1、Unit 1 Women of achievement1. achieve (vt.) 后接n做宾语 He achieved great success You will never achieve your aim unless you work harder.achievement (c.n.) He is proud of his achievements2. condition “条件"(c.n.) That was a condition for peace talk身体健康是获得成功的条件之Heath is one of the most important condit
2、ions of achieving success.“状况,状态” (u.n.)be in good/poor/excellent condition 处于某种状态中 She is often in top condition I have had no exercise for ages; I'm really out of condition on condition (that) 在条件下,倘若 你要穿上大衣才可以出去。You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.on no condition 一点也不,决不 你决不
3、能把发生的事情告诉他。You must on no condition tell him what happened3. connection connect connect A with B 把A与B联系起来 People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee houses. The two towns are connected by a railway.与j(»的区别;';connect强调仍保持各自特点的基础上把两 个或多个物体连接起来;join使多个物体连接,强调连接后仍可分离They joined the two piece
4、s of wood with nails, connection between A and B肺癌和抽烟之间有关系吗?Is there a connection between smoking and lung cancer?connection with/ to sth.他的失败和他的态度无关。His failure has no connection with his attitude.4. devote1 )devote oneself /sth. to (doing) sth.献身于致力于He devotes himself to finishing the task.She dev
5、otes all her time to her family.2) devoted (adj.)深爱的,全心全意的,忠实的 a devoted friend She is devoted to her family. 她深爱她的家庭。3) devote v devote oneself / sth. to sb / sth.他一生促进世界和平的发展。He devoted his life to promoting/ the promotior of the world peace刘胡兰把生命奉献给了祖国。Liu Hulan devoted her life to our country.他所
6、有的余闲都花在学英语上。He devotes all his spare time to learning English 5 behave behaviour(1)行为;举止她表现出了很大的勇气。She behaved with great courage他对顾客的态度不好。He behaved badly to the customers.Behave yourself (yourselves).(2)vt. &vi 举止适当或有礼 你应该学会举止得体。You should to behave(3) vi.(指事物)表现妬 或正常 我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。 My camer
7、a has been behaving wellsince it was repaired.6. worthwhile C可作走语和表语丿a worthwhile experiment jobThe experiment is worthwhileIt is worthwhile to do sth./ doing sth. It is worthwhile to do the job.doing the job* worth “ be worth (doing) sth. The book is well worth reading ; =It is worthwhile to read t
8、he book7.(1) observe + n. / pron.sb doing / do sth that - clause She likes to observe stars He observed her come across the street.f She was observed to come across the street. We observed the students entering the hall He observed that it had turned cloudy(2) 遵守,顺从我们必须遵守交通规则。We must observe the tra
9、ffic rules(3) 举行(仪式等),庆祝(节日等) 你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you obswrvg Ehris+mds Dayin your country?8 respect(1) n.尊敬;敬重respect for sb./ sth.对某人的敬意 Students should show respect for their teachers. The new officer soon won the respect of his men.(2) v尊敬,敬重 respect sb./sth for. I respect you for your honesty.(3) r
10、espect oneself 自尊;自重 If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you.9. argue argument(1) argue with sb. about /over sth. 和某人争吵某事We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.(2) argue for为而辩论 argue against为反对而辩论工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。The workers argued for the ri父ht to s
11、trike .一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。Some people argue against free trade (3) argue sb into / out of doing sth. 劝说某人做/不做某事They argued him out of giving up the plan.They got into an argument with the dean.10. entertainmententertain a place of entertainment (u.n.)娱乐场所The local entertainments (c.n.) are listed in the n
12、ewspaper.本地的娱乐活动都登在报纸上了。11 inspire inspire sb to do sth His spirit inspires us to work hard to achieve more in our life. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women她激励着人们为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩。inspiration (n.)灵感inspiring (adj.)鼓励人的 inspired (adj.)有创作力的 She was an inspiration to all of us. H
13、er msPirinSspeech yesterday madeus inspired - We are determined to learn from her and try to do our job better.12. communication - communicate Internet and mobile phone are the most important means of communication today. I don't think the teacher communicates his ideas clearly. Have you communi
14、cated w汁h 丨 your parents?13. upon一般i青况下upon=om在一些短语中 可以通用:depend on/ upon;rely on/ upon;look on/ upon sthaslook down upon / on sth.(2)在下面情况下不可以通用1)表“日期"时只用on:on Sunday2)在句末或分句末的动词不定式后往往用 upon nothing to depend upon;not enough to live upon3)在一些习惯用法中 upon my word; once upon a time14. career She s
15、pent most of her career as a teacher 与job的区别:job为了谋生而做的事情;career是人们终身从事的工作和职业。15. explain explain sth. to sb. Please explain this point to us.* explanation (n.) She's giving an explanation of how the machine works.(1)做n价格,费用,速度,比率”16. ratea national unemployment/birth rate of 5% a tax rate 税率an
16、irrterest rate 利率speed of 60 miles an hourratesthe exchange rate between .兑换率 a rate ofpostal/advertising/insurance 邮资/广鲁费/保险费a first-rate levelat any rate 无论如何at this / that rate照这种/那种情形看 e.g. At any rate, I9d like to attend the playzin spite of high pricesAt this rate, we can9t finish it on time.(
17、2) vt. w评定,认为”rate sth. at / rate sb.<sth.> as .*What do you rate his income at?環 * She is highly rated as novelist.19. care for(1) 用在肯定句中表示“照顾 > 照料 He is very good at caring for patients(2) 用在否定句和疑问句(无被动)“喜欢f愿意I don't really care for tea; I like coffee better,care about:关心;担心;计较 He doe
18、sn't care about his clothes I don't much care about going20. determinationI have the determination to win I of winning honor for our teamdetermine (v.)-determine to do sth.They determined to go at once/ that he would go at once determined (adj.)be determined to do sth. I am determined to go. She is a very determined woman21 consideration(1) u.n. Your suggestion is under consideration John never showed any / had no consideration
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