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1、仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Enjoy CyclingTopic 1 Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.1 重点句型。Section A 1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。 to tell you 是动词不定式短语, 作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。e.g. I have nothing to talk about. 我没什么要说的。 2. For our spring field trip, were going on a

2、three-day visit to Mount Tai. 这次春游活动,我们将要去泰山三天。1) spring field trip 春游;2) a three-day visit为期三天的参观。数词+名词的单数构成形容词作定语,类似的短语还有:girls 800-meter race.女子八百米赛跑;3)go on a visit to. 去旅游/参观;e.g. We went on a visit to The Great Wall last term. 上学期我们去长城参观了。3. Sounds exciting ! 听起来太令人激动了!Sounds exciting ! = It s

3、ounds exciting ! sound是系动词,后面加形容词,构成系表结构。4. Lets make the decision together. 让我们一起来做个决定。make a decision做个决定;decision 作名词,意为“决定”,其的动词是decide。常用结构: decide to do sth. 决定做某事;e.g. He made a decision to look for a new job。= He decided to look for a new job. 他决定去找份新工作。5. Lets find out some information abou

4、t the cost. 让我们去查查有关付费用的资料吧。1)find out发现,查出真相;e.g. Can you find out the truth about it? 你能查出事情的真相吗? 区分find, find out, look for: A. find找到,发现,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,强调找的结果。 e.g. I cant find my shoes. 我找不到鞋子了。B. find out找出,发现,查明,多指通过调查询问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有困难曲折的过程。e.g. We may never find out the truth about w

5、hat happened. 我们也许永远无法弄清发生了什么事。 C. look for寻找,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。e.g. Im looking for my keys. I cant find them. 我在寻找我的钥匙。我找不到它们。6. Ill ask the airline over the phone. 我将打电话问问航空公司。此句还可说成Ill phone and ask the airline. 这里的phone作动词,意为“打电话”。phone sb. = call sb. = ring sb. up打电话给某人;phone既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“电话,电

6、话机”。e.g. May I use the phone in your office? 我可以借用你办公室的电话吗? I will phone you, if I go to the library. 如果我去图书馆,我就打电话给你。7. Bring your information tomorrow and well decide on the best way to travel on our field trip. 明天把你们查到的资料带来,我们再决定最好的春游方式。1) A. decide on/upon 决定,选定;e.g. Were trying to decide on a s

7、chool.我们正在设法选定一个学校。 B. decide to do sth.决定要做某事; e.g. He decides to visit the Mount Huang this summer holiday. 暑假他决定要参观黄山。2)the best way to do. 做的最好方式,这里的动词作前面名词的定语。 e.g. The best way to keep healthy is to do more exercises. 保持健康的最好方式是多做运动。8. How long does it cost to get to Mount Tai by?乘去泰山要花多长时间? 9

8、. How much does it take to go there by?乘去那里要花多少钱? 10. Where do you plan to visit? 你计划去哪儿参观?plan作动词,意为“计划”。常用结构: plan to do sth.。plan还可以作名词,意为“计划”。常用短语有: make a plan ( for sth.) (为某事)制定计划; have a plan 有一个计划;e.g. We plan to go to America this year. 我们打算今年去美国。 Youd better make a plan for the new term.

9、你最好为新学期制定一个计划。11. How much does it cost to get there? 到那儿花费了多少钱?cost在这里作动词,意为“需付费,价格为”,其主语是物。常用结构: sth. + costs+ sb. + sth.+ to do sth.e.g. It cost me ten yuan to buy a hamburger. 我花了十块钱买一个汉堡。 cost还可以作名词,意为“费用,花费,价钱”。e.g. They cant afford the high cost of housing. 他们负担不起住房的高昂费用。 区别cost, take, spend,

10、 pay:A. cost的主语是物或某种活动,常用结构:sth. costs (sb.) 金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱;e.g. A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。B. take的主语是物,It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间;e.g. It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 C. pay的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买; e.g. I

11、 have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。 (2) pay for sth. 付的钱; e.g. I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。 D. spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time / money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱); e.g. I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。 (2) spend time / money (in) do

12、ing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事; e.g. They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 Section B 1. Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mountain Tai. 康康正预订到泰山的火车票。句中的book是动词,意为“订票,预订”,相当于order。order/book a room for sb./sth. 为订房间;e.g. We want to book some rooms for 14th. 我们想预订一些14号那天的房间。2. The tra

13、in leaves at 11:15 a.m. And arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:17. 火车上午11:15出发,下午6:17抵达泰山火车站。arrive in 和arrive at 都有到达的意思,但两者是有区别的:arrive at+较小的地点名词,如school,park,zoo. arrive in+较大的地点名词,如Beijing ,ShangHai e.g. He will arrive at school soon. 他很快就要到达学校啦。e.g. She has arrived in NanJing yesterday. 她

14、昨天就到南京了。3. We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper.我们有硬卧票145元,软卧票224元。1)句中的介词at意为“以,在”,一般用于表示价格、比率、年龄、速度等词的前面。e.g. He is driving at 70 mph. 他正以时速70英里的速度驾车行驶。2)句中的for意为“供,适合于”。e.g. Ive got two tickets for the Cup Final. 我弄到两张决赛的票。4. Id like to book 21 tickets for th

15、e hard sleeper. 我要订21张硬卧票。 21 tickets for the hard sleeper =21 hard sleeper tickets5. Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 请在5:30之前付款。A. pay for支付的费用;e.g. I have to pay for the damage. 我不得不赔偿损失。B. pay for sb. to do sth. 付钱给某人做某事;e.g. Her parents paid for her to go to America. 她的父母支付她去美国的费用。C.

16、 pay some money for sth.花多少钱买某物;e.g. I paid ¥80 for the ticket. 我花了80元买这张票。与pay搭配的词组还有很多。如:pay back偿还,还钱(给某人); pay off还清。6. How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少? 7. We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, fridge and air conditioner. 我们有带浴室、电视、冰箱、空调的房间。with a bathroom 中的with意为“带有”,作状语。e.g. Its

17、 a new house with a beautiful garden. 这是一幢带有漂亮花园的新房子。with 的反义词:without.e.g. He went to school without breakfast. 他没有吃早餐就去上学了。8. Also, from the windows you can see the mountains. 此外,透过窗户你可以看到群山。句中的介词短语from the windows作状语,前置。正常语序为:You can also see the mountain from the windows.Section C1. Borrow money

18、 from friends. 从朋友那儿借钱。borrow sth. from sb.从某人中借来某事物,相对于主语来说是借进来东西。e.g. Can I borrow some books from you?我能从你那儿借些书吗?lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人。相对于主语来说是借出去。e.g. Can you lend your pen to me?你能把你的铅笔借给我吗?2. Give a show. 演出;A. give a show演出,作秀;e.g. The actors can give a show out in the open in a few minutes

19、 after they arrive. 演员到达后,几分钟内就会演出。B. give sb. a show 给某人展示;e.g. Lets give our teachers a good show.让我们给我们的老师们一个良好的展示吧。3. Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国的学校里筹钱是很正常的。raise money 筹钱; e.g. We can raise the money ourselves. 我们可以自己筹钱。4. It costs each student one d

20、ollar to buy a ticket for the draw.每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。 1)A. each 作主语,谓语用单数。e.g. Each of the students spends one dollar buying a ticket.每个学生花一美元买一张票。 B. each 用于单数名词前,作定语,谓语用单数。e.g. Each student has their own e-mail address. 每个学生都有自己的邮箱地址。 C. 用于复数主语后,作主语同位语,谓语用复数。e.g. They each have their own e-mail

21、address. 他们有自己的邮箱地址。2) A. draw既可作名词也可作动词,作名词时,意为“抽签”。e.g. The draw for the second round of the World Cup 世界杯足球赛第二轮抽签; B. draw作动词时,意为“抽签”。其过去式和过去分词分别是: drew, drawn。e.g. Before playing cards we drew for partners.我们在玩纸牌之前,用抓牌的方式决定游戏伙伴。 C. draw 作动词,还可以意为“绘画”。e.g. I can draw. 我会画画。5. So we decided to tak

22、e the train. 所以我们决定搭火车。A. take 在此处意为“乘坐(某物);搭乘(某种交通工具);e.g. take the train 搭火车;take a bus 搭公交车; take a plane搭飞机;take the subway 搭地铁;B. take v. 带走,拿走;e.g. Im taking the children for a swim later.我一会儿要带孩子们去游泳。6. Many of us didnt have enough money, so Michael advised us to raise money, such as putting

23、on a show, and selling flowers and old books. 我们中许多人没有足够的前,因此迈克尔建议我们做一些筹钱活动,比如办展览、卖花、旧书。1) enough作形容词,意思是"足够的;充分的",常与for或不定式连用,可以作定语或表语。作定语置于被修饰的名词前后均可,前置时强调enough,后置时强调被修饰词。 e.g. Five men will be quite enough. 五个人就足够了。 I hope there are enough glasses for each

24、 guest. 我希望这里有足够的杯子给每位客人。 enough作副词的意思是 "十分地;充分地;足够地;充足地",置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后,常与不定式或介词for连用 ,在句子中作状语,表示程度。e.g. This article is difficult enough to write.这篇文章够难写得了。2) advise v. 建议;常用结构:advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;其名词形式: advice,是不可数名词。e.g. I advised her to lose weight,but she didn'

25、;t take my advice. 我建议她减肥,但是她不接受我的建议。3) A. raise在这里意为“筹集,召集”。 raise an army 招募军队; raise money 筹钱;e.g. We are raising money for the project Hope. 我们正在为希望工程筹钱。 B. raise 意为“饲养,种植”。 raise cows 养牛; raise corn 种植玉米;e.g. We raise some ducks on the farm. 我们在农场养了些鸭子。 C. raise 还可以意为”提升,举起,提起“,是一个及物动词(vt.),后面必

26、须接宾语。 rise也表示“升起”,但其是不及物动词(vi.),后面不能加宾语。e.g. He raised a hand in greeting. 他扬起手致敬。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。4) put on 在这里意为“上演,上映”,还可以意为“穿上”。e.g. The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theater. 当地的剧团正在首都剧场演出江姐. What dress shall I put on for the meeting? 我穿什么衣服去开

27、会?7. Im looking forward to hearing from you. 我盼望收到你的来信。1)look forward to意为“期待,盼望”,其中to是介词,不是不定式符号,后面应接名词、名词性词组、代词或动名词,且常用于进行时。e.g. Im really looking forward to our vacation. 我非常期待假期的到来。2)hear from sb.=get a letter, telephone call, etc. from sb.= receive a letter, telephone call, etc. from sb. 收到某人的来

28、信、电话等。e.g. I didnt hear from my parents until now. I miss them very much. 直到现在我才收到父母的来信,我非常想念他们。1. The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers. 最好的筹钱方式是卖报纸。1) 句中有两个动词不定式短语to raise money 和to sell newspapers 它们在句中分别作定语和表语。to raise money意为“筹钱”,修饰名词way。如果把上面的句子倒过来则变为:To sell newspapers is the best

29、 way to raise money.这时动词不定式短语to sell newspapers 作主语。2) sell 动词,意为“出售,售卖。”其反义词为:buy 买。常用结构:sell sth. to sb. e.g. Do you sell stamps? 你这儿卖邮票吗? I sold my car to James for $800. 我把我的汽车以800美元的价格转让给了詹姆斯。8. I think we can sell flowers to raise money at the weekend. 我认为我们可以在周末卖花筹钱。表示“在周末”之意时,英国英语中用at: at we

30、ekends/ at the weekend;美国英语中用on: on weekends/ on the weekend.Section D1. But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos. 但是对于我来说最有趣的事情是照相。1) to take photos 不定式短语在此句中作表语。e.g. My job is to teach you English. 我的工作就是教你们英语。2) take photos 照相;2. On the third day of our trip,we climbed Mount fuji.

31、 在我们旅行的第三天,我们怕了富士山。On the third day of. 的第三天; 在具体某一天的早、中、晚上,前用介词on。e.g. on the morning of March 10th. 在三月十日的上午; on a cold evening 在一个寒冷的夜晚;3. It was snowing when we got to the top.当我们到达山顶时,正在下雪。1)get to the top 到达山顶;2)get to = reach = arrive in (+ 大地点)/at(+小地点) 到达某地;4. I was so excited that I didnt

32、feel cold at all. 我太激动了以至于一点儿也没觉得冷。so. that. 意为“如此以至于”;其结构式: so + 形容词/副词 + that + 状语从句;e.g. He was so happy that he danced in the street. 他太高兴了,以至于在街上跳舞。5. The weather was pleasant.天气很舒适。6. During our trip, in the evening, I sometimes went swimming in the pool while my best friend, Kelly, always wen

33、t shopping. 在旅途中,晚上我有时去游泳池游泳,而我的好朋友凯莉总是去购物。1) 区别: sometimes, some times, sometime, some timeA. sometimes为副词,意思为“有时”,可用于句首、句中或句末,在句中作状语。e.g. Sometimes he goes to the cinema on Sunday.星期天他有时去看电影。B. some times是词组,意思为“几次,几倍”,其中的times为可数名词的复数形式。e.g. He has been to Beijing for some times before.他以前去过北京几次。

34、C. sometime指某个不明确的时间,意思为“某个时候”。e.g. Well take our holiday sometime in August.我们将在八月的某个时候度假。D. some time指某一段时间,其中的time为不可数名词,意思为“时间”。e.g. I spend some time practicing speaking English every day.我每天花一些时间练习说英语。2) A. while 用于对比两件事物,意为“而,然而”。e.g. I like swimming, while my brother likes watching TV at hom

35、e.我喜欢游泳,而我的哥哥喜欢在家看电视。B. while 引导时间状语从句时,意为“在期间,当的时候,与同时”。e.g. You can go swimming while Im having lunch. 我吃午饭时,你可以去游泳。7. It was really an interesting place to visit.那儿真是一个值得游玩的有趣的地方。to visit 不定式在此句中作定语修饰前面的名词。e.g. After Earth is a very fantastic movie to watch. 重返世界是部值得一看的精彩电影。P.S.: 如果不定式动词是不及物动词时,后

36、面须加相应的介词。e.g. We need some paper to write on. 我们需要一些纸写字。 二重点词组。1. some exciting news一些激动人心的消息;2. spring field trip 春游;3. a three-day visit为期三天的参观;4. go on a visit to. 去旅游/参观;5. How wonderful! 太棒了!6. a few days 几天;7. make a decision做个决定;8. choose proper vehicles选择合适的交通工具;9. decide on/upon 决定,选定;10. d

37、ecide to do sth.决定要做某事;11. phone sb.= call sb. = ring sb. up打电话给某人;12. find out发现,查出真相;13. the best way to do. 做的最好方式;14. plan to do sth.计划做某事;15. make a plan ( for sth.) (为某事)制定计划;16. have a plan 有一个计划;17. sth. costs (sb.) 金钱某物花了(某人)多少钱;It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间;pay (sb.) money for sth.

38、 付钱(给某人)买; pay for sth. 付的钱;spend time / money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱);spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事;18. go climbing爬山;19. have a picnic野炊;20. have an English Corner英语角;21. go swimming去游泳;22. take photos照相;23. order/book a room for sb./sth.为订房间;24. railway station火车站;25. On April 13th 在4

39、月13日;26. the hard sleeper硬卧;27. the soft sleeper软卧;28. pay back偿还,还钱(给某人); 29. pay off还清;30. telephone/phone number 电话号码;31. departure time 发车时间;32. arrival time到达时间;33. book some rooms定一些房间;34. air conditioner空调;35. have rooms with a bathroom带浴室的房间;36. see the mountains看见群山;37. a standard room 一间标间

40、;38. two single beds两张单人床;39. a single room一间单人房;40. a standard room with two single beds 一间双人标准间;41. one single room with one single bed一间标准单人间;42. raise money筹钱;43. lucky money压岁钱;44. ask sb. for money 想某人要钱;45. borrow sth. from sb.从某人中借来某事物;46. lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人;47. give a show演出,作秀;48. giv

41、e sb. a show 给某人展示;49. have many special ways有很多特别的方式;50. think of 想起;考虑;有想法;51. mobile phone移动电话;52. order a special lunch 定特别的午餐;53. collect money收集钱;54. in a restaurant在餐馆;55. take the train火车;56. enough money足够的钱;57. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;58. put on 上演,上映;穿上;59. sell flowers卖花;60. raise

42、an army 招募军队;61. raise cows 养牛; 62. raise corn 种植玉米;63. look forward to期待,盼望;64. hear from sb. =get a letter, telephone call, etc. from sb. = receive a letter, telephone call, etc. from sb. 收到某人的来信、电话等。65. sell newspapers卖报纸;66. sell old books卖旧书;67. at the weekend(英式)= on the weekend(美式)在周末;68. tak

43、e photos 照相;69. so. that. 如此以至于;70. On the third day of. 的第三天71. in the pool在游泳池;72. best friend 最好的朋友;73. get to the top 到达山顶;74. get to = reach = arrive in (+ 大地点)/at(+小地点) 到达某地; 三重点语法。动词不定式动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种。所谓非谓语动词就是不作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。 不定式的构成:to do sth (do 代表动词原形),其否定形式是not to do sth,有时也可以不带to。to只是不定式的一

44、个符号,没有任何实际意义。另外,动词不定式具有动词的性质,可以带宾语和状语。 不定式可以担当除谓语外的任何句子成分,即:主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语。具体用法如下:1. 不定式作主语:一般位于句首,谓语用单数。e.g. To go to college is our ideal. 上大学是我们的理想。 To learn foreign languages is difficult. 学外语很难。 为了平衡句子,通常用it做形式主语替不定式,即: Its+名词/形容词+for/of sb.+to do sth. (注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由for或of引出,当表语的形容词

45、为修饰逻辑主语sb. 的kind,nice,good,polite,clever,foolish,right,wrong等时,逻辑主语由of引出) 则上面两句话可变为: Its our ideal to go to college. Its difficult (for us) to learn foreign languages. 又如:Its kind of you to say so. 你那样说真好。 2. 不定式作宾语: 动词不定式作及物动词的宾语,常用的及物动词有:Begin, want, hope, forget, remember, like, love, need, try,

46、ask, learn, wish, agree, choose, start, plan, decide, refuse 等。e.g. I like to watch TV. 我喜欢看电视。 He wants to swim. 他想要游泳。句中to watch TV, to swim分别谓语动词watch,wants的宾语。3. 不定式做宾语补足语:e.g. Tell the children not to play on the road. 告诉孩子们不要在马路上玩。 My father told me to turn the TV up. 我父亲叫我把电视音量调大些。句中not to pl

47、ay on the road, to turn the TV up 分别作tell, told的宾语补足语。P.S.: (a) 做动词ask,like,tell,want,order,invite,wish,allow,teach等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式to要带to。e.g: He asked me to clean up the park.他叫我去打扫公园。 Can you ask Tom to speak more slowly? 你能叫汤姆再说慢点吗? (b) 表示感官和做使役动词有listen to, feel, hear, see, watch, make,let,have等,作

48、这些动词的宾语补足语时,要省略不定式to。e.g: The teacher let him do the homework.;老师让他做作业。 (c) 作动词help 的宾语补足语,不定式to 可带可不带。e.g.Could you help me (to) carry the bag? 你能不能帮我提包?4. 不定式作表语:A. 主语是不定式(表示条件),表语是不定式(表示结果)。e.g. To work means to make a living. 工作意味着谋生。 B. 主语是duty, hope, idea, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, w

49、ish等名词为中心的短语,或是以what引导的名词性从句,不定式短语对主语起补充说明的作用。常用在系动词be, seem, get, remain等后作表语。 e.g. The most important thing is to save the boy first. 最重要的事情是先救那个男孩。 The meaning of the word is to go quickly. 这个词的意思是快点走。 To the doctor, the most important thing is to save the lives. 对于医生来说,最重要的是治病救人。 This suit doesn

50、t seem to fit her. 这套衣服似乎不合她身。 5. 不定式作定语:动词不定式作定语时,总是后置。当被修饰的词是它的逻辑宾语时,则不定式动词必须是及物动词。如果不定式动词是不及物动词,就要必要的介词,使其构成及物的短语动词。e.g. He has something important to do. 他有重要事情要做。 He gave me an interesting book to read. 他给我一本有趣的书看。如果不定式动词是不及物动词,后面就得加相应的介词。He wants to find a chair to sit on. 他想找把椅子坐。P.S.: 下列词语后常

51、接动词不定式作定语。chance, wish, time, way, the first, need, the only, the second, the last, right, promise等。e.g. He has no time to see the film. 他没有时间去看电影。6. 不定式做状语:(a) 作目的状语:e.g.He ran so fast to catch the first bus.他跑这么快是为了赶上第一趟公交车。 I come here only to say goodbye to you.我来这儿仅仅是为了向你告别。.(b) 作结果状语从句:e.g. Th

52、ey were too excited to say a word.他们太激动了以至于说不出话来。(c) 作原因状语从句:e.g. She cried to hear the noise in the next room. 她因听到隔壁房间的喧哗而哭了起来。7. 动词不定式的否定形式:其否定形式是在不定式符号to前加not。e.g. I decided not to ask him again. 我决定不再问他了。8. 动词不定式短语可以和疑问词what,which,how,where, when等连用。e.g. I dont know what to do. 我不知道该做什么。 仁爱英语八年

53、级下册 Unit 6 topic 1 练习1 选择题。( )1.Lucy wants to have a _visit to the Great Wall. She is excited.A. two-days B. two-day C. two days D. two day( )2.Which is the best _to go to Mount Tai, by bus, by train or by air?A. way B. hour C. time D. idea( )3.-How much _ it cost to Beijing by plane? -500 yuan.A. c

54、ost B. does C. is D. costs( )4.What a beautiful sweater! How much did you _ for it?A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend( )5.-The model ship is wonderful! It _ me two days to make it. A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid( )6.-How long did it take to get to the top of Mount Huang? -It took us about 3 hours _ t

55、here. A. to get to B. gets C. getting D. to get( )7.-How long do they _ doing the work? The work _them 20 hours. A. spend; takes B. spend; costs C. cost; costs D. cost; takes( )8.-Shopping with me?. -Id love to, _ I have a lot of clothes _. A. and; to wash B. and; washing C. but; to wash D. but; was

56、hing( )9.How can you _ who took the book? A. find out B. found out C. find D. found( )10.-What present will you give her for her birthday?-I want _ a new pen for her. A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. to bought( )11. My father was too angry _ a word.    A. to say    &#

57、160;   B. not to say         C. to saying      D. didnt say( )12. My brother was old enough _ to school.    A. went          B. goes           C. going


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