Unit 5 Who’s your idol_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Whos your idol?Qs:Who is the idol in your heart? Can you tell something about him/her?Do you think an idol should be successful person? Why?What are the qualities the idol possesses that attract you?MY VIEWS ON IDOLIdol is a person that you admire. He is not necessarily a successful person. B

2、ut we should learn from their qualities the idol possesses that attract you.Idol is different from star worship. We should set the idol as an example or a role model rather than imitate the idol and love them blindly, like copy the stars hair style, manner and behavior. Key words on Part One:(1) cla

3、ssic music古典音乐folk music民族音乐pop(popular) music流行音乐classic song古典歌曲folk song民族歌pop(popular) song流行歌(2) lyrics歌词tune曲子ode颂歌ballad歌谣(3) favorite最爱,最爱的What is your favorite star?What is your favorite song?Task two:elect(v.): choose by voting选举;选择;推选election(n.) 选举elected (adj.) 被选的,当选的e.g. Americans ele

4、ct a President every four years. 美国人民每隔四年选一次总统。 (2) audience: n. 观众;听众e.g. The entire audience broke into loud applause.全场观众爆发出响亮的掌声。(3) survey: n. 调查;测量;民意调查v. 调查;研究;测量 conduct/do a survey e.g. A recent survey of public opinions shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.一份最近的民意调

5、查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。 (4) priority: n. 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事 top priority top priority应予最优先考虑的事应予最优先考虑的事 e.g. Being a parent is her first priority. 做母亲是她的头等大事。The governments priority is to build more power plants.政府的当务之急是建造更多的发电厂。(5) campaign n. 运动;活动;竞选活动launch/start/begin a campaign 发起运动Conduct/carry on

6、 a campaign 开展运动e.g. During his election campaign he promised to boost the economy.竞选活动期间,他许诺要大力发展经济。(6) conduct (v.) 引导;做;管理e.g. I decided to conduct an experiment.我决定做一项实验。The way he conducts himself reflects on the family.他的行为方式折射出他的家庭。Task three:(1) dynamic: adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的n. 动态;动力; 动力学e.

7、g. It seems that he is a dynamic and energetic leader.他看来是个富有活力的领导。The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场的动力要求有不断的变化和调整。(2) businessman商人businessmen商人们businesswoman商业女性businesswomen商业女性们(3) uncomplicated adj. 简单的;不复杂的 complicate v. 复杂化 complicated adj. 复杂的 uncomplicated

8、adj. 简单的(4) achieve vt. 取得;获得;实现;成功e.g. There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.有很多人会努力工作来实现这些目标。achievement n.成就,成果e.g. Chinas economic has won great achievement since the reform and opening up. 自从改革开放以来中国的经济获得伟大的成就。(5) inspire vt. 激发;鼓舞;启示Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.我们


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