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1、A(一双)手套、电话、钱、手表、失去、找到、仔细的 、照相机、遗留、机场、百、千、奇怪的、香肠B网球、钢琴、学期、布告板、快的、健康的、队伍、得分、整齐的、确信的、美丽的、放飞C家务劳动、无人、无物、愚蠢的,极好的、迷、喝彩、运动员、希望、获胜、晚的、步行、收集、垃圾、营地、澳大利亚的、观光、海滩a pair of gloves以学生pk拼单词的方式回忆单词,之后让学生区分蓝色单词是否是可数或不可数A(一双)手套、电话、钱、手表、失去、找到、仔细的 、照相机、遗留、机场、百、千、奇怪的、香肠B网球、钢琴、学期、布告板、快的、健康的、队伍、得分、整齐的、确信的、美丽的、放飞C家务劳动、无人、无物

2、、愚蠢的,极好的、迷、喝彩、运动员、希望、获胜、晚的、步行、收集、垃圾、营地、澳大利亚的、观光、海滩小组pk拼单词,每人1-2个,之后造句或组短语,T计时。复习短语时,让学生先回忆标题,在回忆相关短语,看那组说最多。之后pk说短语,并拼读短语中心词。之后做题1. 欢迎回到学校 _2. 失物招领 _3.不客气 _4. 这有一个紫色钱包 _5. 小心对待.(造句) _6. 从现在起.(造句) _7. 首先 _8. 寻找 _9. 匆匆忙忙 _10. 在飞机上/出租车上 _11. 成百上千 _12. 那是.的原因 _Welcome back to school! First of alllost an

3、d found a purple walletBe careful with From now onYoure welcomelook forin a hurryon plane/in taxihundreds ofThats why.1. 欢迎大家回到学校!_ _ _ school everyone!Welcome back to 2. -Thank you for your help!-_.A Nice to meet you B Good morningC Youre welcome D Fine, thank you3.下次请当心你的钱包。Please_ _ _ your _ next

4、 time.4.我认为Jim是一个对作业认真负责的。I think Jim is _ _ his homework.be careful with wallet careful with 5. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。From now on, I will begin to write my book. 6. 他急着要离开。他急着要离开。He is _to leave.7. 你匆匆忙忙地去哪里?你匆匆忙忙地去哪里?Where are you going _?in a hurryin a hurry8. I am _ my keys. I dont think

5、 I can find them.A looking at B looking forC looking up D looking after9. She is looking for/finding her lost child.10. 那就是他想当医生的原因。11. 那就是我喜欢你的原因。12.那就是为什么在机场和车站有失物招领办公室的原因。Thats why he wants to be a doctor.Thats why I like you.Thats why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.13.

6、那些山有数百米高。14. 他们每年中几百棵树。15. 俩百学生参加了这次比赛。Sam enjoys collecting. He collects over three_ stamps.A hundred B hundred of C hundreds D hundreds ofThose mountains are hundreds of metres high.They plant hundreds of trees every year._ attended the contest.Two hundred students复习数词表达,表概数时,hundreds of表确切数字, 数字+

7、hundred、thousand按照ppt复习,让学生说用法,之后做题1. leave li:v v. 离开离开leave +地点 离开某地When did he leave Beijing?leave for. 前往某地I dont want to leave for London by myself.leave A for B 离开A地去B地He leaves Beijing for London.v. 落下,遗忘 leave sth+地点I often leave my key at home.我经常把书落在家里。I often_my books _ _.他们把东西落在火车,飞机和出租车

8、上。They_ _on trains, on planes and in taxis.大明的爸爸今天要离开上海。Damings father is _ Shanghai.当我毕业以后,我想成为一名医生。When I _ school I _ _ _ a doctor.你想乘飞机前往北京吗?Do you want to _ _ Beijing by plane?leaveat homeleave thingsleavingleavewant to beleave for名词名词形容词形容词other others the othersthe other 名词名词+ +复数名词复数名词形容词形容词

9、单独使用单独使用+ +单数名词单数名词( (单数名词可省略单数名词可省略) )2. other others the other the othersother(无范围无范围)the other(有范围有范围)othersthe othersThe young man is very clever. He may be _ Edison. A. other B. the other C. others D. anotherLei Feng never thought of _, but only thought of _. A. him; other B. himself; others C.

10、 himself; the other D. him; the othersSome people like to stay at home on Sundays, but _ like to go to the cinema. A. other B. another C. the others D. othersMy family has two dogs. One is white;_is black. A. other B. another C. the other D. others三者或三者以上另一个三者或三者以上另一个After we had finished reading th

11、e story, Mr Black asked me to share ideas with_. A. other B. others C the other My family has two dogs. One is white; _is black. A. other B. another C. the other D. othersI dont like this one. Show me _. A. other B. another C. the others D. others1. 想要做某事 _ 2. 仅此而已 _ 3. 担心 _4. 打乒乓球 _ 5. 弹钢琴 _6. 骑自行车

12、 _ 7. 说汉语 _ 8. 参加音乐俱乐部 _9. 本学期 _10. 教某人某物 _would like to do sth/want to do sththats allworry aboutplay tennisplay the pianoride a bikespeak Chinesejoin the Music Clubthis termteach sb sth11. 与某人相处融洽 _ 12. 乐于做某事 _ 13. 保证做某事 _14. 帮某人做某事 _ 15. 打扫卫生 _16. 使某人/某物. _ 17. 努力工作 _ get on well with sbbe ready

13、to sthpromise to sthhelp sb (to) do sth/help sb with sthdo some cleaningmake sb/sth.+adj.work hardTry it!1. 王老师在第一中学教英语。王老师在第一中学教英语。Mr Wang_ English at No.1Middle School.2. 我妈妈教我英语。我妈妈教我英语。My mother _ _ English.3. 我姐姐自学英语。我姐姐自学英语。My sister_ _ English.4. 我的英语老师正在教我英语。我的英语老师正在教我英语。My English teacher_

14、_ _ English.5. Mr Bai teaches_(us/our) English.teachesteaches meteaches herselfis teaching meusTry it!1. -Would you like some milk? -_.A. Yes, please. B. Help yourself.2. 我想加入音乐俱乐部,因为我会弹钢琴。我想加入音乐俱乐部,因为我会弹钢琴。Id_ _ _the Music Club_ I _ the piano.3. 我想加入舞蹈俱乐部。我想加入舞蹈俱乐部。I _ _ _ join the Dance Club.4. We

15、d like _ to the zoo. Do you want to go with us?A go B going C to go D goeslike to joinbecausecanwould like toHe worries about his history exam.他很担心自己的历史考试。他很担心自己的历史考试。If you follow the school rules, youve got nothing to worry about.如果你遵守学校规定,你就没有什么担心的。如果你遵守学校规定,你就没有什么担心的。We all worry about his healt

16、h.我们担心他的健康。我们担心他的健康。You really dont have to worry_your weight.Try it!aboutTry it!1. 卫生委员使教室干净而整洁。卫生委员使教室干净而整洁。The cleaning monitor_ the classroom_ and clean.2. 我妈妈帮我学习英语。我妈妈帮我学习英语。My mother _ _ _ English.3. 我想成为班长。我想成为班长。I _ _ _ the class _.makestidyhelps me withwant to bemonitorhelps me learn1. 复习

17、_2. 野餐 _3. 在周末 _4. 检查邮件 _5. 上钢琴课 _6. 待在家 _7. 观光 _8. 盼望 _9. 过的愉快 _10. 散步 _11. 参加夏令营 _12. 与.交朋友 _go overgo sightseeinghave a picnic check my e-mailhave a piano lesson stay at homeat the weekendlook forward to enjoy oneselftake a walkgo on a summer campmake friends with sb11. 在海滩上 _ 12. 购物 _ 13. 玩的开心 _

18、on the beachgo shoppinghave fun1. They are looking forward to _(win) the first prize in the coming competition.2. Im looking forward to_(meet) my new friends.3. He is looking forward to_(make) friends with me now.4. 我要在五一假期好好玩。我要在五一假期好好玩。Im going _ _ _during the May Day.5. 别傻了!别傻了!Dont_ _!winningmee

19、tingmakingto have fun be silly6. Theyre going to have a _(野餐野餐)next week.7. They will have dinner_(在海滩在海滩上上)。8. He likes_(散步散步)。9. He likes _(交朋交朋友友)others.10. We are going to_(复复习习)lessons and _(观观光光)for summer holiday.11. Are you looking_ to(期待期待) the match?picnicon the beachtaking a walkmaking fr

20、iends withgo overgo sightseeingforwardon/in/at prep. on具体某一天具体某一天 on May Day具体某一天的上、下午、晚上具体某一天的上、下午、晚上in年年 in 1990月月 in May季节季节 in summer上、下午、晚上上、下午、晚上 in the morningat具体点钟具体点钟 at 8 am中考链接:中考链接:1. When did your uncle arrive _ China?He got to Guangzhou _the morning of the 16th of April. (2011广广东广州东广州

21、)A. at; in B. in; in C. to; on D. in; onD2.When did the fire take place?It took place _ Sunday morning. (2012广东湛江广东湛江)Aon Bat Cin DofAduring prep. 在在.期间期间起止分明,强调过程。in prep. 在在.时间时间某动作发生在某一时间内We will be in London during the summer.We will go on hoilday in summer.during the summerin summerelse adj. 别的

22、,其他的adv. 另外,其他常用于特殊疑问词或不定代词之后What else can you see?Anything else? Anywhere else?-What_ do you want? -A new pen.A. else B.otherShe has something_to ask.A. other B. elseplan n.(c.) 计划make/have a plan for.I have a plan for the weekend.They make a plan for their picnic.v. 计划计划plan to do sthThey plan to

23、have a picnic.1. The summer holiday is coming. XiaoLi plans_ on a visit to HongKong.2. 你周末的计划是什么?你周末的计划是什么?_ are your _ _the weekend?3. 我计划去上海。我计划去上海。I plan to go to Shanhai .4. Mr. Wang给我们制定了一个学习计划。给我们制定了一个学习计划。Mr.Wang makes a study plan for us.forWhat plans forwear 穿/ put on / dress / in wear 穿/ p

24、ut on / dress / in 1.Many girls would like to_ skirts in summer.A. put on B. wear C. in D. dress2. She often_ jeans.A. puts on B. wears C. in D. dresses3. The mother is_ her baby.A. puting on B. wearing C. in D. dressing4. The man _black shirt is his father.A. put on B. wear C. in D. dress5. Look, i

25、t is going to rain, you should_your raincoat. A. put on B. wear C. in D. dress hope v. /n. 希望希望hope to do sth 希望做某事希望做某事My brother hopes to go to school by bike.hope sb to do sth 希望某人做某事希望某人做某事I hope my students to go abroad.你希望我做什么呢?你希望我做什么呢?What do you hope me to do?我希望你更好。我希望你更好。I hope you are be

26、tter.我希望去夏营。我希望去夏营。I hope to go camping.爷爷希望我们与他一起看风景。爷爷希望我们与他一起看风景。My grandpa hopes us to go sightseeing with him.Pronouns:1.人称代词人称代词: 主格主格(句首句首) 宾格宾格(动词或介词后动词或介词后)youhimher itusthemyou2 2. .物主代词物主代词: : 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词mineyourshis hers itsoursyourstheirsI. 用法用法:1. 形容词性物主代词用来修饰名词形容词性

27、物主代词用来修饰名词My parents are both teachers. 2. 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词单独使用单独使用,相当于相当于“形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词” May I use your ruler? I have lost mine. = May I use your ruler? I have lost my ruler. Complete the sentences. her hers his its mine my whose your yours 1.- Is this _sweater, Daming? - Yes, it is.2.- Are t

28、hese gloves _, Betty? -Yes ,they are3.- _ watch is this? - Its Tonys.4.-This wallet isnt _.Is it yours? -Yes, it is .Thank you.5.- Tony is looking for his crayons. - Are these _?youryoursWhoseminehisPractice I. 选择括号中所给的代词填空。选择括号中所给的代词填空。1. _ (My, Mine, I) pen is red, and _ ( hers, her, she) is blue.

29、2. We love _ (ours, our, we) country.3. Are you looking for _ (him, he, his)?4. They help _ (we, our, us) and _ (we, our, us) often help _ (their, theirs, them).5. _ (It, Its) is a new book. _ (It, Its) cover is red.MyhersourhimuswethemItIts6. I will show _ (your, you, yours) some new books.7. _ (He

30、, His) pen is in _ (I, my, mine) pencil-box.8. _ (You, Yours, Your) shoes are under the bed.9. Are these trousers _ (you, your, yours)? No, they arent _ (we, our, ours).10. Is this your pen? No, its not _ (me, mine). My pen is blue.youHismyYouryoursoursmine情态动词情态动词can1. 用法:用法:表示表示“能力能力”,无人称和数的变无人称和数

31、的变化直接加动词原形。化直接加动词原形。2. 句型:句型:肯定句:肯定句:主语主语+can + 动词原形动词原形 She can swim really well.否定句:否定句:直接在直接在can后加后加“not”. He cant (cannot) swim.情态动词情态动词can2. 句型:句型:一般疑问句:一般疑问句:can提前提前 I can dance.Can you dance ? Yes,Ican./No, I cant.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句?一般疑问句?I can dance.What can you do ? Complete the

32、sentences with can or cant.1._ you swim? Yes, but I _ swim well.2. Are you coming with us? Sorry, I_ ride a bike.3. What _ the new cleaning monitor do for us? He _ make our classroom tidy.4. _ you play the piano for us? Sorry, I _ play the piano. but I _ sing for you. CancantcantcancanCancantcan1. 1

33、. 用法用法:将来会出现或发生的动作将来会出现或发生的动作2.2. 常用时间状语常用时间状语:this evening, tomorrow morning/afternoon/eveningthe day after tomorrownext month, in a few minutes(in+一段时间一段时间)be going to1.表示事先经过考虑、安排好,打算、计划要做的事情e.g. I am going to have a party at home tonight. 2.表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生e.g.Look at those dark clouds, it

34、 is going to rain.肯定句:肯定句:主语主语S+be going to+v./地点地点.They are going to the classroom. 否否定句:定句:主语主语S+be not going to+v./地点地点.She is not(isnt) going to swim.一般疑问句一般疑问句:Is/Are+主语主语+v./地点地点? Is he going to swim? -Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.我们下个月打算在这里建一座楼。我们下个月打算在这里建一座楼。We are going to build a building here

35、 next month.我明天打算去买书我明天打算去买书.Im going to buy some books tomorrow.我我不打算吃早餐了,因为我不饿不打算吃早餐了,因为我不饿。Im not going to eat breakfast, because Im not hungry.要发生一些事。要发生一些事。Something is going to happen.1. He _ (go over) lessons on Sunday.2. I _ (not buy) some clothes tomorrow.3. We _ (play) tennis on Saturday a

36、fternoon.4. Are you _ (have) a picnic on Saturday? Yes, I am.5. They_ (have) a birthday party on Friday evening. is going to go overam not going to buyare going to playgoing to havere going to have用用be going to完成下面的句子。完成下面的句子。 1. If it doesnt rain next Sunday, we _ _ (have) a class trip. 2. He _ (swim) in that river tomorrow. are going to haveis going to swim用用 be going to +动词动词的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。 3. Mr Smith _ (cook) for his family this afternoon. 4. _ your cla


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