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1、2020年安徽省初中学业水平考试英语模拟卷(一)第一部分听力I.关键词语选择你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。(A )B. cookC. look(B )B. dreamC. drink(C)B.boardC. abroad(A)B.minuteC. meeting(C) outB.sell outC. put outn .短对话理解你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选 出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( A ) will they go to the supermarketA密B&a

2、mp;j)( A ) is the weather nowKB.C.( C ) did the man see the training courseA.B.-c唯一;MH C*-*( B ) might the boy buy for his fatherA.C.( A ) sign are the two speakers talking about( B ) is Tony excitedA. Because he is going on a trip.B. Because he has just got a job.C. Because he has just got a new ca

3、r.( B )' Helen not allowed to do on schooldaysA. Listen to music.C. Draw pictures.( B ) should Lucy be back at nightA. At eleven o ' clock.C. After te n o ' clock.( C ) language is Tom studying nowA. English.C. Japanese.( C ) did Linda meanA. She enjoyed the movie.C. She didn 'liketh

4、e movie.8. Watch TV.8. Before ten o' clock.8. French.B. She didn 'watch the moviem .长对话理解C三个选项中选你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 16至17小题。( B ) are the two speakers going to doA. Have dinner.B. Go shopping.C. Play tennis.( C ) will they meet at the school gateA. At

5、1 : 30.B. At 2: 30.C. At 3: 30.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题。( A ) team will Kevin 'school set upA. A soccer team.B. A tennis team.C. A basketball team.( B ) many boy players does the team needA. Eight.B. Twelve.C. Twenty.(B ) will the match be heldA. On Tuesday morning.B. On Wednesday afternoon.C. On Frid

6、ay evening.W .短文理解你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A> B C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。( A ) did the speaker go to Beijing withA. His parents.B. His friends.C. His classmates.( B ) long did it take them to go to BeijingA. Four hours.B. Five hours. E. Six hours.( A ) did they take a lot of photosA. In Tsing

7、hua University.B. In Peking University.C. In the Palace Museum.( A ) did the speaker learn in the Palace MuseumA. History.B. Food.C. Buildings.(C ) did they think of BeijingA. Beautiful and quiet.B. Old and interesting.C. Beautiful and interesting.V .信息转换你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Sc

8、hool Weekend Trip (a trip for you to enjoy your weekends)What Wdgol 26._camping at Blue Mountains.WhenThere will be a party on Saturday 27. evening .Where Wd visit the movie museum in the 28. countryside .HowYou will never 29. forget the wonderful experience.WhoIf you ' 30. interested in the sch

9、ool trip, please call Miss Lee at .第二部分英语知识运用VI .单项填空从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。VII A ) parents ' eycSildren are their only. And it 'even more expensive than their lives.A.wealthB.towerC.successD.secret( C )be very excited to find his lost bike. He has lost it since five years ago.A

10、.mightB.couldC.mustD.may(D )33 It so strange.Yes, but I ' inot joking. My cat never eats fish.A.smellsB.feelsC.tastesD.sounds(D ) boy and the girl will enjoy onthe beach this afternoon.A.himselfB.herselfC.yourselvesD.themselves( D ) question is so that none can work it out.A.funnyB.simpleC.fullD

11、.hard( D )the lights when you go out.A.turn downB.turn upC.turn onD.turn off( D ) snows so hard,all the students arrive at the meeting hall on time.A.soB.orC.ifD.but(C )38.Look at the lady in a white T- shirt. Is she It be her. She has gone to the library.A mustn tB mayC can tD should( B ) high rail

12、way makes it much faster to travel the two cities.A duringBbetweenC acrossD through( B ) baby is sleeping. You d better walk by .A clearlyBquietlyC luckilyD cheaply( B )41. I failed my maths test again! Come on! Youd better practice more. Plenty of your time on computer games inthe past.A wastedBwas

13、 wastedC is wastedD had wasted( B )42. Can you tell me Linda didn t come to my birthday yesterday. Of course. She had to stay in the hospital to look after her grandpa.A whereBwhyC whatD who( B ) we travel abroad, we prefer to stay in five- star hotels. That s because they guests with the best servi

14、ce to make them feel at home.A previewBprovideC preventD protect( A ) believes her mother in front of her when she is in need.A will appearBhas appearedC appearedD appearsA Good luck!C Well done!( A )45. I will have an English test this afternoon.B I agree with you.D Have a good time!vn .完形填空阅读下列短文,

15、从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AA little girl lived in a small and poor house on a hill. She often played in the garden and she found there was a 46 house with gold windows on another hill. She always imagined how exciting it was to grow up and live in such a perfect house 47 a common house. So she

16、 always dreamed of such a house.When the girl got enough living 48 , she asked mother if she could go for a bike ride. Mother finally 49 her to go but keep close to the house. In fact, the little girl knew where she was going! She rode until the 50 house.As she 51 the bike, she was so disappointed(失

17、望)that all the windows were simple and quite dirty. She had to ride back home 52 . When she looked up, something _53her. Herown house was shining with its gold windows.She 54 that she had been living in a gold house. All the love and care in it made it a goldhouse. Everything she _55_ was right in f

18、ront of her nose! She felt shamed for this.(C )B. usualC. fantasticD. strange(B ) ofB. instead ofC. so as toD. thanks to(A )B. changesC. risksD. feelings(A )B. decidedC. offeredD. taught(D )B. commonC. mainD. gold(D ) upB. fixed upC. gave upD. got off(D )B. seriouslyC. loudlyD. sadly(D )B. relaxedC.

19、 interestedD. surprised(A )B. guessedC. rememberedD. promisedB. developedC. dreamedD. comparedBOne day a rabbit was in the garden eating carrots. When he was about to go home he saw the 56 . So he needed 57 . Where could he hide The carrots are under the 58andonly the leaves were out. He could not h

20、ide there but the farmer was coming closer_59 him. Then he had an idea. He began to dig a 60 and cover the top of the hole with leaves and twigs. After finishing this, he waited 61 the farmer left.But the farmer did not leave 62 he needed some carrots to make soup. Then the rabbit had 63 idea. He wo

21、uld dig under the lettuce patch and go home. He would get muddy if he did that. That was, however, the 64 way to go home. He had no choice but to do it. So he did it. By the time he got home he was very muddy and tired. He had to take a bath. When he had a nice meal with his family, he was very happ

22、y. He liked all the_65 food on the table. They were all cooked by his mother in the kitchen. At last, he went to bed after washing faces and hands.(B )C. worker(D )C. hiding(A )C. water(D )C. about(C )C. hole(C )C. until(D )C. or(B ) otherC. othersB. farmerD. doctorB. hidD. to hideB. gardenD. wallB.

23、 withD. toB. farmD. poolB. whenD. whileB. andD. becauseB. anotherD. the othersB. best(A )C. worstD. once(D )B. terribleC. comfortableD. delicious第三部分阅读理解vrn .补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两个为多余选 项。A: Good morning, Sara. Where are you goingB: Morning, Linda. 66A: Oh, I ' Vest come from ther

24、e.B: 67A: Yes. There will be an English speaking competition next Friday.B: 68A: Life in the future.B: That ' as good topic. Would you like to take part inA: 69 I think I can practice my spoken English. What about youB: Oh, you know, I ' shy. _70_A: Don' worry. If you keep on practicing,

25、 you will be successful.B: I will think about it. Thank you very much.A. Yes,I ' love to.B. What is the topicC. Have you heard any newsD. I' going to the English club.E. How do you practice your spoken EnglishF. Do you want to watch a game show66. D 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. GIX.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题所

26、给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AAlthough Ana Dodson was adopted( 领养)at the age of 3 and grew up in the USA, a piece ofher heart was left behind in her homeland Peru. She always dreamed of going back to her motherland and having a look. Then when Ana was 11 years old, her adoptive parents took her to Peru. H

27、owever, in Cusco, a city in southern Peru, Ana was very surprised to find how poor it was, and was especially shocked by the orphanage( 孤儿院 ) she visited.She and her mother Judy brought the children teddy bears and books, but Ana quickly realized they needed much more. She decided that she would hel

28、p these children, and offer them some of the chances she had been given.She started by collecting school things to send to the children. Soon she raised money from friend and local people. Moreover, she set up the Peruvian Hearts, a non- profit( 非营利的 ) organization which is aimed at helping orphans

29、in Peru. Her goal was to provide them with education, clothing, food, and hope for the future.Although Ana regarded herself as a shy person by nature, she found the courage within her own heart and gave lots of encouraging speeches to schools and clubs about Peruvian Hearts. Just like her organizati

30、on, Ana was changing the world.( A ) was very surprised when she was back to her homeland because .A her homeland was very poor8 there were too many childrenC Cusco was different from AmericaD there were too many children who had lost their parents( D ) aim of Peruvian Hearts was to help .A poor chi

31、ldren in PeruBdisabledchildren in PeruC sick children in PeruDorphansinPeru( A ) of the following words can best describe AnaA Warm-hearted.BOutgoing.CHumorous.DSerious.( C ) passage mainly talks about .D the Peruvian HeartsA Ana and her adoptive motherB Ana s homelandC how Ana helped the orphansHer

32、e are three little beautiful poems. Let ' enjoy them quietly with our hearts.Never give up , Never lose hope.Always have faith ,It allows you to cope.Trying times will pass,As they always do.Just have patience,Your dreams will come true.So put on a smile ,You' like through your pain.Know ji.

33、 will pass ,And strength you will gainSome people live in the countryWhere the houses are very smallSome people live in the cityWhere the houses are very tallBut in the country where the houses are smallThe gardens are very bigAnd in the city where the houses are tallThere are no gardens at allWhere

34、 do you livelittle bell ,very warm ,guests come,Dingling Dingling ,Smile to them and say"Welcomewelcome !”Notes: 1. faith n.信仰 2. cope v.对抗 3. strength n.力量 4. gain v.获得( A ) we want to encourage someone tokeep on working hard, which poem can wechoose to useA.The first one.B.The second one.C.Th

35、e third one.D.None of all.D ) can the third poem be used forA.The leaders.B.The neighbors.C.The friends.D.The children.B ) many kinds of people are there in the second poemA.One.B. Two.C.Three.D. Four.D ) second word " it in' the first poem meansA.faithB. patienceC.smileD. painOnce, a man s

36、old his well to a farmer. Next day when the farmer went to get the water from that well, the man didn ' agree. He said, “sold you the well, not the water, so you can' get the water.”The farmer became very sad. And he came to the judge(法官)in the office alone. He described everything and asked

37、 for help. The judge called up the man who sold the well to the farmer. He asked, “ Whydon ' you let him use the water of the well You have sold the well to him.' The man replied, “have sold the well to the farmer, not the water. That means he can ' get the water from the well.”Then judg

38、e smiled and said,“。,伯s long as you have sold the well to him, and you say the water is yours, then you can ' keep your water in the farmer 'well. Either you pay for the farmer to keep your water, or you must take it out of his well right away.”The man understood that his idea couldn ' w

39、ork. The story tells us we can ' cheat(欺骗) others, though we are smart. We can ' win in the end.( B ) does the underlined word “ well M ean in ChineseA.沙场B.水井C.树林D.花园( D ) were the man, judge and the farmer nowA. On the farm.B. Near the well.C. In the hospital.D. In an office.( D ) does the

40、judge mean in the third paragraphA. The man could refuse the farmer to get the water.B. The farmer must pay for the water in the well.C. The water was so expensive that the farmer should give it up.D. The man must agree the farmer to carry water in the well.E. C ) of the following is the best title

41、for the passageA. The poor farmerB. The lazy manC. The smart judgeD. An expensive wellDSome people think a hobby is to waste time. In their mind, a hobby is something to pass the time. However, a hobby is much more than that. It has many benefits for everyone, for example, it keeps our mind and our

42、hands active.Have time for ourselvesA hobby lets us enjoy quiet time. People usually think more clearly when enjoying their favorite hobbies. People often think of good ideas at that time.Find out one ' own talentPeople often find new talent of themselves when they enjoy their hobbies. Some peop

43、le find their talent for playing the piano only when they sit down and play. The only way for you to find this talent is to try. The first step is to find something that you ' rinterested in.Make people relaxedMost hobbies are good ways to relax. Coming home from work and sitting down to enjoy f

44、avorite pass time help you relax. Hobbies also help you get a better night 'sleep.( D ) writer thinks a hobby is .A a waste of timeB to spend the timeC to make people busyD very helpful( B ) underlined word “ benefit me” ans “” in Chinese.A.特点B.益处C 比赛D 方面( D ) of the following is NOT the advanta

45、ges( 好处)of having a hobbyA Helping people enjoy quiet time.B Making people find out new talent.C Helping people feel relaxed.D Making people play sports well.( C ) can find out their new talent only after they according to the writer.A play the pianoBget a good night s sleepC try a hobbyD get a wond

46、erful idea( D ) may happen if more and more people take their favorite hobbiesA They gllet more money.BThey lellarn English well.CThey blle famous.DThey ellnjoy themselves.阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的字数要求) 。EPhysical activities are good for both our mind and our body. In fact, studies have shown that t

47、eenagers, who play sports regularly, especially with their parents, have higher self- esteem( 自尊 ) compared to those who don tS.o why not get yourself off the couch and go to the playgroundTeam SportsMany teenagers like doing activities in groups. Team sports not only help develop physical strength

48、and coordination( 协调性 ), but also help build leadership( 领导能力 ) and other social skills. They are also a great way for teenagers to develop confidence and learn to manage stress better. The most popular team sports for teenagers are: football, volleyball, basketball, netball and cricket.Individual S

49、ports (个人运动)If a teenager doesn t like joining a team, there are a lot of other sports activities which encourage more individual participation( 参加 ). This type of sports is good for the child who prefers to do his own things. Swimming, running, weightlifting and skateboarding are popular among teenagers.88. What s the


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