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1、教 案课程名称 捷进英语综合教程2 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 捷进英语综合教程2 教师用书Teaching Plan教 学单 元Unit 6 In My Mind单 元主 题l Sense and memoryl Improving your memoryl Perfect memories?课 时安 排8教学内容l Reading for learningSense and memoryl Reading for DoingDont Forget!l Guided WritingA Questionnairel Audio/Video Lab教学环节主要特色

2、教学活动安排建议Warm-up(热身)This section introduces the theme of memory and important memories.² If you have time before the lesson you could prepare your own timeline to display to the class. u This section starts with identifying examples and using them to help the student understand the text. It also

3、 encourages ² The first two tasks encourage students to form an understanding of examples. When doing Task 4, if you have a strong class you could simply write the three headings on the board and ask students to write their own summary sentences. Reading(阅读)Reading for learningstudents to produ

4、ce a brief summary of the text.u Vocabulary and GrammarThe first two tasks work on the meaning of thematic words from the text. Task 3 looks at various fixed phrases from the text. The grammar section looks at the passive voice in the present and past simple.u Beyond the TextStudents look at two puz

5、zles and write their own puzzle.² The first vocabulary tasks draw on topic vocabulary from the text. ² The second vocabulary task can be easily extended by asking students to give written or spoken answers to each question.² The Grammar Focus part looks at the passive voice in the pre

6、sent and past simple. Task 2 contains factually true sentences. You could extend this by asking students to write their own general knowledge quiz in the passive voice. The topic in Task 3 can also be extended into a discussion task.² Beyond the text This section also recycles the passive in a

7、fun way by creating real world puzzles for students to write and solve.Reading for doingu Ss read an article giving advice on improving your memory.² This section should take less time than section B as the texts are less complicated. They focus on developing students everyday reading skills.&#

8、178; If you have more time, you could develop the final task on revision planning and strategies further.Guided Writingu Students write, ask and answer a questionnaire.² Before the lesson you could find examples of questionnaires online.² When doing Task 5 you might need to provide some mo

9、del questions for more support.Students listen to a lecture on the topic of memory² For each part of the video you might want to play it twice.Audio/Video Lab.² Tasks 3 provides a good opportunity for using visuals to help you understand a lecture.Wrap-upu This section provides a quick rev

10、iew of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit. u Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs. ² For the first tasks on the language work you might want to set them up as a team game or class quiz. ² For the final tasks these could be set as small group discussion or down as a reflective writing task.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the tasks in Unit 6.u Read


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