英语七年级上仁爱湘教版unit 2 topic 3 whose jacket i_第1页
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1、七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 3 Whose jacket is this?Section 教学设计The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Learn some possessive pronouns:mine, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs, yours(2)Learn other useful words:whose, then, bike, cat, banana, baby, bag, shirt2. L

2、earn some special questions with whose:(1)Whose bike is this?Its his bike.Its his.(2)Whose apples are these?Theyre their apples.Theyre theirs.(3)Whose shoes are those?Theyre our shoes.Theyre ours. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/班上学生的衣服和文具/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.

3、(1)(利用学生的衣服、文具及外貌来进行互动问答,对形容词性物主代词进行全面复习。)T:Hello, S1. What color is your hair?S1:Hello, Mr. Chen. My hair is black.(选择两位学生的同一颜色的笔进行问答。)T:What color are their pens?Ss:Theyre red.(指着一男生上衣提问)T:What color is his coat?Ss:Its blue.(指着一女生头发提问)T:Is her hair long?Ss:Yes, it is.(拿出大象的图片,指着它的大耳朵来提问。)T:Are its

4、 ears big?Ss:Yes, they are.(对穿有同一颜色鞋的两同学提问。)T:S2&S3. Come here, please. What color are your shoes?S2&S3:Er .T: Our shoes are black. (帮助学生回答。)(板书形容词性物主代词)your, my, their, his, her, its, our(2)(看黑板朗读这些词后,让同桌间互相问答,然后作连锁操练,注意手势使用。)T:Use the words on the blackboard, ask and answer one by one.S4:W

5、hat color is your pen?S5:Its white. What color is his hair?S6:Its black. What color are her shoes?S7:Theyre green. What color are their books?S8:Theyre red. .S9:2. (老师可以从学生当中借用他们的东西,如书包、上衣、铅笔等。然后利用这些物品进行问答,导出新句型和新单词。)(举起书包,提问)T:Whats this?Ss:Its a bag. (老师帮助学生回答,教学单词bag。)T:What color is it?Ss:Its ye

6、llow.(请一位学生回答)T:Huang Yue, please. Is this your bag?Huang Yue:No, it isnt.(再请书包的主人来回答)T:Lin Bin, please. Is this your bag?Lin Bin:Yes, it is.T:Here you are. (运用肢体语言)Lin Bin:Thank you.(拿出一支学生的钢笔,提问钢笔的主人,由此导入新的单词和句型。)T: S10. Look, whats this?S10: Its a pen.T: Whose pen is this?S10: Its my pen. (帮助回答It

7、s mine.)T: Oh, the pen is yours. (强调) Here you are.(重复问答)T:Whose pen is this?S10: Its my pen. Its mine.T:Here you are.S10: Thank you.(另外用一把男生的尺子和S11进行问答,引出his。)T:Whose ruler is this?S10:Its my ruler. Its mine.T:OK. Sit down please. S11, whose ruler is this?S11:Its not my ruler. Its his ruler. (帮助回答)

8、T:Yes, its his ruler. Its his. (强调)(反复操练,利用学生的文具等实物演示对话来明确物主代词的意义,板书相对应的单词。)yours, mine, theirs, his, hers, its, oursStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)1. (利用学生的尺子进行师生互动问答。引出whose问题,导入1a。)T: Whats this, Li Kai?Li Kai: Its a ruler.T: Is this ruler yours?Li Kai: Yes, it is.(问另外一个学生。)T:Is this ruler you

9、rs?S1:No, its not mine. (帮助学生回答。)T:Whose ruler is it,then?S1:Its hers. (帮助学生回答。)T:Good. We can say like this: I think its Li Kais.(板书两个句子,跟读)Whose ruler is it, then?2. (出示挂图放1a录音,学生跟读。注意语音和语调,并回答问题。)Whose cap is this?T:Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay more attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

10、3. (把全班学生分成两组互换角色操练对话。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)1. (学生表演1a对话。)T: Ill ask some pairs to act it out.S1:Is this cap yours, S2?S2:No, its not mine.S1:Whose cap is it?S2:I think its S3s.2. (利用学生的衣服或文具等进行模仿对话,巩固新内容并完成1b。)T:Practice the conversation with your clothes or school things.S3:It this p

11、encil yours, S4?S4:No, its not mine.S3:Whose pencil is it?S4:I think its S5s.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)1. (用方框里的单词填空,核对答案后操练,完成3。)T:OK, lets do some exercises. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(核对答案)A: Whose shirt is this?B: Its yours.A: Is it my shirt? But mine is white.B: I know.

12、Your shirt is white. But my pants are blue. Now your shirt is blue and white.(让学生两人一组进行对话练习)S1: S2: 2. (利用香蕉、自行车和猫的图片来呈现新单词,然后把图送给学生,再进行师生互动问答。)(教师出示多根香蕉的图片,指着香蕉问。)T: Look at the picture. What are these?Ss: 香蕉。T: Right. Theyre bananas. OK. S1, here you are. Now they are yours.(用同样的方式教学自行车的单词)(然后让获得图

13、的学生起立并手举着图,老师用whose进行提问。)T:S1, whose bananas are these?S1:Theyre mine.(转向其他学生)T:Whose bananas are those?Ss:Theyre his.(同样的练习自行车)T:S4, whose bike is this?S4:Its mine.T:Whose bike is that?Ss:Its hers.3. (放2a录音,学生跟读并注意语音语调。教师引导学生总结形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。)T:Listen to 2a and repeat. Pay attention to the pro

14、nunciation and intonation.4. (在小黑板上出示事先准备好的练习题,完成后核对答案。)(1)This is (我的) pen. That is (你的).(2)Whose bag is this? Its (他的).(3)This isnt (我的) book. (我的) is red. I think it is (她的).(4)This is (我们的) teacher. That is (他们的).(5) (你们的) bags are white. (我们的) are green.5. (教师利用图片讲解2b中出现的生词baby/babies,让学生模仿示范,完成2b,核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (设计小组活动,谈论自己的文具。)(1)教师把学生分成6个小组,把每组同学的文具放在一起。(2)让学生谈论自己拿到的文具。(3)尽可能地使用所学过的主要句式。如: This is my/your pen/ruler/book The pen/ruler/book is mine/his/yours. Mine is big/blue/long 2. Homework:(1)让学生模仿1a编对话写在作业本上。(2)复习物主代词。(3)预习下一课S


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