under supervision(监管) when in a public library.A. must B. may C. can D. need9. He likes working with computers and _ do a lot of clever things with them.A. may B. should

27、 C. can D. must10. Sir, you _ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.A. mustnt B. cant C. wont D. neednt11. We _ have proved great adventures, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.A. neednt B. may not C. shouldnt D. mustnt12. -We someone to

28、design the new art museum. -_ the young fellow have a tryA. May B. Shall C. Will D. Need13. He _ sit there hour after hour looking at the stars in the sky when he was along.A. was used to B. would C. will D. should full marks, but he was too careless a spelling mistake. A. could gain, to make B. cou

29、ld have gained, to make C. could have gained, and made D. could have gained, as to make15. They _ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. A. will B. can C. must D. should16. If you _ smoke, please go outside. A. can B. should C. must D. may17. - I dont really like James. Why did you

30、invite him - Dont worry. He _ come. He said he wasnt certain what his plans were. A. must notB. need notC. would notD. might not18. I _ sooner but I didnt know that they were waiting for me.A. had come B. was coming C. would come have come _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock. A. mustnt

31、tC. wontD. neednt20.I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to the railway officials. How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone_ it.A. will have stolen have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen21. What do you think of store shopping in the futurePersonally, I t

32、hink it will exist along with home shopping but _.A. will never replace B. would never replace never be replaced D. would never be replaced22.Hows your new babysitter We _ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. A. should B. might C. mustnt t23.Shall I inform him of the change of the sc

33、hedule right now I am afraid you _ , in case he comes late for the meeting. 24.Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.I_ it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview. attended attend have attend police still havent found the lost child, but theyre doing all they _. . B. may C. must D.

34、should you _ go, at least wait until the storm is over. A. can B. may D. will that bitter period without your generous help. t have gone B. didnt go C. wouldnt go D. hadnt gone28.Will you read me a story ,Mummy -OK. You_ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. A. might B. must C. could 29.Why

35、 didnt you come to Simons party last night I want to, but my mom simply _ not let me out so late at night.A. could B. might D. should one _ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball. -Oh, you are really his big fan. B. need C. must D. might be patient .You_ except the world to change so soon.A

36、. cant B. neednt C. may not D. will not 32.(全国II 17). Im afraid _ see you now . hes busy.A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 33.(安徽卷32). Jack descried his father, who _a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed manA. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been 34.(北京卷23).-Good m

37、orning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department. -Ah, good morning. You be Mrs. Peters. A. might B. must C. would D. can35.(北京卷34). -The weather has been very hot and dry. -Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables . A. wouldnt d

38、ie B. didnt die C. hadnt died D. wouldnt have died36.(福建卷29).Teachers recommend parents their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustnt allow D. couldnt allow37.(湖南卷23). You_ buy a gift , but you can if you want to.A. must B. mustnt C. have to D. dont have to38.(江苏卷25). -I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. -Dont worry. You_ have it by Friday.A. could B. shall C. must D. may 39(江苏卷34). George is going to talk about the


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