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1、一国际事务:negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit    峰会charter      n. 特许状, 执照, 宪章pledge      n. 诺言, 保证, 誓言, 抵押, 信物, 保人, 祝愿              vt. 许诺, 保证, 使发誓, 抵押, 典

2、当, 举杯祝健康                 vt. 特许, 发给特许执照promote peace      促进和平boost economic co-op     加强经济合作make concession/compromise      作出妥协pass a reso

3、lution       通过决议sanction        n. 核准, 制裁, 处罚, 约束力                      vt. 制定制裁规则, 认可, 核准, 同意default   

4、      n. 违约, 不履行责任, 缺席, 默认值                   vt. 疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认                   vi. 疏怠职责,

5、缺席, 拖欠, 默认veto a bill     否决议案break the deadlock    打破僵局a scientific breakthrough        科学突破an unexpected outcome         出乎意料的结果sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement&#

6、160;           签署协议diplomatically isolated country           在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions         外交解决方案hot spot     热点take hostiliti

7、es toward.           对采取敌对态度ethnic cleansing           种族排斥refugee,illegal aliens     非法移民mediator     调解员national convention     国民大会fight

8、corruption     反腐败corrupted election     腐败的选举peace process    和平进程give a boost to.     促进booming economy       促进经济发展mutual benefits/interests      双赢Defense M

9、inister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon      五角大楼impose/break a deadline      规定/打破最后期限retaliate    报复banking reform     金融改革commissioner    代表go bankrupt     

10、  破产file for bankruptcy    提出破产deputy   代表external forces    外部力量speculate,disarmament agreement      裁军协议mandate,to lift a boycott    取消禁令withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against.  &#

11、160;  实施制裁dismantle    销毁the implementation of an accord     执行决议to ease the ban on ivory trade     缓解对象牙贸易的禁令to harbor sb.    保护animal conservation     动物保护threatened/endangered species 

12、60;  濒危物种illegal poaching     非法捕猎face extinction     濒临灭亡Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey      民意调查stand trial       受审put.on trial        审判某人sue,fil

13、e suit against.       状告radioactive        放射性radiation      辐射uranium enrichment program        铀浓缩计划nuke nonproliferation      &

14、#160;   核部扩散suspect,arrest,detain,in custody        被囚禁on human rights abuse charges         反人权罪名HIV positive         HIV阳性malaria,diabetes,hypertension,lung cancer

15、,breast cancerfight poverty/starvation/hunger/disease/virus,stop the spread of.crack down on.        严打illegal drug trafficking          毒品贩运piracy,pirated products       

16、0;盗版产品fake goods       假货notorious        臭名昭著bloody tyrant          血腥独裁者execute/execution      处决death penalty       死

17、刑seminar,forum,peace conference,national convention,his counterpart         同等级别的人my predecessor/successor        我的前任/后任二战争军事:military option      军事解决途径(动用武力)escalating tension  

18、      逐步升级的局势military coupe        军事政变forced from office         被赶下台step down/aside      下台on the brink of war        

19、处于战争边缘rebels,wounded,killed,injury,death,casualties       伤亡heavy fighting        激战genocide        种族灭绝relief effort        救济工作humanitarian aid 

20、;       人道主义援助broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce        促成停火end the bloodshed      结束流血事件special envoy       特使peace-keeping forces      

21、  维和部队guerrilla war         游击战争border dispute       边境争端armed conflict       武装冲突reconciliation      调解civil war        

22、;内战cruise missile     巡航导弹come to a conclusion      达成一致coalition forces         联合军队on high alert        处于高级戒备状态rebellion        

23、; 叛乱rebel forces        叛军sensitive,hostage,kidnapped French nationals          被绑架的法国人rescue,release invade,US-led invasion           美国领导的入侵right-wing extremi

24、sts         右翼极端分子warring factions         交战各方topple the government            推翻政府suicide bombing          自

25、杀性袭击事件dispute,crisis,conflict,holy war       圣战administration,regime,claim responsibility for.           声称负责suspend          停止resume      

26、    继续coalition party             联合政党post-war reconstruction          战后重建pre-war intelligence             战前

27、情报radar, espionage         谍报spying activity            间谍行为electronic warfare        电子战争chemical/biological/nuclear warfare      

28、;  化学/生物/核战争三 地震类: 新闻发布会:  press conference汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake大地震:the massive earthquake8.0级地震:the 8.0- magnitude earthquake地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area重灾区:the worst-hit area震中:epicenter余震:aftershock地震灾民:quake victim人民解放军:People's Liberation Army soldier武警:ar

29、med police消防官兵:fire-fighter医务工作者:medical worker救援者:rescuer救援队:rescue team伤者:the injured失踪者:the missing废墟:debris/ruin卫生:sanitationhygiene黄金72小时:golden 72 hours温总理:Premier Wen联合国秘书长:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon红十字会:the Red Cross医疗队:medical team资金和物资:funds and material可移动医院:mobile hospital死亡人数:deat

30、h toll与时间赛跑:race against time生命线:lifeline民政部:the Ministry of Civil Affairs国务院信息办:the Information Office of the State Counsil中央台记者:CCTV correspondent沙特阿拉伯:Saudi Arabia中国大使馆:Chinese Embassy外交使节:envoy降半旗:Flags are to be kept at half-mast.默哀:mourn哀悼:condolence人道主义援助:humanitarian aid救济工作:relief work捐赠:do

31、nate咨询热线:consultation hotline疏散:evacuate堰塞湖:barrier lake/quake lake重建:rebuild震后重建:post-quake reconstruction尽快进行重建工作:carry out reconstruction as soon as possible复原:rehabilitation帐篷小学:camp primary school复课:resume classes建立DNA数据库:build DNA database火葬:cremate阻止疫情:prevent epidemic文化遗产:culture heritage大熊猫

32、:giant panda四 奥运类:国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee中国奥委会 Chinese Olympic Committeethe Olympic flame      奥运圣火奥运会选拔赛    Olympic Trial奥运会会歌        Olympic Anthem奥运火炬      Oly

33、mpic Torch奥运会代表团     Olympic Delegation奥运村         Olympic Village组委会     organization committee开幕式         opening ceremony闭幕式         clos

34、ing ceremony吉祥物          mascot颁奖台        podiuma crown of olive branches           橄榄枝编成的头冠a record-holder        记录保持者

35、a team gold medal            一枚团体金牌an Olympic medal          奥运金牌Olympics opening ceremonies          奥运会开幕式event    

36、60;    比赛项目prance with the national flag          挥舞着国旗而雀跃spectator        观众a team bus          运动员专车the gold / silver/ bronze medalist 

37、60;           金/ 银/ 铜牌获得者Aquatics(水上运动)Archery(射箭)Individual events 个人赛Team events 团体赛Athletics(田径)Track 径赛Cycling(自行车)gymnastics击剑:Fencing射击: shooting五 经济类:financial crisis           金融危机Federal Rese

38、rve         美联储real estate          房地产share        股票inflation    deflationstock market       股市shareholder  

39、     股东macroeconomic          宏观经济go underbankrupt          破产pension fund         养老基金government bond       政

40、府债券budget        预算deficit 赤字 surplusintellectual property         知识产权opportunistic practice    投机行为entrepreneur        企业家cook the book    

41、;      做假帐fluctuate        波动merger        并购pickup in price       物价上涨 CPImonetary policy        货币政策foreign exchange&#

42、160;       外汇quote 报价contract 合同floating rate 浮动利率venture capital 风险资本(VC)global corporation 跨国公司consolidation 兼并take over 收购on the hook 被套住六常见新闻缩写词:1、组织机构等专有名称UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization(联合国教科文组织)IMF=International Moneta

43、ry Fund(国际货币基金组织)ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”)GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade(关贸总协定)WTO=World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)OPE=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”)PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization(巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解”)IOC=International Olymp

44、ic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration(美国)国家宇航局WHO=World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration美国国家航空航天局2、常见事物的名称,如上述例句中的aids (艾滋病)。又如:UFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物;“飞碟”)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道?琼斯指数)PC=Personal Computer(

45、个人电脑)ABM=Anti-Ballistic Missile(反弹道导弹)PT=Public Relations(公共关系)SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(限制战略武器会谈)SDI=Strategic Defence Initiative(战略防御措施)3、表示人们的职业、职务或职称的名词,如 Mp(议员)。又如:PM=Prime Minister(总理;首相)GM=General Manager(总经理)VIP=Very Important Person(贵宾;要人)TP=Traffic Policeman(交通警察)PA=Personal Ass

46、istant(私人助理) 国际关系常见国际组织机构名称United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织Security Council 联合国安理会Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理事会United Nation Childrens Fund 联合国儿童基金组织United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织ITU=International Telecommunicati

47、ons Union 国际电信同盟UNIDO=United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业开发组织IBRD=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO)IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定常见巴以冲突问题新闻

48、词汇Jewish settler 犹太定居者assassination 暗杀cease-fire 停火Gaza Strip 加沙地带conflict 冲突withdrawal 撤退P.L.O (缩 Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织Fatah 法塔赫(巴解组织最大的一支游击队)West Bank 约旦河西岸Oslo agreement 奥斯陆协定evacuate 疏散Likud party 利库德集团Middle East 中东targeted elimination 定点清除unilateral action 单边行动灾难新闻与灾害、灾难有关

49、用词rescue official 援救人员capsize (特指船倾覆volcano eruption 火山爆发flood 洪水mudslide 泥石流drought 干旱depredate death toll 死亡人数refugee 难民tsunami 海啸earthquake 地震Topic one: Politics(被)保护国humanitarian 人道主义者boundary negotiation 边界谈判disputed area 有争议地区沙尘暴consultation 磋商joint action 共同行动international waters 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼,灾祸m

50、aritime resource 海洋资源territorial sea 领海natural calamity 自然灾害犯罪新闻常用犯罪、法律类新闻词汇refugee camp 难民营dual nationality 双重国籍non-governmental organization (NGO非政府组织neutral state appeal 上诉bilateral ties 双边关系accusation 谴责,(律)指控robbery set back 阻碍peninsula fraud move 行动counterbalance 抗衡immunity 豁免权G20 (Group of 20

51、 二十国集团ROK:Republic of Korea 大韩民国DPRK:trial 审讯,审判chaos 混乱civil rights bail 保释,保证金,保证人procurator 议会kidnapping 诱拐,拐骗bribe deficit arson 纵火罪defalcation 挪用公款,贪污官僚主义impeachment 弹劾、控告游说militant 激进分子partisan 坚定的支持者propaganda 宣传monarchy 君主制度unilateralism 单边主义militarized 军事化的call for 要求、呼吁comprehensively 广泛地s

52、eparatism 分裂主义extremism 极端主义play out 进行到底rally 集会mob 暴民prompt 激起、促使shell 炮轰the General Assembly 联合国大会NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北约dictator 独裁者dispel brand Topic twodeflate 紧缩(通货)pickup in rice 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷DOW: Dow Jones indus

53、trial average (DJIA 道琼斯工业指数Tokyos Nikkei average 东京日经平均指数a bull market leverage 杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机tumble 下跌fair return 合理利润、合理收益fair dealing 公平交易Fund Manager 财务经理buying rate 买入价a bear market 熊市套牢dividend 股息at fire sale price false accounting 伪造账目favorable balance 顺差mortality 死亡率chroni

54、c 慢性的non-infection 非传染民生domestic demand 国内需求,内需affordable housing construction 经济适用房low-rent housing 廉租房disposable income 可支配收入economic fluctuation economic depression 经济衰退rate of growth 增长率standard of living 生活标准purchasing/buying power scarcity 短缺underdeveloped 不发达的real estate 不动产药物,治疗法sanitary (有关

55、)卫生的,(保持)清洁的,清洁卫生的output value 产值electric energy production 发电量per capita income 人均收入joint venture 合资企业housing project for low-income families 安居工程job seeker 待业人员stimulus package 刺激计划fiscal charges 财务税收reserve 准备金revenue 税收、岁入in rough shape (经济)艰难statistics 统计semester the better-off 富人statistics 统计学

56、milestone 里程碑Topic three: Military能源、交通用词van 有篷货车trolley 电车,(电车)滚轮,手推车shuttle 往返汽车(列车、飞机),航天飞机unleaded 无铅的nuclear 原子能的petroleum 石油lorry coexistence 共存,和平共处vehicular resort to force 诉诸武力death toll 死亡数autonomy 自治rioting and looting 暴动和抢劫barracks 军营inviolable 不可侵犯的,神圣的move 行动、步骤expel 驱逐、放逐captive 俘虏wea

57、pon inspection 武器核查assemble 集合al-Qaida 基地组织embassy 大使馆vigilant 警惕的,机警的Jemaah Islamiyah 伊斯兰祈祷团resolution 决议freeze 冻结convoy 护航、护卫overthrow 推翻weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器comply 遵守,配合circumvent 逃避Topic four: Crimesassault 攻击、袭击blackmail 勒索burglary 入户行窃fraud 欺诈、诈骗hijacking 劫持kidnapping 绑架mugging 抢

58、劫shoplifter 商店窃贼smuggler 走私者appeal 上诉caution 警告、告诫cell 牢房death penalty 死刑defense 辩护prison/jail 监狱imprisonment 关押、监禁innocent 无罪的judge 法官jury 陪审团justice 公正offence 罪行sentence 宣判、判决break the law 犯法charge 控告、指控commit a crime 犯罪get away with 逃脱investigate 调查private detective 私家侦探alibi 不在犯罪现场,托辞capital punishment 极刑prosecution 起诉remand home (8-14岁)少年拘留所hostage 人质tactical unit 机动部队confess 供认、承认sharpshooter 狙击手extortion 敲诈、勒索dragnet-like 拉网式Topic five: Environment and Healthnoise pollution 噪音污染pollutant 污染物waste management 废物处理climatic issue 气候问题global warming 全球变暖greenhouse effect 温室效应climate summi


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