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1、【标题:Meat consumption raises mortality rates】 (肉食消费增加了死亡率)有关肉食或素食对环境和健康的影响,是2016年外刊经常讨论的话题。今天的文章选自于科学美国人2016年5月。【精选】(1) This study found a 3.6-year increase in life expectancy for those on a vegetarian diet for more than 17 years, and that all-cause mortality is higher for those who eat meat.(2) A re

2、view of large-scale studies involving more than 1.5 million people found all-cause mortality is higher for those who eat meat, _ red or processed meat, on a daily basis.(3) Conducted by physicians from Mayo Clinic in Arizona, "Is Meat Killing Us?" was published today in the Journal of the

3、American Osteopathic Association.【作业】今天布置的是一个完形填空题。请问空缺部分的最佳单词是:A uniquelyB rarelyC speciallyD particularly【解词】life expectancy 预期寿命vegetarian a. 素食的mortality n. 死亡率processed a. 加工的on a daily basis 按照每日的【解句】1、第(1)句的主干为this study found,之后found有两个宾语:其一、a 3.6-year increase in life expectancy for those o

4、n a vegetarian diet for more than 17 years;其二、宾语从句that all-cause mortality is higher for those who eat meat。2、第(2)句主干 a review of large-scale studies . found .。现在分词短语 involving more than 1.5 million people修饰studies。之后是found的宾语从句:all-cause mortality is higher for those who eat meat, particularly red

5、or processed meat, on a daily basis。其中,连词who引导定语从句修饰those。3、第(3)句主干为"Is Meat Killing Us?" was published today。过去分词conducted by physicians from Mayo Clinic in Arizona作状语。【译文】(1)这项研究的发现是,在那些多于17年素食的人中预期寿命增加了3.6年,而且在那些肉食者人中各种原因的死亡率要更高。(2)对1500万人群进行的大规模的研究进行的审核发现,各种原因造成的死亡率在肉食者中药更高,尤其每天是食红肉或加工

6、肉制品者。(3)在亚利桑那州Mayo诊所带领下,今天在美国整骨疗法协会期刊(American Osteopathic Association)期刊上发表了肉食正在让我们丧生吗?。【答】应选Dparticularly“特别,尤其”,它侧重于有时表示同类事物中作为某一个体所具有的独特性,它是最通顺的表达。本题主要的干扰来自于选项Cspecially“特殊,特别地”,它多强调非同寻常之意。【标题:Cancer screening benefits are overstated, experts claim】(专家声称:筛查癌症的益处被夸大了)医学类是考试中常见话题。今天从卫报2016年5月从选择了一

7、段这一话题的文章。【精选】(1) The benefits of cancer screening have been overstated and the practice may not even save lives, experts in the US and Germany have claimed. (2) _ there may be fewer deaths from the specific cancer for which screening takes place, little account is taken of the harm some patients suf

8、fer psychologically and medically because of overdiagnosis and complications from treatment, an article and editorial in the BMJ medical journal suggest.【作业】今天布置的是一个完形填空题。请问空缺所缺的最佳单词是:A Until B Since C Unless D While【解词】to screen v. 筛选to overstate v. 夸大practice n. 惯例;做法to claim v. 声称to take account

9、of 考虑overdiagnosis n. 过度诊断【解句】1、第(1)句的切分点在连词and。前面分句为the benefits of cancer screening have been overstated(主谓),后面的分句为the practice may not even save lives(主谓宾)。2、第(2)句主干为little account is taken of the harm(主谓,即take little account of the harm的被动表达);其后,some patients suffer psychologically and medically

10、 because of overdiagnosis and complications from treatment为定语从句修饰harm,其中because of overdiagnosis and complications from treatment又作原因状语从句。3、第(2)句首有由while引导的让步状语从句(while there may be fewer deaths from the specific cancer for which screening takes place),其中for which screening place部分是定语从句修饰cancer。【译文】

11、(1)美国和德国的专家声称,癌症筛查的益处已经被夸大了,这种做法甚至可能无法挽救生命。(2)有篇英国医学杂志(British Medical Journal)文章和一篇社论暗示出,尽管进行筛查的特定癌症造成的死亡可能更少,但是,由于治疗中的过度诊断和并发症,很少考虑到某些病人在心理上和医疗上受到的伤害。【答】应选Dwhile“尽管;虽然”,表达了两个分句之间的对比关系。其他的备选不恰当。 【标题:Were living in an age full of possibilities.】 (我们正生活在一个充满各种可能性的年代。) 就悲观和乐观的话题在2013年的真题中已经出现。今天从卫报(20

12、16年6月)【精选】(1) But we can take hope from our own history. (2) Amid unrelenting upheaval and popular anger, the Renaissance left a legacy that we still celebrate as one of humanitys brightest. (3) It also left wisdom, in both its triumphs and disasters, to help us steer through similar storms. (4) Loo

13、king through a Renaissance lens, what to do now becomes startlingly clear.(5) We need to welcome genius. (6) To understand that disruptive change and technological revolutions can spread both immense good and harm.(7) To celebrate diversity and overcome prejudice. (8) To raise public and private pat

14、ronage. (9) To embrace change, and strengthen public safety nets in ways that embolden us all.(10) To build new crossroads and welcome migrants. (11) To tear up the (mental) maps that unhelpfully divide people.(12) To champion collective endeavours as well as individual freedoms.【作业】题目是:To step into

15、 the future of mankind, it is crucial to: A draw on our experience from the past. B get rid of technological drawbacks. C redefine national borderlines on the map.D curb our ambitions to reshape history.【解词】unrelenting* a. 无情的; 不屈不挠的upheaval n. 突变,剧变the Renaissance 文艺复兴legacy n. 遗产to celebrate v. (1

16、)祝贺(2)赞扬,赞美to steer v. 操纵,控制startlingly ad. 令人吃惊地genius n. 天才disruptive a. 破坏性的immense a. 巨大的prejudice n. 偏见patronage n. 资助,赞助to embrace v. 接受,拥抱to embolden v. 鼓励,使有胆量crossroads n. 十字路口migrant n. 移民to tear up 撕毁mental a. (1)内心的,精神的,思想的,心理的 (2)智慧的,智脑力的to champion v. 支持collective a. 集体的endeavour n. 尽力

17、,竭力【解句】1、第(2)句的主干为the Renaissance left a legacy(主谓宾)。后面的连词that引导定语从句we still celebrate as one of humanitys brightest。2、 第(3)句主干为it also left wisdom(主谓宾)。介词短语in both its triumphs and disasters作方式状语。不定式短语to help us steer through similar storms作结果状语。3、第(4)句现在分词短语looking through a Renaissance lens作状语,之后

18、主干是what to do now becomes startlingly clear。其中what to do now作主语。4、从第(5)句至第(11)句是一个完整的句群。不定式to do连续使用为平行结构(parallelism)。增强了行文的节奏。【答】题干询问“为了步入人类的未来,关键的是”,据原文内容最佳选项应选择A“从过去吸取经验”,原文主要在分析如何从文艺复兴中吸取经验,人们需要做些什么。选项Bget rid of technological drawbacks“除去技术的不足”,选项Credefine national borderlines on the map“重新规定地

19、图上国界线”,选项Dcurb our ambitions to reshape history“遏制我们重塑历史的野心”,三个干扰项都与文章内容都有出入。【译文】(1)但是,以史为镜,我们可以看到希望。(2)在冷酷的动荡和民众的愤怒中,文艺复兴时期留下了我们仍然赞扬的最为光明的遗产。(3)在胜利和灾难中,文艺复兴也留下了有助于我们再次乘风破浪的智慧。(4)以文艺复兴为鉴,我们此刻要做的事情异常的清晰。(5)我们需要欢迎的天才。(6)需要理解破坏性变化和技术革新可能传播的极大益处和危害。(7)需要宣扬多样性和克服偏见。(8)需要提高公共和私人的支援。(9)需要拥抱变化和以令人鼓舞的方式加强公共安

20、全网。(10)需要建立新的十字路口和欢迎移民。(11)撕毁不利于人们团结的(精神)的地图。(12)需要支持个体的自由和集体的努力。【标题:The Future Is Almost Now】(将来几乎就是现在)研究未来的学者可称为“将来学家”(futurologist),而科幻(science fiction)也是预测未来的一个部分。今天的文章摘选于Scientific America(2016年6月)。今天的文章有些难度哟。【精选】(1) Many new works of science fiction seem to represent a strain of pre-apocalypti

21、c cinema, characterized by a willingness to dramatize disasters that are less hypothetical than poised to happen. (2) Both Ex Machina and Her, for instance, unfold against backdrops whose production design suggests that viewers are witnessing only a lightly futurized version of 21st-century life. (3

22、) However technically fictional the gadgets on display, the advances the films imaginean artificially intelligent OS, a Turing-test approved robotstrike audiences _ not just possible, but highly probable.【作业】请问空缺中的最佳表达是: A by B as C though D toward【解词】science fiction 科幻strain n. 世系;血统pre-apocalyptic

23、* a. 大灾难前的to characterize v. 具有.的特征to dramatize v. (1) 用戏剧形式表现 (2)使引人注目hypothetical a. 假想; 假设的to poise* v. 使平衡; 保持(某种姿势)(超刚词)to unfold v. 展开;打开;摊开backdrop n. 背景to witness v. 目击version n. 版本fictional a. 虚构的gadget* n. 小玩意; 小配件; 小装置(超刚词)on display 成列,摆设artificially intelligent 人工智能的【解句】1、第(1)句的主干为Many

24、new works of science fiction seem to represent a strain of pre-apocalyptic cinema(主谓宾)。过去分词短语characterized by a willingness to dramatize disasters that are less hypothetical than poised to happen作状语,其中连词that引导定语从句that are less hypothetical than poised to happen修饰disasters。2、第(2)句主干为Both Ex Machina a

25、nd Her, for instance, unfold against backdrops(主谓状结构)。之后连词whose引导定语从句whose production design suggests that viewers are witnessing only a lightly futurized version of 21st-century life修饰backdrops;其中连词that引导suggests的宾语从句that viewers are witnessing only a lightly futurized version of 21st-century life。

26、3、第(3)句主干为the advances . strike audiences as not just possible, but highly probable (主谓宾补结构)。其中the films imagine修饰advances,之后破折号内容(an artificially intelligent OS, a Turing-test approved robot)作advances的同位语。【译文】许多新的科幻作品似乎代表了一种预示世界末日之前的电影传统,其特点是引起人们关注各种灾难的意愿,由于这些灾难与其说是假设的不如说是随时可能发生的。(2)例如,“Ex Machina”

27、和“Her”中展现出的背景创造设计表明,观众看到的是21世纪生活的轻描淡写的未来轮廓。(3)不论展现的新鲜玩意儿在技术上有多么虚无缥缈,电影中想象出的科技进步 一个人工智能的操作系统(OS),一个图灵测试认可的机器人 给观众留下的印象不只是可能的,而是相当可能。【答】应选Bas,“strike . as”为搭配关系。Poetry expresses what it is to be human its therapy for the soul(是个表达人性 为灵魂疗伤)对诗歌的评价曾在真题中出现过。今天从卫报(2016年6月)选择的一篇有关诗歌的文章的文章。【精选】(1) Traditiona

28、lly our poets are at first licensed and later dissected (sometimes while still alive). (2) But what if the culture militated towards a decommissioning of poets special (sacrificial) status. (3) What if poetry were seen as less rarefied and more pervasive act? (4) _ we all had recourse to. (5) Who kn

29、ows what the world might start to look like. (6) However radically our lives diverged after our brief time together at Prestwich hospital, it was apparent from the intense quality of their listening and from the desire of those present to share their own words and poems that the experience had benef

30、ited all of us. (7) However fleetingly, we met in language and were lifted from our circumstances.【作业】今天布置的是一个完形填空题,空缺部分的最佳词汇是: A something B anything C everything D nothing【解词】to dissect* v. 解剖(超刚词)what if 要是又怎样to militate v. 产生作用或影响to decommission v. 停止使用,使退役sacrificial a. 牺牲的;具有牺牲性的to rarefy v. 使

31、变稀少;使变纯净pervasive* a. 普遍的; 扩大的; 渗透的; 弥漫的to have recourse* to 求援; 所依靠的物人radically ad. 彻底地; 根本地to diverge v. 分歧; 分开Prestwich (人名 英格兰人姓氏普雷斯特维奇住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“牧师+边远居留地”(priest+outlying settlement); 地名 英国 普雷斯特威奇)fleetingly ad. 飞快地,疾驰地【解句】1、第(1)句的主干为traditionally our poets are at first licensed and later

32、dissected (由连词and连接的两个分句;后一个分句中为are later dissected,are被省略)。括号中内容补充说明后面主谓and later dissected的内容,即(are) sometimes (dissected) while still alive,其中while引导时间状语从句。2、第(2)句中连词what if连词独立分句,即the culture militated towards a decommissioning of poets special (sacrificial) status。3、第(3)句主干与第(2)句相似。句子中be sees a

33、s为搭配。4、第(4)句中something照应第(3)句整句的内容。其中we all had recourse to修饰something。5、第(5)句主干为who knows what . (主语who, 谓语knows,what引导宾语从句)。6、第(6)句主干为it was apparent . that . (整体上是一个主语从句,连词that后面作具体说明)。其中,apparent之后有介词短语from the intense quality of their listening and from the desire of those present to share thei

34、r own words and poems作状语(其中,present . poems为形容词短语修饰those)。7、第(6)句细化分析:句首有由连词however引导的让步状语从句however radically our lives diverged after our brief time together at Prestwich hospital。句末部分that the experience had benefited all of us是it形式主语的照应。8、第(7)句However fleetingly是一个不完整的状语从句。主干为 we met in language a

35、nd were lifted from our circumstances。【解答】应选Asomething“想来重要的<或值得注意的>事物“,与上文的act照应,表达出了作者对诗歌的高度评价。选项Banything“任何哪个东西,随便哪个东西”,常用于否定句,而原文是一个肯定句。选项Ceverything“所有的事;最重要的事情”,如填入表达有些绝对。选项Dnothing ”没什么东西;无关紧要的事情”,表达出相反的内容。【译文】(1)从传统上讲,我们的诗人首先要获得许可,之后受到解剖(有些时候在仍在活着时受到解剖)。(2)但是,如果文化助长了解除诗人特殊(牺牲)身份又当如何?(

36、3)如果诗歌被视为不是那么少有的行为而是更为普遍的行为又当如何?(4)这些行为是我们以来的东西。(5)谁知道这个世界可能会开始看起来像什么。(6)Prestwichi医院大伙一起作短暂停留之后,无论后来的生活有怎样根本差别,很明显这次经历让我们受益匪浅,这可以从他们全神贯注的倾听以及在场各位分享自己的言辞和诗歌的渴望中看得出来。(7)不论时间如何短暂,我们用语言交流,各自在自己境遇中得到升华。【标题:Money can't buy happiness? 】(钱不能买到幸福吗?)关于幸福和金钱的话题,既是陈词滥调,也会有新颖的观点。我们看看今天摘自于卫报(2016年6)月的文章,作者持有

37、观点呢?【精选】(1) Money cant buy happiness: its a rarely questioned truism. (2) It also tends to be most enthusiastically embraced by those who have never gone without it. (3) “Ive tried hard to care about money,” Chelsea Clinton once humble-bragged, “but I couldnt.” (4) No matter how attached we are to t

38、he idea that money cant buy happiness, though, the research shows almost the complete _.【作业】请问空缺中缺乏的单词是:A opposite B impossible C average D expected【解词】truism n. 自明之理,老生常谈to embrace v. 拥护to humble-brag v. 谦虚吹牛to be attached to 喜爱【解句】1、第(1)句切分点在冒号。前面分句为money cant buy happiness(主谓宾);后面分句为its a rarely

39、questioned truism。2、第(2)句主干为 it also tends to be most enthusiastically embraced by those (主谓)。之后连词who引导定语从句who have never gone without it修饰those。3、第(4)句主干为the research shows almost the complete opposite(主谓宾结构)。句首No matter how attached we are to the idea that money cant buy happiness为让步状语从句;其中that引导同

40、位语从句修饰idea。【答】应选Aopposite“相反的”,作者在本段的字里行间流露出对老生常谈的驳斥。选项Bimpossible“不可能的”,选项Caverage”平均的;普通的”,选项Dexpected“预期的”,三个干扰项都不如A表达出了原文的内容。【译文】(1)金钱买不来幸福:这是个很少被质疑的老生常谈。(2)往往最为热情接受这一观点的是那些不能没钱也过日子的人们。(3)Chelsea Clinton曾经谦虚地自夸道,“我已经努力在乎钱,但是我做不到。”(4)但是,不管我们如何倾向于钱无法买到幸福的观点,该研究表明几乎是相反的情况。【标题:The Evolutionary Power

41、 of Teamwork】(团队合作的进化能力)团队合作(teamwork)是现代社会人们生存的一个重要话题。今天的文章选自于大西洋月刊2016年6月的网站文章。文章着实精彩,完形题目着实经典。【精选】(1) As social animals, we depend on others for survival. (2) Our communities provide mutual aid and protection, helping humanity to endure and thrive. (3) “We have survived as a species not

42、 because were fast or strong or have natural weapons in our fingertips, but because of social protection,” said John Cacioppo, the director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago. (4) Early humans, _, could take down large mammals only by hunting in gro

43、ups. (5) “Our strength is our ability to communicate and work together,” he said.【作业】请问空缺中最佳表达是:A in effect  B as a result  C for example  D in a sense【解词】mutual a. 相互的to endure v. 持续to thrive v. 繁荣fingertips n. 指尖cognitive a. 认知的neuroscience n. 神经科学【解句】1、第(2)句的主干为our communities

44、 provide mutual aid and protection(主谓宾)。之后,现在分词短语helping humanity to endure and thrive作结果状语。2、第(3)句主干为we have survived as a species (主谓)。之后是not because . but because of . 结构(不是因为.而是因为.)。3、第(4)句主干early humans could take down large mammals (主谓)。之后,介词短语only by hunting in groups作状语。【解答】应选Cfor example,原文

45、第(3)句提出了社会保护有作用的观点,之后用第(4)句给出例证(exemplification)。其他三个干扰选项Ain effect“事实上”,Bas a result“因此”,Din a sense“在某种意义上”,都没有表达出第(4)句和第(5)句的关系。【译文】(1)作为群居动物,我们的生存取决于他人。(2)我们的群居状态提供互助和和保护,有助于帮助人类持续和繁荣。(3)芝加哥大学认知和社会神经科学中心的主任John Cacioppo说道:“我们作为一个物种幸存下来,原因并不是速度快、体格壮或在指尖摆弄天然武器,而是因为有群体保护。(4)例如,早期的人只能通过团队捕猎才可拆解大型哺乳动

46、物。(5)他说:“我们的力量是沟通和协作能力。” 【标题:Theres No Such Thing as Free Will】(没有自由意愿之说)“自由(freedom)”、“平等(equality)”等概念是英语文化的价值观(values)重要组成部分。今天分享的文章与这些文化概念相关。本文选自于大西洋月刊的2016年6月网站文章。今天的文章可有些难度哟?【精选】(1) For centuries, philosophers and theologians have almost unanimously held that civilization as we know it depends

47、 on a widespread belief in free willand that losing this belief could be disastrous. (2) Our codes of ethics, for example, assume that we can freely choose between right and wrong. (3) In the Christian tradition, this is known as “moral liberty”the capacity to _ and pursue the good, i

48、nstead of merely being compelled by appetites and desires. (4) The great Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant reaffirmed this link between freedom and goodness. (5) If we are not free to choose, he argued, then it would make no sense to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness.【

49、作业】请问空缺部分的最佳词汇是:A diminish  B discern  C derive  D displace【解词】theologian n. 神学家unanimously ad. 无异议地,全体一致地disastrous a. 灾难性的code n. (1)代码 (2)行为准则to assume v. 假设,臆断liberty n. 自由to discern v. 看出,辨别to compel v. 驱动Enlightenment n. 启示,启蒙righteousness n. 正义; 正直; 正当【解句】1、第(1)句的主干为for centuri

50、es, philosophers and theologians have almost unanimously held that . and that . (主语 + 谓语 + 宾语从句1 + 宾语从句2)。2、第(1)句细化分析:在第1个that从句中,主干为(that) civilization . depends on a widespread belief in free will,其中as we know it作插入语。在第2个宾语从句中(破折号之后),(that) losing this belief could be disastrous,其中losing this beli

51、ef为主语,其余谓语部分。3、第(2)句主语为our codes of ethics . assume that . (连词that引导宾语从句),从句内容为we can freely choose between right and wrong。4、第(3)句主干为in the Christian tradition, this is known as “moral liberty” (主谓结构)。破折号之后名词短语the capacity to discern and pursue the good作moral liberty的同位语。最后介词短语 instead of merely be

52、ing compelled by appetites and desires作状语。5、第(4)句宏观结构为if . then .结构,即If we are not free to choose, . then it would make no sense to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness。其中he argued作插入语。在主句中(then),it作形式主语,具体由to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness阐释说明。【译文】(1)数百年来,哲学家和神学家们几乎一致认

53、为,如我们所知,文明取决于对自由意愿的普遍信念;而且他们认为失去这种信念会产生灾难性的影响。(2)例如,我们的道德准则的假设是,我们能够在对错之间自由选择。(3)在基督教的传统中,那被称为“道德自由”,即辨别美德和追求美德的能力,而非仅为七情六欲所驱使。(4)伟大的启蒙运动哲学家Immanuel Kant重申了这种自由和美德之间的联系。(5)他争辩说,如果我们没有选择的自由,那么说我们应该选择正义之路是没有意义的。【答】应选Bdiscern“看出;辨别”,据原文“辨别美德”是通顺和符合文意的表达。其他三个干扰:Adiminish“减少”显然表达了相反的内容。选项Cderive“得到,源于”常与

54、from搭配。选项Ddisplace“取代,替换”不吻合原文含义。 【标题:George Osborne pledge】(George Osborne的承诺)英国财政大臣George Osborn在今年采取了一系列的财政紧缩(austerity)措施。他的有些措施对教育会产生何种影响?我们今天一起来看摘选于the Economist(2016年6月)的文章。【精选】(1) Osborne goes on to say that with the abolition of grants, students faced leaving college with debts of around &#

55、163;18,000. (2) “There is lots of evidence that it is this fear of going into debt that most puts people from poorer backgrounds off going to university  (3) As a result of listening to students and their families across the country, I thought you would be interested to know that the

56、Conservatives have just announced that we will scrap tuition fees altogether _ we are next in government. (4) Education will once again be free for students.”【作业】请问空缺部分的单词是: A when  B lest  C before  D unless【解词】abolition n. 废除grant n. 补助金Conservatives n. 保守人士to scrap v

57、. 取消【解句】1、第(1)句主干为Osborne (主语) goes on to say (谓语)that .(宾语从句)。在that引导的从句中,主干为students faced leaving college with debts of around £18,000(主谓宾)。2、第(2)句主干为There is lots of evidence(there be句型)。在以that引导的同位语从句中,又包含一个强调句型结构it is this fear of going into debt that most puts people from poorer backgrounds off going to university,框架为it is . that .,其中有put . off . 短语搭


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