台北县新埔国民中学96学年度第2学期 七 年级生活美语弹性学习_第1页
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台北县新埔国民中学96学年度第2学期 七 年级生活美语弹性学习_第3页
台北县新埔国民中学96学年度第2学期 七 年级生活美语弹性学习_第4页
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1、臺北縣新埔國民中學96學年度第2學期 七 年級生活美語彈性學習節數課程計畫設計者: 江惠娟老師一、本學期學習目標:綠字為與學校教育目標相結合或落實學校願景之部份,紅色字體為教育局本年度重要教育工作。 1藉由互相觀摩的評量方式,達成欣賞他人的學校願景。 2透過Self Check的模式,以期學生可以積極發展自我、奠定基本能力。 3運用課堂feedback、課後關懷及同儕輔導的原則,實施補救教學。 4以簡單的英文介紹端午節,進而了解本土文化。 5推動作文、演講比賽,以提升學生寫與說的學習成效。 6持續英語會考(聽力測驗、單字檢測),以強化學生聽力與字彙的能力。 7統整深耕閱讀計畫,陶冶學生感性情懷

2、。 8學生主動學習與主題相關的單字。 9閱讀短文並了解內容及情節。 10了解現在簡單式和現在進行式的句型。 11應用現在簡單式和現在進行式於不同句型中。 12了解過去式規則動詞 13應用過去簡單式於不同句型中。 14吟唱與句型有關之歌謠。 15採取鼓勵練習開放性作業的策略,來提升學生延伸閱讀和寫作的能力。二、本學期課程內涵:字體顏色或符號代表意涵綠色字體符合學校教育目標與學校願景紫羅蘭色字體去年課程實施後,本學期將修正的部份。紅色字體教育局本年度重要教育工作紅色字體重大議題前面標示(黑色)表示數學銜接補強教材或英語補救教學教學期程能力指標主題或單元活動內容節數使用教材評量方式備註第1週02.1

3、0-02.1602.15單字檢測2-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-4能以簡易英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。6-2-2不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。Get Ready1.Review months of the year.(1)Point to a month and model the question.T: What month is it? Ss:Its January.Have students answer for each month.(2)Put students into pairs or small groups, and have them practice

4、asking and answering questions about months of the year.2.Sing a song: “ January, February, March “3.Review weather.(1)Divide the class into 2 groups and practice the dialog. Reverse the roles after several exchanges.Group A: Hows the weather in July in Taiwan?Group B: Its hot and sunny.4.Sing a son

5、g: “Hows the weather?”1自編教材Oxford 出版社 Lets Chant Lets Sing口語評量環境教育第24週02.17-03.081-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-5能依情境及場合,適切的表達自我並與他人溝通。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。6-2-2 不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。6-2-5對於教學內容能主動複習並加以整理歸納。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。

6、Unit 1 : Meet my favorite singer/ movie star/ baseball player.1.Have students surf the Internet to look for some information about their favorite singer, movie star, or baseball player at home or in computer class.2.Divide students into small groups and have students take turns to introduce their fa

7、vorite singer, movie star, or baseball player to the other group members.3.Guessing game:Each group takes turns to have one of the group members describe his favorite person to the other groups. The group that can guess who he is gets one point. The group that gets the most points will be the winner

8、.For example:(1) He is tall and handsome.(2) He has short black hair.(3) He has big brown eyes.(4) He is a singer.(5) He can play the violin ,the piano,the guitar,and the drum set. (6) He is from America.(7) He was born in May 17,1976, in Rochester, New York.(8) He is fluent in both written and spok

9、en Chinese.(9) He sings the song, “Kiss Goodbye,”and “Change me.”Answer: Leehom Wang.4.Chant Time:”My Uncle Paul Is Very Tall.”(1) Review the main structure in the chant.(2) Play the chant once to allow students to become familiar with the chant.(3) Say one line, then have students repeat, or use th

10、e recording to model each line.(4) Play the recording again and have the class get acquainted with the speed and rhythm of the chant. Repeat the chant several times.(5) Divide the students into small groups to practice the chant.(6) Each group takes turns to chant aloud in front of the class.3自編教材Ox

11、ford 出版社Lets Chant Lets Sing口語評量品德教育第57週03.09-03.291-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。6-2-2 不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。6-2-5對於教學內容能主動複習並加以整理歸納。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。Unit 2 : My Neighborhood1.The teacher review some prepositions: next to, in f

12、ront of, between, behind, on the corner, across from, in, etc.2.Students discuss the neighborhood of our school.3.The teacher asks some questions about their discussion.T: Is there a fast-food restaurant near our school?Ss: Yes, there is.T: Where is it?Ss: Its on Yunon Road.T: Please give a detail d

13、escription of its location.Ss: Its next to Hang Ten.4.Guessing game:The teacher draw a simple map of the neighborhood of the school, and let students guess what A is , what B is ,etc.5.Divide students into small groups. Let students discuss their own neighborhood and help one another draw a simple m

14、ap of his or her neighborhood.6.Students introduce their own neighborhood with the map they draw to their group members.7.Students take turns to introduce their own neighborhood in front of the class.8.Chant Time: “ Theres a lamp on the Big Blue Table.” “Are there books in the Bathtub?” “Where do yo

15、u live?”(1) Review the main structure in the chant.(2) Play the chant once to allow students to become familiar with the chant.(3) Say one line, then have students repeat, or use the recording to model each line.(4) Play the recording again and have the class get acquainted with the speed and rhythm

16、 of the chant. Repeat the chant several times.(5) Divide the students into small groups to practice the chant.(6) Each group takes turns to chant aloud in front of the class.27-28 第1次段考教師針對本階段的學習進行補救教學,並請學生擔任助手,採取同儕補救輔導的方式。3自編教材Oxford 出版社Lets Chant Lets Sing口語評量環境教育新住民多元文化教育第810週03.30-04.191-2-2能聽懂日

17、常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。22-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。6-2-2不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。Unit 3: Daily Activities1.The teacher reviews Present Tense. T: In summer, I go swimming. Tony, what do you do in

18、 summer?Tony: I go hiking in summer. 2.The teacher reviews Frequency Adverbs: usually, always, sometimes, often, never.T: I usually feed birds in the park on Sunday. Shelly, what do you usually do on Sunday?Shelly: I usually watch a movie on TV with my family.3.Students practice how to express their

19、 habits and daily activities with Present Tense and Frequency Adverbs.4.Ask students what their after-school activities are.T: Brian, what do you usually do after school?Brian: I usually listen to hip hop music after school.T: Doris, what do you usually do after school?Doris: I someties read a comic

20、 book and sometimes help my mom cook dinner.T: Andy, what does Brian usually do after school?Andy:He usually listens to hip hop music after school.T:Good job. How about you? 5.Ask students to interview 3 of their classmates and ask what their daily activities are.6.Students take turns to introduce t

21、he daily activities of their classmates.For example, I interviewed Monica, Teresa and Jeffrey. Monica sometimes waters the plants. She waters the plants twice a week. Teresa often cooks for the family. She cooks four times a week. Jeffrey always walks the dogs. He walks the dog every day.7.Guessing

22、game: The teacher uses the information of students daily activities to let students guess who he or she is.T: Who often cooks for the family?S1: Tony often cooks for the family.T: Sorry, its not Tony.S2: Teresa often cooks for the family.T: Bingo. You can get 1 point.8.Students use their break time

23、to interview 3 of their teachers and ask what the teachers daily activities are.9.Students take turns to introduce the daily activities of their teachers.10.Chant Time:”What Do You Do in the Morning?” “What Does He Do After School?” “Ben Rides His Bike to School.”(1) Review the main structure in the

24、 chant.(2) Play the chant once to allow students to become familiar with the chant.(3) Say one line, then have students repeat, or use the recording to model each line.(4) Play the recording again and have the class get acquainted with the speed and rhythm of the chant. Repeat the chant several time

25、s.(5) Divide the students into small groups to practice the chant.(6) Each group takes turns to chant aloud in front of the class.3自編教材Oxford 出版社Lets Chant Lets Sing口語評量寫作學習單品德教育第1113週04.20-05.101-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的

26、需求、意願和感受。22-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。6-2-2不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。Unit 4:Hi,Tina. What are you doing now?1.The teacher reviews the forms of Ving.2.The teacher reviews the pattern of Present Progressive.T: Repeat after me. Joe is waiting for a bus at the bus stop. Ss: Joe is

27、waiting for a bus at the bus stop.T:What is Joe doing?S1:He is waiting for a bus.T:What is Joe waiting for?S2:He is waiting for a bus.T:Where is Joe waiting for a bus?S3:He is waiting for a bus at the bus stop.3.The teacher reviews the differences between Present Tense and Present Progressive.4.The

28、teacher uses the dialog between Grandpa and his grandchildren on the phone to review the two patterns.G:Hi,Tim. How do you help at home?Tim:I iron the clothes.G:What are you doing now?T:I am ironing the clothes now.G:Hi,Mary. How do you help at home?M:I dust the bookshelf.G:What are you doing now?M:

29、I am dusting the bookshelf now.5.The teacher asks students some questions about the dialog.6.Students look at the picture and make some sentences. 7.The teacher asks some questions about the picture.8.Song&Chant Time:Song,”What Are You Doing?” Chant:”Long Black Hair.”(1) Review the main structure in

30、 the song/chant.(2) Play the song/chant once to allow students to become familiar with the song/chant.(3) Say one line, then have students repeat, or use the recording to model each line.(4) Play the recording again and have the class get acquainted with the speed and rhythm of the song/chant. Repea

31、t the song/chant several times.(5) Divide the students into small groups to practice the song/chant.(6) Each group takes turns to sing and chant aloud in front of the class.3自編教材Oxford 出版社Lets Chant Lets SingLongman 出版社 國中英語基礎寫作練習口語評量第1416週05.11-05.311-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。3

32、-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。22-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。6-2-2不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。12-13七、八年級第2次段考教師針對本階段的學習進行補救教學,並請學生擔任助手,採取同儕補救輔導的方式。Unit 5:Fifty Years Ago1.The teacher reviews the past tense of be verb; is/am was; arewere.T:Repeat a

33、fter me. Peter is tall now,but he was short last year.Ss: Peter is tall now,but he was short last year.T:It is sunny today,but it was cloudy yesterday.Ss: It is sunny today,but it was cloudy yesterday.T:The desks are clean today,but they were dirty the day before yesterday.Ss: The desks are clean to

34、day,but they were dirty the day before yesterday.2.The teacher shows students two pictures. One is the classroom today,and the other other is the classroom yesterday. Ask students to point out the differences between the two pictures.S1:The window is dry today.S2:The window was wet yesterday.S3:The

35、teacher was sad yesterday.3.The teacher shows students some pictures of the things that were in Taiwan 50 years ago and the things that are in Taiwan today. 4.Divide students into small groups. Let them discuss the pictures and practice making sentences.5.The teacher asks volunteers to read aloud th

36、e sentences they make.S1:There were some rickshaws in Taiwan 50 years ago.S2:There are tall buildings in Taiwan today.S3:There were not any CDs in Taiwan 50 years ago.6.Song&Chant Time:Song,”We Were All at Pattys Party,” Chant, “How Was the Party?” “Where Was Everybody Yesterday?” (1) Review the mai

37、n structure in the song/chant.(2) Play the song/chant once to allow students to become familiar with the song/chant.(3) Say one line, then have students repeat, or use the recording to model each line.(4) Play the recording again and have the class get acquainted with the speed and rhythm of the son

38、g/chant. Repeat the song/chant several times.(5) Divide the students into small groups to practice the song/chant.(6) Each group takes turns to sing and chant aloud in front of the class.3自編教材Oxford 出版社Lets Chant Lets SingLongman 出版社 國中英語基礎寫作練習口語評量寫作學習單第17週06.01-06.071-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-6能以簡單的英語

39、描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。2-2-2能參與課堂上的口語練習及討論。1-3-4了解世界上不同的群體、文化和國家,能尊重欣賞其差異。Dragon Boat Festival1.The teacher introduces the culture of Dragon Boat Festival.2.Ask students how much they know about the festival.3.Divide students into small grou

40、ps and let students discuss what people usually do on Dragon Boat Festival.4.Students indicate the meaning of each activity on Dragon Boat Festival.1自編教材口語評量第1820週06.08-06.281-2-2能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。2-2-6能以簡單的英語描述日常生活中相關之人、事、物。3-2-2能用字典查閱字詞的讀音及意義。6-2-1樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動。2-2-4能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意願和感受。2-2-2能參與課堂上的

41、口語練習及討論。4-2-1能寫簡單的句子。6-2-2不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。Unit 6:Grandpas Story1.The teacher reviews the regular forms of past tense verbs.2.The teacher reviews the pattern of Past Tense.T: Repeat after me. Mrs. Wang was sick yesterday. Her family helped her.Ss: Mother was sick yesterday. We all helped her.T:Ken cleaned the house.Ss: Ken cleaned the house.T:Sandy dusted the windows.Ss: Sandy dusted the windows.3.The teacher asks some students what they did yesterday evening.T:Kelly, what did you do yesterday evening?S1: I listened to music.T:Elain, what did yo


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