1、1DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL)By DS/PJ-PEM23Supplier Quality De
2、velopment Program (SQDP)品质协会(www.PinZ)AndyLee分享Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL)Objective目的To create agreements that help to continually improve the quality of purchased products制定协议,帮助供应商持续改进采购件的质量That directly enter into our manufacturing直接用于生产的零件That are directl
3、y connected with production of our products 直接和产品相 关联的零件Or that are delivered together with our products和产品一起供货的零件Structure结构Contractual agreements with suppliers include, 合同包括Quality Assurance Guideline for Suppliers (QSL), Mandatory AgreementQuality Assurance Guideline for Suppliers (QSL), Individ
4、ual Agreement2DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL)Table of Contents目录1.Supplier
5、s Quality Management System供应商质量管理体系2.Sub-suppliers Quality Management System分供方质量管理体系3.Audits审核4.Information & Documentation 沟通及文档资料5.Agreements on Product History Documentation产品历史文档协议6.Quality Targets 质量目标7.Environmental Protection 环境保护8.Final Terms 最终条款Mandatory Agreement强制协议强制协议Part 1 Manda
6、tory Agreement第1部分 强制协议3DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL)Table of Contents目录
7、1.Suppliers Quality Management System供应商质量管理体系2.Sub-suppliers Quality Management System分供方质量管理体系3.Audits审核4.Information & Documentation 沟通及文档资料5.Agreements on Product History Documentation产品历史文档协议6.Quality Targets 质量目标7.Environmental Protection 环境保护8.Final Terms 最终条款Mandatory Agreement强制协议强制协议Pa
8、rt 1 Mandatory Agreement第1部分 强制协议4DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL)Table of
9、Contents目录Part 2 Individual Agreement (DS-Specific)第2部分 单独协议(柴油系统特殊要求)1.Suppliers Quality Management System供应商质量管理体系2.Delivery 发运3.Audits, Costs 审核及费用4.Completion of quality assurance activities质量保证活动展开5.Contract duration, cancellation协议期限及取消协议6.Final terms最终条款Individual Agreement单独协议单独协议5DS/PJ-PEM2
10、3 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL)供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)Part 1 Mandatory Agreement第部分 强制协议6DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007
11、 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分1.Suppliers Quality Management System 供应商质量管理体系The Sup
12、plier agrees to introduce & maintain quality management systems based upon ISO 9000 ff.供应商允诺导入并按照ISO9000系列维护其质量管理体系The Supplier MUST set zero-defect goal and commit continuous improvement必须设立“零缺陷的”目标,承诺不断改进DS (Diesel System)-Specific ISO/TS 16949 by 31-Dec-06.在2006年12月31日之前,获得ISO/TS16949认证 柴油系统(
13、DS)之特殊要求7DS/PJ-PEM2 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Sub-supplier has the same obligation (ISO 9000 ff., zero-defect goal, continuous improvement, etc
14、.) which is required by BOSCH for his supplier.分供方承担和供方相同的质量义务,即基于ISO9000系列质量体系、 零缺陷目标及持续改进等Upon BOSCH request, in case of quality issue, BOSCH is eligible to access to sub-supplier site for audit.如果发生质量问题,博世公司有权利到分供方处进行审核Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分2.Su
15、b-suppliers Quality Management System 分供方质量管理体系8DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier shall authorize BOSCH to determine through vario
16、us audits system, process or product audit whether quality assurance activities meet the BOSCH requirements; BOSCH shall communicate the result of audit to the supplier and supplier is responsible for submitting action plans if necessary.供应商同意由博世相关人员决定审核(体系、过程、产品)的结果, 即评价供方的质量活动是否符合博世相关标准;博世负责将审核结果
17、告知供应商,如需要,供应商应提供相关整改措施Supplier shall grant BOSCH, and its customers, to the extent necessary - access to all areas including test lab, warehouse and adjoining areas供应商应准予博世相关人员、顾客以及其他相关人员进入所有区域(包括实验室、仓库及临近区域)Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分3.Audits 审核9DS/PJ-
18、PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier shall notify BOSCH immediately if any agreements such as quality characteristics, schedules or deliver
19、ed quantities could not be met 供方若不能满足质量特性要求, 交货期限及数量, 应立即通知博世Supplier shall notify BOSCH immediately of any deviation detected after delivery and disclose all necessary data and facts.供方如在发货后发现质量问题应立即通知博世,并且告知相关的数据及措施Supplies agrees to seek approval of BOSCH prior to供方同意在以下行动开始前,获得博世批准Changing prod
20、uction methods, sequence and materials (also at sub-suppliers)改变生产方法/顺序/材料(同样也适用于分供方)Changing of sub-suppliers变更分供方Changing test methods/equipment改变测试方法/设备Relocating production sites 改变生产产地Relocating production equipment at the same site 在同样产地内移动生产设备Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供
21、应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分4.Information and Documentation沟通及文档资料10DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.All changes made on product as well as pr
22、ocess shall be documented by the supplier and be submitted to BOSCH upon request.供供方方应保存所有关于产品及流程的文档资料,如博博世世要求须提供Records of incoming inspection (concerning purchased parts and other raw materials from sub-suppliers), reliability and endurance testing, end of line testing and defect analysis, must be
23、 retained by the Suppliers at least 24 months. Documents include external standards and customer drawings must be retained for at least 7 years and those for special archiving must be retained for at least 15 years. In individual cases, retention period will be extended if BOSCH required.供方须保存进料检验记录
24、(指针对采购零部件及原材料)、可靠性及耐久 性测试记录、终端测试及缺陷分析记录至少24个月. 外来零件及客户图纸 必须保存7年以上;针对须特殊存档的记录须至少保存15年以上。特殊情 况下,博世将根据需要延长保存期限。Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分4.Information and Documentation (cont.)沟通及文档资料(接上页)11DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights e
25、ven in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Project management (product & process planning, cross-functional tasks) 项目管理(产品及过程策划,多功能小组职责)Technical documentation availability (specification, drawing, parts list,
26、 CAD data, etc) & evaluate technical feasibility 技术资料是否完整(规范,图纸, 零件清单,CAD等)并对技 术可行性进行评估Preventive Quality Assurance Method (Feasibility studies, FMEA, etc) 预防性质量 保证方法(可行性研究,FMEA等)Lessons Learnt from similar project (process flow & data, capability studies, etc) 类似 项目的经验教训(工艺流程图及数据,能力分析等)Proc
27、ess mapping (work plans, test plans, operating supplies, tooling machinery, etc.) for all characteristics对所有特性进行过程分析(作业计划,测试计划,作业工装等)Document & coordinate manufacturing and test conditions with BOSCH for prototype & pre-production parts. 记录在样件及试生产阶段的制造及测试参数, 并和博世进行交流Initial Sample (prior to
28、mass production) under mass production conduction with agreed quantity and schedule首样生产须在批量生产状态下进行, 数量和交期根据博世要求Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分5.Agreements on Product History Documentation产品历史文档协议1.Development, Planning and Release开发,计划及放行12DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/1
29、4/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分5.Agreements on Product History Documentation (C
30、ont.)产品历史文档协议 (接上页)2.Mass production, product identification & traceability 批量生产,产品标识和追溯Supplier shall initiate problem analysis & take actions in case of process disruption & quality deviations当生产过程中断及质量出现问题时,供应商应主动分析其原因并采取改善措施Concession from BOSCH is a must prior to delivery if Supplie
31、r is unable to supply conforming parts.如供应商不能交付合格产品, 供方必须在发运前得到博世让步接受的批准.Supplier implements comments and ideas from BOSCH to improve quality供方落实博世的建议以改进质量Products, parts & packaging identification in accordance with BOSCH requirements. 产品,零件及包装的标识符合博世要求Traceability responsible (upstream & d
32、ownstream)保证产品可追溯性(正向和逆向追踪)13DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier shall use suitable containers (approved by BOSCH) to prevent damage
33、, impairment 供方须使用合适的周转箱以防止产品损害及损伤(经博世同意)BOSCH shall conduct Limited incoming inspection to externally like appearance, quantity & p/n check 博世执行仅限于外观,数量及零件号的入料检查Supplier must adapt his quality management systems to this limited incoming inspection 供应商须采取相应措施使其质量体系与之相适应5.4Complaints, Corrective
34、Actions抱怨及纠正措施 Supplier analyzes defects without delay under the support of BOSCH if necessary. 供 应商负责按时分析缺陷,如需要,博世将给予支持In case nonconforming parts threaten to cause production interruption at BOSCH or its customer, the Supplier undertake immediate actions in consultation with BOSCH (replace, sortin
35、g, rework, rush shipment, etc.) 若不合格品可能导致博世甚至客户停 线,供应商应和博世进行协商采取积极对策 (包括换货,挑选,返工,紧急发货等)Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分5.Agreements on Product History Documentation (Cont.)产品历史文件协议(接上页)5.3Delivery, Incoming Inspection发运,进料检验14DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert
36、 Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.“zero-defect” is the ultimate goal.“零零缺缺陷陷”是最终目标7.Environmental Protection环境保护Commitment to compliance with legal regulation regarding en
37、vironment, health & occupational safety.符合环境,健康与职业安全方面法律法规方面的承诺To be certified with ISO14001 is expected. 希望有认证ISO14001的计划BOSCH Std. N 2580 “Prohibition and Declaration of Substances” is part of each delivery agreement.博世标准N2580“禁用及声明物质”是每次发运协议的一部分Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part
38、1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分6.Quality Targets质量目标15DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Modifications and additions must be made in writing.条款的更
39、改和增加通过书面形式通知If terms of this Agreement should be entirely or partially invalid, then the applicability of the remaining terms is not affected; in this case, the partners will agree on applicable terms that as closely as possible to fulfill the commercial intent of the invalid terms. This also applie
40、s accordingly to possible omissions.如果该协议条款全部或部分失效,其剩余条款将不受影响。 在这种情况下, 博世与供应商双方将达成新适用条款协议,该条款将尽可能接近原条款 来实现不适用条款之商业目的;此情形也同样适用于删除条款的情况This Agreement is subject to German law excluding the rules on conflicts of laws. Place of jurisdiction is Stuttgart.除与法律相冲突的条款外,该协议受德国法律制约,司法解释权在 斯图加特Supplier Quality
41、 Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 1供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第一部分8.Final Terms最终条款16DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance G
42、uideline (QSL) Part 2供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第二部分Part 2 Individual Agreement (DS-Specific)第2部分 单独协议(柴油系统特殊要求)17DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parti
43、es.Obtain a certificate to ISO/TS16949:2002 by 31.12.2006在2006年12月31日之前获得ISO/TS16949(2002版)证书Send a copy of a valid certificate to DS/PUR without being requested. Otherwise, the supplier will be down-rated in the BOSCH supplier assessment.将证书的复印件自觉寄给DS/PUR部门;否则供应商的评分将会降等级2.Delivery发运According to app
44、licable BOSCH packaging specification根据适用的博世包装规范Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 2供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第二部分1.Suppliers Quality Management System供应商质量管理体系18DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all ri
45、ghts of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.Supplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 2供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第二部分3.Audits, Costs审核及费用Audits & process analysis can be limited to 审核及工艺分析可仅限于Severe problem in BOSCH production caused by SUPPLIER由供应商导致的,在博世生产线上发现的严重问题No suff
46、icient evidence shows that root causes are determined and effective corrective actions are implemented没有充分证据表明问题原因已经找到,整改措施已经落实Mutually agreed improvement activities are not completed达成一致意见的改进措施没有完成Audits are only performed after prior announcement and supplier bear the costs of audits & problem
47、 analysis.审核之前会有通知,供应商承担审核及问题分析方面的费用External support will be considered if the supplier does not return to the agreed quality level within a mutually agreed time frame, at the expense of supplier. 若在规定的时间内供应商未能达到应有的质量水平,可以考虑 外部帮助,但费用由供应商承担19DS/PJ-PEM23 | 2/14/2007 | Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all ri
48、ghts even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.14 calendar days complete 8D report第14天 关闭8DSupplier Quality Assurance Guideline (QSL) Part 2供应商质量保证指南 (QSL)(QSL) 第二部分4.Completion of quality assurance activities 质量保证活动展开Qualit
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