已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1Unit 1 Help ing those in n eed、知识导航:知 识目 标必记单词1. raise v.筹集raise mon ey-collect moneyv.增加,提咼raise ones voice 提咼某人的声音raise price 提高价格V.举起;抬起 raise your hand 举手2. permission-agreementn.准许,批准permit v.许可,准许,默许permit/allow doing; permit sb to do sth.-allow sb. to do sth3. disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的enable v

2、.使能够enable sb. To do sth.使(某人)能够做某事men tally disabled 有智力缺陷learni ng disabilities 学习障碍4. offer v.主动提出offer to do5. suffer v.(因疾病等)受古,受折磨suffer from 因受古,受折磨6organize v.组织,筹备organizationn.组织; 机构; 团体organizer n. 组织者7. expressv.表达,表露expression n.表情;表达,表示8. lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的9difficulty n.困难,费劲have diffi

3、culty (in) doing sth.in difficulty/difficulties处境困难difficult adj.困难的10. joy n.愉快,喜悦to one joy 令人咼兴的是,使某人咼兴的是enjoy v.享有,享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活 enjoyable adj.愉快的 joyful adj.快乐的,咼兴的;令 人开心的,使人喜悦的11. courage n.勇气; 勇敢encourage v.鼓励encourage sb. to desth.鼓励某人做某事encouragement n.鼓励,激励12. pay off 偿清(债务);支付(债务)的全部数额pa

4、y attention to 注意pay a visit to 去参观,拜访pay for 为.付款13. teenager n.青少年serious adj.严重的illness n.(某种)病ill adj.生病的;坏的;fall ill 病倒了;feel ill感觉不舒服;speak ill of sb. 说某人的短处pain n.痛古,古恼Ionely adj.孤独的; 寂寞的friendshipn.友谊peace n.平静;宁静peaceful adj.和平的;爱好和平的;女静的;平静的hurt v.(使)疼痛,受伤spiritsn.情绪,心情community n.社区常考短语1.

5、 ask permission 报请批准2. voluntary work 义务性工作volunteer n.志愿者voluntary adj.自愿的;自发的;无偿的3. in need 需要帮助的4. suffer from 因受古,受折磨5. raiseon es spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气6. in order to 目的在于,为了7. give sb. a ha nd - help sb.帮助某人8. take photos of 给拍照9. in the future 在将来10. be afraid of 害怕11so that 为的是,以便12. in hospital生

6、病住院13. take part in 参加14. millions of 数百万的15. because of 因为16. si nee then 从那时起17. close to 靠近经典句型1. Cindy is in hospital because she suffered from serious ill nesses.2. They have difficulty walking or moving.3. Would you like to take part in the competition?4. Her pare nts died in a car accide nt,

7、and she is un happy and very Ion ely.重点语法动词不定式教学策略1. 在教学中以学生为主导,通过学生自己的回忆复习发现其存在的薄弱环节,教师进行针对性的讲解2. 歌诀助记:接动词不定式作宾语的动词3.歌诀助记:need 的用法和不定代词的用法知识技能目标1.熟练掌握 Unit 1 重点单词,短语,句型2.掌握动词不定式用法、要点全解:1. raise (v)筹募(钱);增加,提高;举起;提出; 养育(raise = keep 有饲养,抚养”的意思)第三人称单数: raises过去式:raised过去分词: raised现在分词: raisi ng21. We

8、 raised some money for the Project of Hope.2. If you answer the teacher s questionsmysU raise your hand.3. The book raises many importa nt questi ons.4. The local gover nment raised the price of house.5. They were both raised in a poor family.搭配:raise ones voice 提高嗓门;raise a family 养家糊口; raise money

9、 筹款; raise price 提高价格; raise ones spirits 打起精神; raise cattle = keep cattle (饲养牲口); raise children (抚养孩子)辨析:raise, rise(rise-rose-risen)的区另 U :(1) 这两个词都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。raise 是及物动词,其主语通常是人;而rise 是不及物动词,其主语通常是物。例如:The sun rises and bathes the earth.太阳升起,普照大地。(2) raise 和 rise 用于同一事物时含义不同,raise 是人为

10、增加或提高,而rise 是自然增加或提高。例如:The price of TV sets has been raised recently.最近电视机提价了。(政府或厂家主动行动)The price of TV sets has risen recently.最近电视机提价了。(市场调节)2. permission (n.) 允许 =agreement 准许; 批准例如: Without permission, you mustn t enthe teachers office.同根词: permit v. 许可,准许; 默许 permit - permitted - permitted pe

11、rmit sb. to do sth. = allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事 例女口 : The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder.辨析:permit, allow, let 的区别:permit / allow doing sth. 允许做某事permit / allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事let sb. do sth.让某人做某事allow 与 permit 在很多情况下意义是相同的,可换用。但 allow 侧重听任或默许,即不加阻止,语气较轻;permit 通常指

12、上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,指给予做某事的权利,如通过法令和正式条文“允 许”做某事,语气较重;let 指允许某人做某事,含有不加限制之意,多用于口语中,后面接不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。3. I helped sick children.sick adj. 生病的 a sick man/the sick 病人【辨析】sick and ill:sick adj.(1)作表语,生病的,恶心的 His wife was sick in bed with a cold.(2)作定语,生病的Jack is look ing after his sick mother.ill adj. (1)

13、作表语,生病的He has bee n ill for about a mon th.(2)作定语,坏的 The ill boy loves play ing tricks on his elder brother.4. I taught disabled children to sing.disabled 英de?)ldadj.残废的;有缺陷的用作形容词(adj.)同根词:disable v. = make (sb.) unable to do sth.使无能力;使残废,使伤残 enable v. = make (sb.) able to do sth.使(某人)能够做某事teach sb.

14、 to do. sth.教某人做某事I3invite sb to do sth (邀请某人做事),persuade sb to do sth (成功劝说某人做某事) ,teach sb to do sth (教某 人做某事),tellsb to do sth (告诉某人做某事),want sb to do sth (想要某人做某事),wish sb to do sth (希 望某人做某事)5. Three tee nagers offered to do some volun tary work during the school holidays.offer to do sth.(主动)提出

15、做某事Tom offered to drive us to the bus statio n.offer sth.提出某事He offered a good pla n for our holiday.offer sb. Sth./offer sth. to sb.(主动)给某人提供某物We should offer others our help.(1)辨析:provide, offer 的区别:provide 用于表示无主动慷慨之意地为人或物提供需要或有用的东西,仅仅是出于某种责任,强调提供必须用的东西,尤其是生活用品。常用于provide sb. with sth.或 provide s

16、th, for sb.的固定搭配中。offer 表示主动提供服务、工作等。常用于 offer sb. sth.或 offer sth, to sb.固定搭配中。例如:offer sb.主动提出帮助某人;offer sb. a good salary 给某人一个好工资。(2)辨析:during, in 与 forduring用于某事是在某一段时间之内发生时,强调动作或状态的持续性During those three mon ths he asked a lot of questions.in一般情况下可与during 互换,但表示某一动作发生在某一时间段内时,宜用inWe usually tak

17、e a holiday in July.for用于某事持续多久时Tom was in school for only three mon ths.6. The childre n there all suffer from serious ill nesses.suffer from sth.因某事受苦、受折磨,其后常接表示疾病、痛苦、寒冷、饥饿悲伤等的词语Many tee nagers are sufferi ng from the computer games.suffer (vt.)和 suffer from 的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from 指长期

18、的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。suffer : 1.感到疼痛、痛苦He died very quickly, he did nt suffer much. 他死得很快,没有多少痛苦.2. 承受,遭受You must be prepared to suffer consequences.你要准备承担后果 .suffer from :1.患有(疾病等)She suffers from headache.她患头痛病2.为所苦,因而吃苦头 rm suffering from a real lack of time this week.我这周为时间不够用而苦。suffer the result /heavy

19、losses /injuries 承受结果 /遭受大损失 / 负伤suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰7. We taught them to tell stories. tell v.讲述,告诉 tell stories 讲故事【辨析】tell, talk, speak, say:Tell,告诉,讲述表示把某件事或某条信息传达给别人,也可以表示讲故事”,说谎话”(tell a lie)Talk,交谈,谈话 talk to/with sb.与某人交谈talk about 谈论Speak,说,发言常用来指说某种语言,也可以指发言等speak Englis

20、hsuffer(名词)sufferi ng4Say,说,强调说的内容Eg: (1) He likes to tell jokes.(2) The teacher talked to him just now.(3) He can speak Japa nese and Chin ese.(4) Can you say it in En glish?8. help them express their feel in g:帮助他们表达感受Help sb do (to do) sth:帮助某人做某事E.g.: I always help my mother clea n the house on

21、Sun days.express v. 表达;表露。同根词:expression n. 表现,表示,表达;表情E.g.: This helps them express their feelings.这有助于他们表达他们的情感。She gave expressi on to her sad ness.她流露出了悲伤之情。9. We spend time with a girl called Vivien.spend v.度过,消磨spend time with sb:和某人一起,与某人度过时光;花费时间和某人在一起;spend time / money in doing sth: 花费时间/金

22、钱做某事spend time / money on sth:花费时间/金钱在某事上【拓展】 四花费(spend, pay, cost, take)的用法:人 +spend (spent) + 时间 /金钱 + on sth./ (in) doing sth.人+pay(paid) + 钱+for+ 物物 +cost (cost) +sb. + 金钱It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth.E.g.: I spent 200 yuan on the bag.= I paid 200 yuan for the bag.= I bought the bag fo

23、r 200 yuan.跟踪练习1. They spe nd too much time_the report.A. writi ngB. to writeC. on writi ngD. write2. -Will you please_ for my dinner Peter? -Sure!A. spendB. payC. costD. take3. It will _me too much time to read this book.A. takeB. cost C. spe ndD. pay4. This scie nee book_me a great amount of mon e

24、y.A. took B.cost C. usedD. spent5. -The T-shirt looks n ice on you! How much does it_?-I just_ten dollars for it.A. take; affordedB. cost; paidC. cost; spe nt D. costs; spe nd10. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely.(1) die v.死 dying ,现在分词dead adj.死去的 the dead 死人 de

25、ath n.死亡(2) un happy adj.伤心的,不快乐的一|【拓展】构词法讲解:前缀1)大多数形容词加un-构成反义词(un)able, (un)friendly2)以 c 或者 e 开头的形容词通常加in-构成形容词(in)correct, (in)expensive3)以 p 开头的形容词通常加im-构成形容词(im)polite, (im)possible4)以 r 开头的形容词通常加 ir-构成形容词(ir)regular55)有些形容词加 dis-构成反义词(dis)honest(3) lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的He led a Ionely life with

26、few friends.【辨析】lonely,alone 的用法区别:【一言辨异】 I was travelling alone in the Ionely mountain. I didn t feel lonely though I was alone.Ion ely形容词表语孤独的;寂寞的定语偏僻的;荒凉的alo ne形容词表语孤单的;孤独的副词状语单独地;独自地跟踪练习:Though his gran dpare nt lives_, he n ever feel_ .A. alone; aloneB. alone; Ion elyC. Ion ely; Ion elyD. Ion e

27、ly; alone11. She needs frien dship.n eed:此处为实义动词,意为“需要”。后面可接名词、代词或动词不定式。E.g.: They don tneed any help./He needs to have a good rest.【注意】need 后接动词-ing 形式时表示被动意义。The flowers need watering.【拓展】need 作情态动词时,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。You n eed ntbecome very n ervous.-Must I bring my homework now? No,

28、you neednt. You can bring it tomorrow.Need 的用法总结实义动词表“需要”,后接名、代、不定式。Need 后接动名词,主动形式表被动。情态动词表“需要”,没有时态、数、人称。其后直接跟动词,用于疑问和否定。12. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivie n.Con ti nue vt. continue to do/c on ti nue doing 继续做某事They con ti nued to read/readi ng the book.vi. 继续,连续,延伸 The snow continue

29、d for two days.continue with sth.使某事物继续存在或不断发生You can continue with your work.13. They have difficulty walki ng or movi ng. have difficulty (in) doin g/have difficulty with sth. I have difficulty in (solving) theproblem.拓展】have trouble (in) doing 做某事有麻烦;have problems (in) doing 做某事有问题 have fu n (i n

30、) doi ng 做某事有乐趣跟踪练习I have great trouble in_ (fini sh) the work by myself. Could you help me?14. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace.bring:及物动词,意为带来”。6【辨析】 bring, take, get, carrybring从某处将某人或某物“带来”,后面常接双宾语-来Remember to bring me the pictures.take将某人或某物从说话人处“带到”另一处去 fI won

31、ttake you there.get去某处将某人或某物“带到”说话人处去 3Please get some paper for me.carry强调“负重”或“搬运”无He carried a baby on his back.跟踪练习 Please_ the book to Mr. Black whe n you go to see him, OK?A. takeB. bringC. getD. carry15. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.like 介词,像 Tee nagers want to be

32、 famous like Liu Xia ng.look like看起来像;sou nd like 听起来像;feel like doi ng 想做某事动词,喜欢 like doi ng/like to do16. I will con ti nue to do volun tary work in the future.in the future 在将来 in future=from now on 从今以后17. in good health 身体健康healthy adj.18. A pers on with courage is usually not afraid of someth

33、ing dan gerous or difficult.(1) courage n. 勇气;勇敢He showed great courage and determ in ati on. 他表现得十分勇敢和果断。同根词:encourage v.鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进;鼓动My En glish teacher ofte n en courages us to read En glish aloud. 我的英语老师常常鼓励我们大 声读英语。(2) be afraid of:害怕。19. make friends with sb. 禾口.交朋友; exchange seats 交换座位;shake

34、 hands with. 与.握手;take turns to do 轮流做某事20. He used to love sports until he hurt his legs in an a accident.(1) Un til 直到的时候,直到.为止,一般可与 “II”替换(notun til :直到。才)We walked until it got dark. The supermarket is open until at 9 .The little girl didn t stop cryngsiawi her mother.(2) hurt v. = injure 使疼痛;受伤

35、Tim hurt his legs in an accide nt, but he has lots of courage.提姆在一次事故中伤了腿,但他很勇敢。同根词:hurt adj.受伤的;痛苦的;(受)损坏的They did not seem to be badly hurt.他们看起来没有受重伤。搭配:hurt on eself 受伤Have you hurt yourself? 你伤着自己了吗?跟踪练习 Tigers wait_it is dark, and then go out to find their food.7A. sinceB. un tilC. as D. becau

36、se21. Thanks for your help.Thanks / Thank you for doin g/sth.22. I am thinking about play ing tennis.think about 考虑,想;think of 想,想起,认为;think over 认真考虑,仔细考虑E.g.: He is thinking about a problem.The old picture made me think of my childhood./What do you think of the book?Think over the questi on before

37、 you an swer it./ Let me think it over.23. be able to do 不能做某事 / be unable to do 能够做某事24. Eight-three per cen t/perce nt of them were girls.E.g.: Thirty per cent of students in our class take buses to school.In China, seventy percent of drinking water is from groundwater.25. Because of this, the CCT

38、F launched the Spring Bud Projects to help them.Because of 由于,因为【辨析】because of becauseBecause of +名词、代词、动名词He didn t pass the examclause of his carelessness.=Because + 句子He didn pass the exam because he was careless.26. Since then, the project has helped millions of girls return to school.Return, 回来

39、; 返回(1) si nee then,从那时起,常用于现在完成时(2) return to 回到.; return from.从 回来;(3) return=givebackI borrowed a book from the school librar y, I haven t returned it yet.27. Now I work asa teacher at a Spring Bud school here in Guan gxi.as 介词,作为as 介词,作为, He came to China as a tourist five years ago.副词,同样地,通常用于a

40、s.as 句型中, He is as old as me.连词,像 一样,按照,如同;当时 Do as I do. I saw him as he was getting off the bus.28. in terview sb. 采访某人; have an in terview with sb. 采访某人,和某人交谈三、语法专项:动词不定式的用法。1. 基本结构:to +动词原形(有时可省略to)not to +动词原形(否定形式)2. 可在句子中充当成分:主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等。3. 主要用法归纳:(1)作宾语:常作及物动词的宾语。常跟动词不定式8作宾语的动词有:wa

41、n t, wish, hope, man age, prete nd,decide, lear n, agree, expect, dema nd, long, ask, care, choose, dare, fail, offer, pla n, prepare, promise, refuse,desire, happen, appear, intend, like 等。接动词不定式作宾语的动词想要拒绝莫忘记 (want, refuse, forget)需要努力就学习(n eed, try, learn)喜欢同意加帮助(like, agree, help)希望决定后开始 (hope, d

42、ecide, begin, start)【拓展】A.当动词不定式作宾语时,如果后接宾语补足语,常用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语后。I find it difficult to lear n Japa nese well.B.当两个或两个以上的不定式连用时,后面的不定式往往省略to.He began to read and write after dinner.(2)作宾语补足语:动词不定式做作宾语补足语,放在宾语后面,表示宾语时什么或怎么样。常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, tell, like, love, hate, would like, order, te

43、ach, want, wish,advise 等。ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事【拓展】 动词不定式作使役动词和感官动词的宾语补足语时应省去to,在被动语态中应加上to。I saw Li Lei fall dow n from his bike. / The boss made the workers work over te

44、n hours a day in the past.这些动词可归纳为:一感(feel),二听(listen to, hear),三让(let, make, have,,四看(look at, see, watch, notice),半帮助(help)(即在动词 help 后面作宾语补足语时,to 可有可无)”。记忆口诀:感使动词真奇怪,to 在句中像妖怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中 to 回来。”(3)作目的状语:动词不定式表目的时,可放在句子的前面,也可放在句子的末尾。但在句子前面时,动 词不定式常用逗号与句子隔开,而在句子末尾时一般不用逗号隔开。To get there on time,

45、 we set out at five in the morning.He goes there to enjoy the fresh air.【拓展】为了强调目的,有时可以在不定式前加in order 或 so as=In order to get there on time, we set out at five in the morning. 常用结构:too + adj./adv. + to do sth.:太。而不能。The child is too young to go to school.9(4)疑问词+动词不定式:疑问代词 who, what, which 等和疑问副词 wh

46、en, where, how 等后面跟不定式,构成不定式短语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语等句子成 分。1. Where to go is still a questio n.到哪里去还是个问题。(作主语)2. I know where to find the boy.我知道到哪里能找到这个男孩。(作动词 know 的宾语)3. The question is how to lear n En glish well. 问题是怎样学好英语。(作表语)【拓展】“疑问词+动词不定式(短语)”作宾语时,相当于一个宾语从句。I don know what to do next time

47、. = I don know what I should do next time.Li Ping does n t know why to learn English. = Li Ping doesn t know why he should learn English.Which to choose is importa nt. = Which we should choose is importa nt.The questi on is where to go. = The questi on is where we should go.(5)固定句式中动词不定式的用法:常见固定句式中的

48、动词不定式考点:had better (not) do sth./Would you like to do sth.?/ |Why not do sth.?/Would you please (not) do sth.?等。(6)动词不定式专项训练题一、单项选择。1. Tom find_difficult to work out the Maths problem.A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. Its2. We decided_ at the end of this mon th.A. travelB. not start out C. to leaveD. going3. Th

49、ey have no paper_.A. to writeB. to write withC. write onD .to write on4. Let him_a rest. I think he must be tired after the long walk.A. hasB. haveC. to have D. havi ng5. _the computer is a problem.A. How to use B. What to use C. Where to use D. Which to use6. The teacher told us_ in bed.A. don t re

50、ad B. read notC. to not readD. not to read7. The old man was_ angry_ say a word.A. so, that B. as, as C. too, to D. very, to8. Why_ home tomorrow?A. not go B. not going C. not to go D. didn t go、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. They want_(save) time by using shorter words and phrases.2. Kitty s classmate Daniel taug

51、ht himself how(make) a home page.3. He put his photos on it for every one_(look) at.104. Help him_(put) the photos in the correct order.5. He made the girl_(cry) yesterday.6. I d like_ go) to the Temple of Heaven.Homework、背诵课后单词。、熟读课文。三、练习:1.按照要求写单词。raise (v.)去分词)(过去式)-(过去分词)hurt (v.)(过去式)-(过meet (v

52、.)-去分词)(过去式) -(过去分词)teach (v.)(过去式) -(过permit (v.)- 可)(过去式)-(过去分词)permit (v.)(n.准许,许orga nize (v.)(n.组织)express (v.)-(n.表达)pai n (n.)(adj.疼痛的)joy (n.)-(adj.欢乐的)peace (n.)-(adj.和平的)volun tary(adj.)(n.志愿者)ill (adj.) -(n.疾病)difficult (adj.)-(n.困难)friend (n.)朋友-(n 友谊)courage (n.)(v 鼓励)2.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1

53、. The old man fell off his bike and_ his knee (膝盖)2. Let s do something for the old people in the_ ( 社区)3. I p_thirty yua n for the book last week.4. We saw a_ (严重的)accide nt yesterday.5. _(友谊)is important in our life.6. Tell him to ask my p_ before he borrows somethi ng.7. They are_ (筹集)money for t

54、he people who lost homes in the earthquake.8. He is_ from a bad cold.9. Bill is not afraid to_ ( 表达)his opinions.10. I have_in solvi ng the problem.11. We should_ (鼓励)the d_to raise their_ .12. Tom is in hospital because of a serious_(疾病).13. They had to stay at home b_ of a heavy snow.3.用所给词的适当形式填空

55、。1. _ (help) others make me happy.2. Daming has great difficulty_(speak) En glish.3. In order_ (lear n) Japa nese, he went to Japa n.4. Do you kn ow the girl_ (call) Lily?5. Shen zhe n has a populati on of over ten_ (millio n).6.The teacher is_ (frien dship) to us.7.Our teacher en courage us_(not gi

56、ve) up whe n we meet difficulties.8.He is_(able) from voti ng.119.The childre n there all suffer from serious_ (ill).10. She gave_ (express) to her sad ness.11. It felt like the_(alone) place in the world.12. I had no_ (difficult) making myself un derstood.13. Evening in the country is a very_ (peac

57、e) time.14. I taught them to sing because music can bring them_ (enjoy) and peace.15. What do you know about our_(orga ni ze) ?4.单项选择。()1. Peter offered to teach them water-skii ng.A. is willi ngB. is not willi ng to C. is ready D. is not ready()2. Is there_ in today s newspaper?A. special someth in

58、g B. someth ing special C. special anything D. anything special()3. The teacher speaks very loudly_ all the stude nts can hear her.A. so that B. because C. since D. Whe n()4. -How much did you_ for the computer? -4,000 yua n.A. Spe ndB. Cost C. pay D. take()5. Sam s parents died in an accident. He f

59、eels very_ .A. tired B. busyC. shy D. lo nely()6.“ What are you going to do this weeke nd?”I my (pakents. ”A. to visitB. visitC. visit ingD. visits()7. What s your plan for the summer holidays?I ve no idea, but ve decided_ at home.A. stay B. to stayC. stayedD. stay ing()8. Last week our geography te

60、acher told us_ more information about how to protect theen viro nment.A. getB. gotC. to getD. gett ing()9. Our headmaster asked us_ a report on how to protect wild an imals.A. writeB. writ ingC. to writeD. wrote()10. How do you feel whe n you watch the n atio nal flag go up?It makes me_very proud.A.


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