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1、 Section A 1a1c Unit 12What did you do last weekend?七年级英语下 新目标 人What did do last weekend?did my homeworkdo my homeworkdo didWhat did do last weekend?went to the cinemago to the cinemago wentWhat did do last weekend?went boatinggo boatinggo wentWhat did do last weekend?camp by the lakecamped by the l

2、akecamp campedWhat did do last weekend?went to the beachgo to the beachgowentWhat did do last weekend?play badmintonplayed badmintonplay played Match the activities with the pictures a-f. 1. did my homework _2. went to the cinema _3. went boating _4. camped by the lake _5. went to the beach _6. play

3、ed badminton _faebdcSunday nightSaturday afternoonSunday afternoonSaturday morningSunday morningSaturday nightListen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night below each picture.Listen to the tape again, and finish the chart.TimeActivitiesSaturdaymorningSaturdayafternoonSaturdayeveningSunday mo

4、rningSunday afternoonSunday eveningPlayed badmintonWent to the beachWent to the cinemaCamped by the lakeWent boatingDid my homeworkWell, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.I went to the beach. What did you do last weekend, Lucy?What did you do on Saturday afternoon?Role-play. Student A is Lucy.

5、 Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.What did you do on Sunday morning?I went boating with my friends.What did you do on Saturday night?I went to a movie.I camped by the lake.What did you do on Sunday afternoon?What about Sunday night?I did my homework at home.Retell Lucys last weekend.Saturdaymor

6、ningPlayed badmintonSaturdayafternoonWent to the beachSaturdayeveningWent to the cinemaSunday morningCamped by the lakeSunday afternoonWent boatingSunday eveningDid my homeworkYou can start like this:Lucy had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning sheShe was busy, but she was very happy.翻译单词或短语翻译单词或短语1.

7、扎营扎营;搭帐篷搭帐篷 2.湖湖,湖泊湖泊 3.海滩海滩;沙滩沙滩 4.羽毛球羽毛球 5.做我的作业做我的作业 6.去看电影去看电影 7.去划船去划船 8.在湖边野营在湖边野营 9.去沙滩去沙滩 10.打羽毛球打羽毛球 camplakebeach badminton do my homework go to the cinemago boatingcamp by the lakego to the beachplay badminton.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1.你上周末做什么了你上周末做什么了?我写作业了。我写作业了。What you last weekend? I . 2

8、.周六上午我在湖边宿营了。周六上午我在湖边宿营了。 morning I _the lake. 3.周日下午我去划船了。周日下午我去划船了。Sunday afternoon I . 4.周日上午我打羽毛球了。周日上午我打羽毛球了。 morning I . 5.汤姆昨天去沙滩了。汤姆昨天去沙滩了。Tom yesterday. did dodid my homeworkOn Saturdaycamped byOn went boatingOn Sunday played badmintonwent to the beachHomework1.Remember the new words and phrases.2.Rewrite a short passage according to 1b.学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与课堂教学无关的事,


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