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1、Module 4选择(每题1分,共10分)1 What'smatter ?)2 He wants toit .)3 Your red T-shirts are)4 I washed them)5 Did you)6 It isn't_)7 Sam _)8T-shirt is this ? A Who)9 Is it San dy's coat ? Yes, it is.)10 Did you wash Lingling ' T-shirt ?改错(每题2分,共10分)1 It isn' t your. It' s mine.3 Sam took

2、mine T-shirt.(A a B A wear _the line, you. A forLingling ' T-shirt ?A youto wear my T-shirt.T-shirt is this ?Unit 1同步练习(五年级)an C theB wearsA onB onA washB yourA wan ts B WhoseA herNo, I.D /C weari ngB in C atC in D atB washes C wash ingD woreD ofC yoursB wantC wan tedC What'sB she C hersA di

3、dB did n '2 What' s matter ?4 She did n' t wears it.D washedC don't5 He want to wear it.三、填空(一)人称代词(每空1分,共32分)主 格宾 格汉 语我你他她它我们你们他(她、它)们(二)物主代词形容词性名词性汉语我的:你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的四、用代词的适当形式填空(每空1分,共7分)1 This book is(my ).2 ( she ) can play football.3 ( she ) shirt is white.4 Is this hat

4、( your ) ?No,( I ) is over there.(we ) En glish teacher is Mr Gree n.5 ( we ) are classmates .五、连词成句(每题3分,共15分)1 the what is matter2 T-shirtSammytook3 ithewan tswearto4 Iforwashedyouthem5 T-shirtLingling ' did wash you六、翻译(每题3分,共15 分)1 Do n'targue !2 It isn 'it.lt' mine.3 Lingling sT

5、-shirt is clean.4 She didn'twear it.5 I washed them for you.七、按要求完成句子(每题2分,共10分)1 It's his T-shirt.(变为同义句)The T-shirt2 I washed my T-shirt.(变为一般疑问句)3 It isn'your T-shirt.(变为同义句)It4 Sam took your T-shirt.(变为否定句)Sam _5 It isn'her shirt. It'smine.(变为同义句)Module 4 选择(每题1分,共20分)1bag is

6、 this ? Ifs Dami ng's.)2 Is thisT-shirt ? A Sam)3 Is it Lingling ' bag ? Yes, its)4 The red coat is, not.)5toy cars are those ? They arewash your T-shirt ?It isn 'Unit 2同步练习(五年级).It'syour T-shirt. shirt.(A Who B Sam's A sheA her , hisB WhatC SamsB her C hersB hers , hisA Who, you

7、rsC WhoseC my , herB Whose , yoursC Howmany , mineA you B your C yours()6 This is my hat. That hat isB mi neC yoursB Her C HisB hisC hersA SamB Sam'sC Sams()7 This big coat is. That is yours. A my()8 This T-shirt is not his.T-shirt is red. A My( )9 This is her skirt. That skirt is, too. A her( )

8、10 Look! Here's a n ame: Sam . This red T-shirt is _ 二、 改错(每题2分,共10分)-1 Is this Jimmys' sweater?2 Who hat is this3 The shirt is hers.4 The pencil is min es.5 The trousers are in the line.三、按要求完成句子(每题4分,共40分)1 This is SamsT-shirt.(变为一般疑问句) SanfeT-shirt?2 This is Daming's bag.(对戈卩线部分提问) ba

9、g is?3 This bag is hers.(变为同义句)This bag.4 That hat is his .(变为同义句)That hat.5 Is this Lingling ' bag ?(做否定回答) No, .6Thebluecupishis.(变为否定句)7Lucywearsabeautifulskirt.(变为一 般疑 问句)8Mysweaterisclea n.(对划线部分提问)9Wewenttothesupermarket.(变为否定句)10What'sthematter?(变为同义句)cakepl anesaypl ayboypointt oyojl

10、ropeboatgonosebi keri cebuyl jkehousefl ower-howmouth五、选出划线部分与众不同的一项(每题 2分,共10分)()1 A gateB f aceC cakeD apple()2 A nowB h owC fl owerD tomorr ow()3 A goB n oC motherD n ose()4 A bgB b i keC riceD t i me()5 A boyB buyC toyD j oy六、用恰当的特殊疑问词填空(每题 2 分,共12分)1bag is this ? Is hers.四、选择合适的音标ei a?|?i au ?u

11、(每题 2 分,共 10 分)2 did Sam do last Sun day ? He visited lots of places.3 did you go ? I went to the Great Wall.4 is that woma n ? She is my teacher.5 did you go to the park ? Last Sun day.6 do you go to school ? By bus.Module 4 Unit 1 & Unit 2 基础篇(五年级)一、单词(每题1分,共24分)1我的2你的3争吵4事情,麻烦5拿走(过去式)6穿7她的8他的

12、9绳子10洗(过去式)11干净的12谁的13毛衣14帽子15蛋糕16飞机仃自行车18米饭19男孩20指向21房子22花23跳)绳24船二、词组(每空2分,共8分)1想要做某事2发生了什么事=()1 Is this your dress ?)2 Are they on the line ?)3 Whose t-shirt is it ?)4 Is this her bag ?)5 What ' s the matter ?)6 What are you doi ng ?)7 Did you play football yesterday)8 Where did Sam go ?A Tom

13、 wants to wear my coat.B Yes, it' s mine.C It' s Lingling ' s.D Yes, they are.E No, itisn ' t. It ' s his.F He went to London.G I' m reading a book.H We saw some big mountains.)9 What did you see ?I Yes, she did.)10 Did she listen to the radio yesterday ? J No, we didn' t

14、.3在绳子上三、找出划线部分的读音与所给音标相同的单词(每题2分,共10分)()1?A takeB n ameC cakeD apple()2i:A seeB letterC legD cake()3eiA canB appleC snakeD bag()4?A cupB musicC supermarketD buy()5aiA itB fin ishC bikeD this四、选择合适的答句(每题1分,共10分)五、改错(每题2分,共10分)1 This T-shirt is your. 2 They are in the line.3 Sam wants at wear my T-shi

15、rt.4 Mine book is n ew.5 Who book is this ?六、按要求完成句子(每题4分,共20分)1 This dress isLingling'.(对划线部分提问)2 Is this her bag ?(做出肯定回答)3 Are they clea n ?(做出否定回答)4 I did my homeworlyesterday.(对划线部分提问)5 She wentto the parkyesterday.(对划线部分提问)七、选词填空(每题2分,共10分)1 This skirt is( mine, my ).2 T-shirt is red . ( m

16、y, mi ne )3 Is thiscap ? ( your, yours )4 Are thosebag ? ( their, theirs )5 This hat is( her, hers )八、写出下列动词的过去式(每题 1分,共10分)1 see2 go3 buy4 come5 visit6 eat7 walk8 are9 take10 drop参考答案:Module 4 Unit 1 同步练习:一、CAAAA CABCB 二、l.your-yours 2.matter-the matter 3.mine-my 4.wears-wear 5.want-wants 三、 主格,l,y

17、ou,he,she,it,we,you.they;宾 格,me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them;形 容 词 性,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their;名词性,mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs四、1.mine 2.She 3.Her 4.yours,Mine 5.We ,Our 五、I.What's the matter?2.Sam took my T-shirt.3.He wants to wear it. 4.I washed them for you. 5.Did you was

18、h Lin gli ng's T- shirt?六、1.不要争吵! 2.它不是他的。它是我的。3.玲玲的体恤衫是干净的。4.她 不穿它。5我给/为你洗了他们。七、1.is his2.Did you3.isn't yours 4.didn't take5.hers my.Module 4 Unit 2 同步练习:一、CBCBB CBCCB 二、I.Jimmys'-Jimmy's2.Who-Where3.her's-hers 4.mines-mine5.in-on 三、1.ls this 2.Where this 3. is her 4.is his

19、 5.it isn't 6.The blue cup isn't his. 7.Does Lucy wear a beautiful skirt? 8.Whose sweater is clea n? 9.We did n't go to the supermarket. lO.What's wrong?四、ei ?i?u a?| au五、DDCAB 六、I.Whose 2.What 3. Where 4.Who 5. When 6.HowModule 4 Unitl、2 基础篇一、 mine,yours,argue, matter, took, wear,he

20、rs, his, line, washed, clean, whose, sweater, cap, cake,plane, bike, rice, boy, poin t,house, flower, rope,boat 二、1.wa nt to do sth. 2.What's the matter?/What's wrong? 3.on the line 三、DACA 四、BDCEA GJFHI 五、l.you-yours 2. in-on 3.at-to 4.Mine-My/ 去掉 book 5.Who-Whose 六、1. Whose is this dress?2.

21、Yes,it is. 3.No, they aren't. 4.What did you do yesterday? 5.Where did she go yesterday七、l.mine 2.my 3.your 4.their 5.hers八、 l.saw 2.went 3.bought 4.came 5. Visited 6.ate 7.walked 8. Were 9.took lO.dropped参考答案:Module 3 Unit 1 同步练习:一、ACCAC CCAAA 二、we nt, visited, sent, did, dropped, liked, lived,

22、 ran, bought, met.三、I.Did you,2. Did do,3.How is,4.didn'tvisit,5. She did 四、EDABC 五、xxxWModule 3 Unit 2 同步练习:一、BABAA 二、1.tall/lo ng 2.there 3.photos 4.moun tai ns 5.took 6.walked 三、I.Who 2.Whe n3.How4.What5.Where 四、1.is 2.hours 3.photos 4.the Great Wall5. O'clock 6.saw 7. Went.8.see 9.wentlO.photos 五、 his,at,went,in,by 六、 1D,2A,3E,4C,5B 七、I.What do 2.What's weather like 3.Did put 4.didn't work 八、xxWVModule 3 Unit 1、2 基础篇一、weekend ,visit,place,wheel,wonderful,understand,postcard,ride,best,walk,hour,people,mountain,ta


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